i18n = false; } // Load Serendipity Framework echo "Language set to " . $lang . "\n"; $this->memSnap('Emerge call'); include_once $path . 'include/compat.inc.php'; $serendipity['serendipityPath'] = $path; $serendipity['dbType'] = 'mysql'; $serendipity['lang'] = $lang; $serendipity['charset'] = 'UTF-8/'; define('S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH', $serendipity['serendipityPath']); define('S9Y_PEAR_PATH', $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'bundled-libs/'); include_once S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'lang/UTF-8/serendipity_lang_' . $lang . '.inc.php'; include_once S9Y_INCLUDE_PATH . 'include/plugin_api.inc.php'; $this->memSnap('Framework loaded'); } function init() { $this->pluginpath = dirname(__FILE__); } function load_plugin(&$plugins) { global $serendipity; foreach($plugins AS $plugin_name => $plugin_data) { $path = $this->pluginpath . '/' . $plugin_data['pluginPath'] . '/'; include_once $path . $plugin_data['name'] . '.php'; $plugins[$plugin_name]['plugin'] = new $plugin_data['name']($plugin_name); $plugin =&$plugins[$plugin_name]['plugin']; if (is_object($plugin)) { $bag = new serendipity_property_bag; $plugin->introspect($bag); $plugins[$plugin_name]['properties'] = $bag->properties; $plugins[$plugin_name]['files'] = $this->get_files($plugin_data['pluginPath']); if (file_exists($path . 'ChangeLog')) { $plugins[$plugin_name]['properties']['changelog'] = 'https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/blob/master/' . $plugin_data['pluginPath'] . '/ChangeLog'; } echo 'Successfully loaded plugin ' . $plugin_name . "\n"; } else { echo 'Error loading plugin ' . $plugin_name . ' (' . $plugin_data['pluginPath'] . ')' . "\n"; } $this->memSnap($plugin_name); unset($plugins[$plugin_name]['plugin']); $this->memSnap($plugin_name . ' UNSET'); } } function memSnap($tshow = '') { static $avail = null; static $show = false; static $memUsage = 0; if (!$show) { return false; } if ($avail === false) { return true; } elseif ($avail === null) { if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $avail = memory_get_usage(); } else { $avail = false; return false; } } if ($memUsage === 0) { $memUsage = $avail; } $current = memory_get_usage(); echo '[' . date('d.m.Y H:i') . '] ' . number_format($current - $memUsage, 2, ',', '.') . ' label "' . $tshow . '",' . "\n" . ' totalling ' . number_format($current, 2, ',', '.') . "\n"; $memUsage = $current; } function getTemplates($dir = '/home/s9y/workspace/additional_themes/') { $this->i18n = false; $ret = serendipity_traversePath($dir, '', true, null, 1, 1); $this->xmlData['template'] = array(); $x = &$this->xmlData['template']; $x[] = ''; $x[] = '' . "\n"; $x[] = ''; $_blacklist = explode("\n", file_get_contents($dir . '/blacklist.txt')); $blacklist = array(); foreach($_blacklist AS $idx => $blackline) { $blackline = trim($blackline); if (empty($blackline)) continue; if ($blackline[0] == '#') continue; $blacklist[$blackline] = true; } $t = array(); $nametofile = array(); foreach($ret AS $idx => $path) { $info = array(); if (file_exists($dir . $path['name'] . '/info.txt')) { $info = serendipity_fetchTemplateInfo($path['name'], $dir); } if (empty($info['name'])) { continue; } $olddir = getcwd(); chdir($dir); $info['files'] = $this->get_files($path['name']); chdir($olddir); $td = ''; $td .= '

' . $this->encode($info['name']) . ' ' . $this->encode($info['summary']) . '

