'ip', 'referrer' => 'referer', 'email' => 'email', 'url' => 'url', 'name' => 'author', 'body' => 'body' ); var $path; function introspect(&$propbag) { global $serendipity; $this->title = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_NAME; $propbag->add ( 'description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_DESC); $propbag->add ( 'name', $this->title); $propbag->add ( 'version', '0.4.25' ); $propbag->add ( 'event_hooks', array ('frontend_saveComment' => true, 'backend_spamblock_comments_shown' => true, 'external_plugin' => true, 'backend_view_comment' => true, 'backend_comments_top' => true, 'backend_sendcomment' => true, 'backend_sidebar_entries' => true, 'backend_sidebar_admin_appearance' => true, 'backend_sidebar_entries_event_display_spamblock_bayes' => true, 'xmlrpc_comment_spam' => true, 'xmlrpc_comment_ham' => true, )); $propbag->add ( 'groups', array ('ANTISPAM' ) ); $propbag->add ( 'author', 'kleinerChemiker, Malte Paskuda, based upon b8 by Tobias Leupold'); $propbag->add('configuration', array( 'method', 'moderateBarrier', 'blockBarrier', 'autolearn', 'ignore', 'menu', 'recycler', 'recyclerdelete', 'emptyAll', 'path', 'logtype', 'logfile' )); } function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) { global $serendipity; switch($name) { case 'method': $propbag->add('type', 'select'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_METHOD); $propbag->add('select_values', array( 'moderate' => PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_METHOD_MODERATE, 'block' => PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_METHOD_BLOCK, 'custom' => PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_METHOD_CUSTOM, )); $propbag->add('default', 'moderation'); break; case 'moderateBarrier': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_BARRIER_MODERATE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_BARRIER_MODERATE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', 70); break; case 'blockBarrier': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_BARRIER_BLOCK); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_BARRIER_BLOCK_DESC); $propbag->add('default', 90); break; case 'autolearn': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_AUTOLEARN); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_AUTOLEARN_DESC); $propbag->add('default', false); break; case 'menu': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_MENU); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_MENU_DESC); $propbag->add('default', true); break; case 'recycler': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_MENU_RECYCLER); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_RECYCLER_DESC); $propbag->add('default', true); break; case 'recyclerdelete': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_RECYCLER_DELETE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_RECYCLER_DELETE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', ''); return true; break; case 'emptyAll': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_RECYCLER_EMPTY_ALL); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_RECYCLER_EMPTY_ALL_DESC); $propbag->add('default', false); break; case 'path': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_PATH); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_PATH_DESC); $propbag->add('default', $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes/'); return true; break; case 'logfile': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_LOGFILE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_LOGFILE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'spamblock-bayes.log'); break; case 'logtype': $propbag->add('type', 'radio'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_LOGTYPE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_LOGTYPE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', 'none'); $propbag->add('radio', array( 'value' => array('file', 'db', 'none'), 'desc' => array(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_LOGTYPE_FILE, PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_LOGTYPE_DB, PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_LOGTYPE_NONE) )); $propbag->add('radio_per_row', '1'); break; case 'ignore': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_IGNORE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_IGNORE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', ''); return true; break; default: return false; } return true; } function generate_content(&$title) { $title = $this->title; } function install() { $this->setupDB(); } function learnFromOld() { global $serendipity; //approved comments are ham $sql = "SELECT author,email,url,body,ip,referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments WHERE status = 'approved' LIMIT 100;"; $ham_comments = serendipity_db_query ( $sql ); if (is_array($ham_comments[0])) { foreach ($ham_comments as $comment) { $this->startLearn($comment, 'ham'); } } //maybe unset helps against the ram-issue unset($ham_comments); //learn via the spamblock-log what is spam: $sql = "SELECT author,email,url,body,ip,referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblocklog WHERE type = 'REJECTED' LIMIT 100;"; $spam_comments = serendipity_db_query ( $sql ); if (is_array($spam_comments[0])) { foreach ($spam_comments as $comment) { $this->startLearn($comment, 'spam'); } } } /* * get ratings of every part of the comment and combine * Wrapper for classify() */ function startClassify($comment) { $divider = 0; $ratings = array(); $types = array_keys($this->type); foreach($types as $type) { $rating = $this->classify($comment[$this->type[$type]], $this->type[$type]); if (is_numeric($rating)) { $ratings[] = $rating; $divider++; } } #catch error when failing to rate anything if (empty($ratings)) { return 0; } if($this->get_config('method', 'moderate') == 'custom') { $spamBarrier = max(array( $this->get_config('moderateBarrier', 70) / 100, $this->get_config('blockBarrier', 90) / 100 )); } else { $spamBarrier = 0.9; } #If a field is clearly spam, a spammer probably mixed #its spam with valid content to fool the spamfilter. $max_ratings = array(); $min_ratings = array(); foreach ($ratings as $rating) { if ($rating >= $spamBarrier) { $max_ratings[] = $rating; } if ($rating <= 0.1) { $min_ratings[] = $rating; } } if (count($max_ratings) > count($min_ratings)) { return max($ratings); } return (array_sum($ratings) / $divider); } #Wrapper to call learn() function startLearn($comment, $category) { $types = array_keys($this->type); foreach ($types as $type) { $this->learn($comment[$this->type[$type]], $category, $this->type[$type]); } } /* * classify a string in the boundaries of 0 (ham) to 1 (spam) * */ function classify($comment = '', $type) { global $serendipity; $ignore = explode(',', $this->get_config('ignore', '')); if (in_array($type, $ignore)) { //we ignore fields on the ignorelist return; } $spam_texts = $this->get_config("{$type}_spam", 0); $ham_texts = $this->get_config("{$type}_ham", 0); if ($comment == '' && ! is_string($comment)) { return false; } if ($spam_texts == 0 || $ham_texts == 0) { return false; } if ($type == $this->type['ip']) { $tokens = array($comment => 1); } else { $tokens = $this->tokenize($comment); } if ($tokens === false|| empty($tokens)) { return false; } $words = array_keys($tokens); foreach ($words AS $word) { $temp[] = '\'' . serendipity_db_escape_string($word) . '\''; } #Die gespeicherten Werte der Tokens aus DB holen $sql = 'SELECT token, ham, spam FROM ' . $serendipity ['dbPrefix'] . 