
226 lines
10 KiB

<br /><hr />
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%">
$elcount = 0;
$htmlnugget = array();
foreach ($this->config as $config_item) {
$config_value = $this->staticpage[$config_item];
$cbag = new serendipity_property_bag;
$this->introspect_item($config_item, $cbag);
$cname = (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($cbag->get('name')) : htmlspecialchars($cbag->get('name'), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
$cdesc = (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($cbag->get('description')) : htmlspecialchars($cbag->get('description'), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
$value = $this->get_static($config_item, 'unset');
$lang_direction = (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($cbag->get('lang_direction')) : htmlspecialchars($cbag->get('lang_direction'), ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
$only_type = $cbag->get('only_type');
if (!empty($only_type) && $type != $only_type) {
if (empty($lang_direction)) {
$lang_direction = LANG_DIRECTION;
/* Apparently no value was set for this config item */
if ($value === 'unset') {
/* Try and the default value for the config item */
$value = $cbag->get('default');
$hvalue = (!isset($_POST["serendipity"]["staticSubmit"]) && isset($_POST['serendipity']['plugin'][$config_item]) ? (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($_POST['serendipity']['plugin'][$config_item]) : htmlspecialchars($_POST['serendipity']['plugin'][$config_item], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) : (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($value) : htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)));
$radio = array();
$select = array();
$per_row = null;
switch ($cbag->get('type')) {
case 'seperator':
<td colspan="2"><hr noshade="noshade" size="1" /></td>
case 'select':
$select = $cbag->get('select_values');
<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; vertical-align: top"><strong><?php echo $cname; ?></strong>
if ($cdesc != '') {
<br><span style="color: #5E7A94; font-size: 8pt;">&nbsp;<?php echo $cdesc; ?></span>
<?php } ?>
<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; vertical-align: middle" width="250">
<select class="direction_<?php echo $lang_direction; ?>" name="serendipity[plugin][<?php echo $config_item; ?>]">
foreach($select AS $select_value => $select_desc) {
$id = (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($config_item . $select_value) : htmlspecialchars($config_item . $select_value, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
<option value="<?php echo $select_value; ?>" <?php echo ($select_value == $hvalue ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?> title="<?php echo (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($select_desc) : htmlspecialchars($select_desc, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)); ?>" />
<?php echo (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($select_desc) : htmlspecialchars($select_desc, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)); ?>
case 'tristate':
$per_row = 3;
$radio['value'][] = 'default';
$radio['desc'][] = USE_DEFAULT;
case 'boolean':
$radio['value'][] = 'true';
$radio['desc'][] = YES;
$radio['value'][] = 'false';
$radio['desc'][] = NO;
case 'radio':
if (!count($radio) > 0) {
$radio = $cbag->get('radio');
if (empty($per_row)) {
$per_row = $cbag->get('radio_per_row');
if (empty($per_row)) {
$per_row = 2;
<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; vertical-align: top"><strong><?php echo $cname; ?></strong>
if ($cdesc != '') {
<br /><span style="color: #5E7A94; font-size: 8pt;">&nbsp;<?php echo $cdesc; ?></span>
<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; vertical-align: middle;" width="250">
$counter = 0;
foreach($radio['value'] AS $radio_index => $radio_value) {
$id = (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($config_item . $radio_value) : htmlspecialchars($config_item . $radio_value, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET));
$checked = "";
if ($radio_value == 'true' && ($hvalue === '1' || $hvalue === 'true')) {
$checked = " checked";
} elseif ($radio_value == 'false' && ($hvalue === '' || $hvalue ==='0' || $hvalue === 'false')) {
$checked = " checked";
} elseif ($radio_value == $hvalue) {
$checked = " checked";
if ($counter == 1) {
<input class="direction_<?php echo $lang_direction; ?> input_radio" type="radio" id="serendipity_plugin_<?php echo $id; ?>" name="serendipity[plugin][<?php echo $config_item; ?>]" value="<?php echo $radio_value; ?>" <?php echo $checked ?> title="<?php echo (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($radio['desc'][$radio_index]) : htmlspecialchars($radio['desc'][$radio_index], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)); ?>" />
<label for="serendipity_plugin_<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($radio['desc'][$radio_index]) : htmlspecialchars($radio['desc'][$radio_index], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)); ?></label>
if ($counter == $per_row) {
$counter = 0;
case 'string':
<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000">
<strong><?php echo $cname; ?></strong>
<br><span style="color: #5E7A94; font-size: 8pt;">&nbsp;<?php echo $cdesc; ?></span>
<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000" width="250">
<input class="direction_<?php echo $lang_direction; ?> input_textbox" type="text" name="serendipity[plugin][<?php echo $config_item; ?>]" value="<?php echo $hvalue; ?>" size="30" />
case 'html':
case 'text':
<td colspan="2"><strong><?php echo $cname; ?></strong>
&nbsp;<span style="color: #5E7A94; font-size: 8pt;">&nbsp;<?php echo $cdesc; ?></span>
<td colspan="2">
<textarea class="direction_<?php echo $lang_direction; ?>" style="width: 100%" id="nuggets<?php echo $elcount; ?>" name="serendipity[plugin][<?php echo $config_item; ?>]" rows="20" cols="80"><?php echo $hvalue; ?></textarea>
if ($cbag->get('type') == 'html') {
$htmlnugget[] = $elcount;
if (version_compare(preg_replace('@[^0-9\.]@', '', $serendipity['version']), '0.9', '<')) {
serendipity_emit_htmlarea_code('nuggets' . $elcount, 'nuggets' . $elcount);
} else {
serendipity_emit_htmlarea_code('nuggets', 'nuggets', true);
case 'content':
?><tr><td colspan="2"><?php echo $cbag->get('default'); ?></td></tr><?php
case 'hidden':
?><tr><td colspan="2"><input class="direction_<?php echo $lang_direction; ?> input_textbox" type="hidden" name="serendipity[plugin][<?php echo $config_item; ?>]" value="<?php echo $cbag->get('value'); ?>" /></td></tr><?php
if (isset($serendipity['wysiwyg']) && $serendipity['wysiwyg'] && count($htmlnugget) > 0) {
$ev = array('nuggets' => $htmlnugget, 'skip_nuggets' => false);
serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('backend_wysiwyg_nuggets', $ev);
if ($ev['skip_nuggets'] === false) {
<script type="text/javascript">
function Spawnnugget() {
<?php foreach($htmlnugget AS $htmlnuggetid) {
if (version_compare(preg_replace('@[^0-9\.]@', '', $serendipity['version']), '0.9', '<')) { ?>
Spawnnuggets<?php echo $htmlnuggetid; ?>();
<?php } else { ?>
Spawnnuggets('<?php echo $htmlnuggetid; ?>');
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<br />
<div style="padding-left: 20px">
<input type="submit" name="serendipity[SAVECONF]" value="<?php echo SAVE; ?>" class="serendipityPrettyButton input_button" />