2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

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* Filename: XMP.php
* Description: Provides functions for reading and writing information to/from
* the 'App 1' Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) segment of JPEG
* format files. This XMP segment is XML based and contains the
* Resource Description Framework (RDF) data, which itself can
* contain the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) information.
* Author: Evan Hunter
* Date: 27/7/2004
* Project: JPEG Metadata
* Revision: 1.10
* Changes: 1.00 -> 1.04 : changed put_IPTC to fix a bug preventing the correct
* insertion of a XMP block where none existed previously
* 1.04 -> 1.10 : changed put_XMP_text to fix some array indexes which were missing qoutes
* URL:
* Copyright: Copyright Evan Hunter 2004
* License: This file is part of the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you require a different license for commercial or other
* purposes, please contact the author:
include_once $JPEG_TOOLKIT.'XML.php';
* Function: get_XMP_text
* Description: Retrieves the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) information
* from an App1 JPEG segment and returns the raw XML text as a
* string. This includes the Resource Description Framework (RDF)
* information and may include Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
* information. Uses information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data
* function
* Parameters: jpeg_header_data - a JPEG header data array in the same format
* as from get_jpeg_header_data
* Returns: xmp_data - the string of raw XML text
* FALSE - if an APP 1 XMP segment could not be found,
* or if an error occured
function get_XMP_text( $jpeg_header_data )
//Cycle through the header segments
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $jpeg_header_data ); $i++ )
// If we find an APP1 header,
if ( strcmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'], "APP1" ) == 0 )
// And if it has the Adobe XMP/RDF label (\x00) ,
if( strncmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], "\x00", 29) == 0 )
// Found a XMP/RDF block
// Return the XMP text
$xmp_data = substr ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], 29 );
return $xmp_data;
return FALSE;
* End of Function: get_XMP_text
* Function: put_XMP_text
* Description: Adds or modifies the Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) information
* in an App1 JPEG segment. If a XMP segment already exists, it is
* replaced, otherwise a new one is inserted, using the supplied data.
* Uses information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data function
* Parameters: jpeg_header_data - a JPEG header data array in the same format
* as from get_jpeg_header_data
* newXMP - a string containing the XMP text to be stored in the XMP
* segment. Should be constructed using the write_XMP_array_to_text
* function
* Returns: jpeg_header_data - the JPEG header data array with the
* XMP segment added.
* FALSE - if an error occured
function put_XMP_text( $jpeg_header_data, $newXMP )
//Cycle through the header segments
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $jpeg_header_data ); $i++ )
// If we find an APP1 header,
if ( strcmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'], "APP1" ) == 0 )
// And if it has the Adobe XMP/RDF label (\x00) ,
if( strncmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], "\x00", 29) == 0 )
// Found a preexisting XMP/RDF block - Replace it with the new one and return.
$jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'] = "\x00" . $newXMP;
return $jpeg_header_data;
// No pre-existing XMP/RDF found - insert a new one after any pre-existing APP0 or APP1 blocks
// Change: changed to initialise $i properly as of revision 1.04
$i = 0;
// Loop until a block is found that isn't an APP0 or APP1
while ( ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'] == "APP0" ) || ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'] == "APP1" ) )
// Insert a new XMP/RDF APP1 segment at the specified point.
// Change: changed to properly construct array element as of revision 1.04 - requires two array statements not one, requires insertion at $i, not $i - 1
array_splice($jpeg_header_data, $i, 0, array( array( "SegType" => 0xE1,
"SegName" => "APP1",
"SegDesc" => $GLOBALS[ "JPEG_Segment_Descriptions" ][ 0xE1 ],
"SegData" => "\x00" . $newXMP ) ) );
// Return the headers with the new segment inserted
return $jpeg_header_data;
* End of Function: put_XMP_text
* Function: read_XMP_array_from_text
* Description: An alias for read_xml_array_from_text.
* Parses a string containing XMP data (XML), and returns the resulting
* tree structure array, which contains all the XMP (XML) information.
* Note: White space and comments in the XMP data (XML) are ignored
* Note: All text information contained in the tree structure
* is encoded as Unicode UTF-8. Hence text will appear as
* normal ASCII except where there is an extended character.