'spamblock_bayes WHERE ' . serendipity_db_in_sql ( 'token', $temp ) .' AND type = \''. $type .'\''; unset ($temp); $stored_tokens = serendipity_db_query ( $sql, FALSE, 'assoc', FALSE, 'token' ); foreach($tokens as $word => $count) { $word_count[$word] = $count; if (!isset($stored_tokens[$word])) { $rating = 1; } else if (empty($word)) { continue; } else { $rating = ($stored_tokens[$word]['ham'] / $ham_texts) / (($stored_tokens[$word]['ham'] / $ham_texts) + ($stored_tokens[$word]['spam'] / $spam_texts)); } $ratings[$word] = (0.15 + (($stored_tokens[$word]['ham'] + $stored_tokens[$word]['spam']) * $rating)) / (0.3 + $stored_tokens[$word]['ham'] + $stored_tokens[$word]['spam']); # Importance (distance to 0.5) $importance[$word] = abs(0.5 - $ratings[$word]); } //importance can be null if the comment don't contains real tokens //(like the smiley :) ) if (is_array($importance)) { arsort($importance); reset($importance); } #number of important words $n = 0; $probability = 0; foreach($tokens as $word => $count) { if ($importance[$word] > 0.2) { $n++; $probability += $ratings[$word]; } } if ( $n > 0 ) { $probability = $probability / $n; } else { // was: = 1, but if undecided, we better want to be at // "undecided" than "ham" $probability = 0.5; } return abs(1 - $probability); } /* * learn string as ham or spam * $text: string * $category: string (ham, spam) * $type: string (ip, body, ...) **/ function learn($text, $group, $type) { global $serendipity; $this->setupDB(); if ($group != 'ham' && $group != 'spam') { return FALSE; } if ($text == '' or ! is_string ($text)) { return FALSE; } #split text in tokens if ($type == $this->type['ip']) { $tokens = array( $text => 1); } else { $tokens = $this->tokenize($text); } $words = array_keys($tokens); foreach ($words AS $word) { $temp[] = '\'' . serendipity_db_escape_string($word) . '\''; } #get already saved value of tokens $sql = 'SELECT token, ' . $group . ' FROM ' . $serendipity ['dbPrefix'] . 'spamblock_bayes WHERE ' . serendipity_db_in_sql('token', $temp) . 'AND type = \'' . $type . '\' '; unset ($temp); $stored_values = serendipity_db_query ( $sql, FALSE, 'assoc', FALSE, 'token', $group ); #Save new amount of all tokens foreach ($tokens as $token => $value) { if (isset ($stored_values [$token])) { $new_value [$token] = $stored_values [$token] + $value; if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysql' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysqli') { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity[dbPrefix]}spamblock_bayes (token, $group, type) VALUES('$token', $value, '$type') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $group = $group + VALUES($group);"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE {$serendipity[dbPrefix]}spamblock_bayes SET $group = $group + $value WHERE token = '$token' AND type = '$type';"; } } else { $new_value [$token] = $value; if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysql' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysqli') { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity[dbPrefix]}spamblock_bayes (token, $group, type) VALUES('$token', $value, '$type') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE $group = $group + VALUES($group);"; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity[dbPrefix]}spamblock_bayes (token, $group, type) VALUES('$token', $value, '$type')"; } } serendipity_db_query ($sql); } #Save amount of ham/spam $this->set_config("{$type}_{$group}", $this->get_config("{$type}_{$group}", 0) + 1); return true; } /* * Split text in words * param1: string $text * return: array Tokens **/ function tokenize($text = '') { if ($text == '' or ! is_string($text)) { return false; } //preg_split won't accept e.g. Umlaute as part of \w mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); $tokens = mb_split("\W", $text ); #preg_match_all('/[\w]+/u', "aaa´bbb", $words); $temp = array (); foreach ( $tokens as $token ) { if (isset ( $temp ["$token"] )) { $temp ["$token"] ++; } else { $temp ["$token"] = 1; } } #prevent the whitespaces to get saved in the database, they #would displace more important markers if (isset($temp[""])) { unset($temp[""]); } return $temp; } function getAmount($category, $type) { global $serendipity; $sql = "SELECT $category FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes WHERE type = '$type'"; $ratings = serendipity_db_query($sql); $amount = 0; if (is_array($ratings)) { foreach($ratings as $rating) { $amount += $rating[0]; } } return $amount; } /** * initialize the db at first install or change after upgrade * */ function setupDB() { global $serendipity; #main-table $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes ( token VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, ham BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', spam BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '{$this->type['body']}' ) {UTF_8};"; serendipity_db_schema_import($sql); #recycler-table switch ($serendipity['dbType']) { case 'mysql': case 'mysqli': $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler LIKE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments"; break; case 'sqlite': case 'sqlite3': case 'pdo-sqlite': case 'pdo-sqliteoo': $sql = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = '{$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments';"; $sql = serendipity_db_query($sql); if (is_array($sql)) { $sql = $sql[0][0]; } $sql = str_replace("{$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments", "{$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler", $sql); if (strpos("sql", "NOT EXISTS") === false) { $sql = str_replace("CREATE TABLE", "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS", $sql); } break; default: $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler as SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments ORDER BY id LIMIT 1 WITH NO DATA"; } serendipity_db_query($sql); $dbversion = $this->get_config('dbversion', 1); if ($dbversion == '1') { $this->updateDB1(); } $dbversion = $this->get_config('dbversion', 1); if ($dbversion == '2') { $this->updateDB2(); } } #when upgrading to 0.3, type has to get added function updateDB1() { global $serendipity; $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes ADD type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '{$this->type['body']}'"; serendipity_db_query($sql); $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes DROP {PRIMARY}"; serendipity_db_schema_import($sql); $this->set_config($this->type['body'] .'