#!/usr/bin/perl # # English language file debugmsg("lang_GB",3); ################################## # # # !! WARNING !! # # # # # # THE ORDER OF VARIABLES IN # # # # THIS FILE IS IMPORTANT # # # # # # SOME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED BY # # # # INCLUDING THE VALUES OF OTHERS # # # # # # !! EDIT WITH CARE !! # # # ################################## # # s9y_conf # $MUSTBEROOT = "You must be root to run this script"; $PROG_EXIT = "Goodbye..."; $PROGNAME_LONG = "S9Y Config Generator"; $PROGNAME_SHORT = "S9Y_CONF"; # # write_data # $MAX_USERNUM_REACHED = "The maximum number of users al;ready exist"; # # root_check # $ROOTPW_PROMPT = "Please enter the Superuser's Password"; # # read_data # $READ_DATA_OPEN_ERROR = "Could not read from ".$S9Y_CONF_DATA."!"; # # write_apachefile, write_s9y_install # $WRITE_DATA_OPEN_ERROR = "Could not open ".$S9Y_CONF_DATA." for writing!"; $WRITE_TEMP_OPEN_ERROR = "Can not wite to ">$GLOBALVARS{'tempfile'}; # write_apache_file # $APACHE_CONF_WRITE_SUCCESS = "Succesfully created ".$GLOBALVARS{'apacheconfigfile'}; $APACHE_CONF_WRITE_ERROR_1 = "WARNING: Unable to change permissions on ".$GLOBALVARS{'apacheconfigfile'}; $APACHE_CONF_WRITE_ERROR_2 = "WARNING: Unable to create ".$GLOBALVARS{'apacheconfigfile'}; $APACHE_CONF_WRITE_ERROR_3 = "WARNING: sudo failed to create ".$GLOBALVARS{'apacheconfigfile'}; $APACHE_CONF_WRITE_ERROR_4 = "WARNING: sudo failed to chown root:root ".$GLOBALVARS{'apacheconfigfile'}; $APACHE_CONF_WRITE_ERROR_5 = "WARNING: sudo failed to chmod 0644 ".$GLOBALVARS{'apacheconfigfile'}; # # write_s9y_install # $S9Y_SIS_TITLE = "Serendipity Shared Installation Script"; $S9Y_INSTALL_WRITE_SUCCESS = "Succesfully created ".$GLOBALVARS{'s9yinstallscript'}; $S9Y_INSTALL_WRITE_ERROR_1 = "WARNING: Unable to change permissions on ".$GLOBALVARS{'s9yinstallscript'}; $S9Y_INSTALL_WRITE_ERROR_2 = "WARNING: Unable to create ".$GLOBALVARS{'s9yinstallscript'}; $S9Y_INSTALL_WRITE_ERROR_3 = "WARNING: sudo failed to create ".$GLOBALVARS{'s9yinstallscript'}; $S9Y_INSTALL_WRITE_ERROR_4 = "WARNING: sudo failed to chown root:root ".$GLOBALVARS{'s9yinstallscript'}; $S9Y_INSTALL_WRITE_ERROR_5 = "WARNING: sudo failed to chmod 0744 ".$GLOBALVARS{'s9yinstallscript'}; # # Menus # $MENU_HEAD = $PROGNAME_LONG." v".$GLOBALVARS{'version'}; # MUST be declared after $PROGNAME_LONG $WAIT_MSG = "Push enter to continue"; # main_menu $MM_TITLE = "Main Menu"; $MM_PROMPTA = "Option"; $MM_PROMPTB ="to exit"; $MM_1 = "Configuration"; $MM_2A = "Edit Users ("; $MM_2B = " on file)"; $MM_3 = "Create Apache Configuration File"; $MM_4 = "Create S9Y Install Script"; # config_menu $CM_TITLE = "Configuration"; $CM_PROMPTA = "Option"; $CM_PROMPTB ="to exit"; $CM_L = " Language"; $CM_1 = " Webserver User"; $CM_2 = "Webserver Group"; $CM_3 = " Lib Directory"; $CM_4 = " Subdirectory for S9Y"; $CM_5 = " Temporary File"; $CM_6 = "Apache Config File"; $CM_7 = "S9Y Install Script"; $CM_8 = "Bypass Root Check"; $CM_9 = " Allow sudo"; $CM_9A = " Command"; $CM_S = "Save changes"; $CM_D = "Discard changes"; $CM_EDIT_1 = "Webserver User"; $CM_EDIT_2 = "Webserver Group"; $CM_EDIT_3 = "Lib Directory"; $CM_EDIT_4 = "Subdirectory for S9Y"; $CM_EDIT_5 = "Temporary File"; $CM_EDIT_6 = "Apache Config File"; $CM_EDIT_7 = "S9Y Install Script"; $CM_EDIT_8 = "Bypass Root Check"; $CM_EDIT_9 = "Allow sudo"; $CM_EDIT_9A = "Command"; $CM_NOCHANGE = "unchanged."; $CM_SAVE = "Configuration saved"; $CM_DISCARD = "Changes discarded"; $CM_ERROR_1 = "Please Enter Y or N"; $CM_ERROR_2 = "does NOT exist!"; $CM_ERROR_3 = "Can NOT write to"; $CM_ERROR_4 = "Temporary File and S9Y Install Script MUST be different"; $CM_ERROR_5 = "Temporary File and Apache Config File MUST be different"; $CM_ERROR_6 = "Apache Config File and S9Y Install Script MUST be different"; $CM_ERROR_7 = "Apache Config File and Temporary File MUST be different"; $CM_ERROR_8 = "S9Y Install Script and Apache Config File MUST be different"; $CM_ERROR_9 = "S9Y Install Script and Temporary File MUST be different"; # edit_menu $EM_TITLE = "Edit Users"; $EM_PROMPTA = "Option"; $EM_PROMPTB ="to exit"; $EM_PAGE_1 = "Page"; $EM_PAGE_2 = "of"; $EM_PAGE_3 = "users in the system"; $EM_F = "First"; $EM_P = "Previous"; $EM_N = "Next"; $EM_L = "Last"; $EM_A = "Add User"; $EM_E = "Edit User"; $EM_D = "Delete User"; $EM_S = "Save Changes"; $EM_R = "Reset Changes"; $EM_1 = "UID"; $EM_2 = " Name"; $EM_3 = " Webroot"; $EM_4 = "Blog Directory"; $EM_5 = " User Account"; $EM_EXIT_SAVE = "User data has changed do you want to save"; $EM_EDIT_1E = "Enter UID to edit"; $EM_EDIT_1D = "Enter UID to delete"; $EM_EDIT_2 = "Name"; $EM_EDIT_3 = "Webroot"; $EM_EDIT_4A = "Blog Directory"; $EM_EDIT_4B = "Delete Blog Directory"; $EM_EDIT_5 = "User Account"; $EM_SAVE = "Users saved"; $EM_NOTSAVED = "NO changes made"; $EM_DONTFORGET = "SAVE CHANGES TO COMMIT USERS TO FILE"; $EM_SUCCESS_ADD = "User add succesful (".$EM_DONTFORGET.")"; $EM_SUCCESS_EDIT = "User edit succesful (".$EM_DONTFORGET.")"; $EM_SUCCESS_DELETE = "User delete succesful (".$EM_DONTFORGET.")"; $EM_FAILURE_ADD = "User data NOT added"; $EM_FAILURE_EDIT = "User data NOT changed"; $EM_FAILURE_DELETE = "User data NOT Deleted"; $EM_ERROR_1 = "Maximum number of users already on file"; $EM_ERROR_2 = "No Name Entered"; $EM_ERROR_3 = "No Webroot Entered"; $EM_ERROR_4 = "No User Account Entered"; $EM_ERROR_5 = "User does NOT exist"; # This line is needed to satisfy require 1;