Serendipity 'Comics' Plug-in by Wesley Hwang-Chung This plug-in enables you to post webcomics in your blog. The latest comic will show up on the front page. Each comic page gets a navigation link to first, previous, next, and last comics (if they exist). The style for the navigation links is defined under ".serendipity_comics". Add this class to your template to customize. You can control whether the past comics will show up on the front page as regular entries or not. If you post lots of comics it may look better to have them not showing up. Title for the comic is shown in "Latest Comic : (date)" format. You can choose to hide this. The comic on the front page is output in raw form without any markups or styles by default for optimal showing of the graphics. You can choose to apply markups to make it look like a normal entry if you want. Contact