_spam' , $this->get_config('spam', 0)); $this->set_config($this->type['body'] . '_ham' , $this->get_config('ham', 0)); $this->set_config('dbversion', 2); } #when upgrading to 0.3.9 #This Upgrade shall give a perfomance-boost which is needed #for proper import/export in large databases function updateDB2() { global $serendipity; set_time_limit(0); serendipity_db_begin_transaction(); #Under mySQL, we may have duplicates in the Database (hello, #Hello) which prevent us from using an index. So we remove them. $sql1 = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp ( token VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, ham BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', spam BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '{$this->type['body']}', {PRIMARY} (token, type) ) {UTF_8};"; serendipity_db_schema_import($sql1); if ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysql' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysqli') { $sql2 = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp (token, ham, spam, type) SELECT orig.token, orig.ham, orig.spam, orig.type FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes as orig ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ham = {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp.ham + VALUES(ham), spam = {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp.spam + VALUES(spam);"; serendipity_db_query($sql2); } else { $sql = "SELECT token, ham, spam, type FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes;"; $results = serendipity_db_query($sql); if (is_array($results)) { foreach ($results as $result) { $token = $result['token']; $ham = $result['ham']; $spam = $result['spam']; $type = $result['type']; $sql = "SELECT token FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp WHERE token = '$token' AND type = '$type';"; $tester = serendipity_db_query($sql); if (empty($tester['0'])) { $sql2 = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp (token, ham, spam, type) VALUES ('$token', $ham, $spam, '$type');"; } else { $sql2 = "UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp WHERE token = '$token' AND type = '$type' SET ham = ham + $ham, spam = spam + $spam;"; } serendipity_db_query($sql2); } } } $sql3 = "DROP TABLE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes;"; serendipity_db_query($sql3); $sql4 = "CREATE TABLE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes ( token VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, ham BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', spam BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '{$this->type['body']}', {PRIMARY} (token, type) ) {UTF_8};"; serendipity_db_schema_import($sql4); $sql5 = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes (token, ham, spam, type) SELECT token, ham, spam, type FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_temp; "; serendipity_db_schema_import($sql5); serendipity_db_end_transaction(true); $this->set_config('dbversion', 3); } function deleteDB() { global $serendipity; $sql = "DROP TABLE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes"; serendipity_db_query($sql); foreach($this->type as $type) { $this->set_config("{$type}_ham", 0); $this->set_config("{$type}_spam", 0); } $this->set_config('dbversion', 1); } function checkIfSpam($comment) { $rating = $this->startClassify($comment); $this->lastRating = $rating; //a rating greater 0.8 is probably spam if ($rating >= 0.8) { $autolearn = $this->get_config('autolearn', false); if( ($rating > 0.9) && $autolearn) { $this->startLearn($comment, 'spam'); } return true; } return false; } function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null) { global $serendipity; $hooks = &$bag->get ( 'event_hooks' ); if (isset ( $hooks [$event] )) { switch ($event) { case 'external_plugin' : //catch learnAction here because the GET-Params prevent //the normal switch/case to find this if (strpos($eventData, 'learnAction') !== false) { $goodtoken = $this->is_goodtoken($_REQUEST['path'], $_REQUEST['id']); if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')&&!$goodtoken) { return; } $this->learnAction($_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['category'], $_REQUEST['action'], $_REQUEST['entry_id']); echo DONE; return true; break; } switch ($eventData) { case 'learncomment': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $category = $_REQUEST ['category']; $ids = $_REQUEST ['id']; $ids = explode(';', $ids); foreach($ids as $id) { $comment = $this->getComment($id); if (is_array ($comment)) { $comment = $comment['0']; $entry_id = $comment['entry_id']; } $this->startLearn($comment, $category); //Ham shall be approved, Spam deleted if ($category == 'ham') { serendipity_approveComment($id, $entry_id); } elseif ($category == 'spam') { if($this->get_config('method', 'moderate') == 'custom') { $spamBarrier = min(array( $this->get_config('moderateBarrier', 70) / 100, $this->get_config('blockBarrier', 90) / 100 )); } else { $spamBarrier = 0.7; } //spam shall not get through the filter twice - so make sure, it really is marked as spam $loop = 0; while ($this->startClassify($comment) < $spamBarrier && $loop < 5) { $this->startLearn($comment, $category); //prevent infinite loop $loop++; } if ($this->get_config('recycler', true)) { $this->recycleComment($id, $entry_id); } serendipity_deleteComment($id, $entry_id); } } break; case 'spamblock_bayes.load.gif': header('Content-Type: image/gif'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/img/spamblock_bayes.load.gif'); break; case 'spamblock_bayes.spam.png': header('Content-Type: image/png'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/img/spamblock_bayes.spam.png'); break; case 'jquery.tablesorter.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/jquery.tablesorter.js'); break; case 'jquery.heatcolor.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/jquery.heatcolor.js'); break; case 'jquery.excerpt.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/jquery.excerpt.js'); break; case 'serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes.js'); break; case 'getRating': $ids = $_REQUEST ['id']; $ids = explode(';', $ids); //we get the comments in wrong order $comments = array_reverse($this->getComment($ids)); $i = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { $ratings .