Serendipity: Available External Sidebar Plugins TOC en Serendipitx SPARTACUS Статични страници - списък: Тази приставка показва конфигурируем списък от статични страници. Sidebar Plugins Rob Antonishen, Falk Doering, Ian (Timbalu) <b>serendipity_plugin_staticpage<br />Статични страници - списък</b><br />Тази приставка показва конфигурируем списък от статични страници.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:09:56 +0100 serendipity_plugin_staticpage Времето: Показва състоянието на времето като странична приставка. Sidebar Plugins Serendipity Team <b>serendipity_plugin_weather<br />Времето</b><br />Показва състоянието на времето като странична приставка.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:16:16 +0100 serendipity_plugin_weather Вход за автори: Показва форма за вход на автори Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking, Neil Dudman <b>serendipity_plugin_loginform<br />Вход за автори</b><br />Показва форма за вход на автори<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:18:14 +0100 serendipity_plugin_loginform Amazon Recommendations: Recommend Products at Amazon within the Amazon-Partnerprogram Sidebar Plugins Matthew Groeninger, (original plugin by Thomas Nesges) <b>serendipity_plugin_amazon<br />Amazon Recommendations</b><br />Recommend Products at Amazon within the Amazon-Partnerprogram<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:31:24 +0100 serendipity_plugin_amazon Last Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Scroogle): Shows searched word of the last Google, Yahoo, Bing or Scoogle search, that lead to this blog. Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_plugin_google_last_query<br />Last Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Scroogle)</b><br />Shows searched word of the last Google, Yahoo, Bing or Scoogle search, that lead to this blog.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:32:23 +0100 serendipity_plugin_google_last_query Hitmaps: Shows where the blogs visitors are coming from Sidebar Plugins Serendipity Team <b>serendipity_plugin_hitmaps<br />Hitmaps</b><br />Shows where the blogs visitors are coming from<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:34:08 +0100 serendipity_plugin_hitmaps Top Referers: Показване на страниците първенци в насочването към сайта ви Sidebar Plugins Serendipity Team <b>serendipity_plugin_topreferers<br />Top Referers</b><br />Показване на страниците първенци в насочването към сайта ви<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:34:53 +0100 serendipity_plugin_topreferers Wikipedia Finder: Highlight a phrase and click the icon to search on using Wikipedia. Sidebar Plugins Serendipity Team <b>serendipity_plugin_wikipedia_finder<br />Wikipedia Finder</b><br />Highlight a phrase and click the icon to search on using Wikipedia.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:35:46 +0100 serendipity_plugin_wikipedia_finder Маркери: Показва списък на маркери към статиите Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking, Jonathan Arkell, Grischa Brockhaus, Lars Strojny <b>serendipity_plugin_freetag<br />Маркери</b><br />Показва списък на маркери към статиите<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:42:32 +0100 serendipity_plugin_freetag Избор на език: Позволява посетителите да сменят езика на лицевата страница Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking, Wesley Hwang-Chung <b>serendipity_plugin_multilingual<br />Избор на език</b><br />Позволява посетителите да сменят езика на лицевата страница<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:44:27 +0100 serendipity_plugin_multilingual Популярни статии: Показва заглавията и броя на коментарите на най-популярните статии. Популярността се изчислява според броя на коментарите към статиите. Sidebar Plugins Kaustubh Srikanth <b>serendipity_plugin_popularentries<br />Популярни статии</b><br />Показва заглавията и броя на коментарите на най-популярните статии. Популярността се изчислява според броя на коментарите към статиите.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:46:11 +0100 serendipity_plugin_popularentries A plug-in: A clone of the "Remaindered Links" & "Blogmarks" systems, and uses the trendy for its back-end support. Sidebar Plugins Riscky <b>serendipity_plugin_delicious<br />A plug-in</b><br />A clone of the "Remaindered Links" & "Blogmarks" systems, and uses the trendy for its back-end support.