# $Id$ Version 1.56: (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Removed inline styles, added class avatar_right and avatar_left. If not found set in css, the plugin will emit a default style for those two. Version 1.55: (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Twitter and identica where not fetched correctly if fetched first. Version 1.54: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Made PLUGIN_GRAVATAR_SUPPORTED recognize %s as variable for list of supported services Version 1.52: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Changed display of supported avatars in the comment area in order to allow nice linebreaks. Version 1.51: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Use strtolower() for mail names Version 1.49 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Pavatar in blogs having redirection didn't work, if Pavatar link was only available in rel link info. Version 1.48 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * FIX: PHP compatibility was broken since 1.46 :-/ * Added Identica Avatar. This is mainly used for Identica Pingbacks and should be used in front of Favatar, else the Identica sign will show up. * Code cleanup. Version 1.47 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Disabled debug logging into template_c Version 1.46 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Added Twitter Avatar (if URL points to a twitter profile) This is mainly used for Tweetbacks and should be used in front of Favatar, else the twitter sign will show up. * Code cleanup. Version 1.45 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Helpfiles * Cleanup. Version 1.44 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Added buildin wavatar suport. * Support for Gravatar fallbacks identyicon, monsterid and wavatar. * Optimized trackback avatars: Querypars will be stripped from URL. Now in example S8Y blogs always get the same Avatar cached, not one per trackback. Version 1.43 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Option for adding the authors name to the ALT attribute of the avatar image. Normaly this is filled with a *, but blind people depend on the ALT tag. Version 1.42 (brockhaus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Encoded _ in user urls in order to differ them from the seperators. urlencode doesn't encode _. Thanks to Tino Schwarze finding and fixing this. Version 1.41 (garvinhicking) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fixed Last-Modified Header of avatar images. Version 1.40 () ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Added ycon support (mo, http://moblog.wiredwings.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.39 (brockhaus): * Monster Avatars are cached now, too, as creating them costs time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.38 (brockhaus): * Support for Monster ID avatars (details found on http://www.splitbrain.org/go/monsterid) * Crashed while fresh installing and cache time set to 0 * Allows configuring absolute path to standard avatar now. * After saving the configuration now the cache is *always* cleared, in order to make the changes visible immidiately even if caching is enabled. * If the plugin is unable to write into the cache, it will log it in debug mode and show the default image, if no cached file found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.37 (brockhaus): * The avatar type infoline below the comments editor is optional now ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.36 (brockhaus): * Added new option: You can define, that the plugin should not produce avatar image directly but a smarty tag only. If this option is switched on, you can define in your comments template, where the avatar should be displayed using the smarty tag $comment.comment_avatar * Css class of avatar will change depending on where it is displayed. For normal comments it will be "comment_avatar", for the recent entries plugin it will be "serendipity_plugin_comments_avatar" in order to have the possibility to easily style it. * Avatar alignment configuration: The configured alignment will be used, if the avatar is written directliy (no smarty tag). * New option for switching on/off the avatar images in the sidebar plugin (recent comments). * Supported avatar methods where displayed in the contact form plugin too, but this made no sense. Disabled it there. * Some more changes in the language files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.35 (brockhaus): * Corrected errors in English language file. (Thanks to Don!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.34 (brockhaus): * Gravatars rating doesn't work reliable. My G rated Gravatar is only shown, if I use Gravatar X rating. :-/ Added an option to switch off Gravatars rating parameter (what should be the same as using X rating) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.33 (brockhaus): * Pavatar: X-Pavatar Header is supported now again and is the first pavatar autodetect method used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.32 (brockhaus): * MyBlogLog default avatar was not detected correctly anmore. :-/ * If no email nor url is given, but default avatar is defined, now the default avatar is displayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.31 (brockhaus): * Changed call-time pass-by-reference bug (fetchAvatar) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.30 (brockhaus): * Standard Avatar was not displayed in subdirectory blog installtions. * Gravatar link was slightly