* EN-Revision: Revision of lang_en.inc.php */ // // serendipity_event_xsstrust // @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_XSSTRUST_NAME', 'Options for trustworthy editing on multi-user blogs'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_XSSTRUST_DESC', 'This plugin can specify, which authors on a multi-user blog you have enough trust in and do not expect hacking attempts. All other users are treated as possibly evil and cannot create HTML entries.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_XSSTRUST_AUTHORS', 'Trustworthy editors'); // // serendipity_plugin_xsstrust // @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_NAME', 'Show trusted users'); @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_INTRO', 'This plugin shows all authors with their ethic value, lights have the following meaning:'); @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_REDLIGHT', 'banned'); @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_YELLOWLIGHT', 'warning'); @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_GREENLIGHT', 'cool'); @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_BLAHBLAH', "Displays all users with their ethics (represented by a traffic light). Green light means '".PLUGIN_ETHICS_GREENLIGHT."'; yellow light means '".PLUGIN_ETHICS_YELLOWLIGHT."'; red light means '".PLUGIN_ETHICS_REDLIGHT."' The administrator can easily modify this value for each user."); @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_BASEVAL', 'Starting value for each user\'s ethics'); @define('PLUGIN_ETHICS_BASEVAL_BLAHBLAH', 'Starting ethics (1 = green; 2= yellow; 3 = red; default: 1)'); ?>