2013-08-12 10:27:53 +02:00

69 lines
6.5 KiB

<?php #
* @version
* @author Translator Name <>
* EN-Revision: Revision of
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TITLE', 'Contact Form');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TITLE_BLAHBLAH', 'Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_PAGETITLE', 'URL shorthand name (Backwards compatibility)');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_PERMALINK_BLAHBLAH', 'Defines permalink for the URL. Needs the absolute HTTP path and needs to end with .htm or .html!');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_EMAIL', 'Target E-Mail address');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_INTRO', 'Introductory Text (optional)');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SENT', 'Text after message has been sent');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SENT_HTML', 'Your message has been successfully mailed!');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ERROR_HTML', 'An error occured while posting the message!');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ERROR_DATA', 'Name, E-Mail and your message must not be an empty string.');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMIC_ERROR_DATA', 'A required field is missing.');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ARTICLEFORMAT', 'Format as article?');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ARTICLEFORMAT_BLAHBLAH', 'if yes the output is automatically formatted as an article (colors, borders, etc.) (default: yes)');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL','Use the dynamic tpl?');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL_DESC','This setting allows you to choose the form type you wish to use. You can use the standard form, a small business form, a more detailed form or an entirely custom form created from a manually entered string.');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICFIELDS','Form field string');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_FNAME','First Name');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_LNAME','Last Name');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICFIELDS_DESC','This is the string that is parsed to determine which fields will appear on the form, whether they are required, and the default settings.');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICFIELDS_DESC_NOTE','<p>The "Form field string" is a text string that is used to determine which fields are displayed on the dynamic form. The string must be in the order of &lt;field&gt;:&lt;field&gt;:&lt;field&gt;. Note the separation by colons.</p>
<p>The individual fields (except for type "radio", as defined later) must be of the form {require;}Name;type{;default}. Note the separation by semicolons. Also, note that the curly brackets indicate an optional field. If a field must be filled in to complete the form then the word "require" must appear at the start of the field definition (without the curly backets).</p>
<p>Fields of different types are available. Currently these types are supported:
<li>text - standard text box; Example: "Name;text"</li>
<li>checkbox - A checkbox; Example: "Check Box;checkbox;Name displayed after checkbox,checked"</li>
<li>radio - A group of radio buttons; Example: "Radio Button;radio;Yes,yes|No,no,checked"</li>
<li>hidden - A hidden field; Example: "hiddendata;hidden"</li>
<li>password - A password field. Note, this does not check the password against anything and it is included in the email in plaintext; Example: "require;Preferred Password;password"</li>
<li>textarea - A large, multiline text area; Example: "Label;textarea"</li>
<li>select - A dropdown box; Example: "Drop Down;select;Yes,yes|No,no,selected"</li>
<p>To indicate a default value for a field, you simply add an additional definition with that default. The only valid default for type "checkbox" is "checked".</p><p>The type "radio" uses a field definition such as this: {require;}Name;radio;Name1,Value1|Name2,Value2{,checked}. Note the additional definition of options, where the options themselves are separated by a pipe character (|), and each option has a name, a value, and an option default of checked.</p>
<p>Examples (the quotation marks are for clarity and are not required):
<li>Replicating the default form:- "require;Name;text:require;Email;text:require;Homepage;text:require;Message;textarea"</li>
<li>A text field labeled for phone numbers:- "Phone number;text"</li>
<li>A required text field labeled for phone numbers:- "require;Phone number;text"</li>
<li>A textarea with default text:- "Default text;textarea;This is default text. It is boring. But it is default."
<li>A yes/no radio button:- "Radio Button;radio;Yes,yes|No,no,checked"</li>
<li>A checkbox, checked by default:- "Check Box;checkbox;checked"</li>
<li>The last four together:- "require;Phone number;text:Default text;textarea;This is default text. It is boring. But it is default.:Radio Button;radio;Yes,yes|No,no,checked:Check Box;checkbox;checked" </li>
<p>If you use field types other than the predefined ones, you can specify a custom template file and use Smarty syntax to check for custom field types yourself, similar to how other types are already checked in the default template file.</p>');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TEMPLATE', 'Template file name');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TEMPLATE_DESC', 'Only enter the filename of a custom template file that will be used to render this contact form. You can upload custom files to either the directory of this plugin, or your current template directory.');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SUBJECT', 'E-Mail subject');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ISSUECOUNTER', 'Use issue counter?');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ISSUECOUNTER_DESC', 'When enabled, each sent contactform gets a unique ID.');
@define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SUBJECT_DESC', 'Enter the subject of the e-mail that gets sent to your address. You can place a %s variable that will contain the title of the contact form.');