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:52:10 +0100 serendipity_plugin_delicious Категории в дървовидно меню: DHTML дървовидно меню на категориите. Изисква PEAR::HTML_TreeMenu. Sidebar Plugins Jackson Miller, Sebastian Bauer <b>serendipity_plugin_category_dhtml_menu<br />Категории в дървовидно меню</b><br />DHTML дървовидно меню на категориите. Изисква PEAR::HTML_TreeMenu.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:03:41 +0100 serendipity_plugin_category_dhtml_menu Photoblog Entries: Shows the thumbnails of the most recent photoblog entries (see event plugin). Sidebar Plugins Cameron MacFarland <b>serendipity_plugin_photoblog<br />Photoblog Entries</b><br />Shows the thumbnails of the most recent photoblog entries (see event plugin).<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:04:29 +0100 serendipity_plugin_photoblog User Self-Registration: Allows blog visitors to create their own author account. Together with the Event-plugin (index.php?serendipity[subpage]=adduser) you can choose whether only registered users may post comments. Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_plugin_adduser<br />User Self-Registration</b><br />Allows blog visitors to create their own author account. Together with the Event-plugin (index.php?serendipity[subpage]=adduser) you can choose whether only registered users may post comments.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:05:48 +0100 serendipity_plugin_adduser Authors: Displays entries by author. Sidebar Plugins Victor Fusco <b>serendipity_plugin_authors<br />Authors</b><br />Displays entries by author.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:15:46 +0100 serendipity_plugin_authors Списък от връзки: Менажер на връзките - показва връзки към други сайтове в странична приставка чрез дървовидно меню. Sidebar Plugins Matthew Groeninger, Omid Mottaghi Rad <b>serendipity_plugin_linklist<br />Списък от връзки</b><br />Менажер на връзките - показва връзки към други сайтове в странична приставка чрез дървовидно меню.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:19:09 +0100 serendipity_plugin_linklist Книга за гости: Показва последните съобщения в книгата за гости в странична приставка Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( ), Tadashi Jokagi <>, Ian (Timbalu) <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Книга за гости</b><br />Показва последните съобщения в книгата за гости в странична приставка<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:23:15 +0100 serendipity_plugin_guestbook flickr Photostream: Display the latest photos from flickr Photostreams. Sidebar Plugins Michael Kaiser <b>serendipity_plugin_flickr<br />flickr Photostream</b><br />Display the latest photos from flickr Photostreams.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:06:21 +0100 serendipity_plugin_flickr Polls: Shows the current poll in your sidebar Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking, Evan Nemerson <b>serendipity_plugin_pollbox<br />Polls</b><br />Shows the current poll in your sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:22:49 +0100 serendipity_plugin_pollbox Gallery Random Photo Block: Adds a reference to a Gallery Random Block script (see for details on this script) Sidebar Plugins Andrew Brown, Tadashi Jokagi <b>serendipity_plugin_gallery_menalto_random<br />Gallery Random Photo Block</b><br />Adds a reference to a Gallery Random Block script (see for details on this script)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:26:22 +0100 serendipity_plugin_gallery_menalto_random Авторите на този блог: Показва списък на авторите, писали статии за този блог. Sidebar Plugins Falk Dring <b>serendipity_plugin_userprofiles<br />Авторите на този блог</b><br />Показва списък на авторите, писали статии за този блог.