2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

467 lines
27 KiB
Executable file

* actionscript3.php
* ----------------
* Author: Jordi Boggiano (
* Copyright: (c) 2007 Jordi Boggiano (, Benny Baumann (
* Release Version:
* Date Started: 2007/11/26
* ActionScript3 language file for GeSHi.
* All keywords scraped from the Flex 2.0.1 Documentation
* The default style is based on FlexBuilder2 coloring, with the addition of class, package, method and
* constant names that are highlighted to help identifying problem when used on public pastebins.
* For styling, keywords data from 0 to 1 (accessible through .kw1, etc.) are described here :
* 1 : operators
* 2 : 'var' keyword
* 3 : 'function' keyword
* 4 : 'class' and 'package' keywords
* 5 : all flash.* class names plus Top Level classes, mx are excluded
* 6 : all flash.* package names, mx are excluded
* 7 : valid flash method names and properties (there is no type checks sadly, for example String().x will be highlighted as 'x' is valid, but obviously strings don't have a x property)
* 8 : valid flash constant names (again, no type check)
* -------
* 2007/12/06 (
* - Added the 'this' keyword (oops)
* TODO (updated 2007/11/30)
* -------------------------
* This file is part of GeSHi.
* GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
$language_data = array (
'LANG_NAME' => 'ActionScript 3',
'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '//'),
'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
'KEYWORDS' => array(
1 => array(
'with', 'while', 'void', 'undefined', 'typeof', 'try', 'true',
'throw', 'this', 'switch', 'super', 'set', 'return', 'public', 'protected',
'private', 'null', 'new', 'is', 'internal', 'instanceof', 'in',
'import', 'if', 'get', 'for', 'false', 'else', 'each', 'do',
'delete', 'default', 'continue', 'catch', 'case', 'break', 'as'
2 => array(
3 => array(
4 => array(
'class', 'package'
6 => array(
'flash.xml', 'flash.utils', 'flash.ui', 'flash.text',
'flash.system', 'flash.profiler', 'flash.printing', '',
'', 'flash.geom', 'flash.filters', 'flash.external',
'', 'flash.errors', 'flash.display',
7 => array(
'zoom', 'year', 'y', 'xmlDecl', 'x', 'writeUnsignedInt',
'writeUTFBytes', 'writeUTF', 'writeShort', 'writeObject',
'writeMultiByte', 'writeInt', 'writeFloat', 'writeExternal',
'writeDynamicProperty', 'writeDynamicProperties', 'writeDouble',
'writeBytes', 'writeByte', 'writeBoolean', 'wordWrap',
'willTrigger', 'width', 'volume', 'visible', 'videoWidth',
'videoHeight', 'version', 'valueOf', 'value', 'usingTLS',
'useRichTextClipboard', 'useHandCursor', 'useEchoSuppression',
'useCodePage', 'url', 'uri', 'uploadCompleteData', 'upload',
'updateProperties', 'updateAfterEvent', 'upState', 'unshift',
'unlock', 'unload', 'union', 'unescapeMultiByte', 'unescape',
'underline', 'uncompress', 'type', 'ty', 'tx', 'transparent',
'translate', 'transformPoint', 'transform', 'trackAsMenu', 'track',
'trace', 'totalMemory', 'totalFrames', 'topLeft', 'top',
'togglePause', 'toXMLString', 'toUpperCase', 'toUTCString',
'toTimeString', 'toString', 'toPrecision', 'toLowerCase',
'toLocaleUpperCase', 'toLocaleTimeString', 'toLocaleString',
'toLocaleLowerCase', 'toLocaleDateString', 'toFixed',
