2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

166 lines
4.3 KiB

(function($) {
* Ensures an element's text is cut off at a certain maximum number of lines.
* The element must have a nonzero width when empty. (Most commonly a block
* element, such as a <p>, will fit this criterion.) The contained, HTML-free
* text will be truncated to fit the width along with an "end", e.g., '…'.
* Truncation will only occur along whitespace.
* Assumptions:
* - The element is empty or contains only a single text node.
* Guarantees:
* - The displayed text will never surpass the requested number of lines.
* - If truncation occurs and the end string fits within the width of the
* element, the end string will be displayed.
* - As many words in the element's text will be displayed as possible.
* Options:
* end: (default '…') String to append to the end when truncating. May also
* be a DOM node.
* always_end: String or DOM node which must always be appended, whether or
* not we truncate. (This may actually cause truncation which
* would otherwise not occur.)
* lines: (default 1) Number of lines of text to display.
* --
* Bodacity JavaScript Utilities
* Public Domain (no licensing restrictions)
function Excerpt(elem, options) {
this.$elem = $(elem);
this.options = $.extend({
end: '…',
always_end: undefined,
lines: 1
}, options);
this.original_text = this.$elem.text();
if (typeof(this.options.end) != 'string') {
// Assume it's a DOM element or jQuery object
this.$end_node = $(this.options.end);
this.end_string = this.$end_node.text();
} else {
this.end_string = this.options.end;
this.$end_node = $(document.createTextNode(this.end_string));
if (this.options.always_end) {
if (typeof(this.options.always_end) != 'string') {
this.$always_end_node = $(this.options.always_end);
this.always_end_string = this.$always_end_node.text();
} else {
this.always_end_string = this.options.always_end;
this.$always_end_node = $(document.createTextNode(this.always_end_string));
$.extend(Excerpt.prototype, {
_attach: function() {
* Resets the element based on its original text, such that it only the
* desired number of lines are shown and there is no overflow.
refresh: function() {
if (!this.$elem[0].firstChild) return; // It's already empty
var wh = this._calculate_desired_width_height();
var w = wh[0];
var h = wh[1];
var s = this.original_text.replace(/\s+/, ' ');
var spaces = []; // Array of indices to space characters
for (var i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') {
var lbound = 0;
var rbound = spaces.length - 1;
var cur = 0;
var cutoff = 100;
while (lbound < rbound && cutoff) {
cur = Math.floor(lbound + (rbound - lbound) / 2);
if (cur == lbound) cur += 1;
var sub = this._substring(s, spaces[cur]);
if (this._is_string_small_enough(sub, w, h)) {
lbound = cur;
} else {
rbound = cur - 1;
cutoff -= 1;
this.$elem[0].firstChild.nodeValue = this._substring(s, spaces[lbound], true);
if (s.length != spaces[lbound]) {
if (this.$always_end_node) {
_substring: function(s, length, exclude_end_string) {
if (length == s.length) return s;
var substr = s.substr(0, length);
if (exclude_end_string) {
return substr;
} else {
return substr + this.end_string + (this.always_end_string || '');
_is_string_small_enough: function(s, w, h) {
var node = this.$elem[0];
node.firstChild.nodeValue = s;
return node.offsetHeight <= h && node.offsetWidth <= w;
* Returns the desired [width, height] in px.
* Modifies this.$elem contents as a side-effect.
_calculate_desired_width_height: function() {
var node = this.$elem[0];
var s = '&nbsp;';
for (var i = 0; i < this.options.lines - 1; i++) {
s += "<br />&nbsp;";
node.innerHTML = s;
var w = node.offsetWidth;
var h = node.offsetHeight;
node.innerHTML = '&nbsp;'; // anything non-empty
return [w, h];
$.fn.excerpt = function(options) {
return $(this).each(function() {
new Excerpt(this, options);