= preg_replace('/\..*/', '', $this->startClassify($comment) * 100) .'%;'. $ids[$i] . ';'; $i++; } echo $ratings; break; case 'bayesMenuLearn': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } //the POST-Data of the form is almost exactly like the result of the database-query $comment = $_POST; if (serendipity_db_bool($comment['ham'])) { $category = 'ham'; } else { $category = 'spam'; } $this->startLearn($comment, $category); $redirect= ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesLearnFromOld': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $this->learnFromOld(); #redirect the user back to the menu $redirect= ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesDeleteDatabase': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $this->deleteDB(); $redirect= ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesSetupDatabase': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $this->setupDB(); $redirect= ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesRecycler': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } if ( !empty($_REQUEST['serendipity']['selected'])) { $ids = array_keys($_REQUEST['serendipity']['selected']); } else { if ( !empty($_REQUEST['serendipity']['comments'])) { $ids = array_keys($_REQUEST['serendipity']['comments']); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['restore'])) { if ( !empty($ids)) { $ids = array_keys($_REQUEST['serendipity']['selected']); #When restoring a comment we can be pretty sure it's a valid one $comments = $this->getRecyclerComment($ids); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $this->startLearn($comment, 'ham'); } $this->restoreComments($ids); if (in_array(0, $ids)) { #this happened when the recyclercode was broken $msg = "Not able to restore comment with id 0"; $msgtype = 'error'; } if (count($ids) > 1) { $msg = 'Comments '. implode(', ', $ids) .' restored'; } else { $msg = 'Comment '. implode(', ', $ids) .' restored'; } $msgtype = 'success'; } else { $msg = 'No comment selected'; $msgtype = 'message'; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['empty'])) { if (isset($_REQUEST['recyclerSpam'])) { if ($this->get_config('emptyAll', false)) { $comments = $this->getAllRecyclerComments(); } else { $comments = $this->getRecyclerComment($ids); } foreach ($comments as $comment) { $this->startLearn($comment, 'spam'); } } if ($this->get_config('emptyAll', false)) { $success = $this->emptyRecycler(); } else { $success = $this->deleteFromRecycler($ids); } if (serendipity_db_bool($success)) { $msg = 'Recycler emptied'; $msgtype = 'success'; } else { $msg = urlencode($success); $msgtype = 'error'; } } $redirect= ''; } else { $url .= '" />'; } echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesAnalyse': if(isset($_REQUEST['comments'])) { $comment_ids = array_keys($_REQUEST['comments']); } else { $msg = 'Please select at least one comment'; $msgtype = 'message'; } $redirect= ''; } else { $url .= '" />'; } echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesImport': #Showing the menu $redirect= ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesExportDatabase': $key = $_POST['key']; $exportKey = $this->get_config('exportKey', ""); if (! ((serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) || ((! $exportKey == "") && ($exportKey == $key)))) { break; } $this->set_config('exportKey', ""); $this->exportDatabase(); header('Content-type: application/x-download'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=spamblock_bayes.csv'); echo file_get_contents($serendipity['serendipityPath']. 'templates_c/spamblock_bayes.csv'); break; case 'bayesTrojaGetKey': $publicTrojaKey = openssl_get_publickey(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/publicTrojaKey.pem')); header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); $key = mt_rand(); $this->set_config('exportKey', $key); openssl_public_encrypt($key, $enc_key, $publicTrojaKey, OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING); echo base64_encode($enc_key); break; case 'bayesTrojaRegister': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $this->set_config('awaitingTrojaRequest', true); $this->set_config('troja_registered', true); $trojaUrlTarget = $this->trojaUrl . 'register'; $data = array('url' => $serendipity['baseURL']); $trojaUrlTarget .= "?" . http_build_query($data); $response = $this->getRequest($trojaUrlTarget); parse_str($response, $params); $registered = urldecode($params['registered']); if ($registered == 1) { $msg = "Registered"; $msgtype = "success"; } else { $msg = "Could not register this blog (already registered?)"; $msgtype = "error"; } $redirect = ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesTrojaRemove': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $this->set_config('awaitingTrojaRequest', true); $this->set_config('troja_registered', false); $trojaUrlTarget = $this->trojaUrl . 'remove'; $data = array('url' => $serendipity['baseURL']); $trojaUrlTarget .= "?" . http_build_query($data); $response = $this->getRequest($trojaUrlTarget); parse_str($response, $params); $removed = urldecode($params['removed']); if ($removed == 1) { $msg = "Removed"; $msgtype = "success"; } else { $msg = "Could not remove this blog"; $msgtype = "error"; } $redirect = ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; case 'bayesTrojaAccept': $waiting = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('awaitingTrojaRequest', false)); if ($waiting === true) { header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); $this->set_config('awaitingTrojaRequest', false); } else { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); } echo ""; break; case 'bayesTrojaRequestDB': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $trojaUrlTarget = $this->trojaUrl . 'requestDB'; $url = $serendipity['baseURL']; $try = 0; while (trim($url) == $serendipity['baseURL']) { $try++; $response = $this->getRequest($trojaUrlTarget); parse_str($response, $params); $url = urldecode($params['url']); if ($try > 3) { break; } } $key = $params['key']; $error = false; if (trim($url) == "http://".