'toExponential', 'toDateString', 'timezoneOffset', 'timerComplete',
'timer', 'time', 'threshold', 'thickness', 'textWidth',
'textSnapshot', 'textInput', 'textHeight', 'textColor', 'text',
'test', 'target', 'tan', 'tabStops', 'tabIndexChange', 'tabIndex',
'tabEnabledChange', 'tabEnabled', 'tabChildrenChange',
'tabChildren', 'sync', 'swfVersion', 'swapChildrenAt',
'swapChildren', 'subtract', 'substring', 'substr', 'styleSheet',
'styleNames', 'strength', 'stopPropagation',
'stopImmediatePropagation', 'stopDrag', 'stopAll', 'stop', 'status',
'startDrag', 'start', 'stageY', 'stageX', 'stageWidth',
'stageHeight', 'stageFocusRect', 'stage', 'sqrt', 'split', 'splice',
'source', 'soundTransform', 'soundComplete', 'sortOn', 'sort',
'songName', 'some', 'socketData', 'smoothing', 'slice', 'size',
'sin', 'silent', 'silenceTimeout', 'silenceLevel', 'showSettings',
'showRedrawRegions', 'showDefaultContextMenu', 'show', 'shortcut',
'shiftKey', 'shift', 'sharpness', 'sharedEvents', 'shadowColor',
'shadowAlpha', 'settings', 'setUseEchoSuppression', 'setUTCSeconds',
'setUTCMonth', 'setUTCMinutes', 'setUTCMilliseconds', 'setUTCHours',
'setUTCFullYear', 'setUTCDate', 'setTimeout', 'setTime',
'setTextFormat', 'setStyle', 'setSilenceLevel', 'setSettings',
'setSelection', 'setSelected', 'setSelectColor', 'setSeconds',
'setQuality', 'setPropertyIsEnumerable', 'setProperty', 'setPixels',
'setPixel32', 'setPixel', 'setNamespace', 'setName',
'setMotionLevel', 'setMonth', 'setMode', 'setMinutes',
'setMilliseconds', 'setLoopback', 'setLoopBack', 'setLocalName',
'setKeyFrameInterval', 'setInterval', 'setHours', 'setFullYear',
'setEmpty', 'setDirty', 'setDate', 'setCompositionString',
'setClipboard', 'setChildren', 'setChildIndex',
'setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable', 'serverString', 'separatorBefore',
'sendToURL', 'send', 'selectionEndIndex', 'selectionBeginIndex',
'selectable', 'select', 'seek', 'securityError', 'securityDomain',
'secondsUTC', 'seconds', 'search', 'scrollV', 'scrollRect',
'scrollH', 'scroll', 'screenResolutionY', 'screenResolutionX',
'screenDPI', 'screenColor', 'scenes', 'scaleY', 'scaleX',
'scaleMode', 'scale9Grid', 'scale', 'save', 'sandboxType',
'sameDomain', 'running', 'round', 'rotation', 'rotate', 'root',
'rollOver', 'rollOut', 'rightToRight', 'rightToLeft', 'rightPeak',
'rightMargin', 'right', 'rewind', 'reverse', 'resume', 'restrict',
'resize', 'reset', 'requestHeaders', 'replaceText',
'replaceSelectedText', 'replace', 'repeatCount', 'render',
'removedFromStage', 'removed', 'removeNode', 'removeNamespace',
'removeEventListener', 'removeChildAt', 'removeChild',
'relatedObject', 'registerFont', 'registerClassAlias', 'redOffset',
'redMultiplier', 'rect', 'receiveVideo', 'receiveAudio',
'readUnsignedShort', 'readUnsignedInt', 'readUnsignedByte',
'readUTFBytes', 'readUTF', 'readShort', 'readObject',
'readMultiByte', 'readInt', 'readFloat', 'readExternal',
'readDouble', 'readBytes', 'readByte', 'readBoolean', 'ratios',
'rate', 'random', 'quality', 'push', 'publish', 'proxyType',
'prototype', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'progress',
'processingInstructions', 'printAsBitmap', 'print',
'previousSibling', 'preventDefault', 'prevScene', 'prevFrame',
