Garvin Hicking 5731762a34 Added parameters to html_entity_decode() and htmlentities().
I did not use the wrapper method for those few occurences since it was too much work.
I'm sorry :-D
2014-11-29 12:18:56 +01:00

1514 lines
78 KiB
Raw Blame History

* Filename: Photoshop_IRB.php
* Description: Provides functions for reading and writing information to/from
* the 'App 13' Photoshop Information Resource Block segment of
* JPEG format files
* Author: Evan Hunter
* Date: 23/7/2004
* Project: PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit
* Revision: 1.11
* Changes: 1.00 -> 1.02 : changed get_Photoshop_IRB to work with corrupted
* resource names which Photoshop can still read
* 1.02 -> 1.03 : Fixed put_Photoshop_IRB to output "Photoshop 3.0\x00"
* string with every APP13 segment, not just the first one
* 1.03 -> 1.10 : changed get_Photoshop_IRB to fix processing of embedded resource names,
* after discovering that Photoshop does not process
* resource names according to the standard :
* "Adobe Photoshop 6.0 File Formats Specification, Version 6.0, Release 2, November 2000"
* This is an update to the change 1.00 -> 1.02, which was not fully correct
* changed put_Photoshop_IRB to fix the writing of embedded resource name,
* to avoid creating blank resources, and to fix a problem
* causing the IRB block to be incorrectly positioned if no APP segments existed.
* changed get_Photoshop_IPTC to initialise the output array correctly.
* 1.10 -> 1.11 : Moved code out of get_Photoshop_IRB into new function unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data
* to allow reading of IRB blocks embedded within EXIF (for TIFF Files)
* Moved code out of put_Photoshop_IRB into new function pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data
* to allow writing of IRB blocks embedded within EXIF (for TIFF Files)
* Enabled the usage of $GLOBALS['HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS'] to hide unknown resources
* changed Interpret_IRB_to_HTML to allow thumbnail links to work when
* toolkit is portable across directories
* URL:
* Copyright: Copyright Evan Hunter 2004
* License: This file is part of the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you require a different license for commercial or other
* purposes, please contact the author:
// Change: as of version 1.11 - added to ensure the HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS variable is set even if EXIF.php is not included
include_once $JPEG_TOOLKIT.'IPTC.php';
include_once $JPEG_TOOLKIT.'Unicode.php';
// TODO: Many Photoshop IRB resources not interpeted
// TODO: Obtain a copy of the Photoshop CS File Format Specification
// TODO: Find out what Photoshop IRB resources 1061, 1062 & 1064 are
// TODO: Test get_Photoshop_IRB and put_Photoshop_IRB with multiple APP13 segments
* Function: get_Photoshop_IRB
* Description: Retrieves the Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB) information
* from an App13 JPEG segment and returns it as an array. This may
* include IPTC-NAA IIM Information. Uses information
* supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data function
* Parameters: jpeg_header_data - a JPEG header data array in the same format
* as from get_jpeg_header_data
* Returns: IRBdata - The array of Photoshop IRB records
* FALSE - if an APP 13 Photoshop IRB segment could not be found,
* or if an error occured
function get_Photoshop_IRB( $jpeg_header_data )
// Photoshop Image Resource blocks can span several JPEG APP13 segments, so we need to join them up if there are more than one
$joined_IRB = "";
//Cycle through the header segments
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $jpeg_header_data ); $i++ )
// If we find an APP13 header,
if ( strcmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'], "APP13" ) == 0 )
// And if it has the photoshop label,
if( strncmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], "Photoshop 3.0\x00", 14) == 0 )
// join it to the other previous IRB data
$joined_IRB .= substr ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], 14 );
// If there was some Photoshop IRB information found,
if ( $joined_IRB != "" )
// Found a Photoshop Image Resource Block - extract it.
// Change: Moved code into unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data to allow TIFF reading as of 1.11
return unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $joined_IRB );
// No Photoshop IRB found
return FALSE;
* End of Function: get_Photoshop_IRB
* Function: put_Photoshop_IRB
* Description: Adds or modifies the Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB)
* information from an App13 JPEG segment. If a Photoshop IRB already
* exists, it is replaced, otherwise a new one is inserted, using the
* supplied data. Uses information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data
* function
* Parameters: jpeg_header_data - a JPEG header data array in the same format
* as from get_jpeg_header_data
* new_IRB_data - an array of the data to be stored in the Photoshop
* IRB segment. Should be in the same format as received
* from get_Photoshop_IRB
* Returns: jpeg_header_data - the JPEG header data array with the
* Photoshop IRB added.