'; $td .= '
'; $td .= '
'; if (empty($info['version'])) { $info['version'] = '1.0'; } if (empty($info['license'])) { $info['license'] = 'N/A (=GPL)'; } $td .= '
' . $this->encode(VERSION . ' ' . $info['version']) . '(' . $this->encode($info['license']) . ', ' . $this->encode($info['date']) . ')
'; $td .= '
' . $this->encode($info['author']) . '
'; if (!empty($info['require serendipity'])) { $td .= '
Serendipity >= ' . $this->encode($info['require serendipity']) . '
'; } $td .= '
'; $td .= ''; $x[] = ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($info['name'], true) . ''; $x[] = ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($info['license'], true) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($info['summary']) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($info['description']) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($info['recommended']) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($info['author'], true) . 'lead'; $x[] = ''; $x[] = ' ' . $this->encode($info['version'], true) . ''; $x[] = ' ' . $this->encode($info['require serendipity'], true) . ''; $x[] = ' ' . $this->encode($info['date'], true) . ''; $x[] = ' '; $x[] = $info['files']['xml']; $x[] = ' '; $x[] = ' '; foreach($info['files']['full'] AS $file) { $x[] = ' ' . $file . ''; } $x[] = ' '; $x[] = ''; $x[] = ''; $t[$info['name']] .= '
' . $td . '
' . "\n"; $nametofile[$info['name']] = $path['name']; } $x[] = '
'; ksort($t); $theme_li = ''; foreach($t as $theme => $html) { $theme_li .= '
  • ' . $theme . '
  • ' . "\n"; $fp = fopen('homepage/template_' . $nametofile[$theme] . '.htm', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $html); fclose($fp); } $fp = fopen('homepage/template_all.htm', 'w'); $tplist = '

    Frontend Themes

    ' . implode("\n", $t) . '
    '; fwrite($fp, $tplist); fclose($fp); $fp = fopen('homepage/box_groups_template.htm', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $theme_li); fclose($fp); } function get_files($path, $init = true) { if ($init) { $this->helper = array('full' => array(), 'xml' => ''); } if (is_dir($path)) { if ($d = opendir($path)) { $this->helper['xml'] .= '' . "\n"; while (($f = readdir($d)) !== false) { if ($f != '.' && $f != '..' && $f != 'CVS') { if (is_dir($path . '/' . $f)) { $this->get_files($path . '/' . $f, false); } else { $this->helper['full'][] = $path . '/' . $f; $this->helper['xml'] .= '' . $f . '' . "\n"; } } } $this->helper['xml'] .= '' . "\n"; } } if ($init) { return $this->helper; } } function get_plugins() { global $serendipity; serendipity_plugin_api::traverse_plugin_dir($this->pluginpath, $this->plugins['event'], true); serendipity_plugin_api::traverse_plugin_dir($this->pluginpath, $this->plugins['sidebar'], false); $this->load_plugin($this->plugins['event']); $this->load_plugin($this->plugins['sidebar']); } function encode($string, $force_utf8 = false) { if ($force_utf8) { $string = utf8_encode($string); // TODO: This screw must be changed. Many authors entered their // names inside plugins, but saved the file as ISO. Since some // strings are not localized (like author name), it needs to // be ensured that UTF-8 coding is the final result. } return htmlspecialchars($string); } function emerge($key) { $this->xmlData[$key] = array(); $x = &$this->xmlData[$key]; $x[] = ''; $x[] = '' . "\n"; $x[] = ''; foreach($this->plugins[$key] AS $plugin_name => $plugin_data) { $version = isset($plugin_data['properties']['version']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['version'] : '1.0'; $s9yVersion = isset($plugin_data['properties']['requirements']['serendipity']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['requirements']['serendipity'] : '0.8'; $license = isset($plugin_data['properties']['license']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['license'] : 'GPL'; $author = isset($plugin_data['properties']['author']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['author'] : 'Serendipity Team'; $x[] = ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($plugin_name, true) . ''; if (!empty($plugin_data['properties']['website'])) { $x[] = '' . $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['website'], true) . ''; } if (!empty($plugin_data['properties']['changelog'])) { $x[] = '' . $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['changelog'], true) . ''; } $x[] = '' . $this->encode($license, true) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['name']) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode(implode(',', (array)$plugin_data['properties']['groups'])) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['description']) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($author, true) . 'lead'; $x[] = ''; $x[] = ' ' . $this->encode($version, true) . ''; $x[] = ' ' . $this->encode($s9yVersion, true) . ''; $x[] = ' ' . date('Y-m-d', filemtime($plugin_data['pluginPath'] . '/' . $plugin_data['name'] . '.php')) . ''; $x[] = ' '; $x[] = $plugin_data['files']['xml']; $x[] = ' '; $x[] = ' '; foreach($plugin_data['files']['full'] AS $file) { $x[] = ' ' . $file . ''; } $x[] = ' '; $x[] = ''; $x[] = ''; } $x[] = ''; } function emergeHomepage($key) { global $serendipity; $groups = array(); foreach($this->plugins[$key] AS $plugin_name => $plugin_data) { $version = isset($plugin_data['properties']['version']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['version'] : '1.0'; $s9yVersion = isset($plugin_data['properties']['requirements']['serendipity']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['requirements']['serendipity'] : '0.8'; $license = isset($plugin_data['properties']['license']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['license'] : 'GPL'; $author = isset($plugin_data['properties']['author']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['author'] : 'Serendipity Team'; $x = ''; $x .= '
    '; $x .= '

