bitly_login = $login; $this->bitly_apikey = $apikey; } function setYourlsLogin($yourl, $apikey) { if (empty($yourl) || empty($apikey)) return; $this->yourls_url = $yourl; $this->yourls_apikey = $apikey; } function setPiratlyToken($apitoken) { if (empty($apitoken)) return; $this->piratly_apikey = $apitoken; } /** * Fills up the shorturls hash with shorturls identified by service name. */ function put_shorturl($service, $url, &$shorturls) { global $serendipity; switch ($service) { case 'linktrimmer': if (class_exists('serendipity_event_linktrimmer')) { $res = serendipity_db_query("SELECT value FROM `serendipity_config` WHERE name LIKE 'serendipity_event_linktrimmer:%/prefix';", true, 'assoc'); if (is_array($res) && !empty($res['value'])) { $lt_prefix = "/" . trim($res['value']) . "/"; } $res = serendipity_db_query("SELECT value FROM `serendipity_config` WHERE name LIKE 'serendipity_event_linktrimmer:%/domain';", true, 'assoc'); if (is_array($res) && !empty($res['value'])) { $lt_domain = trim($res['value']); } if (empty($lt_domain)) $lt_domain = $serendipity['baseURL']; if (empty($lt_prefix)) $lt_prefix = '/s/'; if ($lt_domain == $serendipity['baseURL']) { $shorturls['linktrimmer'] = $lt_domain. $lt_prefix .trim(serendipity_event_linktrimmer::lookup($url)); } else { $shorturls['linktrimmer'] = $lt_domain . trim(serendipity_event_linktrimmer::lookup($url)); } } break; case 'raw': $shorturls['raw'] = $url; break; case 'tinyurl': UrlShortener::shorten_via_tinyurl( $url, $shorturls ); break; case '': UrlShortener::shorten_via_7ax( $url, $shorturls ); break; case 'isgd': UrlShortener::shorten_via_isgd( $url, $shorturls ); break; case 'bitly': UrlShortener::shorten_via_bitly( $url, $shorturls ); break; case 'yourls': UrlShortener::shorten_via_yourls( $url, $shorturls ); break; case 'jmp': UrlShortener::shorten_via_jmp( $url, $shorturls ); break; case 'delivr': UrlShortener::shorten_via_delivr( $url, $shorturls ); break; case 'twurl': UrlShortener::shorten_via_twurl( $url, $shorturls ); break; case 'piratly': UrlShortener::shorten_via_piratly( $url, $shorturls ); break; // old removed service case 'snipr': case '': case '': UrlShortener::shorten_via_7ax( $url, $shorturls ); break; } } /** * Shorten an URL via a simple HTTP Get returning the short url only * @param array shorturls List of processed short urls, where the new short url is added into * @param string servicename short name of the service. * @param string servicecall complete service URL to be called returning the short URL only * @access private */ function shorten_via_simple( &$shorturls, $servicename, $servicecall ) { require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; // if we already evaluated the shorturl, stop here if (!empty($shorturls[$servicename])) return; serendipity_request_start(); $req = new HTTP_Request($servicecall, array('timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5,0))); $req->sendRequest(); $short_url = $req->getResponseBody(); serendipity_request_end(); if ($req->getResponseCode()==200) { $short_url = trim($short_url); if (strlen($short_url)<255) { // Should be an URL at least $shorturls[$servicename] = trim($short_url); } } } // Working! function shorten_via_tinyurl( $url, &$shorturls ) { $url = urlencode($url); UrlShortener::shorten_via_simple($shorturls, 'tinyurl', "$url"); } function shorten_via_7ax( $url, &$shorturls ) { $url = urlencode($url); UrlShortener::shorten_via_simple($shorturls, '', "$url"); } function shorten_via_piratly( $url, &$shorturls ) { $url = urlencode($url); UrlShortener::shorten_via_simple($shorturls, 'piratly', "{$this->piratly_apikey}/?$url"); } function shorten_via_yourls( $url, &$shorturls ) { $url = urlencode($url); UrlShortener::shorten_via_simple($shorturls, 'yourls', "http://{$this->yourls_url}/yourls-api.php?signature={$this->yourls_apikey}&action=shorturl&format=simple&url=$url"); } // returns different short urls for same URL! How to handle this?! // works *sometimes* function shorten_via_isgd( $url, &$shorturls ) { $url = urlencode($url); UrlShortener::shorten_via_simple($shorturls, 'isgd', "$url"); } // returns different short urls for same URL! How to handle this?! // works *sometimes* // function shorten_via_twurl( $url, &$shorturls ) { require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; // if we already evaluated the shorturl, stop here if (!empty($shorturls['twurl'])) return; serendipity_request_start(); $req_url = ""; $req = new HTTP_Request($req_url, array('method' => HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_POST, 'timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5,0))); $req->addPostData('link[url]',$url, true); $req->sendRequest(); $short_url = trim($req->getResponseBody()); serendipity_request_end(); if ($req->getResponseCode()==200) { $shorturls['twurl'] = $short_url; } } function shorten_via_bitly( $url, &$shorturls ) { // if we already evaluated the shorturl, stop here if (!empty($shorturls['bitly'])) return; $short_url = trim(UrlShortener::_make_bitly_api_url($url,'xml')); if (!empty($short_url)) { $shorturls['bitly'] = $short_url; } } function shorten_via_jmp( $url, &$shorturls ) { // if we already evaluated the shorturl, stop here if (!empty($shorturls['jmp'])) return; $short_url = trim(UrlShortener::_make_bitly_api_url($url,'xml','')); if (!empty($short_url)) { $shorturls['jmp'] = $short_url; } } /* called via api */ function _make_bitly_api_url($url,$format = 'xml',$domain='') { require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; //create the API Call URL $bitly = ''.urlencode($url).'&login='.$this->bitly_login.'&apiKey='.$this->bitly_apikey.'&format='.$format.'&domain='.$domain; //get the url serendipity_request_start(); $req = new HTTP_Request($bitly, array('timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5,0))); $req->sendRequest(); $response = $req->getResponseBody(); serendipity_request_end(); if ($req->getResponseCode()!=200) { return false; } if (strlen($response) < 1) { return false; } //parse depending on desired format if(strtolower($format) == 'json') { $json = @json_decode($response); $results = get_object_vars($json->results); return $results[$url]->shortUrl; } else //xml { $vals = array(); $index = array(); $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $response, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); return $short_url = $vals[$index['URL'][0]][value]; } } /* * Doesn't work realy and is ultra slow.. */ function shorten_via_delivr( $url, &$shorturls ) { require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; // if we already evaluated the shorturl, stop here if (!empty($shorturls['delivr'])) return; $login = 'public'; $apikey = '8bbce762-971e-45d6-a0e1-cbf5730252ea'; $url = urlencode($url); $req_url = "$login&apiKey=$apikey&format=xml&url=" . $url; serendipity_request_start(); $req = new HTTP_Request($req_url, array('timeout' => 20, 'readTimeout' => array(5,0))); $req->sendRequest(); $xml = $req->getResponseBody(); serendipity_request_end(); if ($req->getResponseCode()==200) { $vals = array(); $index = array(); $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); $short_url = '' . $vals[$index['DELIVRID'][0]][value]; $shorturls['delivr'] = trim($short_url); } } // Fills in "special" services, if one service produces more than one result. function fillup_extra_services( &$services ) { if (array_search('bitly',$services)) { $services[] = 'bitly_json'; } } } ?>