2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00

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* Filename: XML.php
* Description: Provides functions for parsing and constructing XML information
* Author: Evan Hunter
* Date: 27/7/2004
* Project: JPEG Metadata
* Revision: 1.10
* Changes: 1.00 -> 1.10 : Changed read_xml_array_from_text to fix problem that
* caused the whitespace (especially newlines) to be
* destroyed when converting xml text to an xml array
* URL:
* License: This file is part of the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with the PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit; if not,
* write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
* Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* If you require a different license for commercial or other
* purposes, please contact the author:
include_once $JPEG_TOOLKIT.'Unicode.php'; // Unicode is required as XML is always Unicode encoded
* Function: read_xml_array_from_text
* Description: Parses a string containing XML, and returns the resulting
* tree structure array, which contains all the XML information.
* Note: White space and comments in the XML are ignored
* Note: All text information contained in the tree structure
* is encoded as Unicode UTF-8. Hence text will appear as
* normal ASCII except where there is an extended character.
* Parameters: xmltext - a string containing the XML to be parsed
* Returns: output - the tree structure array containing the XML information
* FALSE - if an error occured
function read_xml_array_from_text( $xmltext )
// Check if there actually is any text to parse
if ( trim( $xmltext ) == "" )
return FALSE;
// Create an instance of a xml parser to parse the XML text
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create( "UTF-8" );
// Change: Fixed problem that caused the whitespace (especially newlines) to be destroyed when converting xml text to an xml array, as of revision 1.10
// We would like to remove unneccessary white space, but this will also
// remove things like newlines (&#xA;) in the XML values, so white space
// will have to be removed later
if ( xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,0) == FALSE )
// Error setting case folding - destroy the parser and return
return FALSE;
// to use XML code correctly we have to turn case folding
// (uppercasing) off. XML is case sensitive and upper
// casing is in reality XML standards violation
if ( xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0) == FALSE )
// Error setting case folding - destroy the parser and return
return FALSE;
// Parse the XML text into a array structure
if ( xml_parse_into_struct($xml_parser, $xmltext, $vals, $index) == 0 )
// Error Parsing XML - destroy the parser and return
return FALSE;
// Destroy the xml parser
// Change: Fixed problem that caused the whitespace (especially newlines) to be destroyed when converting xml text to an xml array, as of revision 1.10
// Since the xml was processed with whitespace enabled, it will have many values which are
// only whitespace. These need to be removed to make a sensible array.
$newvals = array( );
// Cycle through each of the items
foreach( $vals as $valno => $val )
// If the item has a whitespace only value, remove it
if ( ( array_key_exists( 'value', $val ) ) && (trim( $val[ 'value' ] ) == "" ) )
unset( $val[ 'value' ] );
// If the item has a value (which will be non blank now) or is of type other than cdata, add it to the new array
if ( ( $val[ 'type' ] != 'cdata' ) || ( array_key_exists( 'value', $val ) ) )
$newvals[] = $val;
// The xml_parse_into_struct function returns a flat version
// of the XML data, where each tag has a level number attached.
// This is very difficult to work with, so it needs to be
// converted to a tree structure before being returned
return xml_get_children($newvals, $i=0);
* End of Function: read_xml_array_from_text
* Function: write_xml_array_to_text
* Description: Takes a tree structure array (in the same format as returned
* by read_xml_array_from_text, and constructs a string containing
* the equivalent XML. This function is recursive, and produces
* XML which has correct indents.
* Note: All text information contained in the tree structure
* can be either 7-bit ASCII or encoded as Unicode UTF-8,
* since UTF-8 passes 7-bit ASCII text unchanged.