* FALSE - if an error occured
function put_Photoshop_IRB( $jpeg_header_data, $new_IRB_data )
// Delete all existing Photoshop IRB blocks - the new one will replace them
//Cycle through the header segments
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $jpeg_header_data ) ; $i++ )
// If we find an APP13 header,
if ( strcmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegName'], "APP13" ) == 0 )
// And if it has the photoshop label,
if( strncmp ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegData'], "Photoshop 3.0\x00", 14) == 0 )
// Delete the block information - it needs to be rebuilt
array_splice( $jpeg_header_data, $i, 1 );
// Now we have deleted the pre-existing blocks
// Retrieve the Packed Photoshop IRB Data
// Change: Moved code into pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data to allow TIFF writing as of 1.11
$packed_IRB_data = pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $new_IRB_data );
// Change : This section changed to fix incorrect positioning of IRB segment, as of revision 1.10
// when there are no APP segments present
//Cycle through the header segments in reverse order (to find where to put the APP13 block - after any APP0 to APP12 blocks)
$i = count( $jpeg_header_data ) - 1;
while (( $i >= 0 ) && ( ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegType'] > 0xED ) || ( $jpeg_header_data[$i]['SegType'] < 0xE0 ) ) )
// Cycle through the packed output data until it's size is less than 32000 bytes, outputting each 32000 byte block to an APP13 segment
while ( strlen( $packed_IRB_data ) > 32000 )
// Change: Fixed put_Photoshop_IRB to output "Photoshop 3.0\x00" string with every APP13 segment, not just the first one, as of 1.03
// Write a 32000 byte APP13 segment
array_splice($jpeg_header_data, $i +1 , 0, array( "SegType" => 0xED,
"SegName" => "APP13",
"SegDesc" => $GLOBALS[ "JPEG_Segment_Descriptions" ][ 0xED ],
"SegData" => "Photoshop 3.0\x00" . substr( $packed_IRB_data,0,32000) ) );
// Delete the 32000 bytes from the packed output data, that were just output
$packed_IRB_data = substr_replace($packed_IRB_data, '', 0, 32000);
// Write the last block of packed output data to an APP13 segment - Note array_splice doesn't work with multidimensional arrays, hence inserting a blank string
array_splice($jpeg_header_data, $i + 1 , 0, "" );
$jpeg_header_data[$i + 1] = array( "SegType" => 0xED,
"SegName" => "APP13",
"SegDesc" => $GLOBALS[ "JPEG_Segment_Descriptions" ][ 0xED ],
"SegData" => "Photoshop 3.0\x00" . $packed_IRB_data );
return $jpeg_header_data;
* End of Function: put_Photoshop_IRB
* Function: get_Photoshop_IPTC
* Description: Retrieves IPTC-NAA IIM information from within a Photoshop
* IRB (if it is present) and returns it in an array. Uses
* information supplied by the get_jpeg_header_data function
* Parameters: Photoshop_IRB_data - an array of Photoshop IRB records, as
* returned from get_Photoshop_IRB
* Returns: IPTC_Data_Out - The array of IPTC-NAA IIM records
* FALSE - if an IPTC-NAA IIM record could not be found, or if
* an error occured
function get_Photoshop_IPTC( $Photoshop_IRB_data )
// Change: Initialise array correctly, as of revision 1.10
$IPTC_Data_Out = array();
//Cycle through the Photoshop 8BIM records looking for the IPTC-NAA record
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $Photoshop_IRB_data ); $i++ )
// Check if each record is a IPTC record (which has id 0x0404)
if ( $Photoshop_IRB_data[$i]['ResID'] == 0x0404 )
// We've found an IPTC block - Decode it
$IPTC_Data_Out = get_IPTC( $Photoshop_IRB_data[$i]['ResData'] );
// If there was no records put into the output array,
if ( count( $IPTC_Data_Out ) == 0 )
// Then return false
return FALSE;
// Otherwise return the array
return $IPTC_Data_Out;
* End of Function: get_Photoshop_IPTC
* Function: put_Photoshop_IPTC
* Description: Inserts a new IPTC-NAA IIM resource into a Photoshop
* IRB, or replaces an the existing resource if one is present.
* Uses information supplied by the get_Photoshop_IRB function
* Parameters: Photoshop_IRB_data - an array of Photoshop IRB records, as
* returned from get_Photoshop_IRB, into
* which the IPTC-NAA IIM record will be inserted
* new_IPTC_block - an array of IPTC-NAA records in the same format
* as those returned by get_Photoshop_IPTC
* Returns: Photoshop_IRB_data - The Photoshop IRB array with the
* IPTC-NAA IIM resource inserted
function put_Photoshop_IPTC( $Photoshop_IRB_data, $new_IPTC_block )
$iptc_block_pos = -1;
//Cycle through the 8BIM records looking for the IPTC-NAA record
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $Photoshop_IRB_data ); $i++ )
// Check if each record is a IPTC record (which has id 0x0404)
if ( $Photoshop_IRB_data[$i]['ResID'] == 0x0404 )
// We've found an IPTC block - save the position
$iptc_block_pos = $i;
// If no IPTC block was found, create a new one
if ( $iptc_block_pos == -1 )
// New block position will be at the end of the array
$iptc_block_pos = count( $Photoshop_IRB_data );
// Write the new IRB resource to the Photoshop IRB array with no data
$Photoshop_IRB_data[$iptc_block_pos] = array( "ResID" => 0x0404,
"ResName" => $GLOBALS['Photoshop_ID_Names'][ 0x0404 ],
"ResDesc" => $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ][ 0x0404 ],
"ResEmbeddedName" => "\x00\x00",
"ResData" => put_IPTC( $new_IPTC_block ) );
// Return the modified IRB
return $Photoshop_IRB_data;
* End of Function: put_Photoshop_IPTC
* Function: Interpret_IRB_to_HTML
* Description: Generates html showing the information contained in a Photoshop
* IRB data array, as retrieved with get_Photoshop_IRB, including
* any IPTC-NAA IIM records found.