'prettyPrinting', 'prettyIndent', 'preserveAlpha', 'prependChild',
'prefix', 'pow', 'position', 'pop', 'polar', 'playerType', 'play',
'pixelSnapping', 'pixelDissolve', 'pixelBounds', 'pixelAspectRatio',
'perlinNoise', 'pause', 'parseXML', 'parseInt', 'parseFloat',
'parseCSS', 'parse', 'parentNode', 'parentDomain',
'parentAllowsChild', 'parent', 'parameters', 'paperWidth',
'paperHeight', 'pan', 'paletteMap', 'pageWidth', 'pageHeight',
'overState', 'outsideCutoff', 'os', 'orientation', 'open',
'opaqueBackground', 'onPlayStatus', 'onMetaData', 'onCuePoint',
'offsetPoint', 'offset', 'objectID', 'objectEncoding', 'numLock',
'numLines', 'numFrames', 'numChildren', 'normalize', 'noise',
'nodeValue', 'nodeType', 'nodeName', 'nodeKind', 'noAutoLabeling',
'nextValue', 'nextSibling', 'nextScene', 'nextNameIndex',
'nextName', 'nextFrame', 'netStatus', 'navigateToURL',
'namespaceURI', 'namespaceDeclarations', 'namespace', 'names',
'name', 'muted', 'multiline', 'moveTo', 'mouseY', 'mouseX',
'mouseWheelEnabled', 'mouseWheel', 'mouseUp', 'mouseTarget',
'mouseOver', 'mouseOut', 'mouseMove', 'mouseLeave',
'mouseFocusChange', 'mouseEnabled', 'mouseDown', 'mouseChildren',
'motionTimeout', 'motionLevel', 'monthUTC', 'month',
'modificationDate', 'mode', 'minutesUTC', 'minutes', 'min',
'millisecondsUTC', 'milliseconds', 'method', 'message', 'merge',
'menuSelect', 'menuItemSelect', 'maxScrollV', 'maxScrollH',
'maxLevel', 'maxChars', 'max', 'matrixY', 'matrixX', 'matrix',
'match', 'mask', 'mapPoint', 'mapBitmap', 'map', 'manufacturer',
'macType', 'loopback', 'loop', 'log', 'lock', 'localeCompare',
'localY', 'localX', 'localToGlobal', 'localName',
'localFileReadDisable', 'loaderURL', 'loaderInfo', 'loader',
'loadPolicyFile', 'loadBytes', 'load', 'liveDelay', 'link',
'lineTo', 'lineStyle', 'lineGradientStyle', 'level',
'letterSpacing', 'length', 'leftToRight', 'leftToLeft', 'leftPeak',
'leftMargin', 'left', 'leading', 'lastIndexOf', 'lastIndex',
'lastChild', 'language', 'labels', 'knockout', 'keyUp',
'keyLocation', 'keyFrameInterval', 'keyFocusChange', 'keyDown',
'keyCode', 'kerning', 'join', 'italic', 'isXMLName',
'isPrototypeOf', 'isNaN', 'isFocusInaccessible', 'isFinite',
'isEmpty', 'isDefaultPrevented', 'isDebugger', 'isBuffering',
'isAttribute', 'isAccessible', 'ioError', 'invert', 'invalidate',
'intersects', 'intersection', 'interpolate', 'insideCutoff',
'insertChildBefore', 'insertChildAfter', 'insertBefore', 'inner',
'init', 'info', 'inflatePoint', 'inflate', 'indexOf', 'index',
'indent', 'inScopeNamespaces', 'imeComposition', 'ime',
'ignoreWhitespace', 'ignoreWhite', 'ignoreProcessingInstructions',
'ignoreComments', 'ignoreCase', 'identity', 'idMap', 'id3',
'httpStatus', 'htmlText', 'hoursUTC', 'hours', 'hitTestTextNearPos',
'hitTestState', 'hitTestPoint', 'hitTestObject', 'hitTest',
'hitArea', 'highlightColor', 'highlightAlpha', 'hideObject',
'hideBuiltInItems', 'hide', 'height', 'hasVideoEncoder', 'hasTLS',
'hasStreamingVideo', 'hasStreamingAudio', 'hasSimpleContent',
'hasScreenPlayback', 'hasScreenBroadcast', 'hasProperty',
'hasPrinting', 'hasOwnProperty', 'hasMP3', 'hasIME', 'hasGlyphs',
'hasEventListener', 'hasEmbeddedVideo', 'hasDefinition',
