Matthias Mees 24ee209520 Move deprecated plugins to alpha, a.k.a. Siberia
These plugins have been identified as deprecatable at #s9ycamp2017.
They use service that no longer exist or provide features that no
longer make sense or have been replaced.

We won't miss them.

References s9y/Serendipity#499
2017-04-13 20:53:16 +02:00

131 lines
4.6 KiB

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#serendipity_banner {ldelim}
background-image:url("{$template_option.header_img}") !important;
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{serendipity_hookPlugin hook="frontend_header"}
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{if $head_version < 1.1}
<!-- ****** Change navbar links here ****** -->
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Photos</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Projects</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Music</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
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<!-- Case 3: 2 columns, sidebar right -->
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<!-- we don't need another case for no columns, that'll work anyhow -->
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<!-- Case 1: 3 columns -->
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<!-- Case 2: 2 columns, sidebar left -->
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<div id="serendipityLeftSideBar" class="leftonly">{serendipity_printSidebar side="left"}</div>
{if $leftSidebarElements == 0 && $rightSidebarElements > 0}
<!-- Case 3: 2 columns, sidebar right -->
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<div id="serendipityRightSideBar">{serendipity_printSidebar side="right"}</div>
{if $leftSidebarElements == 0 && $rightSidebarElements == 0}
<!-- Case 4: 1 column, no sidebars -->
<div id="content" class="nosidebars">{$CONTENT}</div>
</div><!-- END MAINPANE -->
<!-- sliding faux columns, part 2 -->
{if $leftSidebarElements > 0 && $rightSidebarElements > 0}
<!-- Case 1: 3 columns -->
</div><!-- closes .sfc2 -->
</div><!-- closes .sfc1 -->
{if $leftSidebarElements > 0 && $rightSidebarElements == 0}
<!-- Case 2: 2 columns, sidebar left -->
</div><!-- closes .sfc1 -->
{if $leftSidebarElements == 0 && $rightSidebarElements > 0}
<!-- Case 3: 2 columns, sidebar right -->
</div><!-- closes .sfc2 -->
<!-- end sfc -->
{serendipity_hookPlugin hook="frontend_footer"}
{if $is_embedded != true}
<div id="footer">
<p>{$CONST.POWERED_BY} <a href="">s9y</a> - Design by <a href="">Carl</a> and <a href="">YellowLed</a></p>