* Please note that the following resource numbers are not currently
* decoded: ( Many of these do not apply to JPEG images)
* 0x03E9, 0x03EE, 0x03EF, 0x03F0, 0x03F1, 0x03F2, 0x03F6, 0x03F9,
* 0x03FA, 0x03FB, 0x03FD, 0x03FE, 0x0400, 0x0401, 0x0402, 0x0405,
* 0x040E, 0x040F, 0x0410, 0x0412, 0x0413, 0x0415, 0x0416, 0x0417,
* 0x041B, 0x041C, 0x041D, 0x0BB7
* ( Also these Obsolete resource numbers)
* 0x03E8, 0x03EB, 0x03FC, 0x03FF, 0x0403
* Parameters: IRB_array - a Photoshop IRB data array as from get_Photoshop_IRB
* filename - the name of the JPEG file being processed ( used
* by the script which displays the Photoshop thumbnail)
* Returns: output_str - the HTML string
function Interpret_IRB_to_HTML( $IRB_array, $filename )
// Create a string to receive the HTML
$output_str = "";
// Check if the Photoshop IRB array is valid
if ( $IRB_array !== FALSE )
// Create another string to receive secondary HTML to be appended at the end
$secondary_output_str = "";
// Add the Heading to the HTML
$output_str .= "<h2 class=\"Photoshop_Main_Heading\">Contains Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB)</h2>";
// Add Table to the HTML
$output_str .= "<table class=\"Photoshop_Table\" border=1>\n";
// Cycle through each of the Photoshop IRB records, creating HTML for each
foreach( $IRB_array as $IRB_Resource )
// Check if the entry is a known Photoshop IRB resource
// Get the Name of the Resource
if ( array_key_exists( $IRB_Resource['ResID'], $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Names" ] ) )
$Resource_Name = $GLOBALS['Photoshop_ID_Names'][ $IRB_Resource['ResID'] ];
// Change: Added check for $GLOBALS['HIDE_UNKNOWN_TAGS'] to allow hiding of unknown resources as of 1.11
// Unknown Resource - Make appropriate name
$Resource_Name = "Unknown Resource (". $IRB_Resource['ResID'] .")";
// Add HTML for the resource as appropriate
switch ( $IRB_Resource['ResID'] )
case 0x0404 : // IPTC-NAA IIM Record
$secondary_output_str .= Interpret_IPTC_to_HTML( get_IPTC( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) );
case 0x040B : // URL
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><a href=\"" . $IRB_Resource['ResData'] . "\">" . htmlentities( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET ) ."</a></td></tr>\n";
case 0x040A : // Copyright Marked
if ( hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) == 1 )
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>Image is Copyrighted Material</pre></td></tr>\n";
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>Image is Not Copyrighted Material</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x040D : // Global Lighting Angle
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>Global lighting angle for effects layer = " . hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) . " degrees</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x0419 : // Global Altitude
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>Global Altitude = " . hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) . "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x0421 : // Version Info
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= "Version = " . hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 4 ) ) ) . "\n";
$output_str .= "Has Real Merged Data = " . ord( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][4] ) . "\n";
$writer_size = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 5, 4 ) ) ) * 2;
$output_str .= "Writer Name = " . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 9, $writer_size ), TRUE ) . "\n";
$reader_size = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 9 + $writer_size , 4 ) ) ) * 2;
$output_str .= "Reader Name = " . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 13 + $writer_size, $reader_size ), TRUE ) . "\n";
$output_str .= "File Version = " . hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 13 + $writer_size + $reader_size, 4 ) ) ) . "\n";
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x0411 : // ICC Untagged
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>Intentionally untagged - any assumed ICC profile handling disabled</pre></td></tr>\n";
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>Unknown value (0x" .bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ). ")</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x041A : // Slices
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\">";
// Unpack the first 24 bytes
$Slices_Info = unpack("NVersion/NBound_top/NBound_left/NBound_bottom/NBound_right/NStringlen", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
$output_str .= "Version = " . $Slices_Info['Version'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Bounding Rectangle = Top:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_top'] . ", Left:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_left'] . ", Bottom:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_bottom'] . ", Right:" . $Slices_Info['Bound_right'] . " (Pixels)<br>\n";
$Slicepos = 24;
// Extract a Unicode String
$output_str .= "Text = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 24, $Slices_Info['Stringlen']*2), TRUE ) . "'<br>\n";
$Slicepos += $Slices_Info['Stringlen'] * 2;
// Unpack the number of Slices
$Num_Slices = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) );
$output_str .= "Number of Slices = " . $Num_Slices . "\n";
$Slicepos += 4;
// Cycle through the slices
for( $i = 1; $i <= $Num_Slices; $i++ )
$output_str .= "<br><br>Slice $i:<br>\n";
// Unpack the first 16 bytes of the slice
$SliceA = unpack("NID/NGroupID/NOrigin/NStringlen", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos ) );
$Slicepos += 16;
$output_str .= "ID = " . $SliceA['ID'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Group ID = " . $SliceA['GroupID'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Origin = " . $SliceA['Origin'] . "<br>\n";
// Extract a Unicode String
$output_str .= "Text = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $SliceA['Stringlen']*2), TRUE ) . "'<br>\n";
$Slicepos += $SliceA['Stringlen'] * 2;
// Unpack the next 24 bytes of the slice
$SliceB = unpack("NType/NLeftPos/NTopPos/NRightPos/NBottomPos/NURLlen", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos ) );
$Slicepos += 24;
