add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_NAME); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_DESC); $propbag->add('stackable', false); $propbag->add('author', 'Garvin Hicking, Grischa Brockhaus'); $propbag->add('requirements', array( 'serendipity' => '0.7', 'smarty' => '2.6.7', 'php' => '4.1.0' )); $propbag->add('version', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_VERSION); $propbag->add('groups', array('IMAGES')); $propbag->add('event_hooks', array( 'frontend_display' => true, 'frontend_comment' => true, 'external_plugin' => true, 'css' => true, )); $configuration = array('longdescription','seperator'); $config_methods = array(); for ($idx=1; $idx<=PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD_MAX; $idx++) { $config_methods[] = "method_$idx"; } $propbag->add('configuration', array_merge($configuration, $config_methods, array('defaultavatar', 'recent_entries', 'infoline', 'autoralt', 'smartyimage', 'align', 'size', 'cache', 'rating', 'gravatar_fallback','gravatar_fallback_use_always','warning') ) ); } function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) { global $serendipity; $types = array( 'gravatar' => "Gravatar", 'favatar' => "Favatar", 'pavatar' => "Pavatar", 'twitter' => "Twitter", 'identica' => "Identica", 'mybloglog' => "MyBlogLog", 'monsterid' => "Monster ID", 'wavatars' => "Wavatars", 'identicon' => "Identicon/YCon", 'default' => PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD_DEFAULT, 'none' => "---", ); // Add config for methods. for ($idx=1; $idx<=PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD_MAX; $idx++) { if ($name=="method_$idx") { $propbag->add('type', 'select'); $propbag->add('name', "($idx) " . PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD); $propbag->add('description',PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD_DESC); $propbag->add('select_values', $types); $propbag->add('default', 'pavatar'); return true; } } $gravatar_fallbacks = array( 'monsterid' => "Monster ID", 'wavatar' => "Wavatar", 'identicon' => "Identicon", 'default' => "Gravatar symbol", 'none' => "---", ); switch($name) { case 'smartyimage': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_USE_SMARTY); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_USE_SMARTY_DESC); $propbag->add('default', false); break; case 'infoline': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_INFOLINE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_INFOLINE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', true); break; case 'recent_entries': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RECENT_ENTRIES); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RECENT_ENTRIES_DESC); $propbag->add('default', true); break; case 'warning': $propbag->add('type', 'content'); $propbag->add('default', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_EXTLING_WARNING); break; case 'longdescription': $propbag->add('type', 'content'); $propbag->add('default', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_LONG_DESCRIPTION); break; case 'seperator': $propbag->add('type', 'seperator'); break; case 'gravatar_fallback': $propbag->add('type', 'select'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_FALLBACK); $propbag->add('description',PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_FALLBACK_DESC); $propbag->add('select_values', $gravatar_fallbacks); $propbag->add('default', 'none'); break; case 'gravatar_fallback_use_always': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_FALLBACK_ALLWAYS); $propbag->add('description',PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_FALLBACK_ALLWAYS_DESC); $propbag->add('default', false); break; case 'defaultavatar': if (version_compare('1.2',$serendipity['version'])==1) {// 1 if 1.2 higher than actual version number $propbag->add('type', 'string'); } else { $propbag->add('type', 'media'); } $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_DEFAULTAVATAR); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_DEFAULTAVATAR_DESC); $propbag->add('default', ''); break; case 'cache': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_CACHING); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_CACHING_DESC); $propbag->add('default', 48); break; case 'size': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_SIZE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_SIZE_DESC); $propbag->add('default', '40'); break; case 'border': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_BORDER); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_BORDER_DESC); $propbag->add('default', ''); break; case 'rating': $propbag->add('type', 'radio'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RATING); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RATING_DESC); $propbag->add('radio', array( 'value' => array('-', 'G', 'PG', 'R', 'X'), 'desc' => array(PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RATING_NO,PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RATING_G, PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RATING_PG, PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RATING_R, PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_RATING_X) )); $propbag->add('radio_per_row', '1'); $propbag->add('default', '-'); break; case 'align': $align = array( 'left' => PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_ALIGN_LEFT, 'right' => PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_ALIGN_RIGHT, 