'hasComplexContent', 'hasChildNodes', 'hasAudioEncoder', 'hasAudio',
'hasAccessibility', 'gridFitType', 'greenOffset', 'greenMultiplier',
'graphics', 'gotoAndStop', 'gotoAndPlay', 'globalToLocal', 'global',
'getUTCSeconds', 'getUTCMonth', 'getUTCMinutes',
'getUTCMilliseconds', 'getUTCHours', 'getUTCFullYear', 'getUTCDay',
'getUTCDate', 'getTimezoneOffset', 'getTimer', 'getTime',
'getTextRunInfo', 'getTextFormat', 'getText', 'getStyle',
'getStackTrace', 'getSelectedText', 'getSelected', 'getSeconds',
'getRemote', 'getRect', 'getQualifiedSuperclassName',
'getQualifiedClassName', 'getProperty', 'getPrefixForNamespace',
'getPixels', 'getPixel32', 'getPixel', 'getParagraphLength',
'getObjectsUnderPoint', 'getNamespaceForPrefix', 'getMonth',
'getMinutes', 'getMilliseconds', 'getMicrophone', 'getLocal',
'getLineText', 'getLineOffset', 'getLineMetrics', 'getLineLength',
'getLineIndexOfChar', 'getLineIndexAtPoint', 'getImageReference',
'getHours', 'getFullYear', 'getFirstCharInParagraph',
'getDescendants', 'getDefinitionByName', 'getDefinition', 'getDay',
'getDate', 'getColorBoundsRect', 'getClassByAlias', 'getChildIndex',
'getChildByName', 'getChildAt', 'getCharIndexAtPoint',
'getCharBoundaries', 'getCamera', 'getBounds', 'genre',
'generateFilterRect', 'gain', 'fullYearUTC', 'fullYear',
'fullScreen', 'fscommand', 'fromCharCode', 'framesLoaded',
'frameRate', 'frame', 'fps', 'forwardAndBack', 'formatToString',
'forceSimple', 'forEach', 'fontType', 'fontStyle', 'fontSize',
'fontName', 'font', 'focusRect', 'focusOut', 'focusIn', 'focus',
'flush', 'floor', 'floodFill', 'firstChild', 'findText', 'filters',
'filter', 'fillRect', 'fileList', 'extension', 'extended', 'exp',
'exec', 'exactSettings', 'every', 'eventPhase', 'escapeMultiByte',
'escape', 'errorID', 'error', 'equals', 'enumerateFonts',
'enterFrame', 'endian', 'endFill', 'encodeURIComponent',
'encodeURI', 'enabled', 'embedFonts', 'elements',
'dynamicPropertyWriter', 'dropTarget', 'drawRoundRect', 'drawRect',
'drawEllipse', 'drawCircle', 'draw', 'download', 'downState',
'doubleClickEnabled', 'doubleClick', 'dotall', 'domain',
'docTypeDecl', 'doConversion', 'divisor', 'distance', 'dispose',
'displayState', 'displayMode', 'displayAsPassword', 'dispatchEvent',
'description', 'describeType', 'descent', 'descendants',
'deltaTransformPoint', 'delta', 'deleteProperty', 'delay',
'defaultTextFormat', 'defaultSettings', 'defaultObjectEncoding',
'decodeURIComponent', 'decodeURI', 'decode', 'deblocking',
'deactivate', 'dayUTC', 'day', 'dateUTC', 'date', 'dataFormat',
'data', 'd', 'customItems', 'curveTo', 'currentTarget',
'currentScene', 'currentLabels', 'currentLabel', 'currentFrame',
'currentFPS', 'currentDomain', 'currentCount', 'ctrlKey', 'creator',
'creationDate', 'createTextNode', 'createGradientBox',
'createElement', 'createBox', 'cos', 'copyPixels', 'copyChannel',
'copy', 'conversionMode', 'contextMenuOwner', 'contextMenu',
'contentType', 'contentLoaderInfo', 'content', 'containsRect',
'containsPoint', 'contains', 'constructor', 'connectedProxyType',
'connected', 'connect', 'condenseWhite', 'concatenatedMatrix',
'concatenatedColorTransform', 'concat', 'computeSpectrum',
'compress', 'componentY', 'componentX', 'complete', 'compare',