$output_str .= "Type = " . $SliceB['Type'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Position = Top:" . $SliceB['TopPos'] . ", Left:" . $SliceB['LeftPos'] . ", Bottom:" . $SliceB['BottomPos'] . ", Right:" . $SliceB['RightPos'] . " (Pixels)<br>\n";
// Extract a Unicode String
$output_str .= "URL = <a href='" . substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $SliceB['URLlen']*2) . "'>" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $SliceB['URLlen']*2), TRUE ) . "</a><br>\n";
$Slicepos += $SliceB['URLlen'] * 2;
// Unpack the length of a Unicode String
$Targetlen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) );
$Slicepos += 4;
// Extract a Unicode String
$output_str .= "Target = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $Targetlen*2), TRUE ) . "'<br>\n";
$Slicepos += $Targetlen * 2;
// Unpack the length of a Unicode String
$Messagelen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) );
$Slicepos += 4;
// Extract a Unicode String
$output_str .= "Message = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $Messagelen*2), TRUE ) . "'<br>\n";
$Slicepos += $Messagelen * 2;
// Unpack the length of a Unicode String
$AltTaglen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) );
$Slicepos += 4;
// Extract a Unicode String
$output_str .= "Alt Tag = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $AltTaglen*2), TRUE ) . "'<br>\n";
$Slicepos += $AltTaglen * 2;
// Unpack the HTML flag
if ( ord( $IRB_Resource['ResData']{ $Slicepos } ) === 0x01 )
$output_str .= "Cell Text is HTML<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Cell Text is NOT HTML<br>\n";
// Unpack the length of a Unicode String
$CellTextlen = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, 4 ) ) );
$Slicepos += 4;
// Extract a Unicode String
$output_str .= "Cell Text = '" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos, $CellTextlen*2), TRUE ) . "'<br>\n";
$Slicepos += $CellTextlen * 2;
// Unpack the last 12 bytes of the slice
$SliceC = unpack("NAlignH/NAlignV/CAlpha/CRed/CGreen/CBlue", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'], $Slicepos ) );
$Slicepos += 12;
$output_str .= "Alignment = Horizontal:" . $SliceC['AlignH'] . ", Vertical:" . $SliceC['AlignV'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Alpha Colour = " . $SliceC['Alpha'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Red = " . $SliceC['Red'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Green = " . $SliceC['Green'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Blue = " . $SliceC['Blue'] . "\n";
$output_str .= "</td></tr>\n";
case 0x0408 : // Grid and Guides information
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\">";
// Unpack the Grids info
$Grid_Info = unpack("NVersion/NGridCycleH/NGridCycleV/NGuideCount", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
$output_str .= "Version = " . $Grid_Info['Version'] . "<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Grid Cycle = " . $Grid_Info['GridCycleH']/32 . " Pixel(s) x " . $Grid_Info['GridCycleV']/32 . " Pixel(s)<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Number of Guides = " . $Grid_Info['GuideCount'] . "\n";
// Cycle through the Guides
for( $i = 0; $i < $Grid_Info['GuideCount']; $i++ )
// Unpack the info for this guide
$Guide_Info = unpack("NLocation/CDirection", substr($IRB_Resource['ResData'],16+$i*5,5) );
$output_str .= "<br>Guide $i : Location = " . $Guide_Info['Location']/32 . " Pixel(s) from edge";
if ( $Guide_Info['Direction'] === 0 )
$output_str .= ", Vertical\n";
$output_str .= ", Horizontal\n";
$output_str .= "</td></tr>\n";
case 0x0406 : // JPEG Quality
$Qual_Info = unpack("nQuality/nFormat/nScans/Cconst", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\">";
switch ( $Qual_Info['Quality'] )
case 0xFFFD:
$output_str .= "Quality 1 (Low)<br>\n";
case 0xFFFE:
$output_str .= "Quality 2 (Low)<br>\n";
case 0xFFFF:
$output_str .= "Quality 3 (Low)<br>\n";
case 0x0000:
$output_str .= "Quality 4 (Low)<br>\n";
case 0x0001:
$output_str .= "Quality 5 (Medium)<br>\n";
case 0x0002:
$output_str .= "Quality 6 (Medium)<br>\n";
case 0x0003:
$output_str .= "Quality 7 (Medium)<br>\n";
case 0x0004:
$output_str .= "Quality 8 (High)<br>\n";
case 0x0005:
$output_str .= "Quality 9 (High)<br>\n";
case 0x0006:
$output_str .= "Quality 10 (Maximum)<br>\n";
case 0x0007:
$output_str .= "Quality 11 (Maximum)<br>\n";
case 0x0008:
$output_str .= "Quality 12 (Maximum)<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Unknown Quality (" . $Qual_Info['Quality'] . ")<br>\n";
switch ( $Qual_Info['Format'] )
case 0x0000:
$output_str .= "Standard Format\n";
case 0x0001:
$output_str .= "Optimised Format\n";
case 0x0101:
$output_str .= "Progressive Format<br>\n";
$output_str .= "Unknown Format (" . $Qual_Info['Format'] .")\n";
if ( $Qual_Info['Format'] == 0x0101 )
switch ( $Qual_Info['Scans'] )
case 0x0001:
$output_str .= "3 Scans\n";
case 0x0002:
$output_str .= "4 Scans\n";
case 0x0003:
$output_str .= "5 Scans\n";
$output_str .= "Unknown number of scans (" . $Qual_Info['Scans'] .")\n";
$output_str .= "</td></tr>\n";
case 0x0409 : // Thumbnail Resource
case 0x040C : // Thumbnail Resource
$thumb_data = unpack("NFormat/NWidth/NHeight/NWidthBytes/NSize/NCompressedSize/nBitsPixel/nPlanes", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= "Format = " . (( $thumb_data['Format'] == 1 ) ? "JPEG RGB\n" : "Raw RGB\n");
$output_str .= "Width = " . $thumb_data['Width'] . "\n";
$output_str .= "Height = " . $thumb_data['Height'] . "\n";
$output_str .= "Padded Row Bytes = " . $thumb_data['WidthBytes'] . " bytes\n";
$output_str .= "Total Size = " . $thumb_data['Size'] . " bytes\n";
$output_str .= "Compressed Size = " . $thumb_data['CompressedSize'] . " bytes\n";
$output_str .= "Bits per Pixel = " . $thumb_data['BitsPixel'] . " bits\n";
$output_str .= "Number of planes = " . $thumb_data['Planes'] . " bytes\n";
// Change: as of version 1.11 - Changed to make thumbnail link portable across directories
// Build the path of the thumbnail script and its filename parameter to put in a url
$link_str = get_relative_path( dirname(__FILE__) . "/get_ps_thumb.php" , getcwd ( ) );
$link_str .= "?filename=";
$link_str .= get_relative_path( $filename, dirname(__FILE__) );
// Add thumbnail link to html