* Parameters: xmptext - a string containing the XMP data (XML) to be parsed
* Returns: output - the tree structure array containing the XMP (XML) information
* FALSE - if an error occured
function read_XMP_array_from_text( $xmptext )
return read_xml_array_from_text( $xmptext );
* End of Function: read_XMP_array_from_text
* Function: write_XMP_array_to_text
* Description: Takes a tree structure array containing XMP (in the same format
* as returned by read_XMP_array_from_text, and constructs a string
* containing the equivalent XMP, including the XMP Packet header
* and trailer. Produces XMP text which has correct indents, encoded
* using UTF-8.
* Note: All text information contained in the tree structure
* can be either 7-bit ASCII or encoded as Unicode UTF-8,
* since UTF-8 passes 7-bit ASCII text unchanged.
* Parameters: xmparray - the tree structure array containing the information to
* be converted to XMP text
* Returns: output_XMP_text - the string containing the equivalent XMP text
function write_XMP_array_to_text( $xmparray )
// Add the XMP packet header
// The sequence 0xEFBBBF is the UTF-8 encoded version of the Unicode <20>zero
// width non-breaking space character<65> (U+FEFF), which is used for detecting
// whether UTF-16 or UTF-8 is being used.
$output_XMP_text = "<?xpacket begin='\xef\xbb\xbf' id='W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d'?>\n";
// Photoshop Seems to add this, but there doesn't appear to be
// any information on what it means
// TODO : XMP, Find out what the adobe-xap-filters tag means
$output_XMP_text .= "<?adobe-xap-filters esc=\"CR\"?>\n";
// Add the XML text
$output_XMP_text .= write_xml_array_to_text( $xmparray, 0 );
// The XMP standard recommends adding 2-4k of white space at the
// end for in place editing, so we will add it to the XML now
$output_XMP_text .= str_repeat(" \n", 30);
// Add the XMP packet trailer
$output_XMP_text .= "<?xpacket end='w'?>";
// Return the resulting XMP text
return $output_XMP_text;
* End of Function: write_XMP_array_to_text
* Function: Interpret_XMP_to_HTML
* Description: Generates html showing the information contained in an Extensible
* Metadata Platform (XMP) tree structure array, as retrieved
* with read_XMP_array_from_text
* Parameters: XMP_array - a XMP tree structure array as from read_XMP_array_from_text
* Returns: output - the HTML string
function Interpret_XMP_to_HTML( $XMP_array )
// Create a string to receive the output html
$output ="";
// Check if the XMP tree structure array is valid
if ( $XMP_array !== FALSE )
// Check if there is a rdf:RDF tag at either the first or second level
if ( ( $XMP_array[0]['tag'] == "x:xapmeta" ) && ( $XMP_array[0]['children'][0]['tag'] == "rdf:RDF" ) )
// RDF found at second level - Save it's position
$RDF_Contents = &$XMP_array[0]['children'][0]['children'];
else if ( ( $XMP_array[0]['tag'] == "x:xmpmeta" ) && ( $XMP_array[0]['children'][0]['tag'] == "rdf:RDF" ) )
// RDF found at second level - Save it's position
$RDF_Contents = &$XMP_array[0]['children'][0]['children'];
else if ( $XMP_array[0]['tag'] == "rdf:RDF" )
// RDF found at first level - Save it's position
$RDF_Contents = &$XMP_array[0]['children'];
// RDF section not found - abort
return "";
// Add heading to html output
$output .= "<h2 class=\"XMP_Main_Heading\">Contains Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) / Resource Description Framework (RDF) Information</h2>\n";
// Cycle through each of the items in the RDF tree array, and process them
foreach ($RDF_Contents as $RDF_Item)
// Check if the item is a rdf:Description tag - these are the only ones that can be processed
if ( ( $RDF_Item['tag'] == "rdf:Description" ) && ( array_key_exists( 'children', $RDF_Item ) ) )
// Item is a rdf:Description tag.
