2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

375 lines
14 KiB
Executable file

# mail2s9y.php, 0.7
# -----------------
# Seperate PHP-Script to allow email blogging.
# REQUIRES: PHP CLI-binary, Linux/Cygwin(?), local Mail installation.
# Contributed by Sebastian Nohn <>, Gijs van Tulder <>
# Implemented by the Garvin Hicking <> of the s9y group (
# Changes:
# --------
# 0.7 (2005-05-30): Needs Serendipity >= 0.7 now to properly import categories
# 0.6 (2004-04-13): Update with patches from amonthera (related to lowercasing attributes)
# 0.5 (2004-02-20): An security update by Alex Copeland, who pointed out that images could be uploaded without authentication.
# 0.4 (2004-01-19): Another update from Bjoern Schotte, who added interactivity to s9y. It will now mail back to ask for a category for the item.
# 0.3 (2004-01-13):
# Automatic URL replacement (translates http://... and other common protocols into hyperlinks). Thanks to Bjoern Schotte for the patch!
# Made Login modes working for s9y 0.5-CVS again
# 0.2 (2003-12-02): Beautified code
# 0.1 (2003-12-01): 3 different authentication methods are now available (security issues)
# Resets any cookie/session variables to block webrequests to this page
# To get this to work, do the following:
# --------------------------------------
# 1. Possibly adjust the first line of this script to point to your PHP CLI-binary. Put the package
# PEAR-Package Mail_Mime ( into your s9y/bundled-libs folder, so
# that you have an existing s9y/bundled-libs/Mail/mimeDecode.php file.
# 2. Make your local MTA recognize an E-Mail adress to be responsible for s9y. In most setups,
# just add the following line to your "/etc/aliases" file:
# s9y: "|/path/to/mail2s9y.php [username] [password]"
# The name 's9y' refers to the email account you chose to use for your local mail server.
# Of course, change the path to something valid.
# If you use the 'cmdline' authentication method (configuration see below) you have to provide
# the [username] and [password] credentials to your s9y-installation. If
# password-security is important to you, use a .procmail forwarding rule and set appropriate
# file permissions to your .procmail file (0600). However, the preferred authentication method
# is 'mailbody' and should be used to disallow anybody to mail a blog entry to your special
# email account, if ever exposed to the public.
# If you don't know how to setup an account or adjust the line above to a .procmail rule,
# you most probably don't want to use this script at all.
# 3. Adjust the variable $params['s9ypath'] below to point to your s9y installation.
# 4. MAKE SURE, that your mail-account user is in the same group as the owner of the file
# ''! Otherwise, your configuration can't be read.
# Usually, the file belongs to the webserver, so if you don't want to stick the user into
# the same group, you have to change the ownership of the file to your target user. Bear
# in mind, that the original permission ('ug+rwx') are updated any time you make changes to
# your s9y-setup.
# 5. Write an E-Mail to your chose local address. The subject will be the title for your entry,
# the body your text and possible attachments will be uploaded to your s9y directory structure.
# Also make sure that...
# ----------------------
# * Preferably your E-Mail blog-message should contain no unwanted
# linebreaks after the usual 70 char limit. If your E-Mail client does
# that to you, try to configure it not to; otherwise this may result
# in an ugly HTML display in your blog, and/or broken HTML tags you could
# have posted
# * If you use automatic URL rewriting (which transforms http://, ftp://,
# ...) links into valid HTML, please take care that this url is without
# any special characters (brackets, punctuation characters, ...), or else
# you may get those characters included in the auto-guessed URL.
# * If you use Sendmail versions above 8.12, it requires you to create
# a symbolic link in /etc/smrsh or /etc/mail/smrsh pointing to the
# mail2s9y.php script to allow sendmail permissions to execute the script
# from an /etc/mail/aliases entry (thanks to Thomas Brown for pointing
# this out!)
# * Feedback is appreciated! If anything doesn't work, please post your
# problems to either the s9y-support forums/mailinglists or mail the
# author personally.
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------
$params = array(
's9ypath' => '/home/superdbl/cvs/serendipity/',
# PATH to your s9y installation
'auth' => 'mailsubject',
# How will you pass your username/password? Possible values are:
# 'mailbody' : The username/password is extracted from the first line of the body of the mail
# and has to be formatted like: "(username:password)<linebreak>Usual body here..."
# (the '(' and ')' characters are required!)
# 'mailsubject': The username/password is extracted from the subject and has to be formatted
# like: "(username:password)Usual Subject here..."
# (the '(' and ')' characters are required!)
# 'cmdline': The username/password is provided in your /etc/aliases file (see point 2 from the
# documentation above). In other setups/cases, just pass username as first and password
# as the second commandline option to mail2s9y.phps
'logfile' => '/var/vpopmail/domains/',
# If you want to log every received email, set the path to where a logfile shall be written. Remeber that
# it needs to be writeable.
'include_bodies' => TRUE,
'decode_bodies' => TRUE,
'decode_headers' => TRUE,
# MIMEDecode settings
'category' => '',
# If you want to have your postings sorted to a special s9y category, insert the id of that category here.
# If left empty, mail2s9y will mail you back to ask in which category to put your category.
'nl2br' => false,
# Use nl2br() in order to get newlines from mail translated to br tags.
'allow_comments' => 'true',
# If you want to disallow entries coming from your E-Mails to be commentable, set this to 'false'
'input' => ''
# Initialization
// ---------------------------------------------------
$inc = @ini_get('include_path');
@ini_set('include_path', $params['s9ypath'] . ':.:' . $params['s9ypath'] . 'bundled-libs/');
// Constants
@define('MAIL2S9Y_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED', 'Authentication failed using %s.');
@define('MAIL2S9Y_AUTHENTICATION_GRANTED', 'Authentication granted using %s');
@define('MAIL2S9Y_MAILINFO', 'Mail received from "%s", subject "%s". %d bytes in the article, %d images provided.');
@define('MAIL2S9Y_POSTING_FAILED', 'Posting failed');
@define('MAIL2S9Y_POSTING_SUCCEEDED', 'Posting succeeded');
@define('MAIL2S9Y_ALREADY_BLOGGED', "Error: The following images have already been blogged:\n\n%s");
@define('MAIL2S9Y_CATSELECTOR_BEGIN', 'BEGIN catselector');
@define('MAIL2S9Y_CATSELECTOR_END', 'END catselector');
// Safety: Reset any session to not post anything when viewed from the web
unset($_SESSION); unset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS);
unset($_GET); unset($HTTP_GET_VARS);
unset($_POST); unset($HTTP_POST_VARS);
unset($_REQUEST); unset($HTTP_REQUEST_VARS);
unset($_COOKIE); unset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS);
// Custom functions
function is_categorizer($body) {
if (!preg_match('=^.*#([0-9]+) ' . ENTRY_SAVED . '.*$=msiU', $body, $entryidmatch)) {
return false;
if (preg_match('=^.*\-\-\- ' . MAIL2S9Y_CATSELECTOR_BEGIN . ' \-\-\-\n(.*)\-\-\- ' . MAIL2S9Y_CATSELECTOR_END . ' \-\-\-.*$=msiU', $body, $matches)) {
if (preg_match('=^.*\[X\] (.{0,3}[0-9]{1,4}) (.*)\n.*$=msiU', $matches[1], $matches)) {
$GLOBALS['entryid'] = $entryidmatch[1];
return $matches[1];
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
function url_replace($str) {
$pattern = '#(^|[^\"=]{1})(http://|https://|ftp://|mailto:|news:)([^\s<>]+)([\s\n<>]|$)#sim';
$str = preg_replace($pattern, "\\1<a href=\"\\2\\3\">\\2\\3</a>\\4", $str);
return $str;
// S9y hook
if (file_exists('./')) {
if ($params['auth'] == 'cmdline') {
$serendipity['POST']['user'] = &$argv[1];
$serendipity['POST']['pass'] = &$argv[2];
// PEAR hook
// Read the eMail from stdin
$fd = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
while (!feof($fd)) {
$input .= fread($fd, 1024);
$log = false;
if ($params['logfile'] != '') {
$log = @fopen($params['logfile'], 'a');
if (!is_resource($log)) {
function logger($msg) {
return true;
} else {
function logger($msg) {
global $log;
fwrite($log, date('[Y-m-d H:i] ') . $msg . "\n");
$params['input'] = &$input;
// Decode Mail
$structure = Mail_mimeDecode::decode($params);
// Subject
$subject = $structure->headers['subject'];
// From
$from = $structure->headers['from'];
// Recipient
$to = $structure->headers['to'];
$post = 0;
$falsefile = '';
$images = 0;
$writefiles = array();
// Is it a multipart-message?
