2014-06-24 17:07:18 +02:00

195 lines
9.2 KiB

* @license Copyright (c) from 2013, Author: Ian. All rights reserved.
* @fileOverview A Serendipity serendipity_event_ckeditor custom CKEDITOR additional plugin creator file: cke_plugin.js, v. 1.4, 2014-06-24
* Get the instance ready event and set global instance var
* This is read by serendipity_editor.js and in case of serendipity_html_nugget_plugin by below serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody()
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( event ) {
event.editor.on( 'focus', function() {
isinstance = this;
* Create a prototyp foreach array function
* This is faster than using ckeditor.js internal forEach() implementation or even using plain for()
if (!Array.prototype.forEach) {
Array.prototype.forEach = function (fn, scope) {
'use strict';
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (i in this) {, this[i], i, this);
* ExecutionCommand string replacement function
* Used in CKEDITOR.plugins.add(), to get ready to execute (eval) the button command passed by Serendipity plugins
* @param string string
* @return string string
function ecfit(str) {
str = str.replace('function() { ', '');
str = str.replace(' }', '');
str = str.replace(S9Y_BASEURL, '');
return str;
* This was previously a nugget only area, spawned by head! (textareas of staticpage nuggets, html nugget plugins, etc.)
* called via Spawnnugget(), set by real plugins like staticpages and cores in case of $ev['skip_nuggets'] === false
* NOW it is used by all textareas!
* @param string $eventData['item']
* @param string $eventData['jsname']
* @param array/object jsEventData/json_encode($eventData['buttons'])
function Spawnnuggets(item, addEP, jsED) {
if (!item) var item = null;
if (!addEP) var addEP = null;
if (!jsED) var jsED = null;
var textarea_instance = !isNaN(item) ? 'nuggets' + item : item;
var name_extraPlugins = (addEP !== null) ? addEP : textarea_instance;
var jsEventData = (jsED !== null) ? jsED : window.jsEventData; // global set by 'backend_wysiwyg_finish' hook
var extraPluginACF = (CONFIG_ACF_OFF === true) ? name_extraPlugins+',mediaembed,cheatsheet' : name_extraPlugins+',mediaembed,procurator,cheatsheet'; // no spaces allowed!
var extraPluginList = (CONFIG_PBCK_ON === true) ? extraPluginACF+',pbckcode' : extraPluginACF; // no spaces allowed!
if (document.getElementById(textarea_instance)) {
CKEDITOR.replace(textarea_instance, {
// Load our specific configuration file.
customConfig : CKEDITOR_PLUGPATH+'serendipity_event_ckeditor/cke_config.js',
// or do and set
// Reset toolbar Groups settings
// toolbarGroups: null
// or any other configuration option here
// uiColor : '#AADC6E', // light green example
// language: 'fr', // lang set example
// set all plugins at once - no spaces allowed!
extraPlugins: extraPluginList,
// Set the startup mode view [OK]
// startupMode: 'source',
// listen on load - do I need this still? YES!!!
on: {
loaded: function( evt ) {
var editor = evt.editor,
rules = {
elements: {
mediainsert: function( element ) {
if (CONFIG_ACF_OFF !== true) {
// XHTML output instead of HTML - but this does not react on trailing slash eg <media "blah" />
// editor.dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = ' />';
//avoid line breaks with special block elements
var tags = ['mediainsert', 'gallery', 'media'];
for (var key in tags) {
// Indicates that this tag causes indentation on line breaks inside of it.
indent : true,
// Inserts a line break before the element opening tag.
breakBeforeOpen : true,
// Inserts a line break after the element opening tag.
breakAfterOpen : false,
// Inserts a line break before the element closing tag.
breakBeforeClose : true,
// Inserts a line break after the element closing tag.
breakAfterClose : false
// Output dimensions of w/h images, since we either need an unchanged MediaLibrary image code for responsive templates or tweak some replacements!
img: function( element ) {
var style =;
if ( style )
// Get the height from the style.
var match = /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i.exec( style );
var height = match && match[1];
if ( height )
{ = /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px;?/i , '' );
//element.attributes.height = height;
// Do not add to element attribute height, since then the height will be automatically (re-) added to style again by ckeditor or image js
// The current result is now: img alt class src style{width}. That is the only working state to get arround this issue in a relative simple way!
// Remember: Turning ACF OFF, will leave code alone, but still removes the height="" attribute! (workaround in extraAllowedContent added img[height]!)
// It's good to set both filters - dataFilter is used when loading data and htmlFilter when retrieving.
editor.dataProcessor.htmlFilter.addRules( rules );
editor.dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules( rules );
CKEDITOR.plugins.add(name_extraPlugins, {
init: function(editor) {
if(typeof jsEventData !== 'undefined') {
jsEventData.forEach( function(k, i) {
var execcom = ecfit(jsEventData[i].javascript);
editor.addCommand( jsEventData[i].id, {
exec: function( editor ) {
eval(execcom); // [OK] only way this code is executable
editor.ui.addButton(jsEventData[i].id, {
label: jsEventData[i].name,
title: jsEventData[i].name+' Plugin',
icon: jsEventData[i].img_url,
iconName: jsEventData[i].id+'_icon',
command: jsEventData[i].id
editor.addCommand( 'openML', {
exec : function( editor ) {'serendipity_admin_image_selector.php', 'ImageSel', 'width=800,height=600,toolbar=no,scrollbars=1,scrollbars,resize=1,resizable=1');
editor.ui.addButton('openML', {
label: 'S9yMedia',
title: 'Serendipity Media Library',
iconName: 'openML_icon',
command: 'openML'
* Clone a serendipity_editor.js function, to avoid a
* TypeError: parent.self.opener.serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody is not a function
* in case of serendipity_html_nugget_plugin textarea (nuggets3) usage in S9y 1.7 Series
function serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody (str, textarea) {
var oEditor = isinstance;
if (oEditor.mode == "wysiwyg") {