1.18: ----- * Use native API method parseTemplate() for the tpl files 1.17: ----- * Sets required version to S9y 1.3 * Set Sent Box to text, to not allow hidden

tags by WYSIWYG-Editors for the text. * Fixed Smarty template includement * Removed unused and confusing code * Fix german lang constant for "PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SENT_HTML" 1.16: ----- * fix XSS security vulnerability (Thanks to Stefan Schurtz!) 1.15: ----- * latest: Smarty3 forward compatibility 1.14: ----- * Added check to circument adduser plugin's "registered only" option. 1.13: ----- * Force spamblock plugin to properly realize "time to live" of captchas. Previously, even though captchas where displayed, it did not matter what the user entered. 1.11: ----- * Fix XHTML validity of checked="checked" 1.10: ----- * Introdcuce new "issue counter".