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'; html_link($item[0], $item[1], $item[2], $item[3]); echo '
'; } } //End function html_horizontalnavigation() /* Function to create an HTML link */ function html_link($href, $text = '', $status = '', $target = ''){ debug_msg ("FUNCTION: ".__FUNCTION__,3); // Start the link echo ''; if ($text == ''){ echo $href; }else{ echo $text; } // Finish off the link echo ''; } // end function html_link($href, $text = $href, $status = '', $target = '') /* HTML Page header */ function html_header($title = '', $description = '', $keywords = '', $javascript='') { debug_msg ("FUNCTION: ".__FUNCTION__,3); header ("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); debug_msg (" Title: ".$title,4); debug_msg ("Description: ".$description,4); debug_msg (" Keywords: ".$keywords,4); debug_msg (" JavaScript: ".$javascript,4); ?> <?php echo $title; ?> '."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } ?>
S9y_confs Serendipity
A tool to assist with the configuration & management of Serendipty Installations
LABBS Web Services

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