2016-09-26 11:36:53 +02:00

160 lines
6.1 KiB

* Some vanilla serendipity_editor functions converted to jQuery Closures
* to make PLAIN Editor actions run in Serendipity 1.7 Series
if (typeof getSelection !== 'function') {
// Returns "position" of selection in textarea
// Used internally by wrapSelectionWithLink()
getSelection = function($txtarea) {
var start = $txtarea[0].selectionStart;
var end = $txtarea[0].selectionEnd;
return $txtarea.val().substring(start, end);
if (typeof wrapSelection !== 'function') {
// Used by non-wysiwyg editor toolbar buttons to wrap selection
// in a element associated with toolbar button
wrapSelection = function(txtarea, openTag, closeTag) {
scrollPos = false;
if (txtarea.scrollTop) {
scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;
var $txtarea = $(txtarea);
if (!$txtarea.length) {
var len = $txtarea.val().length;
var start = $txtarea[0].selectionStart;
var end = $txtarea[0].selectionEnd;
var selectedText = $txtarea.val().substring(start, end);
var replacement = openTag + selectedText + closeTag;
$txtarea.val($txtarea.val().substring(0, start) + replacement + $txtarea.val().substring(end, len));
$txtarea[0].selectionStart = start + replacement.length;
$txtarea[0].selectionEnd = start + replacement.length;
if (scrollPos) {
txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
if (typeof wrapSelectionWithLink !== 'function') {
// Used by non-wysiwyg editor toolbar buttons to wrap selection
// in <a> element (only)
wrapSelectionWithLink = function(txtarea) {
var my_link = prompt("Enter URL:","http://");
if (my_link) {
if (getSelection($(txtarea) ) == "") {
var my_desc = prompt("Enter Description", '');
var my_title = prompt("Enter title/tooltip:", "");
html_title = "";
if (my_title != "" && my_title != null) {
html_title = ' title="' + my_title + '"';
if (my_link != null) {
lft = "<a href=\"" + my_link + "\"" + html_title + ">";
if (my_desc != null && my_desc != "") {
rgt = my_desc + "</a>";
} else {
rgt = "</a>";
wrapSelection(txtarea, lft, rgt);
if (typeof insertText !== 'function') {
// Adds img element to selected text
// Used internally by wrapInsImage()
insertText = function(txtarea, str) {
$txtarea = $(txtarea);
var selLength = $txtarea.val().length;
var selStart = $txtarea[0].selectionStart;
var selEnd = $txtarea[0].selectionEnd;
if (selEnd==1 || selEnd==2) {
var before = $txtarea.val().substring(0,selStart);
var after = $txtarea.val().substring(selStart);
$txtarea.val(before + str + after);
$txtarea[0].selectionStart = selStart + str.length
$txtarea[0].selectionEnd = selStart + str.length
if (typeof wrapInsImage !== 'function') {
// Used by non-wysiwyg editor toolbar buttons to wrap selection
// in <img> element (only); does not really "wrap", merely inserts
// an <img> element before selected text
wrapInsImage = function(txtarea) {
var loc = prompt('Enter the image location: ');
if (loc) {
var alttxt = prompt('Enter alternative text for this image: ');
insertText(txtarea,'<img src="'+ loc + '" alt="' + alttxt + '" />');
if (typeof noWysiwygAdd !== 'function') {
// The noWysiwygAdd JS function is the vanila serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody js function which works fine in NO WYSIWYG mode
// NOTE: the serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody could add any valid HTML string to the textarea
noWysiwygAdd = function( str, textarea )
textarea = decodeURIComponent(textarea);
// console.log('FAQnoWysiwygAdd: '+textarea);
// default case: no wysiwyg editor
eltarget = '';
if (document.forms['serendipityEntry'] && document.forms['serendipityEntry']['serendipity['+ textarea +']']) {
eltarget = document.forms['serendipityEntry']['serendipity['+ textarea +']'];
} else if (document.forms['serendipityEntry'] && document.forms['serendipityEntry'][textarea]) {
eltarget = document.forms['serendipityEntry'][textarea];
} else {
//eltarget = document.forms[0].elements[0]; // this did not work in staticpages textareas
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
if (elements[i].getAttribute("name") == urldecode(textarea)) {
eltarget = elements[i];
} if (eltarget=='') eltarget = document.forms[0].elements[0];
// console.log('FAQnoWysiwygAdd: '+eltarget);
wrapSelection(eltarget, str, '');
if (typeof serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody !== 'function') {
// Since we are in a jquery closure we have to add the wrapper method to the global namespace!
serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody = function(str, textarea)
// case oEditor == undefined
noWysiwygAdd(str, textarea);
// console.log('FAQclassAddToBody: oEditor undefined');