*************************************************************************************************** * Legend: ! Bugfix, + New Features, * Changed, - Info Only * v.1.71: ------- * Remove an old file for updaters, which could overwrite new settings * Some more frontend and theme specific CSS cleanup * Moved eventcal CSS to apply after theme CSS * Added new config Option, to allow monthly events faked sidebar plugin output with plugin_eventwrapper. (Do not set true, if not using this latter!) v.1.70: ------- * Added mysqli to some DB preps * Only allow some DB backend tasks, if mysql layers are supported. * Moved (mySQL only) Spartacus Note to title description, since using title also in frontend. * Some fixes here and there for PHP * Quick fixes to now look nice in 2.0 backend * v.1.69 * =========================== * * S9y 2.0 serendipity_editor.js reference file fix * Use serendipity_specialchars * * * v.1.68 * =========================== * * Propagate $smarty.env.staticpage_pagetitle (and the others) so that it can be used in entries.tpl * * * v.1.67 * =========================== * * Use native function parseTemplate() - extends to S9y >= 1.3 * Compatibility fixes * * * v. 1.66 2011-02-23 Spartacus * =========================== * * 2011-02-23 CHANGED - tweaked some small font issues in eventcal CSS file * 2011-02-23 ADDED - double check db version upgrade and removed cleanup() being called every time * 2011-02-22 BUGFIX - wrong placed smarty_object_init() call outside class did disrupt blogs entry comments form (fixed) * * * v. 1.65 2011-02-17 Spartacus * =========================== * * 2011-02-17 latest: Smarty3 forward compatibility * * * v. 1.64 2011-02-15 Spartacus * =========================== * * 2011-02-15 ADDED - restriction of backend functionality and administration sidebar link to admin only * 2011-02-05 CHANGED and ADDED - lang constants. The lang files , and are now up to date. * 2011-02-05 CHANGED - smarty->fetch method call to be less strict to support smarty 2 to smarty3 parameter order change - removed param 4 * 2011-01-29 ADDED - sort option order by timestamp desc to approved events (including minor correction in backend.css) * 2011-01-29 ADDED - management of eventcal database table, be able to dump, download and erase sql files * 2011-01-28 CHANGED - backend checks if mysql table exists to be more strict in case of fresh installation. * * * v. 1.63 2011-01-19 Spartacus * =========================== * * 2011-01-09 ADDED - smarty3 compat future use smarty3 code docs * 2011-01-09 CHANGED - plugin_eventcal_cal.tpl removed start=1 from loop as of smarty3 compat * 2011-01-08 BUGFIX - eventcal db update didn't work as expected (fixed) * 2010-07-22 CHANGED - internal url building to be more friendly to mod_rewrite setting via permalink or subpage (rewrite, none, errordocs defines the use of subpage). * 2010-07-15 BUGFIX - in case of form POST error, the calendar did not point to the referrers calendar month/year and fell back to January/year (fixed) * 2010-07-15 CHANGED - style_event_backend.css, plugin_eventcal_add.tpl and plugin_eventcal_cal.tpl to be more strict to css rules * 2010-07-15 CHANGED - some minor cleanups and corrected typos * * * v. 1.62 2010-04-30 Spartacus * =========================== * * 2010-04-28 BUG - in case of changing unapproved events in backend, the form did not show the right type of event (bug closed) * 2010-04-28 CHANGED - ics url behaviour via external_plugin to check if URL rewriting is supported * 2010-03-22 CHANGED - external_plugin to be more strict to eventcals ics_export issues * * * v. 1.61 2010-03-11 Spartacus * =========================== * * 2010-03-09 ADDED - missing mkdir eventcal directory in templates_c * * * v. 1.6 2010-02-24 Spartacus * =========================== * * IN DETAIL, the backend now has a sidebar link to get access to view, approve, insert and change events. The database administration panel has moved there also, * but main admin stuff, like approve, change, erase, remains possible in frontend too. * All over time, I ADDED new functions and CHANGED old functions, tpl files and en/de LANG files to support propper backend working * * 2010-02-23 CHANGED - log file path to serendipity/templates_c/eventcal and ics file back to serendipity/uploads - see 2010-02-11 * 2010-02-20 - cleanup to release * 2010-02-19 CHANGED - plugin_eventcal_ical.tpl to unparse the RRULE part of multi events, I am sure I did this somewhere before..., while multi events have an endday * 2010-02-18 CHANGED - some vars to isset(vars) to avoid lots of PHP Notices in case of error_reporting(E_ALL) * 2010-02-16 CHANGED - function send_ical_log_email, log to mail, to build entryURI as a href link with full parameters link access * 2010-02-14 CHANGED - function sendIcalEmail - get rid of doubled Content-Type headers which produced a X-Amavis-Alert * 2010-02-14 CHANGED - function send_ical_log_email to send error in case of write to file failed * 2010-02-13 CHANGED - mail ical, to be more strict to entered email in plugins config or in S9y personal settings and LANG files * 2010-02-11 CHANGED - function write_file icalendar.ics to use function backend_file_write and write file to new public folder underneath pluginpath * to send as file in case of mail or webcal. This changed the S9y/uploads path of version 1.5! * 2010-02-10 ADDED - stripslashes to prepare approved event to form, which is either relative to plattform (win) or php version ...