2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

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* Filename: EXIF_Tags.php
* Description: Provides definitions of the tags for TIFF, EXIF, Interoperability,
* GPS, Meta, Kodak Special Effects and Kodak Borders IFD's.
* Author: Evan Hunter
* Date: 1/8/2004
* Project: PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit
* Revision: 1.11
* Changes: 1.00 -> 1.11 : Added TIFF compression types ZIP, LZW and JPEG
* Added embedded XMP tag
* Added embedded Photoshop IRB tag
* Fixed GPS tags after testing
* URL:
* Copyright: Copyright Evan Hunter 2004
* License: This file is part of the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you require a different license for commercial or other
* purposes, please contact the author:
* Global Variable: IFD_Tag_Definitions
* Contents: This array defines the fields for the TIFF, EXIF, Interoperability,
* GPS, Meta, Kodak Special Effects and Kodak Borders IFD's.
* It is indexed by the IFD Type, then the Tag number
$GLOBALS[ "IFD_Tag_Definitions" ] = array(
/* */
/* TIFF Tags */
/* */
"TIFF" => array(
256 => array( 'Name' => "Image Width",
'Description' => "Width of image in pixels (number of columns)",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "pixels" ),
257 => array( 'Name' => "Image Length",
'Description' => "Height of image in pixels (number of rows)",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "pixels" ),
258 => array( 'Name' => "Bits Per Sample",
'Description' => "Number of bits recorded per sample (a sample is usually one colour (Red, Green or Blue) of one pixel)",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "bits ( for each colour component )" ),
259 => array( 'Name' => "Compression",
'Description' => "Specifies what type of compression is used 1 = uncompressed, 6 = JPEG compression (thumbnails only), Other = reserved",
'Type' => "Lookup",
1 => "Uncompressed",
5 => "LZW Compression",
6 => "Thumbnail compressed with JPEG compression",
7 => "JPEG Compression",
8 => "ZIP Compression" ), // Change: Added TIFF compression types as of version 1.11
262 => array( 'Name' => "Photometric Interpretation",
'Description' => "Specifies Pixel Composition - 0 or 1 = monochrome, 2 = RGB, 3 = Palatte Colour, 4 = Transparency Mask, 6 = YCbCr",
'Type' => "Lookup",
2 => "RGB (Red Green Blue)",
6 => "YCbCr (Luminance, Chroma minus Blue, and Chroma minus Red)" ),
274 => array( 'Name' => "Orientation",
'Description' => "Specifies the orientation of the image.\n
1 = Row 0 top, column 0 left\n
2 = Row 0 top, column 0 right\n
3 = Row 0 bottom, column 0 right\n
4 = Row 0 bottom, column 0 left\n
5 = Row 0 left, column 0 top\n
6 = Row 0 right, column 0 top\n
7 = Row 0 right, column 0 bottom\n
8 = Row 0 left, column 0 bottom",
'Type' => "Lookup",
1 => "No Rotation, No Flip \n(Row 0 is at the visual top of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual left-hand side)",
2 => "No Rotation, Flipped Horizontally \n(Row 0 is at the visual top of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual right-hand side)",
3 => "Rotated 180 degrees, No Flip \n(Row 0 is at the visual bottom of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual right-hand side)",
4 => "No Rotation, Flipped Vertically \n(Row 0 is at the visual bottom of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual left-hand side)",
5 => "Flipped Horizontally, Rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise \n(Row 0 is at the visual left-hand side of of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual top)",
6 => "No Flip, Rotated 90 degrees clockwise \n(Row 0 is at the visual right-hand side of of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual top)",
7 => "Flipped Horizontally, Rotated 90 degrees clockwise \n(Row 0 is at the visual right-hand side of of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual bottom)",
8 => "No Flip, Rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise \n(Row 0 is at the visual left-hand side of of the image,\n and column 0 is the visual bottom)" ),
277 => array( 'Name' => "Samples Per Pixel",
'Description' => "Number of recorded samples (colours) per pixel - usually 1 for B&W, grayscale, and palette-colour, usually 3 for RGB and YCbCr",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Components (colours)" ),
284 => array( 'Name' => "Planar Configuration",
'Description' => "Specifies whether pixel components are recorded in chunky or planar format - 1 = Chunky, 2 = Planar",
'Type' => "Lookup",
1 => "Chunky Format",
2 => "Planar Format" ),
530 => array( 'Name' => "YCbCr Sub-Sampling",
