
518 lines
19 KiB

* Contributed by Grischa Brockhaus <>
* Implements access to the twitter api
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/json.php4.include.php';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/twitter_entry_defs.include.php';
class Twitter {
var $use_identica = false;
var $last_error = 200; // success
var $error_response = '';
var $twitter_errors = array(
200 => "OK",
304 => "Not Modified",
400 => "Bad Request",
401 => "Not Authorized",
403 => "Forbidden",
404 => "Not Found",
406 => "Not Acceptable",
500 => "Internal Server Error",
502 => "Bad Gateway: Twitter is down or being upgraded",
503 => "Service Unavailable"
* The constructor of this class.
* @param boolean use_identi_ca default=false (use twitter mode)
function Twitter($use_identi_ca = false) {
$this->use_identica = $use_identi_ca;
* Base URL of service
* @access private
function get_base_url() {
if ($this->use_identica) {
return "";
else {
return "";
* API URL of service
* @access private
function get_api_url() {
if ($this->use_identica) {
return "";
else {
//TODO: Change Twtter API to 1.1
return "";
* API URL for searches of service
* @access private
function get_search_url()
if ($this->use_identica) {
return "";
else {
//TODO: Change Twtter API to 1.1
return "";
var $search_rss_encoding = 'UTF-8';
* searches twitter.
* Returns an array of entry arrays (id=> entry).
* entries have the following fields set:
* id, login, realname, email, tweet, pubdate, retweet
* url_autor, url_img, url_tweet
* @param string search urldecoded query
* @param entry[] a prior search result. Search result will be added, if not null or empty
* @return entry[] results as array of entry arrays or false, if an error occured
function search($search, $entries=null, $fetchall=true) {
global $serendipity;
$search_uri = $this->get_search_url() . '.json?q=' . $search;
// Special Twitter search params
if (!$this->use_identica) {
$search_uri .= "&rpp=100&include_entities=1";
//echo "Searching: $search_uri <br/>";
$paging = true;
while ($paging) {
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_url')) {
$response = trim(serendipity_request_url($search_uri));
if (empty($response)) return false;
$this->last_error = $serendipity['last_http_request']['responseCode'];
if ($this->last_error != 200) {
$this->error_response = $response;
return false;
} else {
require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_start();
$req = new HTTP_Request($search_uri, array('timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5,0)));
$this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode();
if ($req->getResponseCode() != 200) {
$this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode();
$this->error_response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_end();
return false;
$response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_end();
$json = @json_decode($response);
if (!is_array($entries) || empty($entries)) $entries = array();
foreach ($json->results as $item) {
$entry = $this->parse_entry_json( $item );
// Debug: remember the search executed
// Watch out: If $item->id is interpreted as int, high values produce problems
// So I force strings as array keys here.
$entries[$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_ID]] = $entry; // overwrite old entry, if already have one
$paging = !empty($json->next_page);
if ($fetchall && $paging) {
$search_uri = $this->get_search_url() . '.json' . $json->next_page;
return $entries;
* Searches for multiple keywords
* @param array keywords The keywords to search for
* @param string since_id Limit results to entries starting after since_id
* @param boolean search_or search using OR or AND
static function search_multiple($keyword, $since_id = null, $search_or = true) {
$entries = array();
// Filter: tweeds containing links only.
// This Filter doesn't work at the moment, will produce an empty result!
// It is not neccessary for us, only a hint for twitter.
// rpp: results per page
$filter = ''; // +filter:links
if (!empty($since_id)) {
$filter .= "&since_id=$since_id";
$query = $keyword; //urlencode($keyword);
// Filter will be added to the query, so substract it.