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:28:46 +0100 serendipity_plugin_userprofiles Рожденни дни на потребителите: PLUGIN_USERPROFILES_BIRTHDAYSNAME_DESCRIPTION Sidebar Plugins Falk Doering <b>serendipity_plugin_userprofiles_birthdays<br />Рожденни дни на потребителите</b><br />PLUGIN_USERPROFILES_BIRTHDAYSNAME_DESCRIPTION<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:29:33 +0100 serendipity_plugin_userprofiles_birthdays Моят календар: Показва Вашият персонален календар с X бъдещи събития Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking, Markus Gerstel <b>serendipity_plugin_mycalendar<br />Моят календар</b><br />Показва Вашият персонален календар с X бъдещи събития<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:31:16 +0100 serendipity_plugin_mycalendar Karma Ranking: Shows overall score by author Sidebar Plugins Andreas Brandmaier <b>serendipity_plugin_karmaranking<br />Karma Ranking</b><br />Shows overall score by author<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:32:16 +0100 serendipity_plugin_karmaranking Coppermine Thumbnails: Display thumbnails from a Coppermine gallery in the sidebar Sidebar Plugins Matthew Maude <b>serendipity_plugin_coppermine<br />Coppermine Thumbnails</b><br />Display thumbnails from a Coppermine gallery in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:34:06 +0100 serendipity_plugin_coppermine Show trusted users: Displays all users with their ethics (represented by a traffic light). Green light means 'cool'; yellow light means 'warning'; red light means 'banned' The administrator can easily modify this value for each user. Sidebar Plugins Loris Zena <b>serendipity_plugin_xsstrust<br />Show trusted users</b><br />Displays all users with their ethics (represented by a traffic light). Green light means 'cool'; yellow light means 'warning'; red light means 'banned' The administrator can easily modify this value for each user.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:47:21 +0100 serendipity_plugin_xsstrust Езиково специфичен HTML блок: Показва HTML блок в страничния панел за указан език или всички езици Sidebar Plugins Wesley Hwang-Chung <b>serendipity_plugin_nugget_multilingual<br />Езиково специфичен HTML блок</b><br />Показва HTML блок в страничния панел за указан език или всички езици<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:49:35 +0100 serendipity_plugin_nugget_multilingual Currently...: Displays items you are currently listening, playing, or reading... Sidebar Plugins Dustin Hawkins <b>serendipity_plugin_currently<br />Currently...</b><br />Displays items you are currently listening, playing, or reading...<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:50:09 +0100 serendipity_plugin_currently Audioscrobbler: Shows last played songs in your blog Sidebar Plugins Flo Solcher <b>serendipity_plugin_audioscrobbler<br />Audioscrobbler</b><br />Shows last played songs in your blog<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:50:55 +0100 serendipity_plugin_audioscrobbler Random Quotes: Shows a block with a random quotation Sidebar Plugins Florian Solcher <b>serendipity_plugin_randomquotes<br />Random Quotes</b><br />Shows a block with a random quotation<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:52:54 +0100 serendipity_plugin_randomquotes Shoutcast: Display Shoutcast stream information in the sidebar. Sidebar Plugins John Mann <b>serendipity_plugin_shoutcast<br />Shoutcast</b><br />Display Shoutcast stream information in the sidebar.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8.4 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:58:44 +0100 serendipity_plugin_shoutcast Google Бързо търсене: Търсене в статиите (Google) Sidebar Plugins Wesley Hwang-Chung <b>serendipity_plugin_google_quicksearch<br />Google Бързо търсене</b><br />Търсене в статиите (Google)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:01:28 +0100 serendipity_plugin_google_quicksearch Geotag Google/OSM Map: This plugin displays a Google Map or Openstreetmap with geotagged entries Sidebar Plugins Zoran Kovacevic, Grischa Brockhaus, Matthias Gutjahr <b>serendipity_plugin_geotag<br />Geotag Google/OSM Map</b><br />This plugin displays a Google Map or Openstreetmap with geotagged entries<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:17:02 +0100 serendipity_plugin_geotag Google PageRank: Dynamic display of Google PageRank Sidebar Plugins Christian Lescuyer <b>serendipity_plugin_pagerank<br />Google PageRank</b><br />Dynamic display of Google PageRank<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:31:03 +0100 serendipity_plugin_pagerank Времеви зони: Показва времето в две времеви зони Sidebar Plugins Christoph Eunicke <> <b>serendipity_plugin_timezones<br />Времеви зони</b><br />Показва времето в две времеви зони<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:31:15 +0100 serendipity_plugin_timezones Показва статии в страничния панел: Показва статиите от указани категории в страничния панел. Може да се използва за Моblogging. Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_plugin_showentries<br />Показва статии в страничния панел</b><br />Показва статиите от указани категории в страничния панел. Може да се използва за Моblogging.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 17 Feb 2011 14:36:06 +0100 serendipity_plugin_showentries Average Rating: Shows top-rated movies by their average rating Sidebar Plugins Lewe Zipfel, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_plugin_communityrating<br />Average Rating</b><br />Shows top-rated movies by their average rating<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:38:14 +0200 serendipity_plugin_communityrating Ч.З.В. - Селектор на категории: Изберете категориите, които ще се показват в блога. Sidebar Plugins Falk Doering <b>serendipity_plugin_faq<br />Ч.З.В. - Селектор на категории</b><br />Изберете категориите, които ще се показват в блога.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:00:42 +0100 serendipity_plugin_faq SmileTag shoutbox: Uses the SmileTag shoutbox inside your sidebar. SmileTag itself is not distributed with this plugin. Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_plugin_smiletag<br />SmileTag shoutbox</b><br />Uses the SmileTag shoutbox inside your sidebar. SmileTag itself is not distributed with this plugin.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:00:56 +0100 serendipity_plugin_smiletag Quick Link: Displays a box for quick links Sidebar Plugins Omid Mottaghi Rad <b>serendipity_plugin_quicklink<br />Quick Link</b><br />Displays a box for quick links<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Tue, 27 Feb 2007 14:35:12 +0100 serendipity_plugin_quicklink Unified Sidebar Image Display: Offers the ability to display images in the sidebar. The source of the images is configurable. The plugin is able to connect to a Menalto Gallery installs "random" url, access a Coppermine database directory (MySql only), connect to the web service Zooomr ( or access images in the Serendipity Media Library. Sidebar Plugins Andrew Brown (Menalto code), Matthew Groeninger (Unified/Media Lib. Code), Stefan Lange-Hegermann (Zooomr Code), Matthew Maude (Coppermine code) <b>serendipity_plugin_imagesidebar<br />Unified Sidebar Image Display</b><br />Offers the ability to display images in the sidebar. The source of the images is configurable. The plugin is able to connect to a Menalto Gallery installs "random" url, access a Coppermine database directory (MySql only), connect to the web service Zooomr ( or access images in the Serendipity Media Library.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 29 Apr 2007 13:28:16 +0200 serendipity_plugin_imagesidebar PLUGIN_ZOOOMR_NAME: Display the most recent pictures of any Zooomr Feed Sidebar Plugins Stefan Lange-Hegermann <b>serendipity_plugin_zooomr<br />PLUGIN_ZOOOMR_NAME</b><br />Display the most recent pictures of any Zooomr Feed<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Tue, 14 Jul 2009 13:46:11 +0200 serendipity_plugin_zooomr Social Bookmarks Plugin: A plugin to display bookmarks from a social bookmark service (, ma.gnolia,, linkroll, Mister Wong) via an RSS feed. Sidebar Plugins Matthias Gutjahr <b>serendipity_plugin_socialbookmarks<br />Social Bookmarks Plugin</b><br />A plugin to display bookmarks from a social bookmark service (, ma.gnolia,, linkroll, Mister Wong) via an RSS feed.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9alpha5 Mon, 19 Mar 2007 02:30:47 +0100 serendipity_plugin_socialbookmarks Upcoming Events: Display upcoming and recommended events in the sidebar and apply the hCalendar microformat to them. Sidebar Plugins Matthias Gutjahr <b>serendipity_plugin_microformats<br />Upcoming Events</b><br />Display upcoming and recommended events in the sidebar and apply the hCalendar microformat to them.