//\///// //\ overLIB Follow Scroll Plugin //\ This file requires overLIB 4.10 or later. //\ //\ overLIB 4.10 - You may not remove or change this notice. //\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2004. All rights reserved. //\ Contributors are listed on the homepage. //\ See http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/ for details. // $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/09/12 14:15:21 $ //\///// //\mini //////// // PRE-INIT // Ignore these lines, configuration is below. //////// if (typeof olInfo == 'undefined' || typeof olInfo.meets == 'undefined' || !olInfo.meets(4.10)) alert('overLIB 4.10 or later is required for the Follow Scroll Plugin.'); else { registerCommands('followscroll,followscrollrefresh'); //////// // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION // You don't have to change anything here if you don't want to. All of this can be // changed on your html page or through an overLIB call. //////// // Default value for scroll is not to scroll (0) if (typeof ol_followscroll=='undefined') var ol_followscroll=0; if (typeof ol_followscrollrefresh=='undefined') var ol_followscrollrefresh=100; //////// // END OF CONFIGURATION // Don't change anything below this line, all configuration is above. //////// //////// // INIT //////// // Runtime variables init. Don't change for config! var o3_followscroll=0; var o3_followscrollrefresh=100; //////// // PLUGIN FUNCTIONS //////// function setScrollVariables() { o3_followscroll=ol_followscroll; o3_followscrollrefresh=ol_followscrollrefresh; } // Parses Shadow and Scroll commands function parseScrollExtras(pf,i,ar) { var k=i,v; if (k < ar.length) { if (ar[k]==FOLLOWSCROLL) { eval(pf +'followscroll=('+pf+'followscroll==0) ? 1 : 0'); return k; } if (ar[k]==FOLLOWSCROLLREFRESH) { eval(pf+'followscrollrefresh='+ar[++k]); return k; } } return -1; } // Function to support scroll feature (overloads default) function scroll_placeLayer() { var placeX, placeY, widthFix = 0; // HORIZONTAL PLACEMENT if (o3_frame.innerWidth) { widthFix=Math.ceil(1.2*(o3_frame.outerWidth - o3_frame.innerWidth)); widthFix = (widthFix > 50) ? 20 : widthFix; iwidth=o3_frame.innerWidth; } else if (eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot)&&eval("typeof o3_frame."+docRoot+".clientWidth=='number'")&&eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientWidth')) iwidth=eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientWidth'); // Horizontal scroll offset winoffset=(olIe4) ? eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollLeft') : o3_frame.pageXOffset; placeX = runHook('horizontalPlacement',FCHAIN,iwidth,winoffset,widthFix); // VERTICAL PLACEMENT if (o3_frame.innerHeight) iheight=o3_frame.innerHeight; else if (eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot)&&eval("typeof o3_frame."+docRoot+".clientHeight=='number'")&&eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientHeight')) iheight=eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.clientHeight'); // Vertical scroll offset scrolloffset=(olIe4) ? eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollTop') : o3_frame.pageYOffset; placeY = runHook('verticalPlacement',FCHAIN,iheight,scrolloffset); // Actually move the object. repositionTo(over,placeX,placeY); if (o3_followscroll && o3_sticky && (o3_relx || o3_rely) && (typeof o3_draggable == 'undefined' || !o3_draggable)) { if (typeof over.scroller=='undefined' || over.scroller.canScroll) over.scroller = new Scroller(placeX-winoffset,placeY-scrolloffset,o3_followscrollrefresh); } } /////// // SUPPORT ROUTINES FOR SCROLL FEATURE /////// // Scroller constructor function Scroller(X,Y,refresh) { this.canScroll=0; this.refresh=refresh; this.x=X; this.y=Y; this.timer=setTimeout("repositionOver()",this.refresh); } // Removes the timer to stop replacing the layer. function cancelScroll() { if (!o3_followscroll || typeof over.scroller == 'undefined') return; over.scroller.canScroll = 1; if (over.scroller.timer) { clearTimeout(over.scroller.timer); over.scroller.timer=null; } } // Find out how much we've scrolled. function getPageScrollY() { if (o3_frame.pageYOffset) return o3_frame.pageYOffset; if (eval(docRoot)) return eval('o3_frame.' + docRoot + '.scrollTop'); return -1; } function getPageScrollX() { if (o3_frame.pageXOffset) return o3_frame.pageXOffset; if (eval(docRoot)) return eval('o3_frame.'+docRoot+'.scrollLeft'); return -1; } // Find out where our layer is function getLayerTop(layer) { if (layer.pageY) return layer.pageY; if (layer.style.top) return parseInt(layer.style.top); return -1; } function getLayerLeft(layer) { if (layer.pageX) return layer.pageX; if (layer.style.left) return parseInt(layer.style.left); return -1; } // Repositions the layer if needed function repositionOver() { var X, Y, pgLeft, pgTop; pgTop = getPageScrollY(); pgLeft = getPageScrollX(); X = getLayerLeft(over)-pgLeft; Y = getLayerTop(over)-pgTop; if (X != over.scroller.x || Y != over.scroller.y) repositionTo(over, pgLeft+over.scroller.x, pgTop+over.scroller.y); over.scroller.timer = setTimeout("repositionOver()", over.scroller.refresh); } //////// // PLUGIN REGISTRATIONS //////// registerRunTimeFunction(setScrollVariables); registerCmdLineFunction(parseScrollExtras); registerHook("hideObject",cancelScroll,FAFTER); registerHook("placeLayer",scroll_placeLayer,FREPLACE); if (olInfo.meets(4.10)) registerNoParameterCommands('followscroll'); }