// Cycle through each of the attributes for this tag, looking
// for a xmlns: attribute, which tells us what Namespace the
// sub-items will be in.
foreach( $RDF_Item['attributes'] as $key => $val )
// Check for the xmlns: namespace attribute
if ( substr( $key,0,6) == "xmlns:" )
// Found a xmlns: attribute
// Extract the namespace string
// Add heading to the HTML according to which Namespace the RDF items have
switch ( substr( $key,6) )
case "photoshop":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">Photoshop RDF Segment</h3>\n";
case "xapBJ":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">Basic Job Ticket RDF Segment</h3>\n";
case "xapMM":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">Media Management RDF Segment</h3>\n";
case "xapRights":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">Rights Management RDF Segment</h3>\n";
case "dc":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">Dublin Core Metadata Initiative RDF Segment</h3>\n";
case "xmp":
case "xap":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">XMP Basic Segment</h3>\n";
case "xmpTPg":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">XMP Paged-Text Segment</h3>\n";
case "xmpTPg":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">Adobe PDF Segment</h3>\n";
case "tiff":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">XMP - embedded TIFF Segment</h3>\n";
case "exif":
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">XMP - embedded EXIF Segment</h3>\n";
case "xapGImg": // Sub Category - Do nothing
case "stDim": // Sub Category - Do nothing
case "stEvt": // Sub Category - Do nothing
case "stRef": // Sub Category - Do nothing
case "stVer": // Sub Category - Do nothing
case "stJob": // Sub Category - Do nothing
$output .= "<h3 class=\"XMP_Secondary_Heading\">Unknown RDF Segment '" . substr( $key,6) . "'</h3>\n";
// Add the start of the table to the HTML output
$output .= "\n<table class=\"XMP_Table\" border=1>\n";
// Check if this element has sub-items
if ( array_key_exists( 'children', $RDF_Item ) )
// Cycle through each of the sub-items
foreach( $RDF_Item['children'] as $child_item )
// Get an interpretation of the sub-item's caption and value
list($tag_caption, $value_str) = Interpret_RDF_Item( $child_item );
// Escape the text of the caption for html
$tag_caption = HTML_UTF8_Escape( $tag_caption );
// Escape the text of the value for html and turn newlines to <br>
$value_str = nl2br( HTML_UTF8_Escape( $value_str ) );
// Check if the value is empty - if it is, put a no-break-space in
// to ensure the table cell gets drawn
if ( $value_str == "" )
$value_str = "&nbsp;";
// Add the table row to the output html
$output .= "<tr class=\"XMP_Table_Row\"><td class=\"XMP_Caption_Cell\">" . $tag_caption . ":</td><td class=\"XMP_Value_Cell\">" . $value_str . "</td></tr>\n";
// Add the end of the table to the html
$output .= "\n</table>\n";
// Don't know how to process tags other than rdf:Description - do nothing
// Return the resulting HTML
return $output;
* End of Function: Interpret_XMP_to_HTML
* Internal Function: Interpret_RDF_Item
* Description: Used by Interpret_XMP_to_HTML
* Used by get_RDF_field_html_value
* Used by interpret_RDF_collection
* Generates a caption and text representation of the value of a
* particular RDF item.
* Parameters: Item - The RDF item to evaluate
* Returns: tag_caption - the caption of the tag
* value_str - the text representation of the value
function Interpret_RDF_Item( $Item )
// TODO: Many RDF items have not been tested - only photoshop 7.0 and CS items
// Create a string to receive the HTML output
$value_str = "";
// Check if the item has is in the lookup table of tag captions
if ( array_key_exists( $Item['tag'], $GLOBALS[ 'XMP_tag_captions' ] ) )
// Item is in list of captions, get the caption
$tag_caption = $GLOBALS[ 'XMP_tag_captions' ][ $Item['tag'] ];
// Item has no caption - make one
$tag_caption = "Unknown field " . $Item['tag'];
// Process specially the item according to it's tag
switch ( $Item['tag'] )
case "photoshop:DateCreated": // This is in year month day order
// Extract the year,month and day
list( $year, $month, $day ) = sscanf( $Item['value'], "%d-%d-%d" );
// Make a new date string with Day, Month, Year
$value_str = "$day/$month/$year";
default :
$value_str = get_RDF_field_html_value( $Item );
// Return the captiona and value
return array($tag_caption, $value_str);
* End of Function: Interpret_RDF_Item
* Internal Function: get_RDF_field_html_value
* Description: Attempts to build a text representation of the value of an RDF
* item. This includes handling any collections or sub-resources.