'comments', 'comment', 'colors', 'colorTransform', 'color', 'code',
'close', 'cloneNode', 'clone', 'client', 'click', 'clearTimeout',
'clearInterval', 'clear', 'clamp', 'children', 'childNodes',
'childIndex', 'childAllowsParent', 'child', 'checkPolicyFile',
'charCount', 'charCodeAt', 'charCode', 'charAt', 'changeList',
'change', 'ceil', 'caretIndex', 'caption', 'capsLock', 'cancelable',
'cancel', 'callee', 'callProperty', 'call', 'cacheAsBitmap', 'c',
'bytesTotal', 'bytesLoaded', 'bytesAvailable', 'buttonMode',
'buttonDown', 'bullet', 'builtInItems', 'bufferTime',
'bufferLength', 'bubbles', 'browse', 'bottomScrollV', 'bottomRight',
'bottom', 'borderColor', 'border', 'bold', 'blurY', 'blurX',
'blueOffset', 'blueMultiplier', 'blockIndent', 'blendMode',
'bitmapData', 'bias', 'beginGradientFill', 'beginFill',
'beginBitmapFill', 'bandwidth', 'backgroundColor', 'background',
'b', 'available', 'avHardwareDisable', 'autoSize', 'attributes',
'attribute', 'attachNetStream', 'attachCamera', 'attachAudio',
'atan2', 'atan', 'asyncError', 'asin', 'ascent', 'artist',
'areSoundsInaccessible', 'areInaccessibleObjectsUnderPoint',
'applyFilter', 'apply', 'applicationDomain', 'appendText',
'appendChild', 'antiAliasType', 'angle', 'alwaysShowSelection',
'altKey', 'alphas', 'alphaOffset', 'alphaMultiplier', 'alpha',
'allowInsecureDomain', 'allowDomain', 'align', 'album',
'addedToStage', 'added', 'addPage', 'addNamespace', 'addHeader',
'addEventListener', 'addChildAt', 'addChild', 'addCallback', 'add',
'activityLevel', 'activity', 'active', 'activating', 'activate',
'actionScriptVersion', 'acos', 'accessibilityProperties', 'abs'
8 => array(
'FLASH6', 'FLASH5', 'FLASH4', 'FLASH3', 'FLASH2', 'FLASH1', 'F9',
'F8', 'F7', 'F6', 'F5', 'F4', 'F3', 'F2', 'F15', 'F14', 'F13',
'F12', 'F11', 'F10', 'F1', 'EXACT_FIT', 'ESCAPE', 'ERROR', 'ERASE',
//FIX: Must be last in order to avoid conflicts with keywords present
//in other keyword groups, that might get highlighted as part of the URL.
//I know this is not a proper work-around, but should do just fine.
5 => array(
'uint', 'int', 'arguments', 'XMLSocket', 'XMLNodeType', 'XMLNode',
'XMLList', 'XMLDocument', 'XML', 'Video', 'VerifyError',
'URLVariables', 'URLStream', 'URLRequestMethod', 'URLRequestHeader',
'URLRequest', 'URLLoaderDataFormat', 'URLLoader', 'URIError',
'TypeError', 'Transform', 'TimerEvent', 'Timer', 'TextSnapshot',
'TextRenderer', 'TextLineMetrics', 'TextFormatAlign', 'TextFormat',
'TextFieldType', 'TextFieldAutoSize', 'TextField', 'TextEvent',
'TextDisplayMode', 'TextColorType', 'System', 'SyntaxError',
'SyncEvent', 'StyleSheet', 'String', 'StatusEvent', 'StaticText',
'StageScaleMode', 'StageQuality', 'StageAlign', 'Stage',
'StackOverflowError', 'Sprite', 'SpreadMethod', 'SoundTransform',
'SoundMixer', 'SoundLoaderContext', 'SoundChannel', 'Sound',
'Socket', 'SimpleButton', 'SharedObjectFlushStatus', 'SharedObject',
'Shape', 'SecurityPanel', 'SecurityErrorEvent', 'SecurityError',
'SecurityDomain', 'Security', 'ScriptTimeoutError', 'Scene',
'SWFVersion', 'Responder', 'RegExp', 'ReferenceError', 'Rectangle',
'RangeError', 'QName', 'Proxy', 'ProgressEvent',
'PrintJobOrientation', 'PrintJobOptions', 'PrintJob', 'Point',
'PixelSnapping', 'ObjectEncoding', 'Object', 'Number', 'NetStream',