'noalign' => PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_ALIGN_NONE, ); $propbag->add('type', 'select'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_ALIGN); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_ALIGN_DESC); $propbag->add('select_values', $align); $propbag->add('default', 'right'); break; case 'autoralt': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_AUTOR_ALT); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_AUTOR_ALT_DESC); $propbag->add('default', false); break; } return true; } function generate_content(&$title) { $title = PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_NAME; } /** * Will be called while saving settings */ function cleanup() { // *Always* clean up the cache after changing configuration, else // the configuration change will first be seen after cache time is run out. $this->log("-------"); $cacheDir = $this->getCacheDirectory(); if (is_dir($cacheDir) && $handle = opendir($cacheDir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $filename = $cacheDir . '/' . $file; if (!is_dir($filename)) { $this->log("CLEANUP CACHE: " . $filename); unlink($filename); } } } } function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null) { global $serendipity; static $cache = null; static $method = null; $hooks = &$bag->get('event_hooks'); if ($cache === null) { $cache = $this->get_config('cache') * 60 * 60; // convert hours to seconds $this ->cache_seconds = $cache; } if ($method === null) { $method = $this->get_config('method', 'gravatar'); } if (isset($hooks[$event])) { switch($event) { // Catch external_plugin event for fresh fetching avatar icons // This will response with an image (not with html code) case 'external_plugin': $parts = explode('_', $eventData); if (count($parts)<4) { return false; } if ($parts[0] == 'fetchAvatar') { if (count($parts)!=5) return false; $info = array(); $info['url'] = $this->urldecode($parts[1]); $info['email_md5'] = $parts[2]; $info['author'] = $this->urldecode($parts[3]); $info['cid'] = $parts[4]; $this->log("-------"); $this->log("fetch Avatar: " . urldecode($parts[1])); $this->fetchAvatar($info); return true; } else if ($parts[0] == 'cachedAvatar') { if (count($parts)!=4) return false; $cache_file = $this->getCacheDirectory() . '/' . $parts[1] .'_' .$parts[2] . '_' .$parts[3]; $lastrun = $cache_file . '.lastrun'; $this->log("-------"); $this->log("show cached Avatar: $cache_file"); // Get last run information if (file_exists($lastrun)){ $fp = fopen($lastrun, 'rb'); $this->avatarConfiguration = unserialize(fread($fp, filesize($lastrun))); fclose($fp); } $this->show($cache_file); return true; } else { return false; } break; // Print out image html for the user avatar into the frontend_display case 'frontend_display': if (!isset($eventData['comment'])) { return true; } $this->printAvatarHtml($eventData, $addData); return true; break; case 'css': // avatar css has to be emitted no matter of smarty enabled: the sidebar needs it. //$useSmarty = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('smartyimage', false)); //if (!$useSmarty && !(strpos($eventData, '.avatar_left') || strpos($eventData, '.avatar_rigth'))) { if (!(strpos($eventData, '.avatar_left') || strpos($eventData, '.avatar_rigth'))) { ?> .avatar_left { float:left; margin-left:0px; margin-right:10px; } .avatar_right { float:right; margin-right:0px; margin-left:10px; } get_config('infoline', true))){ return false; } // The contact form uses the comments, too. We don't want this information line there and detect it by the missing properties entry. if (empty($eventData['properties'])){ return false; } $supported_methods = ''; for($methodnr = 1; $methodnr <= PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD_MAX; $methodnr++){ $act_method = $this->get_config("method_".$methodnr); switch ($act_method){ case 'gravatar': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Gravatar'; break; case 'favatar': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Favatar'; break; case 'pavatar': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Pavatar'; break; case 'twitter': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Twitter'; break; case 'identica': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Identica'; break; case 'mybloglog': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'MyBlogLog'; break; case 'monsterid': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Monster ID'; break; case 'identicon': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Identicon/Ycon'; break; case 'wavatars': $supported_methods .= (empty($supported_methods) ? '' : ', ') . 'Wavatars'; break; } } echo '
' . sprintf(PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_SUPPORTED, $supported_methods) . '