'Description' => "Specifies ratio of chrominance to luminance components - [2, 1] = YCbCr4:2:2, [2, 2] = YCbCr4:2:0",
'Type' => "Special" ),
531 => array( 'Name' => "YCbCr Positioning",
'Description' => "Specifies location of chrominance and luminance components - 1 = centered, 2 = co-sited",
'Type' => "Lookup",
1 => "Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components",
2 => "Chrominance and luminance components Co-Sited" ),
282 => array( 'Name' => "X Resolution",
'Description' => "Number of columns (pixels) per \'ResolutionUnit\'",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "pixels per 'Resolution Unit' " ),
283 => array( 'Name' => "Y Resolution",
'Description' => "Number of rows (pixels) per \'ResolutionUnit\'",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "pixels per 'Resolution Unit' " ),
296 => array( 'Name' => "Resolution Unit",
'Description' => "Units for measuring XResolution and YResolution - 1 = No units, 2 = Inches, 3 = Centimetres",
'Type' => "Lookup",
2 => "Inches",
3 => "Centimetres" ),
273 => array( 'Name' => "Strip Offsets",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "bytes offset" ),
278 => array( 'Name' => "Rows Per Strip",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "rows" ),
279 => array( 'Name' => "Strip Byte Counts",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "bytes" ),
513 => array( 'Name' => "Exif Thumbnail (JPEG Interchange Format)",
'Type' => "Special" ),
514 => array( 'Name' => "Exif Thumbnail Length (JPEG Interchange Format Length)",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "bytes" ),
301 => array( 'Name' => "Transfer Function",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "" ),
318 => array( 'Name' => "White Point Chromaticity",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "(x,y coordinates on a 1931 CIE xy chromaticity diagram)" ),
319 => array( 'Name' => "Primary Chromaticities",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "(Red x,y, Green x,y, Blue x,y coordinates on a 1931 CIE xy chromaticity diagram)" ),
529 => array( 'Name' => "YCbCr Coefficients",
'Description' => "Transform Coefficients for transformation from RGB to YCbCr",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "(LumaRed, LumaGreen, LumaBlue [proportions of red, green, and blue in luminance])" ),
532 => array( 'Name' => "Reference Black point and White point",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "(R or Y White Headroom, R or Y Black Footroom, G or Cb White Headroom, G or Cb Black Footroom, B or Cr White Headroom, B or Cr Black Footroom)" ),
306 => array( 'Name' => "Date and Time",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> " (Format: YYYY:MM:DD HH:mm:SS)" ),
270 => array( 'Name' => "Image Description",
'Type' => "String" ),
271 => array( 'Name' => "Make (Manufacturer)",
'Type' => "String" ),
272 => array( 'Name' => "Model",
'Type' => "String" ),
305 => array( 'Name' => "Software or Firmware",
'Type' => "String" ),
315 => array( 'Name' => "Artist Name",
'Type' => "String" ),
700 => array( 'Name' => "Embedded XMP Block", // Change: Added embedded XMP as of version 1.11
'Type' => "XMP" ),
33432 => array( 'Name' => "Copyright Information",
'Type' => "String" ),
34665 => array( 'Name' => "EXIF Image File Directory (IFD)",
'Type' => "SubIFD",
'Tags Name' => "EXIF" ),
33723 => array( 'Name' => "IPTC Records",
'Type' => "IPTC" ),
34377 => array( 'Name' => "Embedded Photoshop IRB", // Change: Added embedded IRB as of version 1.11
'Type' => "IRB" ),
34853 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Info Image File Directory (IFD)", // Change: Moved GPS IFD tag to correct location as of version 1.11
'Type' => "SubIFD",
'Tags Name' => "GPS" ),
50341 => array( 'Name' => "Print Image Matching Info",
'Type' => "PIM" ),
/* */
/* EXIF Tags */
/* */
'EXIF' => array (
// Exif IFD
36864 => array( 'Name' => "Exif Version",
'Type' => "String" ),
40965 => array( 'Name' => "Interoperability Image File Directory (IFD)",
'Type' => "SubIFD",
'Tags Name' => "Interoperability" ),
// Change: removed GPS IFD tag from here as it was incorrect location - as of version 1.11
40960 => array( 'Name' => "FlashPix Version",
'Type' => "String" ),
40961 => array( 'Name' => "Colour Space",
'Type' => "Lookup",
1 => "sRGB",
0xFFFF => "Uncalibrated" ),
40962 => array( 'Name' => "Pixel X Dimension",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> "pixels" ),
40963 => array( 'Name' => "Pixel Y Dimension",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "pixels" ),
37121 => array( 'Name' => "Components Configuration",
'Type' => "Special" ),
37122 => array( 'Name' => "Compressed Bits Per Pixel",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "bits" ),