$serendipity['baseURL'] || trim($url) == $serendipity['baseURL']) { $msg = "Got only this blog as target to import from"; $msgtype = "error"; $error = true; } if ($url == "") { $msg = "Got no target to import from"; $msgtype = "error"; $error = true; } if ($error) { $redirect = ''; echo $redirect . $url; return; } else { $msg = "Imported from $url"; $msgtype = "success"; } $this->fetchDatabase(trim($url), $key); $redirect = ''; echo $redirect . $url; break; } return true; break; case 'frontend_saveComment' : if (! is_array ( $eventData ) || serendipity_db_bool ( $eventData ['allow_comments'] )) { $serendipity ['csuccess'] = 'true'; $comment = array( $this->type['url'] => $addData['url'], $this->type['body'] => $addData['comment'], $this->type['name'] => $addData['name'], $this->type['email'] => $addData['email'], $this->type['ip'] => serendipity_db_escape_string(isset($addData['ip']) ? $addData['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), $this->type['referrer'] => substr((isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) ? serendipity_db_escape_string($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) : ''), 0, 200) ); if ($this->checkIfSpam($comment)) { $method = $this->get_config('method', 'moderate'); if ($method == 'moderate') { $this->moderate($eventData, $addData); return false; } elseif($method == 'block') { $this->block($eventData, $addData); return false; } } $blockBarrier = $this->get_config('blockBarrier', 90) / 100; $moderateBarrier = $this->get_config('moderateBarrier', 70) / 100; //now this either wasn't spam or method custom is selected. if ($this->lastRating > $blockBarrier) { $this->block($eventData, $addData); return false; } elseif ($this->lastRating > $moderateBarrier) { $this->moderate($eventData, $addData); return false; } } return true; break; case 'backend_view_comment': $path = $this->path = $this->get_config('path', $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes/'); if (!empty($path) && $path != 'default' && $path != 'none' && $path != 'empty') { $path_defined = true; $imgpath = $path . 'img/'; } else { $path_defined = false; $imgpath = $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'index.php?/plugin/'; } $comment = $eventData; //change $comment into the needed form $comment[$this->type['body']] = $comment['fullBody']; unset($comment['fullBody']); if ($serendipity['version'][0] == 1) { $eventData['action_more'] = ''. PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_HAM.' '. PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_SPAM.' '. preg_replace('/\..*/', '', $this->startClassify($comment) * 100) .'% '; } else { $eventData['action_more'] = ' '; } return true; break; case 'backend_sendcomment': $delete = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_DELETE . ': '; $delete .= $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'index.php?/plugin/learnAction&action=delete&category=spam&id=' . $eventData['comment_id'] . '&entry_id='. $eventData['entry_id'] . '&path=' . $eventData['path']; $eventData['action_more']['delete'] = $delete; if (!empty($eventData['moderate_comment']) && $eventData['moderate_comment']) { $approve = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_APPROVE . ': '; $approve .= $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'index.php?/plugin/learnAction&action=approve&category=ham&id=' . $eventData['comment_id'] . '&entry_id='. $eventData['entry_id'] . '&path=' . $eventData['path']; $eventData['action_more']['approve'] = $approve; } return true; break; case 'backend_comments_top': $path = $this->path = $this->get_config('path', $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes/'); if (!empty($path) && $path != 'default' && $path != 'none' && $path != 'empty') { $path_defined = true; $imgpath = $path . 'img/'; } else { $path_defined = false; $imgpath = $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'index.php?/plugin/'; } echo " "; return true; break; case 'backend_sidebar_entries': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } if ($serendipity['version'][0] == 1) { if ($this->get_config('menu', true)) { echo ''; } } else { } return true; break; case 'backend_sidebar_admin_appearance': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } if ($serendipity['version'][0] == 1) { } else { if ($this->get_config('menu', true)) { echo '
  • '; } } return true; break; case 'backend_sidebar_entries_event_display_spamblock_bayes': if (!serendipity_checkPermission('adminComments')) { break; } $path = $this->path = $this->get_config('path', $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes/'); if (!empty($path) && $path != 'default' && $path != 'none' && $path != 'empty') { $path_defined = true; $imgpath = $path . 'img/'; } else { $path_defined = false; $imgpath = $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'index.php?/plugin/'; } global $serendipity; if (isset($serendipity['GET']['message'])) { if ($serendipity['version'][0] == 1) { echo '

    '.(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['message']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['message'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)).'

    '; } else { echo ' ' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['message']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['message'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . ''; } } if (isset($serendipity['GET']['success'])) { if ($serendipity['version'][0] == 1) { echo '

    '.(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['success']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['success'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)).'

    '; } else { echo ' ' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['success']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['success'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . ''; } } if (isset($serendipity['GET']['error'])) { if ($serendipity['version'][0] == 1) { echo '

    '.(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['error']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['error'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)).'

    '; } else { echo ' ' . (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['error']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['error'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)) . ''; } } $this->get = $serendipity['GET']; $this->displayMenu($serendipity['GET']['subpage']); return true; break; case 'xmlrpc_comment_spam': $entry_id = $addData['id']; $comment_id = $addData['cid']; if($this->get_config('method', 'moderate') == 'custom') { $spamBarrier = min(array( $this->get_config('moderateBarrier', 70) / 100, $this->get_config('blockBarrier', 90) / 100 )); } else { $spamBarrier = 0.7; } //spam shall not get through the filter twice - so make sure, it really is marked as spam $loop = 0; while ($this->startClassify($eventData) < $spamBarrier && $loop < 5) { $this->startLearn($eventData, 'spam'); //prevent infinite loop $loop++; } if ($this->get_config('recycler', true)) { $this->recycleComment($comment_id, $entry_id); } serendipity_deleteComment($comment_id, $entry_id); return true; break; case 'xmlrpc_comment_ham': $this->startLearn($eventData, 'ham'); $comment_id = $addData['cid']; $entry_id = $addData['id']; //moderated ham-comments should be instantly approved, that's why they need an id: serendipity_approveComment($comment_id, $entry_id); return true; break; default : return false; break; } } else { return false; } } function getRequest($url) { if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); } else { $options = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'GET' )); $context = stream_context_create($options); $response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); } return $response; } #Show the whole additional configuration, specifiy subpage for a specific tab function displayMenu($subpage=0) { global $serendipity; $css = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/admin/serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes.css'); #add javascript for usability if ($serendipity['capabilities']['jquery']) { $jquery_needed = false; } else { $jquery_needed = true; } echo $this->smarty_show('bayesNavigation.tpl', array('css' => $css, 'jquery_needed' => $jquery_needed, 'path' => $this->path, 'subpage' => $subpage, 's9ybackend' => $GLOBALS['s9ybackend'] )); switch($subpage) { case '1': $this->showRecyclerMenu($this->get['commentpage']); break; case '2': $this->showDBMenu($this->get['commentpage']); break; case '3': $this->showLearnMenu(); break; case '4': $this->showAnalysisMenu($this->get['commentpage']); break; case '5': $this->showImportMenu(); break; default: break; } } /* Render a smarty-template * $template: path to the template-file * $data: map with the variables to assign * */ function smarty_show($template, $data = null) { global $serendipity; if (!is_object($serendipity['smarty'])) { serendipity_smarty_init(); } $serendipity['smarty']->assign($data); echo $this->parseTemplate($template); } function showLearnMenu() { echo $this->smarty_show('bayesLearnmenu.tpl', array('s9ybackend' => $GLOBALS['s9ybackend'])); } function showDBMenu($commentpage) { global $serendipity; $data = array(); $sql = "SELECT token, ham, spam, type FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes ORDER BY spam" . serendipity_db_limit_sql(sprintf("%d,%d", $commentpage*20, 20)); try { $bayesTable = serendipity_db_query($sql, false, "assoc"); } catch (Exception $e) { $bayesTable = array(); } try { $sql ="SELECT COUNT(token) FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes"; $amount = serendipity_db_query($sql, true, "num"); $amount = $amount[0]; } catch (Exception $e) { $amount = 0; } $data['pages'] = ceil($amount / 20); $data['bayesTable'] = $bayesTable; if (! isset($commentpage)) { $commentpage = 0; } $data['curpage'] = $commentpage; foreach($this->type as $type) { $data[$type.'_ham'] = $this->get_config("{$type}_ham", 0); $data[$type.'_spam'] = $this->get_config("{$type}_spam", 0); } $data['path'] = $this->path; $data['s9ybackend'] = $GLOBALS['s9ybackend']; echo $this->smarty_show('bayesDBmenu.tpl', $data); } function showRecyclerMenu($commentpage) { $comments = $this->getAllRecyclerComments($commentpage); if (is_array($comments[0])) { for ($i=0; $i < count($comments); $i++) { $comment = $comments[$i]; $types = array_keys($this->type); $ratings = array(); $comment['rating'] = $this->startClassify($comment) * 100; $comment['article_link'] = serendipity_archiveURL($comment['entry_id'], 'comments', 'serendipityHTTPPath', true); $comment['article_title'] = $this->getEntryTitle($comment['entry_id']); $comments[$i] = $comment; } } else { $comments = array(); } echo $this->smarty_show('bayesRecyclermenu.tpl', array('comments' => $comments, 'types' => array_values($this->type), 'commentpage' => $commentpage, 'path' => $this->path, 's9ybackend' => $GLOBALS['s9ybackend'] )); } function getEntryTitle($id) { global $serendipity; $sql = "SELECT title FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries WHERE id = '$id'"; $title = serendipity_db_query($sql, true, "assoc"); $title = $title['title']; return $title; } function showAnalysisMenu($commentpage=0) { if (isset($this->get['comments'])) { //comments already were selected $comment_ids = array_keys($this->get['comments']); $this->showAnalysis($comment_ids); } else { $comments = $this->getAllComments($commentpage); if (!is_array($comments[0])) { $comments = array(); } echo $this->smarty_show('bayesAnalysismenu.tpl', array( 'comments' => $comments, 'commentpage' => $commentpage, 'path' => $this->path, 's9ybackend' => $GLOBALS['s9ybackend'] )); } } function showImportMenu() { global $serendipity; echo $this->smarty_show('bayesImportmenu.tpl', array( 'trojaRegistered' => $this->get_config('troja_registered', false) == true, 's9ybackend' => $GLOBALS['s9ybackend'] )); } function showAnalysis($comment_id) { $comments = $this->getComment($comment_id); for ($i=0; $i < count($comments); $i++) { $comment = $comments[$i]; $types = array_keys($this->type); $ratings = array(); foreach($types as $type) { $rating = $this->classify($comment[$this->type[$type]], $this->type[$type]); if (is_numeric($rating)) { $ratings[$this->type[$type]] = $rating * 100; } else { $ratings[$this->type[$type]] = '-'; } } $comment['rating'] = $this->startClassify($comment) * 100; $comment['ratings'] = $ratings; $comments[$i] = $comment; } echo $this->smarty_show('bayesAnalysis.tpl', array('comments' => $comments, 'types' => array_values($this->type), 's9ybackend' => $GLOBALS['s9ybackend'] )); } #For email-notification. Learn a spam or ham and delete or approve. function learnAction($id, $category, $action, $entry_id) { $comment = $this->getComment($id); if (is_array ($comment)) { $comment = $comment['0']; } $this->startLearn($comment, $category); if ($action == 'delete') { serendipity_deleteComment($id, $entry_id); } else if ($action == 'approve') { serendipity_approveComment($id, $entry_id); } } #id: array of ids or a single id function getComment($id) { global $serendipity; if(is_array($id)) { $sql = "SELECT id, body, entry_id, author, email, url, ip, referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments WHERE " . serendipity_db_in_sql ( 'id', $id ); } else { $sql = "SELECT id, body, entry_id, author, email, url, ip, referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments WHERE id = " . (int)$id; } $comments = serendipity_db_query($sql, false, 'assoc'); return $comments; } #id: array of ids or a single id function getRecyclerComment($id) { global $serendipity; if(is_array($id)) { $sql = "SELECT id, body, entry_id, author, email, url, ip, referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler WHERE " . serendipity_db_in_sql ( 'id', $id ); } else { $sql = "SELECT id, body, entry_id, author, email, url, ip, referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler WHERE id = " . (int)$id; } $comments = serendipity_db_query($sql, false, 