add('name', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_NAME); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_DESC); $propbag->add('stackable', false); $propbag->add('author', 'Garvin Hicking, Markus Gerstel'); $propbag->add('version', '0.13'); $propbag->add('requirements', array( 'serendipity' => '0.8', 'smarty' => '2.6.7', 'php' => '4.1.0' )); $propbag->add('groups', array('FRONTEND_FEATURES')); $propbag->add('configuration', array('title', 'items', 'datefm', 'datefm2', 'showtime', 'autoprune', 'countdown', 'skipfirst', 'rss')); // Register (multiple) dependencies. KEY is the name of the depending plugin. VALUE is a mode of either 'remove' or 'keep'. // If the mode 'remove' is set, removing the plugin results in a removal of the depending plugin. 'Keep' meens to // not touch the depending plugin. $this->dependencies = array('serendipity_event_mycalendar' => 'remove'); } function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) { global $serendipity; switch($name) { case 'title': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', TITLE); $propbag->add('description', TITLE); $propbag->add('default', ''); break; case 'items': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_ITEMS); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_ITEMS_DESC); $propbag->add('default', 5); break; case 'datefm': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT . ' (' . PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_EVENTDATE . ')'); $propbag->add('description', sprintf(GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT_BLAHBLAH, '%d.%m')); $propbag->add('default', '%d.%m'); break; case 'rss': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_RSS); $propbag->add('description', $serendipity['baseURL'] . ($serendipity['rewrite'] == 'none' ? $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' : '') . 'plugin/mycalendar.rss'); $propbag->add('default', 'true'); break; case 'datefm2': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT . ' (' . PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_EVENTDATE2 . ')'); $propbag->add('description', sprintf(GENERAL_PLUGIN_DATEFORMAT_BLAHBLAH, '%d.%m')); $propbag->add('default', '%d.%m'); break; case 'showtime': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_SHOWTIME); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_SHOWTIME_DESC); $propbag->add('default', 2); break; case 'autoprune': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_PRUNE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_PRUNE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', false); break; case 'countdown': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_COUNTDOWN); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_COUNTDOWN_DESC); $propbag->add('default', true); break; case 'skipfirst': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_MYCALENDAR_SIDE_SKIPFIRSTFUTURE); $propbag->add('description', ''); $propbag->add('default', true); break; default: return false; } return true; } function generate_content(&$title, $returnRaw = false) { global $serendipity; $title = $this->get_config('title', $title); $autoprune = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('autoprune', false)); $countdown = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('countdown', false)); $showtime = 1 + (int)$this->get_config('showtime', 2); $skipfirst = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('skipfirst', true)); $datefm = $this->get_config('datefm'); $datefm2 = $this->get_config('datefm2'); $ts = time(); $timeout = $ts - 60*60*24*$showtime; if ($autoprune) { $filter = ""; } else { $filter = "WHERE eventdate2 > " . $timeout; } $items = serendipity_db_query("SELECT * from {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}mycalendar " . $filter . " ORDER BY eventdate LIMIT " . $this->get_config('items', 5)); if (!is_array($items)) { return true; } $olddays = 0; foreach($items AS $item) { $cont = htmlspecialchars($item['eventname']); if (!empty($item['eventurl'])) { if (!empty($item['eventurltitle'])) { $ltitle = $item['eventurltitle']; } else { $ltitle = $item['eventname']; } $cont = '' . $cont . ''; } $daystostart = ceil(($item['eventdate'] - $ts) / 86400); if (empty($item['eventdate2'])) { $daystoend = $daystostart; } else { $daystoend = ceil(($item['eventdate2'] - $ts) / 86400); } if ($daystoend > -$showtime) { $_dayout = serendipity_strftime($datefm, $item['eventdate'], false); $dayout = $_dayout; if (!empty($item['eventdate2']) && $item['eventdate'] != $item['eventdate2'] && trim($datefm2) != '') { $dayout .= ' - ' . serendipity_strftime($datefm2, $item['eventdate2'], false) . ''; } $cont = '' . $dayout . '' . ' - ' . $cont . ''; if ($daystostart > 0 and ($olddays > 0 || !$skipfirst)) { # An entry is in the future only if is in the future and it # is not the first future entry $cont = '
' . $cont; if ($countdown) { $cont .= ' (' . $daystostart . ' ' . DAYS . ')'; } $cont .= '
'; } elseif ($daystoend >= 0 and $olddays <= 0) { # An entry is current, if it is the first future entry $cont = '
' . $cont . '
'; } else { # Everything else is old $cont = '
' . $cont . '
'; } if ($returnRaw) { $returnRawItems[] = array( 'date' => date('r', $item['eventdate']), 'content' => $cont, 'title' => $item['eventname'], 'url' => (!empty($item['eventurl']) ? $item['eventurl'] : $serendipity['baseURL']) ); } else { echo "$cont\n"; } } elseif ($autoprune) { serendipity_db_query("DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}mycalendar WHERE eventdate2 < ". $timeout); $autoprune = false; } $olddays = $daystostart; } if ($returnRaw) { return $returnRawItems; } if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('rss'))) { $url = $serendipity['baseURL'] . ($serendipity['rewrite'] == 'none' ? $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' : '') . 'plugin/mycalendar.rss'; echo 'XML'; } return true; } } /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */