
135 lines
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* This file is part of the PHPASN1 library.
* Copyright © Friedrich Große <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace FG\Test\ASN1\Universal;
use FG\Test\ASN1TestCase;
use FG\ASN1\Identifier;
use FG\ASN1\Universal\NumericString;
class NumericStringTest extends ASN1TestCase
public function testGetType()
$object = new NumericString('1234');
$this->assertEquals(Identifier::NUMERIC_STRING, $object->getType());
public function testGetIdentifier()
$object = new NumericString('1234');
$this->assertEquals(chr(Identifier::NUMERIC_STRING), $object->getIdentifier());
public function testContent()
$object = new NumericString('123 45 67890');
$this->assertEquals('123 45 67890', $object->getContent());
$object = new NumericString(' ');
$this->assertEquals(' ', $object->getContent());
public function testGetObjectLength()
$string = '123 4 55677 0987';
$object = new NumericString($string);
$expectedSize = 2 + strlen($string);
$this->assertEquals($expectedSize, $object->getObjectLength());
public function testGetBinary()
$string = '123 4 55677 0987';
$expectedType = chr(Identifier::NUMERIC_STRING);
$expectedLength = chr(strlen($string));
$object = new NumericString($string);
$this->assertEquals($expectedType.$expectedLength.$string, $object->getBinary());
* @depends testGetBinary
public function testFromBinary()
$originalObject = new NumericString('123 45 5322');
$binaryData = $originalObject->getBinary();
$parsedObject = NumericString::fromBinary($binaryData);
$this->assertEquals($originalObject, $parsedObject);
* @depends testFromBinary
public function testFromBinaryWithOffset()
$originalObject1 = new NumericString('1324 0');
$originalObject2 = new NumericString('1 2 3 ');
$binaryData = $originalObject1->getBinary();
$binaryData .= $originalObject2->getBinary();
$offset = 0;
$parsedObject = NumericString::fromBinary($binaryData, $offset);
$this->assertEquals($originalObject1, $parsedObject);
$this->assertEquals(8, $offset);
$parsedObject = NumericString::fromBinary($binaryData, $offset);
$this->assertEquals($originalObject2, $parsedObject);
$this->assertEquals(16, $offset);
public function testCreateStringWithValidCharacters()
$object = new NumericString('1234');
$this->assertEquals(pack('H*', '120431323334'), $object->getBinary());
$object = new NumericString('321 98 76');
$this->assertEquals(pack('H*', '1209333231203938203736'), $object->getBinary());
public function testCreateStringWithInvalidCharacters()
$invalidString = 'Hello World';
try {
$object = new NumericString($invalidString);
$this->fail('Should have thrown an exception');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$this->assertEquals("Could not create a ASN.1 Numeric String from the character sequence '{$invalidString}'.", $exception->getMessage());
$invalidString = '123,456';
try {
$object = new NumericString($invalidString);
$this->fail('Should have thrown an exception');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$this->assertEquals("Could not create a ASN.1 Numeric String from the character sequence '{$invalidString}'.", $exception->getMessage());
$invalidString = '+123456';
try {
$object = new NumericString($invalidString);
$this->fail('Should have thrown an exception');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$this->assertEquals("Could not create a ASN.1 Numeric String from the character sequence '{$invalidString}'.", $exception->getMessage());
$invalidString = '-123456';
try {
$object = new NumericString($invalidString);
$this->fail('Should have thrown an exception');
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$this->assertEquals("Could not create a ASN.1 Numeric String from the character sequence '{$invalidString}'.", $exception->getMessage());