* Parameters: rdf_item - The RDF item to evaluate
* Returns: output_str - the text representation of the field value
function get_RDF_field_html_value( $rdf_item )
// Create a string to receive the output text
$output_str = "";
// Check if the item has a value
if ( array_key_exists( 'value', $rdf_item ) )
// The item does have a value - add it to the text
$output_str .= $rdf_item['value'];
// Check if the item has any attributes
if ( array_key_exists( 'attributes', $rdf_item ) )
// Cycle through each of the attributes
foreach( $rdf_item['attributes'] as $key => $val )
// Check if this attribute is rdf:parseType = 'Resource' i.e. a sub-resource indicator
if ( ( $key == "rdf:parseType" ) && ( $val == "Resource" ) )
// This item has a attribute indicating sub-resources
// Check that the item has sub items
if ( array_key_exists( 'children', $rdf_item ) )
// The item does have sub-items,
// Cycle through each, Interpreting them and adding the result to the output text
foreach( $rdf_item['children'] as $child )
list($tag_caption, $value_str) = Interpret_RDF_Item( $child );
$output_str .= "$tag_caption = $value_str\n";
// The output text will have an extra \n on it - remove it
$output_str = rtrim( $output_str );
// If the item did not have sub-resources, it may still have sub-items - check for this
else if ( array_key_exists( 'children', $rdf_item ) )
// Non-resource Sub-items found, Cycle through each
foreach( $rdf_item['children'] as $child_item )
// Check if this sub-item has a tag
if ( array_key_exists( 'tag', $child_item ) )
// Sub item has a tag, Process it according to the tag
switch ( $child_item[ 'tag' ] )
// Collections
case "rdf:Alt":
$output_str .= "List of Alternates:\n";
$output_str .= interpret_RDF_collection( $child_item );
case "rdf:Bag":
$output_str .= "Unordered List:\n";
$output_str .= interpret_RDF_collection( $child_item );
case "rdf:Seq":
$output_str .= "Ordered List:\n";
$output_str .= interpret_RDF_collection( $child_item );
// Sub-Resource
case "rdf:Description":
// Check that the item has sub items
if ( array_key_exists( 'children', $child_item ) )
// The item does have sub-items,
// Cycle through each, Interpreting them and adding the result to the output text
foreach( $child_item['children'] as $child )
list($tag_caption, $value_str) = Interpret_RDF_Item( $child );
$output_str .= "$tag_caption = $value_str\n";
// The output text will have an extra \n on it - remove it
$output_str = rtrim( $output_str );
// Other
$output_str .= "Unknown Sub Item type:". $child_item[ 'tag' ]. "\n";
} // sub-item Has no tags, look for a value
else if ( array_key_exists( 'value', $child_item ) )
$output_str .= $rdf_item['value'] . "\n";
// no info - do nothing
// return the resulting value string
return $output_str;
* End of Function: get_RDF_field_html_value
* Internal Function: interpret_RDF_collection
* Description: Attempts to build a text representation of the value of an RDF
* collection item. This includes handling any sub-collections or
* sub-resources.
* Parameters: rdf_item - The RDF collection item to evaluate
* Returns: output_str - the text representation of the collection value
function interpret_RDF_collection( $item )
// Create a string to receive the output
$output_str = "";
// Check if the collection item has sub-items
if ( array_key_exists( 'children', $item ) )
// Cycle through each of the sub-items
foreach( $item['children'] as $list_item )
// Check that the sub item has a tag, and don't process it if it doesn't
if ( ! array_key_exists( 'tag', $list_item ) )
continue 1;
// Check that the sub-item tag is either rdf:li or rdf:_1 ....
// This signifies it is a list item of the collection
if ( ( $list_item['tag'] == "rdf:li" ) ||
( preg_match ( "rdf:_\d+", $list_item['tag'] ) == 1 ) )
// A List item has been found
// Check if there are sub-resources,
// starting by checking if there are attributes
if ( array_key_exists( 'attributes', $list_item ) )
// Cycle through each of the attributes
foreach( $list_item['attributes'] as $key => $val )
// Check if this attribute is rdf:parseType = 'Resource' i.e. a sub-resource indicator
if ( ( $key == "rdf:parseType" ) && ( $val == "Resource" ) )
// This item has a attribute indicating sub-resources
// Check that the item has sub items
if ( array_key_exists( 'children', $list_item ) )
// The item does have sub-items,
// Cycle through each, Interpreting them and adding the result to the output text
foreach( $list_item['children'] as $child )
list($tag_caption, $value_str) = Interpret_RDF_Item( $child );
$output_str .= "$tag_caption = $value_str\n";
// The output text will have an extra \n on it - remove it
$output_str = rtrim( $output_str );
// Check if the list item has a value
if ( array_key_exists( 'value', $list_item ) )
// Value found, add it to the output
$output_str .= get_RDF_field_html_value( $list_item ) . "\n";
// The list of sub-items formed will have a trailing \n, remove it.