'assoc'); return $comments; } # Get all comments, or, when $page was given, give 20 comments of # that page function getAllComments($page=false) { global $serendipity; if ($page === false) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments ORDER BY id DESC"; } else { $first = $page * 20; $amount = 21; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments ORDER BY id DESC" . serendipity_db_limit_sql(sprintf("%d,%d", $first, $amount)); } $comments = serendipity_db_query($sql, false, 'assoc'); return $comments; } function getAllRecyclerComments($page=false) { global $serendipity; if ($page === false) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler ORDER BY id DESC"; } else { $first = $page * 20; $amount = 21; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler ORDER BY id DESC" . serendipity_db_limit_sql(sprintf("%d,%d", $first, $amount)); } $comments = serendipity_db_query($sql, false, 'assoc'); return $comments; } function block(&$eventData, &$addData) { global $serendipity; if ($this->get_config('recycler', true)) { $delete = $this->get_config('recyclerdelete', ''); $rating = preg_replace('/\..*/', '', $this->lastRating * 100); if (empty($delete) || $rating < $delete) { $this->throwInRecycler($eventData, $addData); } } $logfile = $this->logfile = $this->get_config('logfile', $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'spamblock.log'); $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'REJECTED', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_REASON, $addData); $eventData = array ('allow_comments' => false); $serendipity ['messagestack'] ['comments'] [] = PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_ERROR; } function moderate(&$eventData, &$addData) { global $serendipity; $logfile = $this->logfile = $this->get_config('logfile', $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'spamblock.log'); $this->log($logfile, $eventData['id'], 'MODERATE', PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_REASON, $addData); $eventData['moderate_comments'] = true; $serendipity['csuccess'] = 'moderate'; $serendipity['moderate_reason'] = sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_SPAMBLOCK_BAYES_MODERATE); } //Empty the Recycler function emptyRecycler() { global $serendipity; $sql = "DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler"; return serendipity_db_query($sql); } //Get the blocked comment and store it in the recycler-table //Used when the comment is from a current happening event function throwInRecycler(&$ca, &$commentInfo) { global $serendipity; #code copied from serendipity_insertComment. Changed: $id and $status $id = (int)$ca['id']; $type = $commentInfo['type']; if (isset($commentInfo['subscribe'])) { if (!isset($serendipity['allowSubscriptionsOptIn']) || $serendipity['allowSubscriptionsOptIn']) { $subscribe = 'false'; } else { $subscribe = 'true'; } } else { $subscribe = 'false'; } //'approved' cause only relevant after recovery $dbstatus = 'approved'; $title = serendipity_db_escape_string($ca['title']); $comments = $commentInfo['comment']; $ip = serendipity_db_escape_string(isset($commentInfo['ip']) ? $commentInfo['ip'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $commentsFixed = serendipity_db_escape_string($commentInfo['comment']); $name = serendipity_db_escape_string($commentInfo['name']); $url = serendipity_db_escape_string($commentInfo['url']); $email = serendipity_db_escape_string($commentInfo['email']); $parentid = (isset($commentInfo['parent_id']) && is_numeric($commentInfo['parent_id'])) ? $commentInfo['parent_id'] : 0; $status = serendipity_db_escape_string(isset($commentInfo['status']) ? $commentInfo['status'] : (serendipity_db_bool($ca['moderate_comments']) ? 'pending' : 'approved')); $t = serendipity_db_escape_string(isset($commentInfo['time']) ? $commentInfo['time'] : time()); $referer = substr((isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) ? serendipity_db_escape_string($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) : ''), 0, 200); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler (entry_id, parent_id, ip, author, email, url, body, type, timestamp, title, subscribed, status, referer) VALUES ('$id', '$parentid', '$ip', '$name', '$email', '$url', '$commentsFixed', '$type', '$t', '$title', '$subscribe', '$dbstatus', '$referer')"; serendipity_db_query($sql); } function recycleComment($id, $entry_id) { global $serendipity; $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler (entry_id, parent_id, ip, author, email, url, body, type, timestamp, title, subscribed, status, referer) SELECT entry_id, parent_id, ip, author, email, url, body, type, timestamp, title, subscribed, status, referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments WHERE id = '$id' AND entry_id = '$entry_id';"; serendipity_db_query($sql); } function restoreComments($ids) { global $serendipity; if (is_array($ids)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments (entry_id, parent_id, ip, author, email, url, body, type, timestamp, title, subscribed, status, referer) SELECT entry_id, parent_id, ip, author, email, url, body, type, timestamp, title, subscribed, status, referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler WHERE " . serendipity_db_in_sql ( 'id', $ids ); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}comments (entry_id, parent_id, ip, author, email, url, body, type, timestamp, title, subscribed, status, referer) SELECT entry_id, parent_id, ip, author, email, url, body, type, timestamp, title, subscribed, status, referer FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler WHERE id = " . (int)$ids; } $result = serendipity_db_query($sql); $this->deleteFromRecycler($ids); } function deleteFromRecycler($ids) { global $serendipity; if (is_array($ids)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler WHERE " . serendipity_db_in_sql ( 'id', $ids ); } else { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes_recycler WHERE id = " . (int)$ids; } return serendipity_db_query($sql); } /** * Export the database spamblack_bayes into a csv-file * */ function exportDatabase() { global $serendipity; #try to reduce memory usage by not selecting the whole table, #but splitting it in chunks of 10000 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes"; $amount = serendipity_db_query($sql); $amount = $amount[0][0]; $runs = 0; $csvfile = $serendipity ['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/spamblock_bayes.csv'; $fp = @fopen($csvfile , 'w'); while ($amount > ($start = $runs * 10000)) { $sql = "SELECT token, ham, spam, type FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes LIMIT $start, 10000"; $database = serendipity_db_query($sql); #The array $database now contains all results twice. There's #probably a nicer way to remove them for ($i=0;$i < count($database); $i++) { for ($j=0;$j < 4; $j++) { unset($database[$i][$j]); } } foreach ($database as $fields) { fputcsv($fp, $fields); } $runs++; } fclose($fp); } function fetchDatabase($host, $key) { global $serendipity; $data = array('key' => $key); $url = $host . 