GRL78 9ab73c0aa0
Update docs/maps/
Co-authored-by: David Négrier <>
2021-06-28 16:05:29 +02:00

6.5 KiB


API Reference

Sending a message in the chat

sendChatMessage(message: string, author: string): void

Sends a message in the chat. The message is only visible in the browser of the current user.

  • message: the message to be displayed in the chat
  • author: the name displayed for the author of the message. It does not have to be a real user.


WA.sendChatMessage('Hello world', 'Mr Robot');

Listening to messages from the chat

onChatMessage(callback: (message: string) => void): void

Listens to messages typed by the current user and calls the callback. Messages from other users in the chat cannot be listened to.

  • callback: the function that will be called when a message is received. It contains the message typed by the user.


WA.onChatMessage((message => {
    console.log('The user typed a message', message);

Detecting when the user enters/leaves a zone

onEnterZone(name: string, callback: () => void): void
onLeaveZone(name: string, callback: () => void): void

Listens to the position of the current user. The event is triggered when the user enters or leaves a given zone. The name of the zone is stored in the map, on a dedicated layer with the zone property.

The `zone` property, applied on a layer
  • name: the name of the zone, as defined in the zone property.
  • callback: the function that will be called when a user enters or leaves the zone.


WA.onEnterZone('myZone', () => {
    WA.sendChatMessage("Hello!", 'Mr Robot');

WA.onLeaveZone('myZone', () => {
    WA.sendChatMessage("Goodbye!", 'Mr Robot');

Opening a popup

In order to open a popup window, you must first define the position of the popup on your map.

You can position this popup by using a "rectangle" object in Tiled that you will place on an "object" layer.

openPopup(targetObject: string, message: string, buttons: ButtonDescriptor[]): Popup
  • targetObject: the name of the rectangle object defined in Tiled.
  • message: the message to display in the popup.
  • buttons: an array of action buttons defined underneath the popup.

Action buttons are ButtonDescriptor objects containing these properties.

  • label (string): The label of the button.
  • className (string): The visual type of the button. Can be one of "normal", "primary", "success", "warning", "error", "disabled".
  • callback ((popup: Popup)=>void): Callback called when the button is pressed.

Please note that openPopup returns an object of the Popup class. Also, the callback called when a button is clicked is passed a Popup object.

The Popup class that represents an open popup contains a single method: close(). This will obviously close the popup when called.

class Popup {
     * Closes the popup
    close() {};


let helloWorldPopup;

// Open the popup when we enter a given zone
helloWorldPopup = WA.onEnterZone('myZone', () => {
    WA.openPopup("popupRectangle", 'Hello world!', [{
        label: "Close",
        className: "primary",
        callback: (popup) => {
            // Close the popup when the "Close" button is pressed.

// Close the popup when we leave the zone.
WA.onLeaveZone('myZone', () => {

Disabling / restoring controls

disablePlayerControls(): void
restorePlayerControls(): void

These 2 methods can be used to completely disable player controls and to enable them again.

When controls are disabled, the user cannot move anymore using keyboard input. This can be useful in a "First Time User Experience" part, to display an important message to a user before letting him/her move again.


WA.onEnterZone('myZone', () => {
    WA.openPopup("popupRectangle", 'This is an imporant message!', [{
        label: "Got it!",
        className: "primary",
        callback: (popup) => {

Opening a web page in a new tab

openTab(url: string): void

Opens the webpage at "url" in your browser, in a new tab.



Opening a web page in the current tab

goToPage(url: string): void

Opens the webpage at "url" in your browser in place of WorkAdventure. WorkAdventure will be completely unloaded.



Opening/closing a web page in an iFrame

openCoWebSite(url : string, allowApi: boolean = false, allowPolicy: string = "") : void
closeCoWebSite(): void

Opens the webpage at "url" in an iFrame (on the right side of the screen) or close that iFrame. allowApi allows the webpage to use the "IFrame API" and execute script (it is equivalent to putting the openWebsiteAllowApi property in the map). allowPolicy grants additional access rights to the iFrame. The allowPolicy parameter is turned into an allow feature policy in the iFrame.


// ...

Load a sound from an url

loadSound(url: string): Sound

Load a sound from an url

Please note that loadSound returns an object of the Sound class

The Sound class that represents a loaded sound contains two methods: play(soundConfig : SoundConfig|undefined) and stop()

The parameter soundConfig is optional, if you call play without a Sound config the sound will be played with the basic configuration.


var mySound = WA.loadSound("Sound.ogg");
var config = {
    volume : 0.5,
    loop : false,
    rate : 1,
    detune : 1,
    delay : 0,
    seek : 0,
    mute : false
// ...