ChangeLog: serendipity_event_wrapurl Plugin """""""""" [Version 0.9 2011/08/13] by Ian (Timbalu) - changed css output to support newline breaks in serendipity.css (more a cosmetic change) [Version 0.8 2010/12/02] by Ian (Timbalu) - added styleable id, to be individual to every single used wrapurl event, like "plugin_wrapurl_PAGETITLE" eg. #plugin_wrapurl_name1 { /* your css notation */ } This fixes the individual height setting, which did not work correctly in 0.7 taking always the last occurance of serendipity_event_wrapurl plugin - changed surrounding table around iframe to a styleable div tag in plugin and your individual template css-file (optional) - changed lang file to support changes