$output_str .= "Thumbnail Data:</pre><a class=\"Photoshop_Thumbnail_Link\" href=\"$link_str\"><img class=\"Photoshop_Thumbnail_Link\" src=\"$link_str\"></a>\n";
$output_str .= "</td></tr>\n";
case 0x0414 : // Document Specific ID's
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>" . hexdec( bin2hex( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) ) . "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x041E : // URL List
$URL_count = hexdec( bin2hex( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 4 ) ) );
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\">\n";
$output_str .= "$URL_count URL's in list<br>\n";
$urlstr = substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 4 );
// TODO: Check if URL List in Photoshop IRB works
for( $i = 0; $i < $URL_count; $i++ )
$url_data = unpack( "NLong/NID/NURLSize", $urlstr );
$output_str .= "URL $i info: long = " . $url_data['Long'] .", ";
$output_str .= "ID = " . $url_data['ID'] . ", ";
$urlstr = substr( $urlstr, 12 );
$url = substr( $urlstr, 0, $url_data['URLSize'] );
$output_str .= "URL = <a href=\"" . xml_UTF16_clean( $url, TRUE ) . "\">" . HTML_UTF16_Escape( $url, TRUE ) . "</a><br>\n";
$output_str .= "</td></tr>\n";
case 0x03F4 : // Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information.
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= Interpret_Halftone( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x03F5 : // Color halftoning information
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= "Cyan Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 18 ) ) . "\n\n";
$output_str .= "Magenta Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 18, 18 ) ) . "\n\n";
$output_str .= "Yellow Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 36, 18 ) ) . "\n";
$output_str .= "Black Halftoning Info:\n" . Interpret_Halftone( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 54, 18 ) ) . "\n";
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x03F7 : // Grayscale and multichannel transfer function.
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 28 ) ) ;
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x03F8 : // Color transfer functions
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= "Red Transfer Function: \n" . Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 0, 28 ) ) . "\n\n";
$output_str .= "Green Transfer Function: \n" . Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 28, 28 ) ) . "\n\n";
$output_str .= "Blue Transfer Function: \n" . Interpret_Transfer_Function( substr( $IRB_Resource['ResData'], 56, 28 ) ) . "\n";
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x03F3 : // Print Flags
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][0] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Labels Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Labels Not Selected\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][1] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Crop Marks Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Crop Marks Not Selected\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][2] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Color Bars Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Color Bars Not Selected\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][3] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Registration Marks Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Registration Marks Not Selected\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][4] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Negative Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Negative Not Selected\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][5] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Flip Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Flip Not Selected\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][6] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Interpolate Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Interpolate Not Selected\n";
if ( $IRB_Resource['ResData'][7] == "\x01" )
$output_str .= "Caption Selected";
$output_str .= "Caption Not Selected";
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x2710 : // Print Flags Information
$PrintFlags = unpack( "nVersion/CCentCrop/Cjunk/NBleedWidth/nBleedWidthScale", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= "Version = " . $PrintFlags['Version'] . "\n";
$output_str .= "Centre Crop Marks = " . $PrintFlags['CentCrop'] . "\n";
$output_str .= "Bleed Width = " . $PrintFlags['BleedWidth'] . "\n";
$output_str .= "Bleed Width Scale = " . $PrintFlags['BleedWidthScale'];
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
case 0x03ED : // Resolution Info
$ResInfo = unpack( "nhRes_int/nhResdec/nhResUnit/nwidthUnit/nvRes_int/nvResdec/nvResUnit/nheightUnit", $IRB_Resource['ResData'] );
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\"><pre>\n";
$output_str .= "Horizontal Resolution = " . ($ResInfo['hRes_int'] + $ResInfo['hResdec']/65536) . " pixels per Inch\n";
$output_str .= "Vertical Resolution = " . ($ResInfo['vRes_int'] + $ResInfo['vResdec']/65536) . " pixels per Inch\n";
if ( $ResInfo['hResUnit'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Horizontal Resolution = Pixels per Inch\n";
elseif ( $ResInfo['hResUnit'] == 2 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Horizontal Resolution = Pixels per Centimetre\n";
$output_str .= "Display units for Horizontal Resolution = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['hResUnit'] .")\n";
if ( $ResInfo['vResUnit'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Vertical Resolution = Pixels per Inch\n";
elseif ( $ResInfo['vResUnit'] == 2 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Vertical Resolution = Pixels per Centimetre\n";
$output_str .= "Display units for Vertical Resolution = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['vResUnit'] .")\n";
if ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Inches\n";
elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 2 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Centimetres\n";
elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 3 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Points\n";
elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 4 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Picas\n";