$output_str = rtrim( $output_str );
// No sub-items in collection - can't do anything
// Return the output value
return $output_str;
* End of Function: interpret_RDF_collection
* Global Variable: XMP_tag_captions
* Contents: The Captions of the known XMP fields, indexed by their field name
$GLOBALS[ 'XMP_tag_captions' ] = array (
"dc:contributor" => "Other Contributor(s)",
"dc:coverage" => "Coverage (scope)",
"dc:creator" => "Creator(s) (Authors)",
"dc:date" => "Date",
"dc:description" => "Description (Caption)",
"dc:format" => "MIME Data Format",
"dc:identifier" => "Unique Resource Identifer",
"dc:language" => "Language(s)",
"dc:publisher" => "Publisher(s)",
"dc:relation" => "Relations to other documents",
"dc:rights" => "Rights Statement",
"dc:source" => "Source (from which this Resource is derived)",
"dc:subject" => "Subject and Keywords",
"dc:title" => "Title",
"dc:type" => "Resource Type",
"xmp:Advisory" => "Externally Editied Properties",
"xmp:BaseURL" => "Base URL for relative URL's",
"xmp:CreateDate" => "Original Creation Date",
"xmp:CreatorTool" => "Creator Tool",
"xmp:Identifier" => "Identifier(s)",
"xmp:MetadataDate" => "Metadata Last Modify Date",
"xmp:ModifyDate" => "Resource Last Modify Date",
"xmp:Nickname" => "Nickname",
"xmp:Thumbnails" => "Thumbnails",
"xmpidq:Scheme" => "Identification Scheme",
// These are not in spec but Photoshop CS seems to use them
"xap:Advisory" => "Externally Editied Properties",
"xap:BaseURL" => "Base URL for relative URL's",
"xap:CreateDate" => "Original Creation Date",
"xap:CreatorTool" => "Creator Tool",
"xap:Identifier" => "Identifier(s)",
"xap:MetadataDate" => "Metadata Last Modify Date",
"xap:ModifyDate" => "Resource Last Modify Date",
"xap:Nickname" => "Nickname",
"xap:Thumbnails" => "Thumbnails",
"xapidq:Scheme" => "Identification Scheme",
"xapRights:Certificate" => "Certificate",
"xapRights:Copyright" => "Copyright",
"xapRights:Marked" => "Marked",
"xapRights:Owner" => "Owner",
"xapRights:UsageTerms" => "Legal Terms of Usage",
"xapRights:WebStatement" => "Web Page describing rights statement (Owner URL)",
"xapMM:ContainedResources" => "Contained Resources",
"xapMM:ContributorResources" => "Contributor Resources",
"xapMM:DerivedFrom" => "Derived From",
"xapMM:DocumentID" => "Document ID",
"xapMM:History" => "History",
"xapMM:LastURL" => "Last Written URL",
"xapMM:ManagedFrom" => "Managed From",
"xapMM:Manager" => "Asset Management System",
"xapMM:ManageTo" => "Manage To",
"xapMM:xmpMM:ManageUI" => "Managed Resource URI",
"xapMM:ManagerVariant" => "Particular Variant of Asset Management System",
"xapMM:RenditionClass" => "Rendition Class",
"xapMM:RenditionParams" => "Rendition Parameters",
"xapMM:RenditionOf" => "Rendition Of",
"xapMM:SaveID" => "Save ID",
"xapMM:VersionID" => "Version ID",
"xapMM:Versions" => "Versions",
"xapBJ:JobRef" => "Job Reference",
"xmpTPg:MaxPageSize" => "Largest Page Size",
"xmpTPg:NPages" => "Number of pages",
"pdf:Keywords" => "Keywords",
"pdf:PDFVersion" => "PDF file version",
"pdf:Producer" => "PDF Creation Tool",
"photoshop:AuthorsPosition" => "Authors Position",
"photoshop:CaptionWriter" => "Caption Writer",
"photoshop:Category" => "Category",
"photoshop:City" => "City",
"photoshop:Country" => "Country",
"photoshop:Credit" => "Credit",