37500 => array( 'Name' => "Maker Note",
'Type' => "Maker Note" ),
37510 => array( 'Name' => "User Comment",
'Type' => "Character Coded String" ),
40964 => array( 'Name' => "Related Sound File",
'Type' => "String" ),
36867 => array( 'Name' => "Date and Time of Original",
'Type' => "String",
'Units' => " (Format: YYYY:MM:DD HH:mm:SS)" ),
36868 => array( 'Name' => "Date and Time when Digitized",
'Type' => "String",
'Units' => " (Format: YYYY:MM:DD HH:mm:SS)" ),
37520 => array( 'Name' => "Sub Second Time",
'Type' => "String" ),
37521 => array( 'Name' => "Sub Second Time of Original",
'Type' => "String" ),
37522 => array( 'Name' => "Sub Second Time when Digitized",
'Type' => "String" ),
33434 => array( 'Name' => "Exposure Time",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "seconds" ),
37377 => array( 'Name' => "APEX Shutter Speed Value (Tv)",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
37378 => array( 'Name' => "APEX Aperture Value (Av)",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
37379 => array( 'Name' => "APEX Brightness Value (Bv)",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
37380 => array( 'Name' => "APEX Exposure Bias Value (Exposure Compensation)",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "EV" ),
42240 => array( 'Name' => "Gamma Compensation for Playback",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
37381 => array( 'Name' => "APEX Maximum Aperture Value",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
37382 => array( 'Name' => "Subject Distance",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "metres" ),
37383 => array( 'Name' => "Metering Mode",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Unknown",
1 => "Average",
2 => "Center Weighted Average",
3 => "Spot",
4 => "Multi Spot",
5 => "Pattern",
6 => "Partial",
255 => "Other" ),
37384 => array( 'Name' => "Light Source",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Unknown",
1 => "Daylight",
2 => "Fluorescent",
3 => "Tungsten (incandescent light)",
4 => "Flash",
9 => "Fine weather",
10 => "Cloudy weather",
11 => "Shade",
12 => "Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 <20> 7100K)",
13 => "Day white fluorescent (N 4600 <20> 5400K)",
14 => "Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 <20> 4500K)",
15 => "White fluorescent (WW 3200 <20> 3700K)",
17 => "Standard light A",
18 => "Standard light B",
19 => "Standard light C",
20 => "D55",
21 => "D65",
22 => "D75",
23 => "D50",
24 => "ISO studio tungsten",
255 => "Other" ),
37385 => array( 'Name' => "Flash",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Flash did not fire",
1 => "Flash fired",
5 => "Strobe return light not detected",
7 => "Strobe return light detected",
9 => "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode",
13 => "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected",
15 => "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected",
16 => "Flash did not fire, compulsory flash suppression mode",
24 => "Flash did not fire, auto mode",
25 => "Flash fired, auto mode",
29 => "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected",
31 => "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected",
32 => "No flash function",
65 => "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode",
69 => "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected",
71 => "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected",
73 => "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode",
77 => "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected",
79 => "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected",
89 => "Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode",
93 => "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode",
95 => "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode" ),
37386 => array( 'Name' => "FocalLength",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "mm" ),
37396 => array( 'Name' => "Subject Area",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "( Two Values: x,y coordinates, Three Values: x,y coordinates, diameter, Four Values: center x,y coordinates, width, height)" ),
33437 => array( 'Name' => "Aperture F Number",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
34850 => array( 'Name' => "Exposure Program",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Not defined",
1 => "Manual",
2 => "Normal program",
3 => "Aperture priority",
4 => "Shutter priority",
5 => "Creative program (biased toward depth of field)",
6 => "Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)",