'; return true; break; default: return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Returns HTML displaying the user avatar. This is done without any call to external servers. * If a cached avatar is found, the image will have it as SRC, else the SRC will be filled with * an external_plugin call, that will try to fetch a fresh avatar later. * */ function printAvatarHtml(&$eventData, &$addData){ global $serendipity; $useSmarty = serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('smartyimage', false)); // comments sidebar plugin doesn't support smarty, so switch it off, if detected if ($addData['from'] == 'serendipity_plugin_comments:generate_content') { if (!serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('recent_entries', true))) { return false; } $useSmarty = false; } if (empty($eventData['url']) && empty($eventData['email']) && empty($eventData['author']) && !$this->supportDefaultAvatar()) { $this->log("No url nor email handed and default avatar not supported!"); return false; } if (!empty($eventData['url']) && !preg_match('@^https*://@i',$eventData['url'])){ $this->log("Changed wrong url: {$eventData['url']}"); $eventData['url'] = 'http://' . $eventData['url']; } $url = ''; if (!empty($eventData['url'])) { $url = $eventData['url']; } if (!empty($eventData['url'])) { // Strip Query paras $urlparts = explode('?', $eventData['url']); $url = $urlparts[0]; } $title = ''; $author = 'unknown'; if (isset($eventData['author'])) { $author = htmlspecialchars($eventData['author']); $title = $author; } if (isset($eventData['email']) && !empty($eventData['email'])) { $email_md5 = md5(strtolower($eventData['email'])); } else { $email_md5 = ''; } if ($this->cache_seconds > 0) { $cache_file = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData); // if no cache filename was generated, no usable user data was found. // this meens: it won't be possible to generate any image, so break at this point. if (!isset($cache_file)) { return false; } $this->log("comment print: " . print_r($eventData, true)); // If there is a cache file that's new enough, return the image immidiatly if (file_exists($cache_file) && (time() - filemtime($cache_file) < $this->cache_seconds)) { $url = $serendipity['baseURL'] . $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' . $this->getPermaPluginPath() . '/cachedAvatar_' . md5($url) . '_' . $email_md5 . '_' . md5($author); } else { // no image cached yet, call external plugin hook for fetching a new one $url = $serendipity['baseURL'] . $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' . $this->getPermaPluginPath() . '/fetchAvatar_' . $this->urlencode($url) . '_' . $email_md5 . '_' . $this->urlencode($author) . '_' . $eventData['id']; } } else { // call external plugin hook for fetching a new one $url = $serendipity['baseURL'] . $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' . $this->getPermaPluginPath() . '/fetchAvatar_' . $this->urlencode($url) . '_' . $email_md5 . '_' . $this->urlencode($author) . '_' . $eventData['id']; } $image_html = $this->generateImageHtml($url, $title, $this->get_config('align', 'right'), !$useSmarty, $this->generateAvatarCssClass($addData)); if ($useSmarty) { $eventData['avatar'] = $image_html; } else { $eventData['comment'] = $image_html . $eventData['comment']; } return true; } /** * Generates a CSS class for the avatar depending where it is displayed. * Defaults to comment_avatar in comments and is unique for plugins. */ function generateAvatarCssClass($addData){ if (empty($addData)) { return "avatar"; } $from = $addData['from']; $parts = explode(':',$from); $css = $parts[0]; return ($css == 'functions_entries'? 'comment' : $css ) . '_avatar'; } /** * Tests wether the default avatar is supported */ function supportDefaultAvatar(){ // Check if a default avatar is defined $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); if (empty($default['defaultavatar'])) { return false; } // check if default avatar method is configured as one of the avatar methods. for($methodnr = 1; $methodnr <= PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD_MAX; $methodnr++){ $method = $this->get_config("method_" . $methodnr); // if none is configured, ignore later methods! if ($method == 'none'){ return false; } // return true if default avatar method is found if ($method == 'default'){ return true; } } return false; } /** * Will try to fetch a fresh avatar image by user configuration. If retreiving was successfull, * the image will cached and displayed as binary image response. */ function fetchAvatar(&$eventData) { global $serendipity; $methodnr = 1; // Assure existance of cache directory @mkdir($this->getCacheDirectory()); $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); // load configuration of last run $lastrun_fname = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData) . '.lastrun'; if (file_exists($lastrun_fname) && (time() - filemtime($lastrun_fname))< $this->cache_seconds) { $this->log("Found fresh lastrun: $lastrun_fname"); $fp = fopen($lastrun_fname, 'rb'); $this->avatarConfiguration = unserialize(fread($fp, filesize($lastrun_fname))); fclose($fp); $this->avatarConfiguration['loaded_from_cache'] = true; // go to last successfull methodnr: if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['methodnr'])) { $methodnr = $this->avatarConfiguration['methodnr']; $this->log("MethodNr by lastrun: $methodnr"); } } $success = false; while (!$success && $methodnr <= PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_METHOD_MAX) { $method = $this->get_config("method_" . $methodnr); switch ($method){ case 'gravatar': $success = $this->fetchGravatar($eventData); break; case 'favatar': $success = $this->fetchPFavatar($eventData, 'F'); break; case 'pavatar': $success = $this->fetchPFavatar($eventData, 'P'); break; case 'twitter': $success = $this->fetchTwitter($eventData); break; case 'identica': $success = $this->fetchIdentica($eventData); break; case 'mybloglog': $success = $this->fetchMyBlogLog($eventData); break; case 'monsterid': $success = $this->fetchMonster($eventData); break; case 'wavatars': $success = $this->fetchWavatar($eventData); break; case 'identicon': $success = $this->fetchYcon($eventData); break; case 'default': $success = $this->fetchDefault(); break; case 