$max_query_len = 139 - strlen($filter);
// Now execute the queries
$api = new Twitter();
$newentries = $api->search($query . $filter, $entries);
if ($newentries===false) { // Error occured, mostly resultet in an twitter overload!
echo "<b>Search qry</b>: ".$api->get_search_url().".json?q={$query}{$filter}<br/>";
echo "<b>Error code</b>: " . $api->twitter_errors[$api->last_error] . " ({$api->last_error})<br/>";
if (!empty($api->error_response)) {
$response = json_decode($api->error_response);
if (!empty($response->error)) $errormsg=$response->error;
else {
echo "<b>Error Resp</b>: {$errormsg}<br/>";
$newentries = array();
$entries = $newentries;
return $entries;
* Loads the actual twitter configuration
"non_username_paths"["about", ... , "media_signup"],
function get_twitter_config() {
global $serendipity;
$config_url = "";
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_url')) {
$response = serendipity_request_url($config_url);
if (empty($response)) return false;
$this->last_error = $serendipity['last_http_request']['responseCode'];
if ($this->last_error != 200) {
$this->error_response = $response;
return false;
} else {
require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_start();
$req = new HTTP_Request($config_url, array('timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5,0)));
// We are static
//$this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode();
if ($req->getResponseCode() != 200) {
$this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode();
$this->error_response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_end();
return false;
$response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_end();
return @json_decode($response);
function parse_entry_json( $item ) {
$entry = array();
if (preg_match('/href="([^"]*)"/',html_entity_decode($item->source, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET),$matches)) {
$source_link = $matches[1][0];
//$link = str_replace('<a href="','',str_replace('"/a>','',html_entity_decode($item['source'])));
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_LOGIN] = $item->from_user;
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_REALNAME] = $item->from_user;
if( !function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode') ) {
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_TWEET] = $item->text; // PHP4 Version w/o html_specialcar decoding.
else {
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_TWEET] = htmlspecialchars_decode($item->text);
$uniq = (isset($item->id_str) ? $item->id_str : sprintf('%0.0f', $item->id));
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_URL_AUTOR] = $this->get_base_url() . $item->from_user;
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_URL_IMG] = $item->profile_image_url;
if ($this->use_identica) {
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_URL_TWEET] = $this->get_base_url() . '/notice/' . $entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_ID];
else {
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_URL_TWEET] = $this->get_base_url() . $entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_LOGIN] . '/status/' . $entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_ID];
if (!empty($source_link)) $entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_URL_SRC] = $source_link;
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_PUBDATE] = $item->created_at;
$entry[TWITTER_SEARCHRESULT_RETWEET] = preg_match('/^(rt|retweet|retweeting)[ :].*/i',$item->text);
// get expanded urls
if (!empty($item->entities)) {
if (!empty($item->entities->urls)) {
$urls = array();
$urlsExpanded = array();
$redirCheck = new RedirectCheck();
foreach ($item->entities->urls as $url) {
if (!empty($url->expanded_url)) {
$urls[] =$url->expanded_url;
return $entry;
function update( $login, $pass, $update, $geo_lat = NULL, $geo_long = NULL ) {
global $serendipity;
if (empty($login) || empty($pass) || empty($update)) return;
$status_url = $this->get_api_url() . 'statuses/update.json';
$par['user'] = $login;
$par['pass'] = $pass;
$par['method'] = HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_POST;
$par['timeout'] = 20;
$par['readTimeout'] = array(5,0);
$update = urlencode($update);
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_url')) {
$post_data = array(
'status' => $update,
'source' => 's9y',
if (!empty($geo_lat) && !empty($geo_long)) {
$post_data['lat'] = $geo_lat;
$post_data['long'] = $geo_long;
$response = serendipity_request_url($status_url, 'POST', null, null, $post_data, null, array('user' => $par['user'], 'pass' => $par['pass']));
if (empty($response)) return false;
$errorcode = $serendipity['last_http_request']['responseCode'];
} else {
require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_start();
$req = new HTTP_Request($status_url, $par);
$req->addPostData('status',$update, true);
$req->addPostData('source','s9y', true);
if (!empty($geo_lat) && !empty($geo_long)) {
$req->addPostData('lat',$geo_lat, true);
$req->addPostData('long',$geo_long, true);
$response = $req->getResponseBody();
$errorcode = $req->getResponseCode();
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_end();
if ($errorcode == 200) {
$json = @json_decode($response);
if (isset($json->error)) {
return $json->error;
else {
return true;
else {
return $errorcode;
function timeline( $login, $pass, $count=10, $withfriends=true) {
global $serendipity;
if (empty($login) || empty($pass)) return;
$timeline_url = $this->get_api_url() . 'statuses/friends_timeline.json?';
$timeline_url .= "count=$count";
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_url')) {
$response = serendipity_request_url($status_url, 'GET', null, null, null, null, array('user' => $par['user'], 'pass' => $par['pass']));
if (empty($response)) return false;
$errorcode = $serendipity['last_http_request']['responseCode'];
} else {
require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_start();
$par['user'] = $login;
$par['pass'] = $pass;
$par['method'] = HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET;
$par['timeout'] = 20;
$par['readTimeout'] = array(5,0);
$req = new HTTP_Request($timeline_url, $par);
$response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_end();
return @json_decode($response);
function userinfo($screenname) {
if (empty($screenname)) {
echo "screenname empty";
$requrl = $this->get_api_url() . 'users/show.json?screen_name=' . $screenname;
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_url')) {
$response = serendipity_request_url($requrl);
if (empty($response)) return false;
} else {
require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_start();
$req = new HTTP_Request($requrl);
$response = trim($req->getResponseBody());
if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) serendipity_request_end();
return @json_decode($response);
function replace_links_in_status( $status, $linktext_replace = '$1', $class_links = '', $class_user_links = '' ) {
// Regular expression for smart detecting URLs inside of an Text.