    ' . $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['name']) . '

    '; $x .= '
    '; $x .= '
    ' . $this->encode($plugin_name) . '
    '; $x .= '
    ' . $this->encode(VERSION . ' ' . $version) . ' (' . $this->encode($license) . ', ' . $this->encode(LAST_UPDATED) . ' ' . date('Y-m-d', filemtime($plugin_data['pluginPath'] . '/' . $plugin_data['name'] . '.php')) . ')
    '; $x .= '
    ' . $this->encode($author) . '
    '; $x .= '
    Serendipity >= ' . $this->encode($s9yVersion) . '
    '; #$x .= '
    ' . $this->encode(implode(',', (array)$plugin_data['properties']['groups'])) . '
    '; $x .= '
    '; $x .= '

    ' . $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['description']) . '

    '; $x .= '
    '; foreach((array)$plugin_data['properties']['groups'] AS $group) { $gnames[constant('PLUGIN_GROUP_' . $group)] = $group; $groups[constant('PLUGIN_GROUP_' . $group)][$plugin_data['properties']['name']] = array( 'plugin' => $this->encode($plugin_name), 'name' => $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['name']), 'content' => $x ); } $fp = fopen('homepage/byplugin_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $serendipity['lang'] . '.htm', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $x); fclose($fp); } $fp = fopen('homepage/bygroups_' . $key . '_' . $serendipity['lang'] . '.htm', 'w'); $li_groups = ''; ksort($groups); foreach($groups AS $gname => $group) { $p = array(); $gshort = $gnames[$gname]; ksort($group); foreach($group AS $plug) { $p[] = $plug['content']; } $c = '

    ' . $gname . '

