* EN-Revision: Revision of lang_en.inc.php */ @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_NAME', 'CKEditor'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_DESC', 'Uses CKEditor as the default WYSIWYG editor. For any JS-Editor usage: Recommended! After installation, go to the configuration screen of this plugin for further instructions.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_REVISION_TITLE', '

This Plugin includes:



Dependencies: Disable global body, extended and nugget parsing in the NL2BR plugin, OR by entry with entryproperties plugin event and/or for staticpages by entry "Perform Markup Transformations" option!

  1. To allow other plugins to use or hook into the editor, place this (CKEditor) plugin near the end of your plugin list.
  2. Make sure to enable WYSIWYG mode in your personal preferences.

Manually extending with CKEDITOR Plugins

  1. Define manually added Plugins (analog to { name: \'mediaembed\' },) to the CKEDITOR.config.toolbarGroups = [...] definition, in the cke_config.js.
  2. Add (append) the plugin name (analog to mediaembed) to var extraPluginList = \'...\' definition, in the cke_plugin.js.


This Plugin will provide Updates via Spartacus close to new CKEDITOR releases.

It is not advised to use or install any customized CKEDITOR releases, since this will lead to undesirable side effects with this Plugins configuration.

'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_CONFIG', ''); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_INSTALL_PLUGPATH', 'HTTP path to s9y plugins directory'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_CKEACF_OPTION', 'Disable Advanced-Content-Filter (ACF)?'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_TOOLBAR_OPTION', 'Use default 2-liner toolbar-group linebreak?'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_CODEBUTTON_OPTION', 'Allow code toolbar button?'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_PRETTIFY_OPTION', 'Allow additional prettify css/js in frontend?'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_PRETTIFY_OPTION_BLAHBLAH', 'For upgraders only! Keeps backward compatibility for old entries with code.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_OPTION_BLAHBLAH', 'Usually: '); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_FORCEINSTALL_OPTION', 'Force install process (in emergencies)'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_FORCEINSTALL_OPTION_BLAHBLAH', 'Only on upgrade failures: Force the immediate zip deflation of '); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_CKEACF_OPTION_BLAHBLAH', 'The CKEDITOR built-in "Housekeeper" filter restricts custom html markup to follow its rules! Normally this is good and you will want to keep it working in the backyard and use the already built-in workarounds for certain markup, like "iframe"d media via the "Embed Media"-button, or "audio" and "other Serendipity" tags via the "Sourcecode-view"-mode. Please also read: "http://docs.ckeditor.com/?_escaped_fragment_=/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter#!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter".'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENT_CKEDITOR_SETTOOLBAR_OPTION', 'Choose preset toolbars');