'none': $success = true; break; } if ($success){ $this->log("fetchAvater success."); $this->avatarConfiguration['methodnr'] = $methodnr; $this->avatarConfiguration['fetch_date'] = time(); // save configuration of this check, if it was not loaded from cache. if (!isset($this->avatarConfiguration['loaded_from_cache'])) { $fp = fopen($lastrun_fname, 'wb'); fwrite($fp,serialize($this->avatarConfiguration)); fclose($fp); } return true; } $methodnr++; } } /** * Fetches a Gravatar and returns it as a binary image response. * * @param array eventdata the data given by the event * @param int cache hours for fetching images from cache * * @return boolean true, if Avatar was found and added to the comment buffer */ function fetchGravatar(&$eventData){ global $serendipity; $this->log("Gravatar: url=" . $eventData['url'] . " email_md5=" . $eventData['email_md5'] . " author=" .$eventData['author']) ; // Was lastrun successfull? if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['gravatar_found']) && !$this->avatarConfiguration['gravatar_found']) { return false; } if (empty($eventData['email_md5'])) { if (!serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('gravatar_fallback_use_always', false)) || (empty($eventData['url']) && empty($eventData['author']))) { return false; } else { if (empty($eventData['url'])) $email_md5 = md5($eventData['author']); else $email_md5 = md5($eventData['url']); } } else { $email_md5 = $eventData['email_md5']; } $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); $gravatar_fallback = $this->get_config("gravatar_fallback"); $fallback = ""; if ($gravatar_fallback != 'none') { $fallback = '&d=' . $gravatar_fallback; } else { //$defaultavatar = urlencode((empty($default['defaultavatar'])? $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'dummy.gif': 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $default['defaultavatar'])); $defaultavatar = urlencode($serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'dummy456.gif123'); // Add a not existing image to produce an error we can check $fallback = '&d=' . $defaultavatar; } $urltpl = '' . 'gravatar_id=' . $email_md5 . $fallback . '&size=' . $default['size'] . ($default['rating']=='-'?'':'&rating='. $default['rating']); // Assure a default avatar, because we need it for testing if the avatar given by Gravatar is a dummy image. $this->log("Gravatar Link: " . $urltpl) ; $success = $this->saveAndResponseAvatar($eventData, $urltpl, 1); $this->avatarConfiguration['gravatar_found'] = $success; return $success; } /** * Tries to add a avatar to the comment. * * @param array eventdata the data given by the event * @param int cache hours for fetching images from cache * @param array default default values for avatar images * * @return boolean true, if Avatar was found and added to the comment buffer */ function fetchMyBlogLog(&$eventData){ require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; global $serendipity; // Was lastrun successfull? if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['mybloglog_found']) && !$this->avatarConfiguration['mybloglog_found']) { return false; } if (empty($eventData['url'])) { return false; } // Get configured plugin path: $pluginPath = 'plugin'; if (isset($serendipity['permalinkPluginPath'])){ $pluginPath = $serendipity['permalinkPluginPath']; } $author_url = '' . 'href=' . $eventData['url'] . '&n=' . (!empty($eventData['author']) ? $eventData['author'] : '*'); $check = $this->saveAndResponseMyBlogAvatar($eventData, $author_url); $this->avatarConfiguration['mybloglog_found'] = $check; return $check; } /** * Tries to add a favatar or pavatar (depending on the given mode) to the comment. * * @param array eventdata the data given by the event * @param int cache hours for fetching images from cache * @param string mode has to be 'P' for Pavatar or 'F' for Favatar loading. * * @return boolean true, if Avatar was found and added to the comment buffer */ function fetchPFavatar(&$eventData, $mode="F"){ require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; global $serendipity; $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); $url = $eventData['url']; if (empty($url)) { return false; } $favicon = false; $this->log($mode . " - Trying to fetch for $url"); // Try to get the URL $parts = @parse_url($url); if (!is_array($parts)) { return false; } $ip = @gethostbyname($parts['host']); if (!$ip || $ip == $parts['host']) { return false; } $this->log($mode . " - URL ok."); $cache_file = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData); // Load icon url detected in last run if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['img_url_'.$mode])){ $favicon = $this->avatarConfiguration['img_url_'.$mode]; $this->log($mode . " - using last run url: $favicon"); } if ($favicon === false) { // use optimization for localhost $islocalhost = ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $parts['host']); if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_start(); } // Evaluate URL of P/Favatar $req = new HTTP_Request($url, array('allowRedirects' => true, 'maxRedirects' => 3)); $favicon = false; // code 200: OK, code 30x: REDIRECTION $responses = "/(200 OK)|(30[0-9] Found)/"; // |(30[0-9] Moved) if (!$islocalhost && (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || preg_match($responses, $req->getResponseCode()))) { // nothing to do, $favicon = false; $this->log($mode . " - Error fetching $url: " . $req->getResponseCode()); } else { $pavatarHeaderIcon = $req->getResponseHeader("X-Pavatar"); $fContent = $req->getResponseBody(); if ($mode=='P' && !empty($pavatarHeaderIcon)){ $faviconURL = $pavatarHeaderIcon; $this->log("Found x-pavatar in head: $faviconURL"); } else if (!