
202 lines
7.8 KiB

* serendipity_event_geshi.php
* This event plugin is a wrapper around GeSHi, the Generic Syntax Hi-liter
* package. This plugin allows you to use markup inside your articles that
* indicates you are embedding code.
* The markup tag is:
* [geshi lang=name {ln={y|n}}] [/geshi].
* Where 'name' is the name of the language file, and ln= is an optional
* line numbering over ride parameter, that will explicitly set line numbering
* for the code block to yes (on) or no (off).
* For example, to make a c++ block with line numbering on:
* [geshi lang=c++ ln=y] ..c++ code here [/geshi]
* There are numerous language files included with geshi, and it is even
* possible to extend the package by defining your own files and including them
* in the /geshi/ subdirectory. See the GeSHi project page for more
* information.
* @package Serendipity
* @author David Rolston <>
* @version 05
* .02 release:
* -Enabled Path to GeSHi override. Default should be best for 99.9% of users
* -Default line numbering option implemented
* -added ln={y|n} to turn on line numbering inside individual blocks
* (overriding the default, set during plugin configuration)
* -IE line numbering style issues magically went away in serendipity 08
* .03 release:
* -Code blocks are now forced to be left aligned,
* thanks to patch from Norbert Mocsnik
* .04 release:
* Thanks to Ivan Cenov for language enhancements and bulgarian language strings
* -Changes in function introspect_config_item to use these string constants.
* .05 release
* Updated GeSHi to latest release (
* This release includes some fixes, and new language files for: applescript, D, diff output, DIV game language, DOS batch language,
* eiffel, freebasic, gml, Delphi Inno script, Matlab M language files, MySQL specific SQL, Objective CAML, Ruby, Scheme, SDLBasic, and VHDL: Very high speed integrated circuit HDL
if (IN_serendipity !== true) {
die ("Don't hack!");
// Probe for a language include with constants. Still include defines later on, if some constants were missing
$probelang = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $serendipity['charset'] . 'lang_' . $serendipity['lang'] . '.inc.php';
if (file_exists($probelang)) {
include $probelang;
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
class serendipity_event_geshi extends serendipity_event
// Top Level Configuration, requires name of the Plugin, description text, and configuration information in an array..
function introspect(&$propbag)
global $serendipity;
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GESHI_NAME);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GESHI_DESC);
$propbag->add('stackable', false);
$propbag->add('author', 'David Rolston');
$propbag->add('requirements', array(
'serendipity' => '0.7',
'smarty' => '2.6.7',
'php' => '4.1.0'
$propbag->add('version', '0.9');
$propbag->add('event_hooks', array('frontend_display' => true, 'frontend_comment' => true));
$propbag->add('groups', array('MARKUP'));
$this->markup_elements = array(
'name' => 'ENTRY_BODY',
'element' => 'body',
'name' => 'EXTENDED_BODY',
'element' => 'extended',
'name' => 'COMMENT',
'element' => 'comment',
'name' => 'HTML_NUGGET',
'element' => 'html_nugget',
$conf_array = array('pathtogeshi','showlinenumbers');
foreach($this->markup_elements as $element) {
$conf_array[] = $element['name'];
$propbag->add('configuration', $conf_array);
function generate_content(&$title) {
$title = $this->title;
function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) {
switch ($name) {
case 'pathtogeshi' :
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GESHI_PATHTOGESHI);
$propbag->add('type', 'string');
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GESHI_PATHTOGESHI_DESC);
$pathtogeshi = substr(__FILE__, 0, strrpos(__FILE__, '/'));
$propbag->add('default', $pathtogeshi);
case 'showlinenumbers' :
$propbag->add('type', 'boolean');
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GESHI_SHOWLINENUMBERS_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', 'false');
default :
$propbag->add('name', constant($name));
$propbag->add('type', 'boolean');
$propbag->add('default', 'true');
$propbag->add('description', sprintf(APPLY_MARKUP_TO, constant($name)));
return true;
function geshi($input) {
$pathtogeshi = $this->get_config('pathtogeshi');
require_once($pathtogeshi . '/geshi.php');
$input = preg_replace_callback('/\[geshi(?:\s)*lang=([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)(?:\s)*(ln=[YyNn])?\](.*?)\[\/geshi\]/si', array(&$this, 'geshicallback'), $input);
return $input;
function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null) {
global $serendipity;
$hooks = &$bag->get('event_hooks');
if (isset($hooks[$event])) {
switch($event) {
case 'frontend_display':
foreach ($this->markup_elements as $temp) {
if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config($temp['name'], true)) && isset($eventData[$temp['element']]) &&
!$eventData['properties']['ep_disable_markup_' . $this->instance] &&
!isset($serendipity['POST']['properties']['disable_markup_' . $this->instance])) {
$element = $temp['element'];
$eventData[$element] = $this->geshi($eventData[$element]);
return true;
case 'frontend_comment':
if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('COMMENT', true))) {
echo '<div class="serendipity_commentDirection serendipity_comment_geshi">' . PLUGIN_EVENT_GESHI_TRANSFORM . '</div>';
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
function geshicallback($matches) {
$pathtogeshi = $this->get_config('pathtogeshi') . '/geshi';
$geshilang = strtolower($matches[1]);
$showln = ($this->get_config('showlinenumbers') == TRUE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ((strlen($matches[2]) == 4) and (substr($matches[2], 0, 3) == 'ln=')) {
$showln = (strtolower(substr($matches[2],-1)) == 'y') ? TRUE : FALSE;
$geshi = new GeSHi($matches[3], $geshilang, $pathtogeshi);
if ($showln)
// Have to get rid of newlines.
// Left align per suggestion from Norbert Mocsnik
$geshi->set_overall_style('text-align: left');
return str_replace("\n", '', $geshi->parse_code());
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