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:37:49 +0200 serendipity_plugin_microformats Flickr badge: Shows your last photos on Sidebar Plugins Lars Strojny <b>serendipity_plugin_flickrbadge<br />Flickr badge</b><br />Shows your last photos on<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Wed, 20 Jun 2007 14:46:15 +0200 serendipity_plugin_flickrbadge On »Heavy Rotation«: This plugin displays an album cover from which was on Heavy Rotation (top album) in the last week Sidebar Plugins Lars Strojny <b>serendipity_plugin_heavyrotation<br />On »Heavy Rotation«</b><br />This plugin displays an album cover from which was on Heavy Rotation (top album) in the last week<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sat, 16 Jul 2011 02:30:59 +0200 serendipity_plugin_heavyrotation Външно PHP приложение: Показва външно PHP приложение в блога, интегрирано в неговия дизайн и форматиране. ИЗПОЛЗВАЙТЕ ТАЗИ ПРИСТАВКА С ВНИМАНИЕ, ЗАЩОТО МОЖЕТЕ ДА ЗАСТРАШИТЕ СИГУРНОСТТА НА БЛОГА С НЕЯ (ТЯ МОЖЕ ДА ИЗПЪЛНЯВА ВСЯКАКЪВ PHP ФАЙЛ). МОЖЕТЕ ДА ИЗПОЛЗВАТЕ ПРИСТАВКАТА САМО КАТО АДМИНИСТРАТОР! Sidebar Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_plugin_externalphp<br />Външно PHP приложение</b><br />Показва външно PHP приложение в блога, интегрирано в неговия дизайн и форматиране. ИЗПОЛЗВАЙТЕ ТАЗИ ПРИСТАВКА С ВНИМАНИЕ, ЗАЩОТО МОЖЕТЕ ДА ЗАСТРАШИТЕ СИГУРНОСТТА НА БЛОГА С НЕЯ (ТЯ МОЖЕ ДА ИЗПЪЛНЯВА ВСЯКАКЪВ PHP ФАЙЛ). МОЖЕТЕ ДА ИЗПОЛЗВАТЕ ПРИСТАВКАТА САМО КАТО АДМИНИСТРАТОР!<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Thu, 17 Dec 2009 17:22:36 +0100 serendipity_plugin_externalphp Gadu-Gadu IM status description: Gets and displays a status description of Gadu-Gadu IM Sidebar Plugins Piotr Borys <b>serendipity_plugin_ggopis<br />Gadu-Gadu IM status description</b><br />Gets and displays a status description of Gadu-Gadu IM<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Tue, 11 May 2010 12:08:46 +0200 serendipity_plugin_ggopis Feedburner Sidebar: Adds assorted functionality of the feedburner service into the sidebar. Sidebar Plugins Aaron Axelsen <b>serendipity_plugin_feedburnersidebar<br />Feedburner Sidebar</b><br />Adds assorted functionality of the feedburner service into the sidebar.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.2.1 Sun, 08 Jun 2008 03:58:07 +0200 serendipity_plugin_feedburnersidebar Twitter Timeline: Show your current Twitter entries Sidebar Plugins Grischa Brockhaus, Damian Luszczymak, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_plugin_twitter<br />Twitter Timeline</b><br />Show your current Twitter entries<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Mon, 28 Nov 2011 13:21:48 +0100 serendipity_plugin_twitter SideBar Logo 0.0.2: Displays a panel containing your logo, site name, and other relevant informaion about your site. Sidebar Plugins Adam Krause <b>serendipity_plugin_sidebarlogo<br />SideBar Logo 0.0.2</b><br />Displays a panel containing your logo, site name, and other relevant informaion about your site.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Tue, 29 Jul 2008 19:18:52 +0200 serendipity_plugin_sidebarlogo AdSense: Показва рекламни банери от Google. Sidebar Plugins Jim Dabell <b>serendipity_plugin_google_adsense<br />AdSense</b><br />Показва рекламни банери от Google.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Tue, 14 Jul 2009 10:18:54 +0200 serendipity_plugin_google_adsense WebPasties: WebPasties allow you to manage things like RSS feeds, polls, event calendars, and IM status buttons. (stackable) Sidebar Plugins Jabrwock <b>serendipity_plugin_webpasties<br />WebPasties</b><br />WebPasties allow you to manage things like RSS feeds, polls, event calendars, and IM status buttons. (stackable)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9.1 Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:02:11 +0100 serendipity_plugin_webpasties Frappr (Friend Mapper): Display link to your Frappr map and recently added Frappr avatars. (stackable) Sidebar Plugins Jabrwock <b>serendipity_plugin_frappr<br />Frappr (Friend Mapper)</b><br />Display link to your Frappr map and recently added Frappr avatars. (stackable)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9.1 Fri, 01 Dec 2006 10:01:23 +0100 serendipity_plugin_frappr IPv6 Check: This plugin displays within a sidebar element the IP version used for accessing the website. Sidebar Plugins Pascal Uhlmann <b>serendipity_plugin_ipv6<br />IPv6 Check</b><br />This plugin displays within a sidebar element the IP version used for accessing the website.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Wed, 23 Mar 2011 22:36:44 +0100 serendipity_plugin_ipv6