$islocalhost && ($mode=='P' && preg_match('/]+rel="pavatar"[^>]+?href="([^"]+?)"/si', $fContent, $matches)) || ($mode=='F' && preg_match('/]+rel="(?:shortcut )?icon"[^>]+?href="([^"]+?)"/si', $fContent, $matches)) ) { // Attempt to grab an avatar link from their webpage url $linkUrl = html_entity_decode($matches[1]); if (substr($linkUrl, 0, 1) == '/') { if ($urlParts = parse_url($url)) { $faviconURL = $urlParts['scheme'] . '://' . $urlParts['host'] . $linkUrl; } } else if (substr($linkUrl, 0, 7) == 'http://' || substr($linkUrl, 0, 8) == 'https://') { $faviconURL = $linkUrl; } else if (substr($url, -1, 1) == '/') { $faviconURL = $url . $linkUrl; } else { $faviconURL = $url . '/' . $linkUrl; } $this->log($mode . " - Found link rel to url $faviconURL"); } else { // If unsuccessful, attempt to "guess" the favicon location $urlParts = parse_url($url); $faviconURL = $urlParts['scheme'] . '://' . $urlParts['host'] . ($mode=='F'?'/favicon.ico':'/pavatar.png'); $this->log($mode . " - Not found link rel, guessing $faviconURL"); } // Split image URL and check if image is available using a fast and timed out socket: $url_parts = @parse_url($faviconURL); if (!is_array($url_parts)) { $url_parts = array(); } if (!empty($url_parts['path'])) { $documentpath = $url_parts['path']; } else { $documentpath = '/'; } if (!empty($url_parts['query'])) { $documentpath .= '?' . $url_parts["query"]; } if (empty($url_parts['port'])) { $url_parts['port'] = '80'; } if (!empty($url_parts['host'])) { $socket = @fsockopen($url_parts['host'], $url_parts['port'], $errno, $errstr, 30); if ($socket) { fwrite($socket, "HEAD " . $documentpath . " HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$url_parts['host']}\r\n\r\n"); $http_response = fgets($socket, 25); $this->log($mode . ' Testing server ' . $url_parts['host'] . " dopath: $documentpath - HEAD Response: $http_response"); if (preg_match($responses, $http_response)) // We only test for server existance { $favicon = $faviconURL; } fclose($socket); } } // Remember the last result of the P/Favatar search $this->avatarConfiguration['img_url_'.$mode] = $favicon; } if (function_exists('serendipity_request_end')) { serendipity_request_end(); } } // if favicon url not loaded from cache if (!empty($favicon)) { $this->log($mode . " - found at: $favicon"); return $this->saveAndResponseAvatar($eventData, $favicon); } else { return false; } } function fetchTwitter(&$eventData) { require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; // Was lastrun successfull? if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['twitter_found']) && !$this->avatarConfiguration['twitter_found']) { return false; } // Let other plugins fill metadata. CommentSpice is perhaps able to fetch twitter infos. try { $this->log("hook_event: avatar_fetch_userinfos"); $askforData = array("type" => "twitter"); serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event('avatar_fetch_userinfos', $eventData, $askforData); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log($e); } if (empty($eventData['url'])) { return false; } $url = $eventData['url']; $parts = @parse_url($url); if (!is_array($parts)) { return false; } if ($parts['host'] == '' || $parts['host'] == '') { $path = trim($parts['path']); $dirs = explode('/',$path); $twittername = $dirs[1]; //if ($twittername=='#!') $twittername = $dirs[2]; $this->log("Twitteruser found ($url): $twittername"); $twitter_search = '' . $twittername . '&rpp=1'; serendipity_request_start(); $req = new HTTP_Request($twitter_search); $req->sendRequest(); $this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode(); if ($req->getResponseCode() != 200) { $this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode(); serendipity_request_end(); $this->log("Twitter Error: {$this->last_error}"); return false; } $response = trim($req->getResponseBody()); serendipity_request_end(); $parser = xml_parser_create(); $vals=array(); $index=array(); $success = xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $response, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); if ($success) { foreach ($index['LINK'] as $index) { if ($vals[$index]['attributes']['REL'] == 'image') { $img_url = $vals[$index]['attributes']['HREF']; $success = true; break; } } if ($success) { $success = $this->saveAndResponseAvatar($eventData, $img_url); } } $this->avatarConfiguration['twitter_found'] = $success; return $success; } return false; } function fetchIdentica(&$eventData) { require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; // Was lastrun successfull? if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['identica_found']) && !