2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

279 lines
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* Filename: PIM.php
* Description: Provides functions for reading, writing and interpreting a
* Print Image Matching information data block.
* Author: Evan Hunter
* Date: 23/7/2004
* Project: PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit
* Revision: 1.00
* URL:
* Copyright: Copyright Evan Hunter 2004
* License: This file is part of the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you require a different license for commercial or other
* purposes, please contact the author:
include_once $JPEG_TOOLKIT."EXIF.php";
// TODO Find out definitions of Print Image Matching Info tags
* Function: Decode_PIM
* Description: Decodes the contents of a EXIF tag containing Print Image
* Matching information, and returns the contents as an array
* Parameters: tag - An EXIF tag containing Print Image Matching information
* as from get_EXIF_JPEG
* Tag_Definitions_Name - The name of the Tag Definitions group
* within the global array IFD_Tag_Definitions
* Returns: newtag - The EXIF tag, modified with the data field containing
* an array of the PIM contents
function Decode_PIM( $tag, $Tag_Definitions_Name )
// Create a new EXIF tag for the output
$newtag = $tag;
// Check that this tag is for Print Image Matching Info
if ( $tag['Type'] == "PIM" )
// Check that the data starts with PrintIM
if ( substr( $tag['Data'], 0, 8 ) == "PrintIM\x00" )
// Find the end of the version string
if ( ( $ver_pos = strpos ( $tag['Data'], "\0", 8 ) ) == -1 )
// couldn't find the start of the version string
return $newtag;
// Create an array to receive the Data
$newtag['Data'] = array( );
// Extract the PrintIM version
$newtag['Data']['Version'] = substr( $tag['Data'], 8, $ver_pos - 8 );
// Skip the position over the version
$count_pos = $ver_pos+2;
// Extract the count of tags - 2 bytes
$PI_tag_count = get_IFD_Data_Type( substr($tag['Data'], $count_pos, 2) , 3, $tag['Byte Align'] );
// Panasonic have put an extra Null after the Version, which
// causes the tag count to be wrong -
// check if it is zero - i.e. possibly wrong
if ( ( $PI_tag_count == 0 ) )
// Tag count is zero - try moving the position by one,
// then re-extracting the count
$PI_tag_count = get_IFD_Data_Type( substr($tag['Data'], $count_pos, 2) , 3, $tag['Byte Align'] );
// Extract the data part of the PrintIM block
$data_part = substr($tag['Data'], $count_pos+2);
// Cycle through each tag
for ( $a = 0; $a < $PI_tag_count; $a++ )
// Read the tag number - 2 bytes
$PI_tag = get_IFD_Data_Type( substr($data_part, $a*6, 2) , 3, $tag['Byte Align'] );
// Read the tag data - 4 bytes
$newtag['Data'][ ] = array( 'Tag Number' => $PI_tag, 'Data' => substr($data_part, $a*6+2, 4) , 'Decoded' => False );
// Return the updated tag
return $newtag;
* End of Function: Decode_PIM
* Function: Encode_PIM
* Description: Encodes the contents of a EXIF tag containing Print Image
* Matching information, and returns the contents as a packed binary string
* Parameters: tag - An EXIF tag containing Print Image Matching information
* as from get_EXIF_JPEG
* Byte_Align - the Byte alignment to use - "MM" or "II"
* Returns: packed_data - The packed binary string representing the PIM data
function Encode_PIM( $tag, $Byte_Align)
// Create a string to receive the packed data
$packed_data = "";
// Check that this tag is for Print Image Matching Info
if ( $tag['Type'] == "PIM" )
// Check that the tag has been decoded - otherwise we don't need to do anything
if ( ( is_array( $tag['Data'] ) ) &&
( count ( $tag['Data'] ) > 0 ) )
// Add the header to the packed data
$packed_data .= "PrintIM\x00";
// Add the version to the packed data
$packed_data .= $tag['Data']['Version'] . "\x00";
// Create a string to receive the tag data
$tag_data_str = "";
// Cycle through each tag
$tag_count = 0;
foreach( $tag['Data'] as $key => $curr_tag )
// Make sure this is a tag and not supplementary info
if ( is_numeric( $key ) )
// Count how many tags are created
// Add the tag number to the packed tag data
$tag_data_str .= put_IFD_Data_Type( $curr_tag['Tag Number'], 3, $Byte_Align );
// Add the tag data to the packed tag data
$tag_data_str .= $curr_tag['Data'];
// Add the tag count to the packed data
$packed_data .= put_IFD_Data_Type( $tag_count, 3, $Byte_Align );
// Add the packed tag data to the packed data
$packed_data .= $tag_data_str;
// Return the resulting packed data
return $packed_data;
* End of Function: Encode_PIM
* Function: get_PIM_Text_Value
* Description: Interprets the contents of a EXIF tag containing Print Image
* Matching information, and returns content as as a text string
* Parameters: tag - An EXIF tag containing Print Image Matching information
* as from get_EXIF_JPEG
* Tag_Definitions_Name - The name of the Tag Definitions group
* within the global array IFD_Tag_Definitions
* Returns: output_str - The text string representing the PIM info
function get_PIM_Text_Value( $Tag, $Tag_Definitions_Name )
// Create a string to receive the output
$output_str = "";
// Check if the PIM tag has been decoded
if ( ( is_array( $Tag['Data'] ) ) &&
( count ( $Tag['Data'] ) > 0 ) )
// The tag has been decoded
// Add the Version to the output
$output_str = "Version: " . $Tag['Data']['Version'] . "\n";
// Check if the user wants to hide unknown tags
// The user wants to see unknown tags
// Cycle through each tag
foreach ( $Tag['Data'] as $PIM_tag_Key => $PIM_tag )
// Check that the tag is not the version array element
if ( $PIM_tag_Key !== 'Version' )
// Add the tag to the output
$output_str .= "Unknown Tag " . $PIM_tag['Tag Number'] . ": (" . strlen( $PIM_tag['Data'] ) . " bytes of data)\n";
// Return the output text
return $output_str;
* End of Function: get_PIM_Text_Value