(?) * The old version without did not have this problem on my debian lenny server * 2010-02-10 CHANGED - function str_replace_icalarray to function str_replace_recursive supporting NEW parameter 4 to search in specific array key only * 2010-02-09 CHANGED - function send_ical_log_email to generate propper entryURI, logging iCal requests * 2010-02-08 CHANGED - CW week view in plugin_eventcal_calweek.tpl to be same as in month calendar and CW's date view in css to be xx-small * 2010-02-08 CHANGED - font css behaviour to be more strict to eventcal output only, get back control over blog templates settings * 2010-02-07 CHANGED - log ical request behaviour. Now it is possible to log via email and/or file backend/ical.log * 2010-02-07 ADDED - in plugin_eventcal_ical.tpl the ORGANIZER part the RSVP=FALSE:MAILTO:"" directive, meaning "répondez, s'il vous plaît" set to NO * 2010-02-06 CHANGED - hook_event 'external_plugin' and ical function to support all approved events admin download via email or download * 2010-02-04 ADDED - changed recurring error constant in LANG files to show supposed startday number * 2010-02-04 BUG - in function calculate_recur_validday - check recurring errors if startday does not correspond to selected weekday now matches * the secondlast and thirdlast weekday, which were not calculated properly and returned an error in case of add or re-edit validating (bug closed) * 2010-02-04 ADDED - strtolower(re) recur monthly event name constant in case of 'Each "re" Dayname' * 2010-02-03 BUG - in function draw_add - corrected the add form - rebuild year array in case of re-edit to show old startyear selected (bug closed) * 2010-02-03 CHANGED - plugin_eventcal_entry.tpl & style_eventcal_backend.css - changed some css for better single entry view * 2010-02-03 BUG - in 'case css' - set correct stristr order to detect if the style.css already has plugins defined css (bug closed) * 2010-02-03 CHANGED - style_eventcal_backend.css - be more strict to serendipityPrettyButton to avoid conflicts in backend working * 2010-02-02 BUG - in function view_app_events via load_unapproved_events now returns false if there is no value (bug closed) * 2010-02-02 ADDED - in plugin_eventcal_app.tpl - added missing biweekly constant * 2010-02-01 NEW - start adding backend administration via sidebar link to view approved, re-edit, approve and erase events including db cleanup stuff. * this includes changes to en/de LANG files, some *.tpls and the stylesheet. * * v. 1.5 2010-02-01 Spartacus * =========================== * * IN DETAIL, I'll try to release this now ... its more a major one ;-) * IN DETAIL, in config settings you can now set iCal export to allow as download, send as webcal, or as email, or via users own decision in frontend. * Although you can choose to allow iCal export explicit or not, if true, frontend image buttons will support single or monthly array iCal requests. * All over time, I added new and changed functions, config vars, tpls, lang constants and images to support and correct iCal export behaviour. * * 2010-01-28 - CHANGED - improved sql SELECT-ARRAY statement again to be as strict as possible to all kind of tipo events * 2010-01-26 - CHANGED - improved and added some lang constants and internal functions and tpls, added help to add form, re-edit startyear is now like stored in db * 2010-01-24 - NEW - added yearly single and recurring bi-weekly events to plugin class, tpls and en/de LANG files * 2010-01-21 - BUG - improved array 'case tipo 3 recurring monthly events' in monthview, which did not show up correctly in all cases (bug closed) * 2010-01-17 - CHANGED - set validation of recurring monthly and weekly events to be more strict to startday is equal the day of first occurance of selected weekday, * which is needed in iCal export. Please re-edit old events to get in touch with it! * 2010-01-06 - NEW - added to eventcal Database the TIMESTAMP fields tstamp as creation time value and modified as its last modified value, * this changed add form tpl too! This behaviour is needed in ical export. * 2009-12-20 - CHANGED - improved and changed db SELECT events array to be more strict to multi and recurring events in function load_monthly_events() and ical export. * 2009-12-20 - CHANGED - improved the monthly view array in function load_monthly_events(), which now should select and display all possible occurances. * 2009-12-19 - CHANGED - improved and added some lang constants * 2009-12-05 - CHANGED - some config settings - please submit them again * 2009-12-02 - CHANGED - some minor tweeks to some *.tpl files and the css backend file * 2009-12-01 - CHANGED - improved the internal 'get back to form' in case of errors * 2009-11-26 - BUG - improved weekly array 'case tipo 4 to every weekday' in monthview, which did not show up correctly in all cases (bug closed) * * v.1.4 2009-11-21 Spartacus * ========================== * ***************************************************************************************************