$this->avatarConfiguration['identica_found']) { return false; } if (empty($eventData['url'])) { return false; } $url = $eventData['url']; if (preg_match('@^http://identi\.ca/notice/(\d+)$@',$url,$matches)) { $status_id = $matches[1]; $search = "$status_id.xml"; serendipity_request_start(); $req = new HTTP_Request($search); $req->sendRequest(); $this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode(); if ($req->getResponseCode() != 200) { $this->last_error = $req->getResponseCode(); serendipity_request_end(); $this->log("Identica Error: {$this->last_error}"); return false; } $response = trim($req->getResponseBody()); serendipity_request_end(); $parser = xml_parser_create(); $vals=array(); $index=array(); $success = xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $response, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); if ($success) { $img_url = $vals[$index['PROFILE_IMAGE_URL'][0]]['value']; $success = $this->saveAndResponseAvatar($eventData, $img_url); } $this->avatarConfiguration['identica_found'] = $success; return $success; } return false; } /** * Shows a monster id avatar. * * @param array eventdata the data given by the event * * @return boolean true, if Avatar was found and added to the comment buffer */ function fetchMonster(&$eventData){ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/monsterid/monsterid.php'; $seed = md5($eventData['author']) . $eventData['email_md5'] . md5($eventData['url']); $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); $size = $default['size']; // Save monster image @mkdir($this->getCacheDirectory()); $cache_file = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData); $this->log("Caching monster avatar: " . $cache_file); if (build_monster($cache_file, $seed, $size)) { $this->log("Success caching monster."); $this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type'] = "image/png"; $this->show($cache_file); } else if ($this->supportDefaultAvatar()){ $this->fetchDefault(); } return true; } /** * Shows a monster id avatar. * * @param array eventdata the data given by the event * * @return boolean true, if Avatar was found and added to the comment buffer */ function fetchWavatar(&$eventData){ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/wavatars/wavatars.php'; $seed = md5($eventData['author']) . $eventData['email_md5'] . md5($eventData['url']); $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); $size = $default['size']; // Save monster image @mkdir($this->getCacheDirectory()); $cache_file = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData); $this->log("Caching wavatar avatar: " . $cache_file); if (wavatar_build($cache_file, $seed, $size)) { $this->log("Success caching wavatar."); $this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type'] = "image/png"; $this->show($cache_file); } else if ($this->supportDefaultAvatar()){ $this->fetchDefault(); } return true; } /** * Shows an identicon/ycon avatar (generated locally). * * * * @param array eventdata the data given by the event * * @return boolean true, if Avatar was found and added to the comment buffer */ function fetchYcon(&$eventData){ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ycon/ycon.image.php'; $seed = md5($eventData['author']) . $eventData['email_md5'] . md5($eventData['url']); $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); $size = $default['size']; // Save monster image @mkdir($this->getCacheDirectory()); $cache_file = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData); $this->log("Caching Identicon/Ycon avatar: " . $cache_file); if (build_ycon($cache_file,$seed,$size)) { $this->log("Success caching ycon."); $this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type'] = "image/png"; $this->show($cache_file); } else if ($this->supportDefaultAvatar()){ $this->fetchDefault(); } return true; } /** * Shows the local default avatar. * * @param array eventdata the data given by the event * * @return boolean true, if Avatar was found and added to the comment buffer */ function fetchDefault(){ global $serendipity; $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); if (empty($default['defaultavatar'])) { return false; } $this->log("FetchDefault"); // Set fetch date. Show will use this for caclculating cache. $this->avatarConfiguration['fetch_date'] = time(); // Show default avatar $defaultUrl = $default['defaultavatar']; $this->log("DefaultUrl CFG: " . $defaultUrl); $defaultUrl = preg_replace('@^http[s]*?://[^/]*?/@si','',$defaultUrl); // Remove protocol and server part, if entered. $this->log("DefaultUrl RPL: " . $defaultUrl); $this->log("FetchDefault: DOC_ROOT" . $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]); $this->show($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/' . $defaultUrl); return true; } /** * Caches an avatar and streams it back to the browser. */ function saveAndResponseAvatar($eventData, $url, $allow_redirection = 3){ require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; global $serendipity; $fContent = null; if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_start(); } if ($allow_redirection) { $request_pars['allowRedirects'] = true; $request_pars['maxRedirects'] = $allow_redirection; } else { $request_pars['allowRedirects'] = false; } $req = new HTTP_Request($url, $request_pars); // if the request leads to an error we don't want to have it: return false if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || ($req->getResponseCode() != '200')) { $fContent = null; if ($req->getResponseCode() != '200') { $this->log("Avatar fetch error: " . $req->getResponseCode() . " for url=" . $url); } else { $this->log("Avatar fetch error: PEAR reported ERROR for url=" . $url); } } else { // Allow only images as Avatar! $mime = $req->getResponseHeader("content-type"); $this->log("Avatar fetch mimetype: $mime" . " for url=" . $url); $mimeparts = explode('/',$mime); if (count($mimeparts)==2 && $mimeparts[0]=='image') { $fContent = $req->getResponseBody(); } } if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_end(); } // if no content was fetched, return false if (!isset($fContent) || empty($fContent)){ $this->log("Avatar fetch: no Content!"); return false; } $cache_file = $this->cacheAvatar($eventData, $fContent,$req); if ($cache_file) { $this->show($cache_file); } else if ($this->supportDefaultAvatar()){ $this->fetchDefault(); } return true; } function saveAndResponseMyBlogAvatar($eventData, $url) { global $serendipity; $request_pars['allowRedirects'] = false; $this->log("saveAndResponseMyBlogAvatar: " . $url); // First a dummy icon is fetched. This is done by fetching a MyBlog Avatar for a not existing domain. // If we have done this before, the dummy_md5 is already set, so we can skip this fetching here. if (!isset($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5)) { $cachefilename = '_mybloglogdummy.md5'; $cache_file = $this->getCacheDirectory() . '/' . $cachefilename; // Look up the cache for the md5 of the MyBlogLog dummy icon saved earlier: if (file_exists($cache_file) && time() - filemtime($cache_file) < $this->cache_seconds){ $fp = fopen($cache_file, 'rb'); $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 = fread($fp, filesize($cache_file)); fclose($fp); $this->log("Loaded dummy MD5: " . $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5); } else { // dummy MD5 file was not cached or was too old. We have to fetch the dummy icon now $dummyurl = '*'; $this->log("trying dummyUrl: " . $dummyurl); if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_start(); } $reqdummy = new HTTP_Request($dummyurl, $request_pars); if (PEAR::isError($reqdummy->sendRequest()) || ($reqdummy->getResponseCode() != '200')) { if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_end(); } $this->avatarConfiguration["mybloglog_dummy_error!"]=$reqdummy->getResponseCode(); // unable to fetch a dummy picture! $this->log("unable to fetch a dummy picture!" . $dummyurl); return false; // what can we say else.. } else { // Allow only images as Avatar! $mime = $reqdummy->getResponseHeader("content-type"); $this->log("MyBlogLog Avatar fetch mimetype: $mime"); $mimeparts = explode('/',$mime); if (count($mimeparts)!=2 || $mimeparts[0]!='image') { // unable to fetch a dummy picture! $this->log("unable to fetch a dummy picture!" . $dummyurl); if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_end(); } return false; // what can we say else.. } $fContent = $reqdummy->getResponseBody(); $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 = md5($fContent); // Save MD5 of dummy icon for later runs $fp = fopen($cache_file, 'wb'); fwrite($fp,$this->mybloglog_dummy_md5); fclose($fp); $this->log("dummy MD5 saved: " . $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5); } if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_end(); } } } // Fetch the correct icon and compare: if (isset($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5)) { $cachefilename = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData); // fetch the icon if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_start(); } $this->log("Fetching mbl: " . $url); $req = new HTTP_Request($url, $request_pars); if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || ($req->getResponseCode() != '200')) { if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_end(); } $this->log("Unable to fetch the correct image!"); // Unable to fetch the correct image! return false; } else { // Test, if this realy is an image! $mime_type = $req->getResponseHeader('content-type'); if (!empty($mime_type)) $mt_parts = explode('/',$mime_type); if (isset($mt_parts) && is_array($mt_parts) && $mt_parts[0] == 'image') { $fContent = $req->getResponseBody(); $avtmd5 = md5($fContent); $this->log("mbl image fetched, MD5: " . $avtmd5); if ($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 != $avtmd5) { $this->log("caching mbl image: " . $cachefilename); $this->cacheAvatar($eventData,$fContent,$req); } } else { $this->log("MyBlogLog did not return an image: " . $mime_type ); $avtmd5 = $this->mybloglog_dummy_md5; // Declare it as dummy in order not to save it. } } if (function_exists('serendipity_request_start')) { serendipity_request_end(); } if ($this->mybloglog_dummy_md5 == $avtmd5){ // This seems to be a dummy avatar! return false; } else { $this->show($cachefilename); return true; } } return false; } /** * Caches an avatar file. * * @param string cache_file name of file used for caching * @param string fContent content to be cached * @param request req optional the request that produced this content (for logging) */ function cacheAvatar($eventData, $fContent, $req=null){ $cache_file = $this->getCacheFilePath($eventData); $this->log("cacheAvatar: " . $cache_file); // Save image @mkdir($this->getCacheDirectory()); $fp = @fopen($cache_file, 'wb'); if (!$fp) { $this->log("! Error writing cache file $cache_file"); if (file_exists($cache_file)) { return $cache_file; } else { return false; } } fwrite($fp, $fContent); fclose($fp); if (isset($req)){ // Remember mime type $mime_type = $req->getResponseHeader('content-type'); $this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type'] = $mime_type; } return $cache_file; } /** * Return binary response for an image */ function show($filename) { $this->log("show: $filename"); if (!file_exists($filename)) { header('X-Avatar: No-Image'); return false; } else { header('X-Avatar: Found'); } $mime_type = null; if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type'])) { $mime_type = $this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type']; } if (!isset($mime_type)) { $size = @getimagesize($filename); $mime_type = $size['mime']; $this->avatarConfiguration['mime-type'] = $mime_type; } // test wether this really is (at least declared as) an image! // else deny it. $mime_parts = explode('/', $mime_type); if (count($mime_parts)!