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return; } GB_showPage = function(caption, url, callback_fn) { var options = { type: 'page', caption: caption, callback_fn: callback_fn, fullscreen: true, center_win: false } var win = new GB_Gallery(options); return; } GB_Gallery = GreyBox.extend({ init: function(options) { this.parent({}); this.img_close = this.root_dir + 'g_close.gif'; AJS.update(this, options); this.addCallback(this.callback_fn); }, initHook: function() { AJS.addClass(this.g_window, 'GB_Gallery'); var inner = AJS.DIV({'class': 'inner'}); this.header = AJS.DIV({'class': 'GB_header'}, inner); AJS.setOpacity(this.header, 0); AJS.getBody().insertBefore(this.header, this.overlay.nextSibling); var td_caption = AJS.TD({'id': 'GB_caption', 'class': 'caption', 'width': '40%'}, this.caption); var td_middle = AJS.TD({'id': 'GB_middle', 'class': 'middle', 'width': '20%'}); var img_close = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_close}); AJS.AEV(img_close, 'click', GB_hide); var td_close = AJS.TD({'class': 'close', 'width': '40%'}, img_close); 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return; } GB_showFullScreen = function(caption, url, callback_fn) { var options = { caption: caption, fullscreen: true, callback_fn: callback_fn } var win = new GB_Window(options); return; } GB_Window = GreyBox.extend({ init: function(options) { this.parent({}); this.img_header = this.root_dir+"header_bg.gif"; this.img_close = this.root_dir+"w_close.gif"; this.show_close_img = true; AJS.update(this, options); this.addCallback(this.callback_fn); }, initHook: function() { AJS.addClass(this.g_window, 'GB_Window'); this.header = AJS.TABLE({'class': 'header'}); = "url("+ this.img_header +")"; var td_caption = AJS.TD({'class': 'caption'}, this.caption); var td_close = AJS.TD({'class': 'close'}); if(this.show_close_img) { var img_close = AJS.IMG({'src': this.img_close}); var span = AJS.SPAN('Close'); var btn = AJS.DIV(img_close, span); AJS.AEV([img_close, span], 'mouseover', function() { AJS.addClass(span, 'on'); }); AJS.AEV([img_close, span], 'mouseout', function() { AJS.removeClass(span, 'on'); 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