var remainingTime = 0; var language = 0; var runs = 0; var timer = null; jQuery.noConflict(); function makeEditable(commentNumber, entryid) { runs++; //we have to prevent this function to be executed twice, but the //serendipity_event calling this function is executed twice if (runs==2) { getLanguage(); var commentID = 'serendipity_comment_' + commentNumber; var base = cebase + 'commentedit'; var loadbase = base + '_load'; var formatted_comment = ''; if (getRemainingTime() != 0 ) { jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_commentBody").editable( base, { submitdata : { 'cid': commentNumber, 'entry_id': entryid }, name : 'comment', type : 'textarea', tooltip : language.edittooltip, submit : language.editsubmit, cancel: language.editcancel, onblur : 'ignore', rows : 5, loadurl: loadbase, loadtype: 'POST', loaddata: { 'cid': commentNumber, 'entry_id': entryid } }); markEditable(commentID); msRemainingTime = getRemainingTime() * 1000; timeoutFunction = "makeUneditable('"+commentID+"')" window.setTimeout(timeoutFunction, msRemainingTime) } } } function makeUneditable(commentID) { var $source = jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_comment_source").clone(); var text = jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_commentBody > * > *:input:first").val(); //text is undefined if currently the editarea wasn't displayed if(typeof text == 'undefined') { text = jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_commentBody").html(); } jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_commentBody").fadeOut('slow').remove(); jQuery("#"+commentID).html('
'); jQuery("#"+commentID).append($source); jQuery('#commentedit').fadeOut('slow').remove() } function markEditable(commentID) { var timeLeft = getRemainingTime(); jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_comment_source").append( '('+language.editlink+')' ); jQuery('#commentedit').click(function() { jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_commentBody").click(); }); jQuery('#commentedit').css("cursor", "pointer"); jQuery("#"+commentID+" > .serendipity_comment_source").append( '
'+language.edittimer+': '+timeLeft+'
' ); //Pass timer to updateTime to get rid of performance-critical dom-traversing //which would otherwise occur in every update $timer = jQuery('.commentedit_timer'); timer = setInterval("updateTime($timer)", 1000); } function updateTime($time) { var time = $time.html(); time--; $time.html(time); if(time <= 0) { clearInterval(timer); $time.html(0); } } function getRemainingTime() { var base = cebase + 'commentedit_time'; jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", async: false, url: base, success: function(data){ remainingTime=data; } }); return remainingTime; } function getLanguage() { var base = cebase + 'commentedit_language'; jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", async: false, url: base, dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ language=data; } }); return language; }