2023-03-07 08:18:12 +00:00

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Pull missing responses into Mastodon

This GitHub repository provides a GitHub action runs every 10 mins, and pulls remote replies into your instance, using the Mastodon API. It has two parts:

  1. It gets remote replies to posts that users on your instance have already replied to during the last REPLY_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS hours, and adds them to your own server.
  2. It gets remote replies to the last HOME_TIMELINE_LENGTH posts from your home timeline, and adds them to your own server.

Either part can be disabled completely, and the values for REPLY_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS and HOME_TIMELINE_LENGTH are configurable (see below).

Be aware, that this script may run for a long time, if these values are too high. Experiment a bit with what works for you, by starting with fairly small numbers (maybe HOME_TIMELINE_LENGTH = 50, REPLY_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS = 12) and increase the numbers as you see fit.

For full context and discussion on why this is needed, read the blog post: Pull missing responses into Mastodon


1) Get the required access token:

  1. In Mastodon go to Preferences > Development > New Application
    1. give it a nice name
    2. enable read:search, read:statuses and admin:read:accounts
    3. Save
    4. Copy the value of Your access token

2) Configure and run the GitHub action

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Add your access token:
    1. Go to Settings > Secrets and Variables > Actions
    2. Click New Repository Secret
    3. Supply the Name ACCESS_TOKEN and provide the Token generated above as Secret
  3. Provide the required environment variables, to configure your Action:
    1. Go to Settings > Environments
    2. Click New Environment
    3. Provide the name Mastodon
    4. Add the following Environment Variables:
      • MASTODON_SERVER: The domain only of your mastodon server (without https:// prefix) e.g. mstdn.thms.uk
      • HOME_TIMELINE_LENGTH: An integer number. E.g. 200. (See above for explanation.) Set to 0 to disable this part of the script.
      • REPLY_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS: An integer number. E.g. 24. (See above for explanation).
  4. Finally go to the Actions tab and enable the action. Set to 0 to disable this part of the script.


This script is mostly taken from Abhinav Sarkar, with just some additions and alterations. Thank you Abhinav!