"photoshop:DateCreated" => "Creation Date",
"photoshop:Headline" => "Headline",
"photoshop:History" => "History", // Not in XMP spec
"photoshop:Instructions" => "Instructions",
"photoshop:Source" => "Source",
"photoshop:State" => "State",
"photoshop:SupplementalCategories" => "Supplemental Categories",
"photoshop:TransmissionReference" => "Technical (Transmission) Reference",
"photoshop:Urgency" => "Urgency",
"tiff:ImageWidth" => "Image Width",
"tiff:ImageLength" => "Image Length",
"tiff:BitsPerSample" => "Bits Per Sample",
"tiff:Compression" => "Compression",
"tiff:PhotometricInterpretation" => "Photometric Interpretation",
"tiff:Orientation" => "Orientation",
"tiff:SamplesPerPixel" => "Samples Per Pixel",
"tiff:PlanarConfiguration" => "Planar Configuration",
"tiff:YCbCrSubSampling" => "YCbCr Sub-Sampling",
"tiff:YCbCrPositioning" => "YCbCr Positioning",
"tiff:XResolution" => "X Resolution",
"tiff:YResolution" => "Y Resolution",
"tiff:ResolutionUnit" => "Resolution Unit",
"tiff:TransferFunction" => "Transfer Function",
"tiff:WhitePoint" => "White Point",
"tiff:PrimaryChromaticities" => "Primary Chromaticities",
"tiff:YCbCrCoefficients" => "YCbCr Coefficients",
"tiff:ReferenceBlackWhite" => "Black & White Reference",
"tiff:DateTime" => "Date & Time",
"tiff:ImageDescription" => "Image Description",
"tiff:Make" => "Make",
"tiff:Model" => "Model",
"tiff:Software" => "Software",
"tiff:Artist" => "Artist",
"tiff:Copyright" => "Copyright",
"exif:ExifVersion" => "Exif Version",
"exif:FlashpixVersion" => "Flash pix Version",
"exif:ColorSpace" => "Color Space",
"exif:ComponentsConfiguration" => "Components Configuration",
"exif:CompressedBitsPerPixel" => "Compressed Bits Per Pixel",
"exif:PixelXDimension" => "Pixel X Dimension",
"exif:PixelYDimension" => "Pixel Y Dimension",
"exif:MakerNote" => "Maker Note",
"exif:UserComment" => "User Comment",
"exif:RelatedSoundFile" => "Related Sound File",
"exif:DateTimeOriginal" => "Date & Time of Original",
"exif:DateTimeDigitized" => "Date & Time Digitized",
"exif:ExposureTime" => "Exposure Time",
"exif:FNumber" => "F Number",
"exif:ExposureProgram" => "Exposure Program",
"exif:SpectralSensitivity" => "Spectral Sensitivity",
"exif:ISOSpeedRatings" => "ISO Speed Ratings",
"exif:OECF" => "Opto-Electronic Conversion Function",
"exif:ShutterSpeedValue" => "Shutter Speed Value",
"exif:ApertureValue" => "Aperture Value",
"exif:BrightnessValue" => "Brightness Value",
"exif:ExposureBiasValue" => "Exposure Bias Value",
"exif:MaxApertureValue" => "Max Aperture Value",
"exif:SubjectDistance" => "Subject Distance",
"exif:MeteringMode" => "Metering Mode",
"exif:LightSource" => "Light Source",
"exif:Flash" => "Flash",
"exif:FocalLength" => "Focal Length",
"exif:SubjectArea" => "Subject Area",
"exif:FlashEnergy" => "Flash Energy",
"exif:SpatialFrequencyResponse" => "Spatial Frequency Response",
"exif:FocalPlaneXResolution" => "Focal Plane X Resolution",
"exif:FocalPlaneYResolution" => "Focal Plane Y Resolution",
"exif:FocalPlaneResolutionUnit" => "Focal Plane Resolution Unit",
"exif:SubjectLocation" => "Subject Location",
"exif:SensingMethod" => "Sensing Method",
"exif:FileSource" => "File Source",
"exif:SceneType" => "Scene Type",
"exif:CFAPattern" => "Colour Filter Array Pattern",
"exif:CustomRendered" => "Custom Rendered",