elseif ( $ResInfo['widthUnit'] == 5 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Columns\n";
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Width = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['widthUnit'] .")\n";
if ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Inches";
elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 2 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Centimetres";
elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 3 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Points";
elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 4 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Picas";
elseif ( $ResInfo['heightUnit'] == 5 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Columns";
$output_str .= "Display units for Image Height = Unknown Value (". $ResInfo['heightUnit'] .")";
$output_str .= "</pre></td></tr>\n";
default : // All other records
$output_str .= "<tr class=\"Photoshop_Table_Row\"><td class=\"Photoshop_Caption_Cell\">$Resource_Name</td><td class=\"Photoshop_Value_Cell\">RESOURCE DECODING NOT IMPLEMENTED YET<BR>" . strlen( $IRB_Resource['ResData'] ) . " bytes</td></tr>\n";
// Add the table end to the HTML
$output_str .= "</table>\n";
// Add any secondary output to the HTML
$output_str .= $secondary_output_str;
// Return the HTML
return $output_str;
* End of Function: Interpret_IRB_to_HTML
* Function: unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data
* Description: Extracts Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB) information
* from a binary string containing the IRB, as read from a file
* Parameters: IRB_Data - The binary string containing the IRB
* Returns: IRBdata - The array of Photoshop IRB records
function unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $IRB_Data )
$pos = 0;
// Cycle through the IRB and extract its records - Records are started with 8BIM, so cycle until no more instances of 8BIM can be found
while ( ( $pos < strlen( $IRB_Data ) ) && ( ($pos = strpos( $IRB_Data, "8BIM", $pos) ) !== FALSE ) )
// Skip the position over the 8BIM characters
$pos += 4;
// Next two characters are the record ID - denoting what type of record it is.
$ID = ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos } ) * 256 + ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos +1 } );
// Skip the positionover the two record ID characters
$pos += 2;
// Next comes a Record Name - usually not used, but it should be a null terminated string, padded with 0x00 to be an even length
$namestartpos = $pos;
// Change: Fixed processing of embedded resource names, as of revision 1.10
// NOTE: Photoshop does not process resource names according to the standard :
// "Adobe Photoshop 6.0 File Formats Specification, Version 6.0, Release 2, November 2000"
// The resource name is actually formatted as follows:
// One byte name length, followed by the null terminated ascii name string.
// The field is then padded with a Null character if required, to ensure that the
// total length of the name length and name is even.
// Name - process it
// Get the length
$namelen = ord ( $IRB_Data{ $namestartpos } );
// Total length of name and length info must be even, hence name length must be odd
// Check if the name length is even,
if ( $namelen % 2 == 0 )
// add one to length to make it odd
$namelen ++;
// Extract the name
$resembeddedname = trim( substr ( $IRB_Data, $namestartpos+1, $namelen) );
$pos += $namelen + 1;
// Next is a four byte size field indicating the size in bytes of the record's data - MSB first
$datasize = ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos } ) * 16777216 + ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos + 1 } ) * 65536 +
ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos + 2 } ) * 256 + ord( $IRB_Data{ $pos + 3 } );
$pos += 4;
// The record is stored padded with 0x00 characters to make the size even, so we need to calculate the stored size
$storedsize = $datasize + ($datasize % 2);
$resdata = substr ( $IRB_Data, $pos, $datasize );
// Get the description for this resource
// Check if this is a Path information Resource, since they have a range of ID's
if ( ( $ID >= 0x07D0 ) && ( $ID <= 0x0BB6 ) )
$ResDesc = "ID Info : Path Information (saved paths).";
if ( array_key_exists( $ID, $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ] ) )
$ResDesc = $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ][ $ID ];
$ResDesc = "";
// Get the Name of the Resource
if ( array_key_exists( $ID, $GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Names" ] ) )
$ResName = $GLOBALS['Photoshop_ID_Names'][ $ID ];
$ResName = "";
// Store the Resource in the array to be returned
$IRB_Array[] = array( "ResID" => $ID,
"ResName" => $ResName,
"ResDesc" => $ResDesc,
"ResEmbeddedName" => $resembeddedname,
"ResData" => $resdata );
// Jump over the data to the next record
$pos += $storedsize;
// Return the array created
return $IRB_Array;
* End of Function: unpack_Photoshop_IRB_Data
* Function: pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data
* Description: Packs a Photoshop Information Resource Block (IRB) array into it's
* binary form, which can be written to a file
* Parameters: IRB_data - an Photoshop IRB array to be converted. Should be in
* the same format as received from get_Photoshop_IRB
* Returns: packed_IRB_data - the binary string of packed IRB data
function pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data( $IRB_data )
$packed_IRB_data = "";
// Cycle through each resource in the IRB,
foreach ($IRB_data as $resource)
// Change: Fix to avoid creating blank resources, as of revision 1.10
// Check if there is actually any data for this resource
if( strlen( $resource['ResData'] ) == 0 )
// No data for resource - skip it
// Append the 8BIM tag, and resource ID to the packed output data
$packed_IRB_data .= pack("a4n", "8BIM", $resource['ResID'] );
// Change: Fixed processing of embedded resource names, as of revision 1.10
// NOTE: Photoshop does not process resource names according to the standard :
// "Adobe Photoshop 6.0 File Formats Specification, Version 6.0, Release 2, November 2000"
// The resource name is actually formatted as follows:
// One byte name length, followed by the null terminated ascii name string.