if(is_array($structure->parts)) {
foreach ($structure->parts as $part) {
if (strtolower($part->ctype_primary) == 'text') {
// Body
$body = &$part->body;
if (strtolower($part->ctype_primary) == 'image') {
// Image
$image = $params['s9ypath'] . 'uploads/' . $part->d_parameters['filename'];
$url_image = $serendipity['BaseURL'] . 'uploads/' . $part->d_parameters['filename'];
// Does this Image already exist?
if (file_exists($image)) {
$falsefile .= "$image\n";
} else {
$writefiles[] = array('image' => $image, 'data' => $part->body);
$body .= '<br /><img src="' . $url_image . '" alt="' . $subject . '"><br />';
} else {
// No multipart-message, so this is the body:
$body = &$structure->body;
if ($params['auth'] == 'mailbody') {
preg_match('@^\(([^:]*):(.*)\)@', $body, $matches);
$body = trim(preg_replace('@^\(' . preg_quote($matches[1]) . ':' . preg_quote($matches[2]) . '\)@', '', $body));
$serendipity['POST']['user'] = $matches[1];
$serendipity['POST']['pass'] = $matches[2];
} elseif ($params['auth'] == 'mailsubject') {
preg_match('@^\(([^:]*):(.*)\)@', $subject, $matches);
$subject = trim(preg_replace('@^\(' . preg_quote($matches[1]) . ':' . preg_quote($matches[2]) . '\)@', '', $subject));
$serendipity['POST']['user'] = $matches[1];
$serendipity['POST']['pass'] = $matches[2];
$serendipity['POST']['auto'] = 'true';
if (serendipity_userLoggedIn() || (function_exists('serendipity_login') && serendipity_login())) {
logger(sprintf(MAIL2S9Y_AUTHENTICATION_GRANTED, $params['auth']));
} else {
logger(sprintf(MAIL2S9Y_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, $params['auth']));
die(sprintf(MAIL2S9Y_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, $params['auth']));
mail($from, MAIL2S9Y_POSTING_FAILED, sprintf(MAIL2S9Y_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, $params['auth']));
if (count($writefiles) > 0) {
foreach($writefiles AS $idx => $filearray) {
$fd = fopen($filearray['image'], 'w');
fwrite($fd, $filearray['data']);
logger(sprintf(MAIL2S9Y_MAILINFO, $from, $subject, strlen($body), $images));
if ($post > 0) {
$msg = sprintf(MAIL2S9Y_ALREADY_BLOGGED, $falsefile);
echo $msg;
mail($from, MAIL2S9Y_POSTING_FAILED, $msg);
} else {
$newbody = url_replace($body);
if (isset($params['nl2br']) && $params['nl2br']) {
$newbody = nl2br($newbody);
$entry = array(
'id' => '',
'title' => $subject,
'timestamp' => '',
'body' => $newbody,
'extended' => '',
'categories' => array($params['category']),
'isdraft' => 'false',
'allow_comments' => $params['allow_comments']
$cats = '';
if (!$cats = is_categorizer($body)) {
$res = serendipity_updertEntry($entry);
} else {
$res = array();
if (is_string($res)) {
echo MAIL2S9Y_POSTING_FAILED . ': ' . $res;
mail($from, MAIL2S9Y_POSTING_FAILED, $res);
logger(MAIL2S9Y_POSTING_FAILED . ': ' . $res);
} else {
$catupdated = false;
if (!$cats) {
$msg = '#' . $res . ' ' . ENTRY_SAVED;
} else {
serendipity_db_query("DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entrycat WHERE entryid={$entryid}");
$r = serendipity_db_query("INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entrycat (entryid, categoryid) VALUES ({$entryid}, {$cats})");
if (!$r) {
} else {
$catupdated = true;
* mail categories.
if (empty($params['category']) && !$cats && !$catupdated) {
$subj = "Re: " . $subject;
$msg .= "\n\n";
$msg .= "--- " . MAIL2S9Y_CATSELECTOR_BEGIN . " ---\n\n";
$c = serendipity_fetchCategories();
foreach ($c as $v) {
$msg .= sprintf("[] %4d %s\n", $v['categoryid'], $v['category_name']);
$msg .= "\n--- " . MAIL2S9Y_CATSELECTOR_END . " ---\n";
} elseif (empty($params['category'])) {
} else {
mail($from, $subj, $msg, "From: " . $to);
if ($log) fclose($log);