wrong (but working) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.29 (brockhaus): * Bugfix 1.27 added http:// even if no URL was given at all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.28 (brockhaus): * With Serendipity 1.1 it was not possible to configure a default avatar. The configuration was not 1.1 compatible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.27 (brockhaus): * If the writer entered his url as www.domain.de instead of http://www.domain.de, the Avatar was not always loaded correctly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.26 (brockhaus): * MyBlogLog changed avatar calling slightly resuling MyBlogLog Avatar fallback not working anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.25 (garvinhicking): * Replaced align with style attributes, as there is no align in XHTML ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.24 (brockhaus): * Check MyBlogLog result if it really is an image. * Cleaning up cache directory when setting cache to 0. * Debug logging disabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.23 (brockhaus): * While fresh fetching P/Favatars, the Plugin will only accept responses declared as image by the remote server. This will prevent accepting potential error html pages as Avatar images. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.22 (brockhaus): * Fetch redirected P/Favatars, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.21 (brockhaus): * Avatar fetching was broken when cache was disabled. * Browser was not able to cache default avatars, because a wrong cache time (in the past) was sent. * Checks, if cached file looks like an image, before sending it to the client. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.20 (brockhaus): * Avatar image title is the author's name now instead of Avatar (V.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.19 (brockhaus): * Made the browser cache avatars resulting in a very good performance boost! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.18 (brockhaus): * Debugging loging disabled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.17 (brockhaus): * If cache is enabled, *everything* is cached now. Known writers won't produce *any* external server call, if allready cached. This is a very nice performance boost! Thanks to garvin for hinting me. * Anti hacking patches by garvinhickins ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.16 (garvinhicking): * Coding style ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.14 (brockhaus): * Fallback possibility for MyBlogLog implemented! :-) But it is slow even with caching optimazation. MBL shouldn't be the first option. * Fifth method slot in configuration, as MBL now supports fallback, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.13 (brockhaus): * Advice changed: It is not the statistic plugin producing not working Pavatars/Favatars but the exit tracking plugin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.12 (brockhaus): * MyBlogLog avatars are cached now, too. * Pages redirecting to a default page, if the requested item was not found, are supported now, too. Former the Avatar Plugin assumed, that the default page is the P/Favatar. * Default configuration now ordered like this: Gravatar -> Pavatar -> Favatar -> Default Avatar. * Added advice, that this plugin has to be executed before any link changing plugin. * Reading configured plugin path. Former it was 'plugin' always. * Dropped gravatar border setting, as it is not working (anymore?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.11, testing version not released to CVS/Spartacus (brockhaus): * Fallback for Gravatar working! But this shows an default avatar to Gravatar, not mattering the settings. So revoked this setting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.10 (brockhaus): * Pavatar / Avatar information where never loaded from cache * .. but after beeing loaded from cache it produced an endless request loop for images loaded from the local blog (if comment sidebar plugin was enabled) * Height setting for image was called "heigth".. :-/ * Gravarar caching didn't work reliable, if a default avatar was given. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.9 (brockhaus): * While searching for Pavatar, the Favatar was loaded as Pavatar, if no Pavatar image but a favicon was found. (Thanks to El Burro) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.8 (brockhaus): * Plugin was unable to load Favatars/Pavatars, if a redirection was signaled at the url given by the commentor as homepage. Garvin's blog is such a page.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.7 (brockhaus): * Added support for Pavatars (www.pavatar.com) * Added support for MyBlogLog Avatars (www.mybloglog.com) * The order for trying avatar methods and what kind of avatars are supported is now configurable. * Standard avatar may be one of them (should be last) * Option for not giving the default avatar to gravatar even if one is defined. (We want less dataprofiles..) * Fetch default avatar via mediadatabase in the configuration. * Image size is assured now in HTML code. * Below the comment only actual configured avatar methods are shown as supported. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.6 (garvinhickins): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.5 (garvinhickins): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.4 (garvinhickins): ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.3 (garvinhickins): * Fix errors on invalid domains