// The field is then padded with a Null character if required, to ensure that the
// total length of the name length and name is even.
// Append Name Size
$packed_IRB_data .= pack( "c", strlen(trim($resource['ResEmbeddedName'])));
// Append the Resource Name to the packed output data
$packed_IRB_data .= trim($resource['ResEmbeddedName']);
// If the resource name is even length, then with the addition of
// the size it becomes odd and needs to be padded to an even number
if ( strlen( trim($resource['ResEmbeddedName']) ) % 2 == 0 )
// then it needs to be evened up by appending another null
$packed_IRB_data .= "\x00";
// Append the resource data size to the packed output data
$packed_IRB_data .= pack("N", strlen( $resource['ResData'] ) );
// Append the resource data to the packed output data
$packed_IRB_data .= $resource['ResData'];
// If the resource data is odd length,
if ( strlen( $resource['ResData'] ) % 2 == 1 )
// then it needs to be evened up by appending another null
$packed_IRB_data .= "\x00";
// Return the packed data string
return $packed_IRB_data;
* End of Function: pack_Photoshop_IRB_Data
* Internal Function: Interpret_Transfer_Function
* Description: Used by Interpret_IRB_to_HTML to interpret Color transfer functions
* for Photoshop IRB resource 0x03F8. Converts the transfer function
* information to a human readable version.
* Parameters: Transfer_Function_Binary - a 28 byte Ink curves structure string
* Returns: output_str - the text string containing the transfer function
* information
function Interpret_Transfer_Function( $Transfer_Function_Binary )
// Unpack the Transfer function information
$Trans_vals = unpack ( "n13Curve/nOverride", $Transfer_Function_Binary );
$output_str = "Transfer Function Points: ";
// Cycle through each of the Transfer function array values
foreach ( $Trans_vals as $Key => $val )
// Check if the value should be negative
if ($val > 32768 )
// Value should be negative - make it so
$val = $val - 65536;
// Check that the Override item is not getting in this list, and
// that the value is not -1, which means ignored
if ( ( $Key != "Override" ) && ( $val != -1 ) )
// This is a valid transfer function point, output it
$output_str .= $val/10 . "%, ";
// Output the override info
if ( $Trans_vals['Override'] == 0 )
$output_str .= "\nOverride: Let printer supply curve";
$output_str .= "\nOverride: Override printer<65>s default transfer curve";
// Return the result
return $output_str;
* End of Function: Interpret_Transfer_Function
* Internal Function: Interpret_Halftone
* Description: Used by Interpret_IRB_to_HTML to interpret Color halftoning information
* for Photoshop IRB resource 0x03F5. Converts the halftoning info
* to a human readable version.
* Parameters: Transfer_Function_Binary - a 18 byte Halftone screen parameter
& structure string
* Returns: output_str - the text string containing the transfer function
* information
function Interpret_Halftone( $Halftone_Binary )
// Create a string to receive the output
$output_str = "";
// Unpack the binary data into an array
$HalftoneInfo = unpack( "nFreqVal_int/nFreqVal_dec/nFreqScale/nAngle_int/nAngle_dec/nShapeCode/NMisc/CAccurate/CDefault", $Halftone_Binary );
// Interpret Ink Screen Frequency
$output_str .= "Ink Screen Frequency = " . ($HalftoneInfo['FreqVal_int'] + $HalftoneInfo['FreqVal_dec']/65536) . " lines per Inch\n";
if ( $HalftoneInfo['FreqScale'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Display units for Ink Screen Frequency = Inches\n";
$output_str .= "Display units for Ink Screen Frequency = Centimetres\n";
// Interpret Angle for screen
$output_str .= "Angle for screen = " . ($HalftoneInfo['Angle_int'] + $HalftoneInfo['Angle_dec']/65536) . " degrees\n";
// Interpret Shape of Halftone Dots
if ($HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] > 32768 )
$HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] = $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] - 65536;
if ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 0 )
$output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Round\n";
elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Ellipse\n";
elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 2 )
$output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Line\n";
elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 3 )
$output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Square\n";
elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 4 )
$output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Cross\n";
elseif ( $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] == 6 )
$output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Diamond\n";
$output_str .= "Shape of Halftone Dots = Unknown shape (" . $HalftoneInfo['ShapeCode'] . ")\n";
// Interpret Accurate Screens
if ( $HalftoneInfo['Accurate'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Use Accurate Screens Selected\n";
$output_str .= "Use Other (not Accurate) Screens Selected\n";
// Interpret Printer Default Screens
if ( $HalftoneInfo['Default'] == 1 )
$output_str .= "Use printer<65>s default screens\n";
$output_str .= "Use Other (not Printer Default) Screens Selected\n";
// Return Text
return $output_str;
* End of Global Variable: Interpret_Halftone
* Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Names
* Contents: The Names of the Photoshop IRB resources, indexed by their
* resource number
$GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Names" ] = array(
0x03E8 => "Number of channels, rows, columns, depth, and mode. (Obsolete)",
