2015-03-13 11:23:47 +01:00

60 lines
5.6 KiB

<?php #
* @version
* @author Translator Name <>
* EN-Revision: Revision of
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_NAME', 'User Self-Registration');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_DESC', 'Allows blog visitors to create their own author account. Together with the Event-plugin (index.php?serendipity[subpage]=adduser) you can choose whether only registered users may post comments.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_INSTRUCTIONS', 'Additional instructions');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_INSTRUCTIONS_DESC', 'Add extra instructions which shall appear in the creation form');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_INSTRUCTIONS_DEFAULT', 'Here you can register yourself as an author for this blog. Just enter your data, submit the form and receive further instructions via mail.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_USERLEVEL', 'Default userlevel');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_USERLEVEL_DESC', 'Which is the default userlevel for a new user');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_USERLEVEL_ADMIN', 'Administrator');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_USERLEVEL_DENY', 'Deny Access');
@define('PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_LOGIN', 'Show sidebar login box?');
@define('PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_LOGIN_DESC', 'If enabled, a login box will be shown in the sidebar. If disabled you will need your users to register via a special page setup in the corresponding event plugin.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_EXISTS', 'Sorry, the username "%s" is already taken. Please choose another name.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_MISSING', 'You must fill in all the fields to apply for an author account.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_SENTMAIL', 'Your account has been created. You should receive an E-Mail with all the necessary information shortly.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_WRONG_ACTIVATION', 'Invalid activation URL!');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'A new author account has been created');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_MAIL_BODY', "An author account has just been created for %s on the blog %s. To activate this account, click here:\n\n%s\n\nAfter you have clicked there, logging in is possible with the submitted password. This E-Mail has been sent to the owner of the blog as well as the new author.");
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_SUCCEED', 'The account has been successfully enabled. You can now log in to the administative panel of this blog, the link to there is contained in your activation email.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_FAILED', 'The account could not be enabled. Maybe you copied the wrong URL from your activation email?');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_ONLY', 'Only registered users may post comments?');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_ONLY_DESC', 'If enabled, only registered users may post comments to your entries and need to be logged in to do so.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_ONLY_REASON', 'Only registered users may post comments here. Get your own account <a href="%s">here</a> and then <a href="%s">log into this blog</a>. Your browser must support cookies.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_SERENDIPITY09', 'Serendipity 0.9 is required for this option.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_STRAIGHT', 'Straight insert?');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_STRAIGHT_DESC', 'If enabled, a user will immediately be recorded as valid co-author. This is only recommended in setups where no mailserver is available. This feature can easily be abused by spammers. Only turn it on if you know what you are doing!');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_CHECK', 'Prevent identity faking');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_CHECK_DESC', 'If enabled, the usernames registered by authors on your blog can only be used by those logged in users.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_CHECK_REASON', 'The username you entered is only available to registered authors of this blog. Please <a href="%s" %s>login</a> to post a comment with that username. If you are not a registered author, please use a different username.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_ADMINAPPROVE', 'Registered users need admin approval?');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_ADMINAPPROVE_DESC', 'If enabled, administrators will first need to approve new users before they receive an email.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_SENTMAIL_APPROVE', 'Your account has been created. You should receive an E-Mail with all the necessary information after an Administrator has reviewed your request.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_SENTMAIL_APPROVE_ADMIN', 'The account has been confirmed, the correspondig user will receive his account information.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_MAIL_SUBJECT_APPROVE', '[Approval required] A new author account has been created');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_MAIL_BODY_APPROVE', "An author account has just been created for %s on the blog %s. To allow the user to activate his account, click here:\n\n%s\n\nAfter you have clicked there, the author will receive an email allowing him to login with his password.");
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_CAPTCHA', 'Use Captchas');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_CAPTCHA_DESC', 'Requires installed spamblock event plugin.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_ANTISPAM', 'You did not pass the anti-spam tests. Please check if you entered the CAPTCHA correctly.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_ONLY_GROUP', 'Additionally: Only registered users in these authorgroups may post comments?');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_REGISTERED_ONLY_GROUP_DESC', 'You also need to enable the option "Only registered users may post comments" to use this. If enabled, only registered users of specific authorgroups may post comments to your entries and need to be logged in to do so.');
@define('PLUGIN_ADDUSER_DEFAULTSETTINGS', 'Here you can specify settings that will be applied to created users.');