/** * @license Copyright (c) from 2013, Author: Ian. All rights reserved. */ /** * @fileOverview A Serendipity serendipity_event_ckeditor CKEDITOR custom config file: cke_config.js, v. 2.6, 2016-07-31 */ /** * Substitute every config option to CKE in here */ CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { // set Serendipity default lang config.language = CKECONFIG_LANG; // IETF standard unicode language 4-letter tag, using a dash /** SECTION: ACF Advanced Content Filter works in two modes: automatic - the filter is configured by editor features (like plugins, buttons, and commands) that are enabled with configuration options such as CKEDITOR.config.plugins, CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins, and CKEDITOR.config.toolbar, custom - the filter is configured by the CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent option and only features that match this setting are activated. In both modes it is possible to extend the filter configuration by using the CKEDITOR.config.extraAllowedContent setting. If you want to disable Advanced Content Filter, set CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent to true. All available editor features will be activated and input data will not be filtered. Allowed content rules. This setting is used when instantiating CKEDITOR.editor.filter. The following values are accepted: CKEDITOR.filter.allowedContentRules - defined rules will be added to the CKEDITOR.editor.filter. true - will disable the filter (data will not be filtered, all features will be activated). default - the filter will be configured by loaded features (toolbar items, commands, etc.). http://docs.ckeditor.com/?_escaped_fragment_=/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules-section-string-format#!/guide/dev_allowed_content_rules-section-string-format In all cases filter configuration may be extended by extraAllowedContent. This option may be especially useful, when you want to use the default allowedContent value along with some additional rules. Read more of this here: http://docs.ckeditor.com/?_escaped_fragment_=/guide/dev_acf#!/guide/dev_acf */ /** Set ACF by serendipity_event_ckeditor plugin option - default (false) The automatic mode is on (false) when the CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent option is not set in your editor configuration. This is the default setting which means that from now on by default all CKEditor contents will be filtered. */ if (CKECONFIG_ACF_OFF === true) { config.allowedContent = CKECONFIG_ACF_OFF; // is internally as well recognized as italic and parsed to tag if not excluded in procurator ! /** List of regular expressions to be executed on ***input HTML***, indicating HTML source code, that, when matched, must not be available in the WYSIWYG mode for editing. */ // allow