1.10.1: ----- * Hotfixes for PHP 8 (surrim) 1.10: ----- * Added legal gdpr/dsgvo info 1.09: ----- * Fix Adress for Twitter JS-Script to avoid broken security chain when using https. 1.08: ----- * Added serendipity_request_url API method Version 1.06 * Add ability to formular custom comment texts. Version 1.05 * Delete old configuration entries that have moved to the spambee in order to not confuse 2k11 Version 1.04 * Only show CommentSpice elements if in article view (not in contact form i.e.). Version 1.03 * Optional allow the commentor to announce a single article only once per page. * "Choose article" was displayed in the language of the last user who triggered RSS fetching. * Announce description will be hidden, if nothing is left to announce. * Made it better work with 2k11 "out of the box". Version 1.02 * Removed all antispam related and put it into a new plugin "Spamblock Bee". Version 1.01 * Preview of a comment is "spiced" now, too. * Preview comment is not loosing article promotion selection anymore. * The twitter input is remembered now the same way the other inputs are (was not working for preview). * The article selector was not hiding again on invalid URLs (only clearing options). * The internal styling of the article selector is optional now. * Removed spice from admins comment editor. * Added some css / templating fixes proposed by @yellowled. Thanks! * 2k11 commentform.tpl patchfile changed. Please update if you use it!