2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

138 lines
6 KiB

<?php # $Id: serendipity_plugin_loginform.php,v 1.18 2009/05/13 09:37:12 matthiasmees Exp $
if (IN_serendipity !== true) {
die ("Don't hack!");
// Probe for a language include with constants. Still include defines later on, if some constants were missing
$probelang = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $serendipity['charset'] . 'lang_' . $serendipity['lang'] . '.inc.php';
if (file_exists($probelang)) {
include $probelang;
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
class serendipity_plugin_loginform extends serendipity_plugin {
function introspect(&$propbag)
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_LOGINFORM_NAME);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_LOGINFORM_DESC);
$propbag->add('stackable', false);
$propbag->add('author', 'Garvin Hicking, Neil Dudman');
$propbag->add('version', '1.09');
$propbag->add('requirements', array(
'serendipity' => '0.8',
'smarty' => '2.6.7',
'php' => '4.1.0'
$propbag->add('configuration', array('title', 'login_url', 'logout_url'));
$propbag->add('groups', array('FRONTEND_FEATURES'));
// Register (multiple) dependencies. KEY is the name of the depending plugin. VALUE is a mode of either 'remove' or 'keep'.
// If the mode 'remove' is set, removing the plugin results in a removal of the depending plugin. 'Keep' meens to
// not touch the depending plugin.
$this->dependencies = array('serendipity_event_loginform' => 'remove');
function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag)
switch($name) {
case 'title':
$propbag->add('type', 'string');
$propbag->add('name', TITLE);
$propbag->add('description', TITLE);
$propbag->add('default', '');
case 'login_url':
$propbag->add('type', 'string');
$propbag->add('name', LOGINURL_NAME);
$propbag->add('description', LOGINURL_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', '');
case 'logout_url':
$propbag->add('type', 'string');
$propbag->add('name', LOGOUTURL_NAME);
$propbag->add('description', LOGOUTURL_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', '');
return false;
return true;
function generate_content(&$title) {
global $serendipity;
$title = $this->get_config('title', $title);
$login_url = $this->get_config('login_url');
$logout_url = $this->get_config('logout_url');
if ($login_url == "") {
$login_url = serendipity_currentURL();
if ($logout_url == "") {
$logout_url = serendipity_currentURL();
if (isset($serendipity['POST']['action']) && !isset($serendipity['POST']['logout']) && !serendipity_userLoggedIn()) {
echo '<div class="serendipity_center serendipity_msg_important">' . WRONG_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD . '</div>';
} elseif (serendipity_userLoggedIn()) {
echo '<div class="serendipity_center">' . WELCOME_BACK . ' ' . $_SESSION['serendipityUser'] . '</div>';
echo '<form id="loginform" action="' . $logout_url . '" method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="serendipity[logout]" value="true" />';
echo '<input type="submit" name="serendipity[action]" value="' . LOGOUT . ' &gt;" />';
$show_entry = false;
$show_media = false;
if (function_exists('serendipity_checkPermission')) {
if (serendipity_checkPermission('adminEntries')) {
$show_entry = true;
if (serendipity_checkPermission('adminImages') && serendipity_checkPermission('adminImagesAdd')) {
$show_media = true;
} elseif (!$serendipity['no_create']) {
$show_entry = true;
$show_media = true;
if ($show_entry) {
echo '<div class="loginform_link_entry"><a href="' . $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=entries&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=new">' . NEW_ENTRY . '</a></div>';
if ($show_media) {
echo '<div class="loginform_link_media"><a href="' . $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'serendipity_admin.php?serendipity[adminModule]=media&amp;serendipity[adminAction]=addSelect">' . ADD_MEDIA . '</a></div>';
echo '</form>';
return true;
// Logout is performed in bundled event plugin!
echo '<form id="loginform" action="' . $login_url . '" method="post">';
echo '<fieldset id="loginform_userdata" style="border: none;">';
echo '<label for="username">' . USERNAME . '</label>';
echo '<input id="username" type="text" name="serendipity[user]" value="" />';
echo '<label for="s9ypassw">' . PASSWORD . '</label>';
echo '<input id="s9ypassw" type="password" name="serendipity[pass]" value="" />';
echo '</fieldset>';
echo '<fieldset id="loginform_login" style="border: none;">';
echo '<input id="autologin" type="checkbox" name="serendipity[auto]" /><label for="autologin"> ' . AUTOMATIC_LOGIN . '</label>';
echo '<input type="submit" id="loginform_submit" name="serendipity[action]" value="' . LOGIN . ' &gt;" />';
echo '</fieldset>';
echo '</form>';
if (class_exists('serendipity_event_forgotpassword')) {
echo '<div class="forgot_password"><a href="' . $serendipity['baseURL'] . '/serendipity_admin.php?forgotpassword=1">' . PLUGIN_EVENT_FORGOTPASSWORD_LOST_PASSWORD . '</a></div>';
return true;
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