* Parameters: xmlarray - the tree structure array containing the information to
* be converted to XML
* indentlevel - the indent level of the top level tags (usually zero)
* Returns: output - the string containing the equivalent XML
* FALSE - if an error occured
function write_xml_array_to_text( $xmlarray, $indentlevel )
// Create a string to receive the XML
$output_xml_text = "";
// Cycle through each xml element at this level
foreach ($xmlarray as $xml_elem)
// Add the indent, then the cleaned tag name to the output
$output_xml_text .= str_repeat ( " ", $indentlevel ) . "<" . xml_UTF8_clean( $xml_elem['tag'] );
// Check if there are any attributes for this tag
if (array_key_exists('attributes',$xml_elem))
// There are attributes
// Cycle through each attribute for this tag
foreach ($xml_elem['attributes'] as $xml_attr_name => $xml_attr_val)
// Add the cleaned attribute name, and cleaned attribute value to the output
$output_xml_text .= " ". xml_UTF8_clean( $xml_attr_name ) ." ='" . xml_UTF8_clean( $xml_attr_val ) ."'";
// Add the 'greater-than' to close this tag to the output
$output_xml_text .= ">";
// Check if this element has any text inside it.
if (array_key_exists('value',$xml_elem) )
// There is text for this element - clean it and add it to the output
$output_xml_text .= xml_UTF8_clean( $xml_elem['value'] );
// Check if there are any lower levels contained by this element
if (array_key_exists('children',$xml_elem) )
// There are sub-elements for this element
// Add a newline to the output, so the sub-elements start on a fresh line
$output_xml_text .= "\n";
// Recursively call this function to output the sub-elements, and add the result to the output
$output_xml_text .= write_xml_array_to_text( $xml_elem['children'], $indentlevel + 1 );
// Add an indent to the output for the closing tag, since we are on a new line due to the sub-elements
$output_xml_text .= str_repeat ( " ", $indentlevel );
// Add the cleaned closing tag to the output
$output_xml_text .= "</" .xml_UTF8_clean($xml_elem['tag']) . ">\n";
// Return the XML text
return $output_xml_text;
* End of Function: write_xml_array_to_text
* Internal Function: xml_get_children
* Description: Used by the read_xml_array_from_text function.
* This function recursively converts the values retrieved from
* the xml_parse_into_struct function into a tree structure array,
* which is much more useful and easier to use.
* Parameters: input_xml_array - the flat array of XML elements retrieved
* from xml_parse_into_struct
* $item_num - the number of the element at which the conversion
* should start (usually zero when called from another
* function, this is used for recursion)
* Returns: children - the tree structure array containing XML elements
* FALSE - if an error occured
function xml_get_children( &$input_xml_array, &$item_num )
// Make an array to receive the output XML tree structure
$children = array();
// Cycle through all the elements of the input XML array
while ( $item_num < count( $input_xml_array ) )
// Retrieve the current array element
$v = &$input_xml_array[ $item_num++ ];
// Check what type of XML array element this is, and process accordingly
switch ( $v['type'] )
case 'cdata': // This is a non parsed Character Data tag
case 'complete': // This is a pair of XML matching tags possibly with text (but no tags) inside
$children[] = xml_get_child( $v );
case 'open': // This is a single opening tag
// Recursively get the children for this opening tag
$children[] = xml_get_child( $v, xml_get_children( $input_xml_array, $item_num ) );
break; // This is a single opening tag
case 'close': // This is a single closing tag
break 2; // leave "while" loop (and the function)
// Return the results
return $children;
* End of Function: xml_get_children
* Internal Function: xml_get_child
* Description: Used by the xml_get_children function.
* Takes an element from an array provided by xml_parse_into_struct
* and returns an element for a tree structure array
* Parameters: input_xml_item - the item from the array provided by xml_parse_into_struct
* children - an array of sub-elements to be added to the tree
* structure array. Null or missing value indicate no
* sub-elements are to be added.
* Returns: child - the element for a tree structure array
* FALSE - if an error occured
function xml_get_child( &$input_xml_item, $children = NULL )
// Create an array to receive the child structure
$child = array();
// If the input item has the 'tag' element set, copy it to the child
if ( isset( $input_xml_item['tag'] ) )
$child['tag'] = $input_xml_item['tag'] ;
// If the input item has the 'value' element set, copy it to the child
if ( isset( $input_xml_item['value'] ) )
$child['value'] = $input_xml_item['value'] ;
// If the input item has the 'attributes' element set, copy it to the child
if ( isset( $input_xml_item['attributes'] ) )
$child['attributes'] = $input_xml_item['attributes'];
// If children have been specified, add them to the child
if ( is_array( $children ) )
$child['children'] = $children;
// Return the child structure
return $child;
* End of Function: xml_get_children