=2 || $mime_parts[0]!='image') { return false; } $fp = @fopen($filename, "rb"); if ($fp) { if (isset($this->avatarConfiguration['fetch_date'])) { $filemtime = $this->avatarConfiguration['fetch_date']; $this->log("Fetch date found: " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s T", $filemtime)); } else { $filemtime = filemtime($filename); } header("Content-type: $mime_type"); header("Content-Length: ". filesize($filename)); header("Date: " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s T")); header("Last-Modified: " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s T", $filemtime), true); if ($this->cache_seconds>0) { $expires = $filemtime + $this->cache_seconds; $expires_txt = date("D, d M Y H:i:s T",$expires); header("Expires: $expires_txt". true); // HTTP 1.1 $max_age_seconds = $filemtime + $this->cache_seconds - time(); header("Cache-Control: public, max-age=" . $max_age_seconds, true); // delta seconds header("Pragma:", true); } fpassthru($fp); fclose($fp); } return true; } /** * Generates an Avatar image from given parameters * * @param array default The default configuration evaluated * @param string title the title for that image * @return string the html code representing the Avatar */ function generateImageHtml($url, $title = null, $align = 'right', $addAlignClass = true, $cssClass = "comment_avatar"){ $default = $this->getDefaultImageConfiguration(); if (empty($title)){ $title = 'Avatar'; } if (PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_DEBUG) $title .= ' (Avatar Plugin V.' . PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_VERSION . ' DEBUG)'; // set alignment by configuration $cssAlign = ''; if ($addAlignClass && ($align == 'right' || $align == 'left')) $cssAlign = "avatar_$align"; $alt = '*'; if (serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('autoralt', false))) { $alt = $title; } return '' . $alt . ''; } /** * Just generates comments into the comment block. Used for debugging only! */ function generateComment(&$eventData, $comment){ $eventData['comment'] = "-- $comment --
\n" . $eventData['comment']; } /** * Returns the avatar cache directory */ function getCacheDirectory(){ global $serendipity; if ($this->cache_dir === null) { $this->cache_dir = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . PATH_SMARTY_COMPILE . '/serendipity_event_avatar'; } return $this->cache_dir; } /** * Returns the Path of the avatar cache file by the given user data found in eventData * If no relevant user data was found, null is returned. * */ function getCacheFilePath($eventData){ global $serendipity; $cache_filename = $this->getCacheFileName($eventData); if (!isset($cache_filename)) { return null; } return $this->getCacheDirectory() .'/' . $cache_filename;; } /** * Returns the URL of the cached avatar by the given user data found in eventData * If no relevant user data was found, null is returned. * */ function getCacheFileUrl($eventData){ global $serendipity; $cache_filename = $this->getCacheFileName($eventData); if (!isset($cache_filename)) { return null; } return $serendipity['baseURL'] . '/' . PATH_SMARTY_COMPILE . '/serendipity_event_gravatar/' . $cache_filename; } /** * Returns a URL encoded and signed variable. */ function urlencode($url) { $hash = md5($this->instance_id . $url); return $hash . str_replace ('_', '%5F', urlencode($url)); } function urldecode($url) { $hash = substr($url, 0, 32); $real_url = urldecode(substr($url, 32)); if ($hash == md5($this->instance_id . $real_url)) { // Valid hash was found. return $real_url; } else { // Invalid hash. return ''; } } /** * Returns only the name of the cached avatar by the given user data found in eventData * If no relevant user data was found, null is returned. * */ function getCacheFileName($eventData){ global $serendipity; if (!isset($eventData['email']) && !isset($eventData['email_md5']) && !isset($eventData['url'])) { return null; } $email_md5 = ''; if (isset($eventData['email_md5'])) { $email_md5 = $eventData['email_md5']; } else if (isset($eventData['email'])) { $email_md5 = md5(strtolower($eventData['email'])); } $author_md5= isset($eventData['author'])? md5($eventData['author']) : ''; $url_md5 = isset($eventData['url'])? md5($eventData['url']) : '' ; return $url_md5 . '_' . $email_md5 . '_' . $author_md5; } /** * Builds an array of default image configuration */ function getDefaultImageConfiguration() { global $serendipity; if ($this->defaultImageConfigurationdefault === null) { $this->defaultImageConfigurationdefault = array( 'defaultavatar' => ($this->get_config('defaultavatar')==''?'': $this->get_config('defaultavatar', '')), 'size' => $this->get_config('size', '40'), 'rating' => $this->get_config('rating', '-') ); } return $this->defaultImageConfigurationdefault; } function getPermaPluginPath() { global $serendipity; // Get configured plugin path: $pluginPath = 'plugin'; if (isset($serendipity['permalinkPluginPath'])){ $pluginPath = $serendipity['permalinkPluginPath']; } return $pluginPath; } function log($message){ if (!PLUGIN_EVENT_GRAVATAR_DEBUG) return; $fp = fopen($this->getCacheDirectory() . '.log','a'); fwrite($fp, $message . "\n"); fclose($fp); } } /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */ ?>