0x03E9 => "Macintosh print manager info ",
0x03EB => "Indexed color table (Obsolete)",
0x03ED => "Resolution Info",
0x03EE => "Alpha Channel Names",
0x03EF => "Display Info",
0x03F0 => "Caption String",
0x03F1 => "Border information",
0x03F2 => "Background color",
0x03F3 => "Print flags",
0x03F4 => "Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information",
0x03F5 => "Color halftoning information",
0x03F6 => "Duotone halftoning information",
0x03F7 => "Grayscale and multichannel transfer function",
0x03F8 => "Color transfer functions",
0x03F9 => "Duotone transfer functions",
0x03FA => "Duotone image information",
0x03FB => "Black and white values",
0x03FC => "Obsolete Resource.",
0x03FD => "EPS options",
0x03FE => "Quick Mask information",
0x03FF => "Obsolete Resource",
0x0400 => "Layer state information",
0x0401 => "Working path (not saved)",
0x0402 => "Layers group information",
0x0403 => "Obsolete Resource",
0x0404 => "IPTC-NAA record",
0x0405 => "Raw Format Image mode",
0x0406 => "JPEG quality",
0x0408 => "Grid and guides information",
0x0409 => "Thumbnail resource",
0x040A => "Copyright flag",
0x040B => "URL",
0x040C => "Thumbnail resource",
0x040D => "Global Angle",
0x040E => "Color samplers resource",
0x040F => "ICC Profile",
0x0410 => "Watermark",
0x0411 => "ICC Untagged",
0x0412 => "Effects visible",
0x0413 => "Spot Halftone",
0x0414 => "Document Specific IDs",
0x0415 => "Unicode Alpha Names",
0x0416 => "Indexed Color Table Count",
0x0417 => "Tansparent Index. Index of transparent color, if any.",
0x0419 => "Global Altitude",
0x041A => "Slices",
0x041B => "Workflow URL",
0x041C => "Jump To XPEP",
0x041D => "Alpha Identifiers",
0x041E => "URL List",
0x0421 => "Version Info",
0x0BB7 => "Name of clipping path.",
0x2710 => "Print flags information"
* End of Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Names
* Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Descriptions
* Contents: The Descriptions of the Photoshop IRB resources, indexed by their
* resource number
$GLOBALS[ "Photoshop_ID_Descriptions" ] = array(
0x03E8 => "Obsolete<EFBFBD>Photoshop 2.0 only. number of channels, rows, columns, depth, and mode.",
0x03E9 => "Optional. Macintosh print manager print info record.",
0x03EB => "Obsolete<EFBFBD>Photoshop 2.0 only. Contains the indexed color table.",
0x03ED => "ResolutionInfo structure. See Appendix A in Photoshop SDK Guide.pdf",
0x03EE => "Names of the alpha channels as a series of Pascal strings.",
0x03EF => "DisplayInfo structure. See Appendix A in Photoshop SDK Guide.pdf",
0x03F0 => "Optional. The caption as a Pascal string.",
0x03F1 => "Border information. border width, border units",
0x03F2 => "Background color.",
0x03F3 => "Print flags. labels, crop marks, color bars, registration marks, negative, flip, interpolate, caption.",
0x03F4 => "Grayscale and multichannel halftoning information.",
0x03F5 => "Color halftoning information.",
0x03F6 => "Duotone halftoning information.",
0x03F7 => "Grayscale and multichannel transfer function.",
0x03F8 => "Color transfer functions.",
0x03F9 => "Duotone transfer functions.",
0x03FA => "Duotone image information.",
0x03FB => "Effective black and white values for the dot range.",
0x03FC => "Obsolete Resource.",
0x03FD => "EPS options.",
0x03FE => "Quick Mask information. Quick Mask channel ID, Mask initially empty.",
0x03FF => "Obsolete Resource.",
0x0400 => "Layer state information. Index of target layer.",
0x0401 => "Working path (not saved).",
0x0402 => "Layers group information. Group ID for the dragging groups. Layers in a group have the same group ID.",
0x0403 => "Obsolete Resource.",
0x0404 => "IPTC-NAA record. This contains the File Info... information. See the IIMV4.pdf document.",
0x0405 => "Image mode for raw format files.",
0x0406 => "JPEG quality. Private.",
0x0408 => "Grid and guides information.",
0x0409 => "Thumbnail resource.",
0x040A => "Copyright flag. Boolean indicating whether image is copyrighted. Can be set via Property suite or by user in File Info...",
0x040B => "URL. Handle of a text string with uniform resource locator. Can be set via Property suite or by user in File Info...",
0x040C => "Thumbnail resource.",
0x040D => "Global Angle. Global lighting angle for effects layer.",
0x040E => "Color samplers resource.",
0x040F => "ICC Profile. The raw bytes of an ICC format profile, see the ICC34.pdf and ICC34.h files from the Internation Color Consortium.",
0x0410 => "Watermark.",
0x0411 => "ICC Untagged. Disables any assumed profile handling when opening the file. 1 = intentionally untagged.",
0x0412 => "Effects visible. Show/hide all the effects layer.",
0x0413 => "Spot Halftone. Version, length, variable length data.",
0x0414 => "Document specific IDs for layer identification",
0x0415 => "Unicode Alpha Names. Length and the string",
0x0416 => "Indexed Color Table Count. Number of colors in table that are actually defined",
0x0417 => "Transparent Index. Index of transparent color, if any.",
0x0419 => "Global Altitude.",
0x041A => "Slices.",
0x041B => "Workflow URL. Length, string.",
0x041C => "Jump To XPEP. Major version, Minor version, Count. Table which can include: Dirty flag, Mod date.",
0x041D => "Alpha Identifiers.",
0x041E => "URL List. Count of URLs, IDs, and strings",
0x0421 => "Version Info. Version, HasRealMergedData, string of writer name, string of reader name, file version.",
0x0BB7 => "Name of clipping path.",
0x2710 => "Print flags information. Version, Center crop marks, Bleed width value, Bleed width scale."
* End of Global Variable: Photoshop_ID_Descriptions