7 => "Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)",
8 => "Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)" ),
34852 => array( 'Name' => "Spectral Sensitivity",
'Type' => "String" ),
34855 => array( 'Name' => "ISO Speed Ratings",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
34856 => array( 'Name' => "Opto-Electronic Conversion Function",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
41483 => array( 'Name' => "Flash Energy",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Beam Candle Power Seconds (BCPS)" ),
41484 => array( 'Name' => "Spatial Frequency Response",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
41486 => array( 'Name' => "Focal Plane X Resolution",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "pixels per 'Focal Plane Resolution Unit'" ),
41487 => array( 'Name' => "Focal Plane Y Resolution",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "pixels per 'Focal Plane Resolution Unit'" ),
41488 => array( 'Name' => "Focal Plane Resolution Unit",
'Type' => "Lookup",
2 => "Inches",
3 => "Centimetres" ),
41492 => array( 'Name' => "Subject Location",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(x,y pixel coordinates of subject)" ),
41493 => array( 'Name' => "Exposure Index",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
41495 => array( 'Name' => "Sensing Method",
'Type' => "Lookup",
1 => "Not defined",
2 => "One-chip colour area sensor",
3 => "Two-chip colour area sensor",
4 => "Three-chip colour area sensor",
5 => "Colour sequential area sensor",
7 => "Trilinear sensor",
8 => "Colour sequential linear sensor" ),
41728 => array( 'Name' => "File Source",
'Type' => "Lookup",
3 => "Digital Still Camera" ),
41729 => array( 'Name' => "Scene Type",
'Type' => "Lookup",
1 => "A directly photographed image" ),
41730 => array( 'Name' => "Colour Filter Array Pattern",
'Type' => "Special" ),
41985 => array( 'Name' => "Special Processing (Custom Rendered)",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Normal process",
1 => "Custom process" ),
41986 => array( 'Name' => "Exposure Mode",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Auto exposure",
1 => "Manual exposure",
2 => "Auto bracket" ),
41987 => array( 'Name' => "White Balance",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Auto white balance",
1 => "Manual white balance" ),
41988 => array( 'Name' => "Digital Zoom Ratio",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => " ( Zero = Digital Zoom Not Used )" ),
41989 => array( 'Name' => "Equivalent Focal Length In 35mm Film",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "mm" ),
41990 => array( 'Name' => "Scene Capture Type",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Standard",
1 => "Landscape",
2 => "Portrait",
3 => "Night scene" ),
41991 => array( 'Name' => "Gain Control",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "None",
1 => "Low gain up",
2 => "High gain up",
3 => "Low gain down",
4 => "High gain down" ),
41992 => array( 'Name' => "Contrast",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Normal",
1 => "Soft",
2 => "Hard" ),
41993 => array( 'Name' => "Saturation",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Normal",
1 => "Low saturation",
2 => "High saturation" ),
41994 => array( 'Name' => "Sharpness",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Normal",
1 => "Soft",
2 => "Hard" ),
41995 => array( 'Name' => "Device Setting Description",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
41996 => array( 'Name' => "Subject Distance Range",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Unknown",
1 => "Macro",
2 => "Close view",
3 => "Distant view" ),
42016 => array( 'Name' => "Image Unique ID",
'Type' => "String" ),
// 11 => "ACDComment",
// 255 => "NewSubfileType"
/* */
/* Interoperability Tags */
/* */
"Interoperability" => array(
1 => array( 'Name' => "Interoperability Index",
'Type' => "String" ),
2 => array( 'Name' => "Interoperability Version",
'Type' => "String" ),
4096 => array( 'Name' => "Related Image File Format",
'Type' => "String" ),
4097 => array( 'Name' => "Related Image File Width",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "pixels" ),
4098 => array( 'Name' => "Related Image File Length",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "pixels " )
/* */
/* GPS Tags */
/* */
"GPS" => array(
0 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Tag Version",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(e.g.: = Version 2.2 )" ),
1 => array( 'Name' => "North or South Latitude",
'Type' => "String" ),
2 => array( 'Name' => "Latitude",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(Degrees Minutes Seconds North or South)" ),