// Found at
$pattern = '{(
# Match the leading part (proto://hostname, or just hostname)
# http://, or https:// leading part
# or, try to find a hostname with more specific sub-expression
(?i: [a-z0-9] (?:[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])? \\. )+ # sub domains
# Now ending .com, etc. For these, require lowercase
(?-i: com\\b
| edu\\b
| biz\\b
| gov\\b
| in(?:t|fo)\\b # .int or .info
| mil\\b
| net\\b
| org\\b
| [a-z][a-z]\\.[a-z][a-z]\\b # two-letter country code
# Allow an optional port number
( : \\d+ )?
# The rest of the URL is optional, and begins with /
# The rest are heuristics for what seems to work well
[.!,?]+ [^.!,?;"\\\'<>()\\[\\]\{\\}\s\\x7F-\\xFF]+
$class = '';
if (!empty($class_links)) $class = 'class="' . $class_links . '"';
$status = preg_replace($pattern, '<a href="$1" ' .$class .'>' . $linktext_replace . '</a>', $status);
if ($this->use_identica) {
$status = preg_replace('{#([\w_]*)}','#<a href="' . $this->get_base_url() . 'tag/$1" ' . $class . '>$1</a>', $status);
$status = preg_replace('{!([\w_]*)}','!<a href="' . $this->get_base_url() . 'group/$1" ' . $class . '>$1</a>', $status);
$class = '';
if (!empty($class_user_links)) $class = 'class="' . $class_user_links . '"';
$status = preg_replace('{@([\w_]*)}','@<a href="' . $this->get_base_url() . '$1" ' . $class . '>$1</a>', $status);
return $status;
static function create_status_ago_string($twitter_time_string){
// Some strtotime versions are not able to handle the long date string. So shorten it!
$datepart = explode(" ", $twitter_time_string);
$shortdate = "{$datepart[2]} {$datepart[1]} {$datepart[5]} {$datepart[3]} {$datepart[4]}";
//$time = (int)time() - @strtotime($twitter_time_string);
$time = (int)time() - @strtotime($shortdate);
if((int)$time === 0){
$out = 'a wink';
elseif($time < 60){
$out = $time.' second';
elseif($time >= 60 && $time < 3600){
$time = $time / 60;
$out = ($time % 60).' minute';
elseif($time >= 3600 && $time < 86400){
$time = $time / 3600;
$out = ($time % 3600).' hour';
elseif($time >= 86400 && $time < 604800){
$time = $time / 86400;
$out = ($time % 86400).' day';
elseif($time >= 604800 && $time < 2419200){
$time = $time / 604800;
$out = ($time % 604800).' week';
elseif($time >= 2419200 && $time < 29030400){
$time = $time / 2419200;
$out = ($time % 2419200).' month';
$time = $time / 29030400;
$out = ($time % 29030400).' year';
if((int)$time > 1){
$out .= 's';
return $out . ' ago';
function get_status_url( $account, $status_id ) {
return $this->get_base_url() . ($this->use_identica?'notice/': $account . '/status/') . $status_id;