"exif:ExposureMode" => "Exposure Mode",
"exif:WhiteBalance" => "White Balance",
"exif:DigitalZoomRatio" => "Digital Zoom Ratio",
"exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm" => "Focal Length In 35mm Film",
"exif:SceneCaptureType" => "Scene Capture Type",
"exif:GainControl" => "Gain Control",
"exif:Contrast" => "Contrast",
"exif:Saturation" => "Saturation",
"exif:Sharpness" => "Sharpness",
"exif:DeviceSettingDescription" => "Device Setting Description",
"exif:SubjectDistanceRange" => "Subject Distance Range",
"exif:ImageUniqueID" => "Image Unique ID",
"exif:GPSVersionID" => "GPS Version ID",
"exif:GPSLatitude" => "GPS Latitude",
"exif:GPSLongitude" => "GPS Longitude",
"exif:GPSAltitudeRef" => "GPS Altitude Reference",
"exif:GPSAltitude" => "GPS Altitude",
"exif:GPSTimeStamp" => "GPS Time Stamp",
"exif:GPSSatellites" => "GPS Satellites",
"exif:GPSStatus" => "GPS Status",
"exif:GPSMeasureMode" => "GPS Measure Mode",
"exif:GPSDOP" => "GPS Degree Of Precision",
"exif:GPSSpeedRef" => "GPS Speed Reference",
"exif:GPSSpeed" => "GPS Speed",
"exif:GPSTrackRef" => "GPS Track Reference",
"exif:GPSTrack" => "GPS Track",
"exif:GPSImgDirectionRef" => "GPS Image Direction Reference",
"exif:GPSImgDirection" => "GPS Image Direction",
"exif:GPSMapDatum" => "GPS Map Datum",
"exif:GPSDestLatitude" => "GPS Destination Latitude",
"exif:GPSDestLongitude" => "GPS Destnation Longitude",
"exif:GPSDestBearingRef" => "GPS Destination Bearing Reference",
"exif:GPSDestBearing" => "GPS Destination Bearing",
"exif:GPSDestDistanceRef" => "GPS Destination Distance Reference",
"exif:GPSDestDistance" => "GPS Destination Distance",
"exif:GPSProcessingMethod" => "GPS Processing Method",
"exif:GPSAreaInformation" => "GPS Area Information",
"exif:GPSDifferential" => "GPS Differential",
"stDim:w" => "Width",
"stDim:h" => "Height",
"stDim:unit" => "Units",
"xapGImg:height" => "Height",
"xapGImg:width" => "Width",
"xapGImg:format" => "Format",
"xapGImg:image" => "Image",
"stEvt:action" => "Action",
"stEvt:instanceID" => "Instance ID",
"stEvt:parameters" => "Parameters",
"stEvt:softwareAgent" => "Software Agent",
"stEvt:when" => "When",
"stRef:instanceID" => "Instance ID",
"stRef:documentID" => "Document ID",
"stRef:versionID" => "Version ID",
"stRef:renditionClass" => "Rendition Class",
"stRef:renditionParams" => "Rendition Parameters",
"stRef:manager" => "Asset Management System",
"stRef:managerVariant" => "Particular Variant of Asset Management System",
"stRef:manageTo" => "Manage To",
"stRef:manageUI" => "Managed Resource URI",
"stVer:comments" => "",
"stVer:event" => "",
"stVer:modifyDate" => "",
"stVer:modifier" => "",
"stVer:version" => "",
"stJob:name" => "Job Name",
"stJob:id" => "Unique Job ID",
"stJob:url" => "URL for External Job Management File",
// Exif Flash
"exif:Fired" => "Fired",
"exif:Return" => "Return",
"exif:Mode" => "Mode",
"exif:Function" => "Function",
"exif:RedEyeMode" => "Red Eye Mode",
// Exif OECF/SFR
"exif:Columns" => "Columns",
"exif:Rows" => "Rows",
"exif:Names" => "Names",
"exif:Values" => "Values",
// Exif CFAPattern
"exif:Columns" => "Columns",
"exif:Rows" => "Rows",
"exif:Values" => "Values",
// Exif DeviceSettings
"exif:Columns" => "Columns",
"exif:Rows" => "Rows",
"exif:Settings" => "Settings",
* End of Global Variable: XMP_tag_captions