3 => array( 'Name' => "East or West Longitude",
'Type' => "String" ),
4 => array( 'Name' => "Longitude",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(Degrees Minutes Seconds East or West)" ),
5 => array( 'Name' => "Altitude Reference",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Sea Level",
1 => "Sea level reference (negative value)" ),
6 => array( 'Name' => "Altitude",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Metres with respect to Altitude Reference" ),
7 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Time (atomic clock)",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(Hours Minutes Seconds)" ),
8 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Satellites used for Measurement",
'Type' => "String" ),
9 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Receiver Status",
'Type' => "Lookup",
'A' => "Measurement in progress", // Change: Fixed tag values as of version 1.11
'V' => "Measurement Interoperability" ),
10 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Measurement Mode",
'Type' => "Lookup",
2 => "2-dimensional measurement", // Change: Fixed tag values as of version 1.11
3 => "3-dimensional measurement" ),
11 => array( 'Name' => "Measurement Precision",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(Data Degree of Precision, Horizontal for 2D, Position for 3D)" ),
12 => array( 'Name' => "Speed Unit",
'Type' => "Lookup",
'K' => "Kilometers per Hour", // Change: Fixed tag values as of version 1.11
'M' => "Miles per Hour",
'N' => "Knots" ),
13 => array( 'Name' => "Speed of GPS receiver",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Speed Units" ),
14 => array( 'Name' => "Reference for direction of Movement",
'Type' => "Lookup", // Change: Fixed tag values as of version 1.11
'T' => "True North",
'M' => "Magnetic North" ),
15 => array( 'Name' => "Direction of Movement",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Degrees relative to Movement Direction Reference" ),
16 => array( 'Name' => "Reference for Direction of Image",
'Type' => "Lookup",
'T' => "True North", // Change: Fixed tag values as of version 1.11
'M' => "Magnetic North" ),
17 => array( 'Name' => "Direction of Image",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Degrees relative to Image Direction Reference" ),
18 => array( 'Name' => "Geodetic Survey Datum Used",
'Type' => "String" ),
19 => array( 'Name' => "Destination - North or South Latitude",
'Type' => "String" ),
20 => array( 'Name' => "Latitude of Destination",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(Degrees Minutes Seconds North or South)" ),
21 => array( 'Name' => "Destination - East or West Longitude",
'Type' => "String" ),
22 => array( 'Name' => "Longitude of Destination",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "(Degrees Minutes Seconds East or West)" ),
23 => array( 'Name' => "Reference for Bearing of Destination",
'Type' => "Lookup",
'T' => "True North", // Change: Fixed tag values as of version 1.11
'M' => "Magnetic North" ),
24 => array( 'Name' => "Bearing of Destination",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Degrees relative to Destination Bearing Reference" ),
25 => array( 'Name' => "Units for Distance to Destination",
'Type' => "Lookup",
'K' => "Kilometres", // Change: Fixed tag values as of version 1.11
'M' => "Miles",
'N' => "Nautical Miles" ),
26 => array( 'Name' => "Distance to Destination",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units' => "Destination Distance Units" ),
27 => array( 'Name' => "Name of GPS Processing Method",
'Type' => "Character Coded String" ),
28 => array( 'Name' => "Name of GPS Area",
'Type' => "Character Coded String" ),
29 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Date",
'Type' => "Numeric",
'Units'=> " (Format: YYYY:MM:DD HH:mm:SS)" ),
30 => array( 'Name' => "GPS Differential Correction",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "Measurement without differential correction",
1 => "Differential correction applied" ),
/* */
/* META (App3) Tags */
/* */
"Meta" => array(
50000 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.FilmProductCode",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50001 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.ImageSourceEK",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50002 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureConditions.PAR",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50003 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.CameraOwner.EK",
'Type' => "Character Coded String" ),
