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API Room functions Reference

Working with group layers

If you use group layers in your map, to reference a layer in a group you will need to use a / to join layer names together.

Example :

The name of the layers of this map are :

  • entries/start
  • bottom/ground/under
  • bottom/build/carpet
  • wall

Detecting when the user enters/leaves a zone string, callback: () => void): void string, callback: () => void): void

Listens to the position of the current user. The event is triggered when the user enters or leaves a given zone. The name of the zone is stored in the map, on a dedicated layer with the zone property.

The `zone` property, applied on a layer
  • name: the name of the zone, as defined in the zone property.
  • callback: the function that will be called when a user enters or leaves the zone.

Example:'myZone', () => {"Hello!", 'Mr Robot');
})'myZone', () => {"Goodbye!", 'Mr Robot');

Show / Hide a layer : string): void : string) : void

These 2 methods can be used to show and hide a layer. if layerName is the name of a group layer, show/hide all the layer in that group layer.

Example :'bottom');

Set/Create properties in a layer : string, propertyName : string, propertyValue : string | number | boolean | undefined) : void;

Set the value of the propertyName property of the layer layerName at propertyValue. If the property doesn't exist, create the property propertyName and set the value of the property at propertyValue.

Note : To unset a property from a layer, use setProperty with propertyValue set to undefined.

Example :'wikiLayer', 'openWebsite', '');

Get the room id string;

The ID of the current room is available from the property.

{.alert.alert-info} You need to wait for the end of the initialization before accessing

WA.onInit().then(() => {
    console.log('Room id: ',;
    // Will output something like: '', or '"

Get the map URL string;

The URL of the map is available from the property.

{.alert.alert-info} You need to wait for the end of the initialization before accessing

WA.onInit().then(() => {
    console.log('Map URL: ',;
    // Will output something like: '"

Getting map data Promise<ITiledMap>

Returns a promise that resolves to the JSON map file.

const map = await;
console.log("Map generated with Tiled version ", map.tiledversion);

Check the Tiled documentation to learn more about the format of the JSON map.

Changing tiles TileDescriptor[]): void

Replace the tile at the x and y coordinates in the layer named layer by the tile with the id tile.

If tile is a string, it's not the id of the tile but the value of the property name.

TileDescriptor has the following attributes :

  • x (number) : The coordinate x of the tile that you want to replace.
  • y (number) : The coordinate y of the tile that you want to replace.
  • tile (number | string) : The id of the tile that will be placed in the map.
  • layer (string) : The name of the layer where the tile will be placed.

Important ! : If you use tile as a number, be sure to add the firstgid of the tileset of the tile that you want to the id of the tile in Tiled Editor.

Note: If you want to unset a tile, use setTiles with tile set to null.

Example :[
                {x: 6, y: 4, tile: 'blue', layer: 'setTiles'},
                {x: 7, y: 4, tile: 109, layer: 'setTiles'},
                {x: 8, y: 4, tile: 109, layer: 'setTiles'},
                {x: 9, y: 4, tile: 'blue', layer: 'setTiles'}

Loading a tileset string): Promise<number>

Load a tileset in JSON format from an url and return the id of the first tile of the loaded tileset.

You can create a tileset file in Tile Editor."Assets/Tileset.json").then((firstId) => {[{x: 4, y: 4, tile: firstId, layer: 'bottom'}]);

Embedding websites in a map

You can use the scripting API to embed websites in a map, or to edit websites that are already embedded (using the "website" objects).

Getting an instance of a website already embedded in the map string): Promise<EmbeddedWebsite>

You can get an instance of an embedded website by using the method. It returns a promise of an EmbeddedWebsite instance.

// Get an existing website object where 'my_website' is the name of the object (on any layer object of the map)
const website = await'my_website');
website.url = '';
website.visible = true;

Adding a new website in a map CreateEmbeddedWebsiteEvent): EmbeddedWebsite

interface CreateEmbeddedWebsiteEvent {
    name: string;       // A unique name for this iframe
    url: string;        // The URL the iframe points to.
    position: {
        x: number,      // In pixels, relative to the map coordinates
        y: number,      // In pixels, relative to the map coordinates
        width: number,  // In pixels, sensitive to zoom level
        height: number, // In pixels, sensitive to zoom level
    visible?: boolean,  // Whether to display the iframe or not
    allowApi?: boolean, // Whether the scripting API should be available to the iframe
    allow?: string,     // The list of feature policies allowed

You can create an instance of an embedded website by using the method. It returns an EmbeddedWebsite instance.

// Create a new website object
const website ={
    name: "my_website",
    url: "",
    position: {
        x: 64,
        y: 128,
        width: 320,
        height: 240,
    visible: true,
    allowApi: true,
    allow: "fullscreen",

Deleting a website from a map string): Promise<void>

Use to completely remove an embedded website from your map.

The EmbeddedWebsite class

Instances of the EmbeddedWebsite class represent the website displayed on the map.

class EmbeddedWebsite {
    readonly name: string;
    url: string;
    visible: boolean;
    allow: string;
    allowApi: boolean;
    x: number;         // In pixels, relative to the map coordinates
    y: number;         // In pixels, relative to the map coordinates
    width: number;     // In pixels, sensitive to zoom level
    height: number;    // In pixels, sensitive to zoom level

When you modify a property of an EmbeddedWebsite instance, the iframe is automatically modified in the map.

{.alert.alert-warning} The websites you add/edit/delete via the scripting API are only shown locally. If you want them to be displayed for every player, you can use variables to share a common state between all users.