'index.php?/plugin/bayesExportDatabase'; if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); $result = curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); } else { // this method should work, but in my test, this code //never transmitted the post-fields properly $options = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query($data) )); $context = stream_context_create($options); $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); } if( $this->validCvs($result)) { #write obtained csv to $file $csvfile = $serendipity ['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/spamblock_bayes.csv'; file_put_contents($csvfile, $result); $spamDB = $this->getCsvDatabase($csvfile); $this->importDatabase($spamDB); } } #check if the fetched page really was a spamblock-file #param1: $content Content of the cvs #return: true or false function validCvs($content) { $lines = explode("\n", $content); $number_lines = count($lines) -1; return preg_match_all("/.*,[0-9]*,[0-9]*,.*/", $content, $matches) == $number_lines; } function importDatabase($importDatabase) { global $serendipity; set_time_limit(0); serendipity_db_begin_transaction(); if ($this->get_config('dbversion', 2) == 3 && ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysql' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'mysqli')) { #now there is a primary key we can use foreach ($importDatabase as $importToken) { $token = $importToken[0]; $ham = $importToken[1]; $spam = $importToken[2]; $type = $importToken[3]; $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes (token, ham, spam, type) VALUES ('$token', $ham, $spam, '$type') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ham = ham + VALUES(ham), spam = spam + VALUES(spam);"; serendipity_db_query($sql); $result = mysql_error(); if ($result != "") { serendipity_db_end_transaction(false); return $result; } if ($ham > 0) { $this->set_config("{$type}_ham", $this->get_config("{$type}_ham", 0) + 1); } if ($spam > 0) { $this->set_config("{$type}_spam", $this->get_config("{$type}_spam", 0) + 1); } } } elseif ($serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite3' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'sqlite3oo' || $serendipity['dbType'] == 'pdo-sqlite') { foreach ($importDatabase as $importToken) { $token = $importToken[0]; $ham = $importToken[1]; $spam = $importToken[2]; $type = $importToken[3]; $sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes (token, ham, spam, type) VALUES ('$token', 0, 0, '$type');"; serendipity_db_query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes SET ham = ham + $ham, spam = spam + $spam WHERE token = '$token' AND type = '$type'"; serendipity_db_query($sql); if ($ham > 0) { $this->set_config("{$type}_ham", $this->get_config("{$type}_ham", 0) + 1); } if ($spam > 0) { $this->set_config("{$type}_spam", $this->get_config("{$type}_spam", 0) + 1); } } } else { foreach ($importDatabase as $importToken) { $token = $importToken[0]; $ham = $importToken[1]; $spam = $importToken[2]; $type = $importToken[3]; $sql = "SELECT token FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes WHERE token = '$token' AND type = '$type'"; $tester = serendipity_db_query($sql); if (empty($tester[0])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes (token, ham, spam, type) VALUES('$token', $ham, $spam, '$type')"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblock_bayes SET ham = ham + $ham, spam = spam + $spam WHERE token = '$token' AND type = '$type'"; } serendipity_db_query($sql); #NOTE: We do this wrongly, but as good as possible (really?). # The config is supposed to store the amount of # ham/spam-comments, not a guess of that. if ($ham > 0) { $this->set_config("{$type}_ham", $this->get_config("{$type}_ham", 0) + 1); } if ($spam > 0) { $this->set_config("{$type}_spam", $this->get_config("{$type}_spam", 0) + 1); } } } serendipity_db_end_transaction(true); return true; } function getCsvDatabase($csvfile) { if (($handle = fopen($csvfile, "r")) !== FALSE) { $i = 0; while (($lineArray = fgetcsv($handle, 4000)) !== FALSE) { for ($j=0; $jdebug_fp = @fopen ( $serendipity ['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/spamblock_bayes.log', 'a' ); if (! $this->debug_fp) { return false; } if (empty ( $msg )) { fwrite ( $this->debug_fp, "failure \n" ); } else { fwrite ( $this->debug_fp, print_r ( $msg, true ) ); } fclose ( $this->debug_fp ); } function is_goodtoken($rpath, $cid) { $tokenparse = explode("_",$rpath); // check that we got a 32 char tokeni if (is_array($tokenparse)) { if (strlen($tokenparse[2]) == 32) { $ret=serendipity_checkCommentToken($tokenparse[2], (int)$cid); return $ret; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function log($logfile, $id, $switch, $reason, $addData) { global $serendipity; $method = $this->get_config('logtype'); switch($method) { case 'file': if (empty($logfile)) { return; } if (strpos($logfile, '%') !== false) { $logfile = strftime($logfile); } $fp = @fopen($logfile, 'a+'); if (!is_resource($fp)) { return; } fwrite($fp, sprintf( '[%s] - [%s: %s] - [#%s, Name "%s", E-Mail "%s", URL "%s", User-Agent "%s", IP %s] - [%s]' . "\n", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', serendipity_serverOffsetHour()), $switch, $reason, $id, str_replace("\n", ' ', $addData['name']), str_replace("\n", ' ', $addData['email']), str_replace("\n", ' ', $addData['url']), str_replace("\n", ' ', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], str_replace("\n", ' ', $addData['comment']) )); fclose($fp); break; case 'none': return; break; case 'db': default: $q = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}spamblocklog (timestamp, type, reason, entry_id, author, email, url, useragent, ip, referer, body) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", serendipity_serverOffsetHour(), serendipity_db_escape_string($switch), serendipity_db_escape_string($reason), serendipity_db_escape_string($id), serendipity_db_escape_string($addData['name']), serendipity_db_escape_string($addData['email']), serendipity_db_escape_string($addData['url']), substr(serendipity_db_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 0, 255), serendipity_db_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), substr(serendipity_db_escape_string(isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']), 0, 255), serendipity_db_escape_string($addData['comment']) ); serendipity_db_schema_import($q); break; } } }