'NetStatusEvent', 'NetConnection', 'Namespace', 'MovieClip',
'MouseEvent', 'Mouse', 'MorphShape', 'Microphone', 'MemoryError',
'Matrix', 'Math', 'LocalConnection', 'LoaderInfo', 'LoaderContext',
'Loader', 'LineScaleMode', 'KeyboardEvent', 'Keyboard',
'KeyLocation', 'JointStyle', 'InvalidSWFError',
'InterpolationMethod', 'InteractiveObject', 'IllegalOperationError',
'IOErrorEvent', 'IOError', 'IMEEvent', 'IMEConversionMode', 'IME',
'IExternalizable', 'IEventDispatcher', 'IDynamicPropertyWriter',
'IDynamicPropertyOutput', 'IDataOutput', 'IDataInput', 'ID3Info',
'IBitmapDrawable', 'HTTPStatusEvent', 'GridFitType', 'Graphics',
'GradientType', 'GradientGlowFilter', 'GradientBevelFilter',
'GlowFilter', 'Function', 'FrameLabel', 'FontType', 'FontStyle',
'Font', 'FocusEvent', 'FileReferenceList', 'FileReference',
'FileFilter', 'ExternalInterface', 'EventPhase', 'EventDispatcher',
'Event', 'EvalError', 'ErrorEvent', 'Error', 'Endian', 'EOFError',
'DropShadowFilter', 'DisplayObjectContainer', 'DisplayObject',
'DisplacementMapFilterMode', 'DisplacementMapFilter', 'Dictionary',
'DefinitionError', 'Date', 'DataEvent', 'ConvolutionFilter',
'ContextMenuItem', 'ContextMenuEvent', 'ContextMenuBuiltInItems',
'ContextMenu', 'ColorTransform', 'ColorMatrixFilter', 'Class',
'CapsStyle', 'Capabilities', 'Camera', 'CSMSettings', 'ByteArray',
'Boolean', 'BlurFilter', 'BlendMode', 'BitmapFilterType',
'BitmapFilterQuality', 'BitmapFilter', 'BitmapDataChannel',
'BitmapData', 'Bitmap', 'BevelFilter', 'AsyncErrorEvent', 'Array',
'ArgumentError', 'ApplicationDomain', 'AntiAliasType',
'ActivityEvent', 'ActionScriptVersion', 'AccessibilityProperties',
'Accessibility', 'AVM1Movie'
'SYMBOLS' => array(
'(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '!', '%', '&', '*', '|', '/', '<', '>', '^', '-', '+', '~', '?', ':'
'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
1 => true,
2 => true,
3 => true,
4 => true,
5 => true,
6 => true,
7 => true,
8 => true
'STYLES' => array(
'KEYWORDS' => array(
1 => 'color: #0033ff; font-weight: bold;',
2 => 'color: #6699cc; font-weight: bold;',
3 => 'color: #339966; font-weight: bold;',
4 => 'color: #9900cc; font-weight: bold;',
5 => 'color: #004993;',
6 => 'color: #004993;',
7 => 'color: #004993;',
8 => 'color: #004993;'
'COMMENTS' => array(
1 => 'color: #009900;',
'MULTI' => 'color: #3f5fbf;'
'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
0 => ''
'BRACKETS' => array(
0 => 'color: #000000;'
'STRINGS' => array(
0 => 'color: #990000;'
'NUMBERS' => array(
0 => 'color: #000000; font-weight:bold;'
'METHODS' => array(
0 => 'color: #000000;',
'SYMBOLS' => array(
0 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;'
'REGEXPS' => array(
'SCRIPT' => array(
'URLS' => array(
1 => '',
2 => '',
3 => '',
4 => '',
5 => '{FNAMEL}%20inurl:{FNAMEL}.html&amp;filter=0&amp;num=100&amp;btnI=lucky',
6 => '',
7 => '',
8 => ''
'OOLANG' => false,//Save some time as OO identifiers aren't used
// commented out because it's not very relevant for AS, as all properties, methods and constants are dot-accessed.
// I believe it's preferable to have package highlighting for example, which is not possible with this enabled.
// 0 => '.'
'REGEXPS' => array(