50004 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.SerialNumber.Camera",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50005 => array( 'Name' => "SceneContent.GroupCaption.UserSelectGroupTitle",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50006 => array( 'Name' => "OutputOrder.Information.DealerIDNumber",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50007 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.FID",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50008 => array( 'Name' => "OutputOrder.Information.EnvelopeNumber",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50009 => array( 'Name' => "OutputOrder.SimpleRenderInst.FrameNumber",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50010 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.FilmCategory",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50011 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.FilmGencode",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50012 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.Scanner.ModelAndVersion",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50013 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.FilmSize",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50014 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.History.SBARGBShifts",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50015 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.History.SBAInputImageColourspace",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50016 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.History.SBAInputImageBitDepth",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50017 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.History.SBAExposureRecord",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50018 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.History.UserAdjSBARGBShifts",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50019 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.ImageRotationStatus",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50020 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.RollGuid.Elements",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50021 => array( 'Name' => "ImageContainer.MetadataNumber",
'Type' => "String" ),
50022 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.History.EditTagArray",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50023 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureConditions.Magnification",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50028 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.NativePhysicalXResolution",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50029 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.NativePhysicalYResolution",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50030 => array( 'Name' => "Kodak Special Effects IFD",
'Type' => "SubIFD",
'Tags Name' => "KodakSpecialEffects" ),
50031 => array( 'Name' => "Kodak Borders IFD",
'Type' => "SubIFD",
'Tags Name' => "KodakBorders" ),
50042 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureDevice.NativePhysicalResolutionUnit",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50200 => array( 'Name' => "ImageContainer.SourceImageDirectory",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50201 => array( 'Name' => "ImageContainer.SourceImageFileName",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50202 => array( 'Name' => "ImageContainer.SourceImageVolumeName",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50284 => array( 'Name' => "CaptureConditions.PrintQuantity",
'Type' => "Unknown" ),
50286 => array( 'Name' => "DigitalProcess.ImagePrintStatus",
'Type' => "Unknown" )
/* */
/* Kodak Special Effects IFD Tags */
/* */
"KodakSpecialEffects" => array(
0 => array( 'Name' => "Digital Effects Version",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
1 => array( 'Name' => "Digital Effects Name",
'Type' => "Character Coded String" ),
2 => array( 'Name' => "Digital Effects Type",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "None Applied" )
/* */
/* Kodak Borders IFD Tags */
/* */
"KodakBorders" => array(
0 => array( 'Name' => "Borders Version",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
1 => array( 'Name' => "Border Name",
'Type' => "Character Coded String" ),
2 => array( 'Name' => "Border ID",
'Type' => "Numeric" ),
3 => array( 'Name' => "Border Location",
'Type' => "Lookup" ),
4 => array( 'Name' => "Border Type",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "None" ),
8 => array( 'Name' => "Watermark Type",
'Type' => "Lookup",
0 => "None" )
* End of Global Variable: IFD_Tag_Definitions