* * Please, support this software, send any suggestion and improvement to me * or the mailing list and we will try to keep it updated and make it better * every day. * * If you like it and use it, please let me know or contact the wmlprogramming * mailing list: wmlprogramming@yahoogroups.com * */ // Single define to be checked when starting the parser and/or the class define("WURFL_CONFIG", true); // Where all data is stored (wurfl.xml, cache file, logs, etc) define("DATADIR", dirname(__FILE__).'/data/'); // Path and filename of wurfl_parser.php define("WURFL_PARSER_FILE", dirname(__FILE__).'/wurfl_parser.php'); // Path and filename of wurfl_class.php define("WURFL_CLASS_FILE", dirname(__FILE__).'/wurfl_class.php'); // Set this true if you want to use cache. Strongly suggested define ("WURFL_USE_CACHE", true); // Set this true if you want to avoid using cache.php file, and // generate a single file for each device user agent and use that as a cache // NOTICE: using Multicache will still generate cache.php and agent2id.php, // but will not dump the entire XML as PHP into cache.php. As a result // cache.php will be MUCH smaller and load WAY faster; as a drawback you will // have many more I/O accesses to the single tiny files. define ("WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE", true); // Path and name of the cache file define ("CACHE_FILE", DATADIR."cache.php"); // Set path of the Multicache directory where all the little caches will be // stored. Should be a directory that contains *only* these files, so that its // content can be safely cleaned when a new cache is created. // If not using Multicache, this parameter will not be used. define ("MULTICACHE_DIR", DATADIR."multicache/"); // Temporary directory for manual updates. define ("MULTICACHE_TMP_DIR", DATADIR."multicache_tmp/"); // This file is created and removed when manually updating multicache files define ("MULTICACHE_TOUCH", DATADIR."multicache.lockfile"); // File suffix for Multicache files define ("MULTICACHE_SUFFIX",".php"); // Autoload set to false, I will load it when needed define ("WURFL_AUTOLOAD", true); // This parameter tells the class to automatically update cache files when a // new XML is found. // Using the multicache is not suggested to automatically update it. Use the // external scripts. define ("WURFL_CACHE_AUTOUPDATE", false); // Path and name of the wurfl define ("WURFL_FILE", DATADIR."wurfl.xml"); // Path and name of the log file define ("WURFL_LOG_FILE", DATADIR."wurfl.log"); // Path and name of the file to store user_agent->id relation // (ignored if caching is disabled) define ("WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE", DATADIR."agent2id.php4"); // Set the maximum number of user_agents to cache define ("MAX_UA_CACHE", 30); // suggested log level for normal use (default PHP logging constants) //define ("LOG_LEVEL", LOG_ERROR ); // suggested log level for debug use define ("LOG_LEVEL", 0); ?>