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* Datenkanal 22
** Shownotes
- [[][DK21: SQL Injection und XSS]]
- [[][WP: UEFI]]
- [[][Security Done Wrong: Leaky FTP Server]]
- [[][Golem: Sourcecode von UEFI-Firmware samt privatem Schlüssel im Netz]]
- [[][WP: Demingkreis]]
- [[][WP: William Edwards Deming]]
- [[][BSI: IT-Grundschutz]]
- [[][DK19: Der gemeine Buffer Overflow]]
- [[][OWASP: Path Traversal]]
- [[][WP: Directory Traversal]]
- [[][PHP: safe-mode]]
- [[][PHP: register_globals]]
- [[][Wikibooks: PHP Programming/Register Globals]]
- [[][WP: Refactoring]]
- [[][DK20: Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2013]]
- [[][Vortrag »Total testing« von Neil Langmead]]
- [[][Pragmatisch Programmieren]]
- [[][Der pragmatische Programmierer]]
- [[][Codeacademy]]
- [[][David Bauer]]
- [[][Als Journalist programmieren lernen eine Bilanz (und vielleicht eine Anleitung)]]
- [[][Famous first tweets von David Bauer]]
- [[][Coursera: An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python]]
- [[][Codeskulptor]]
- [[][OWASP Top 10 von 2013]]
- [[][OWASP: Top 10 2013-A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management]]
- [[][WP: Cookie]]
- [[][WP: Session-ID]]
- [[][Spass mit Amazonbildern]]
- [[][Abusing Amazoon images]]
- [[][WP: HTTP-Authentifizierung]]
- [[][OWASP: Sensitive Data Exposure]]
- [[][WP: Schlüssel in Datenbanken]]
- [[][OWASP: Insecure Direct Object References]]
- [[][Web Robots Pages]]
- [[][SELFHTML: robots.txt]]
- [[][WP: Robots Exclusion Standard]]
- [[][MySQL: End-User Guidelines for Password Security]]
- [[][Recovering from “chmod -R 777 /” in Ubuntu]]
- [[][Google: "default password list"]]
- [[][debconf]]
- [[][Lynis]]
- [[][chkrootkit]]