    ' . implode("\n", $p) . '
    '; fwrite($fp, $c); $fp2 = fopen('homepage/bygroup_' . $key . '_' . $gshort . '_' . $serendipity['lang'] . '.htm', 'w'); fwrite($fp2, $c); fclose($fp2); $li_groups .= '
  • ' . $gname . '
  • ' . "\n"; } fclose($fp); $fp = fopen('homepage/box_groups_' . $key . '.htm', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $li_groups); fclose($fp); } function emergeRSS($key, $title) { $this->xmlData['RSS' . $key] = array(); $x = &$this->xmlData['RSS' . $key]; $x[] = ''; $x[] = ''; $x[] = ''; $x[] = 'Serendipity: Available External ' . $title . ''; $x[] = 'https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/'; $x[] = 'TOC'; $x[] = 'en'; $x[] = 'Serendipity SPARTACUS'; foreach($this->plugins[$key] AS $plugin_name => $plugin_data) { $version = isset($plugin_data['properties']['version']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['version'] : '1.0'; $s9yVersion = isset($plugin_data['properties']['requirements']['serendipity']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['requirements']['serendipity'] : '0.8'; $license = isset($plugin_data['properties']['license']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['license'] : 'GPL'; $author = isset($plugin_data['properties']['author']) ? $plugin_data['properties']['author'] : 'Serendipity Team'; $x[] = ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($plugin_data['properties']['name'] . ': ' . $plugin_data['properties']['description']) . ''; $x[] = 'https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/' . $plugin_data['pluginPath'] . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($title) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($author) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode('' . $plugin_name . '
    ' . $plugin_data['properties']['name'] . '

    ' . $plugin_data['properties']['description'] . '
    For: Serendipity ' . $s9yVersion) . '
    '; $x[] = '' . date('r', filemtime($plugin_data['pluginPath'] . '/' . $plugin_data['name'] . '.php')) . ''; $x[] = '' . $this->encode($plugin_name) . ''; $x[] = '
    '; } $x[] = '
    '; $x[] = '
    '; } function output($key, $ext = 'xml') { global $serendipity; if ($this->i18n) { $remotefile = 'package_' . $key . '_' . $serendipity['lang'] . '.' . $ext; } else { $remotefile = 'package_' . $key . '.' . $ext; } $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $remotefile; $fp = fopen($file, 'w'); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, implode("\n", $this->xmlData[$key])); fclose($fp); } $this->upload($file, $remotefile); } function upload($file, $remotefile) { static $c, $login; if (function_exists('ftp_connect')) { if (!is_resource($c) || !$login) { $c = ftp_connect('netmirror.org'); $data = explode(':', file_get_contents('/home/s9y/bin/emerge_spartacus.dat')); if (!$c || !is_resource($c)) { echo "FTP Login failed.\n"; #die('FTP LOGIN IMPOSSIBLE'); } $login = ftp_login($c, $data[0], $data[1]); } if ($c && $login) { echo 'Uploading ' . $file . ' to ' . $remotefile . "\n"; if (ftp_delete($c, $remotefile)) { echo 'Previous file ' . $remotefile . ' deleted.' . "\n"; } else { echo 'ERROR: Could not delete previous file ' . $remotefile . '.' . "\n"; } $retries = 0; $retry_count = 3; $test = ftp_put($c, $remotefile, $file, FTP_BINARY); while (!$test && $retries < $retry_count) { $retries++; sleep(30); ftp_delete($c, $remotefile); $test = ftp_put($c, $remotefile, $file, FTP_BINARY); } } } } } $lang = (!empty($argv['2']) ? $argv[2] : 'en'); $op = (!empty($argv['1']) ? $argv[1] : 'plugin'); $spartacus = new emerge_spartacus($lang); $spartacus->init(); if ($op == 'plugin') { $spartacus->get_plugins(); $spartacus->emerge('event'); $spartacus->emerge('sidebar'); $spartacus->output('event'); $spartacus->output('sidebar'); $spartacus->emergeRSS('event', 'Event Plugins'); $spartacus->emergeRSS('sidebar', 'Sidebar Plugins'); $spartacus->emergeHomepage('event'); $spartacus->emergeHomepage('sidebar'); $spartacus->output('RSSevent'); $spartacus->output('RSSsidebar'); if ($lang == 'final') { emerge_spartacus::upload('additional_plugins.tgz', 'additional_plugins.tgz'); emerge_spartacus::upload('additional_themes.tgz', 'additional_themes.tgz'); emerge_spartacus::upload('last.txt', 'last.txt'); exec('zip -9r spartacus_homepage.zip homepage/ -x \*.png -x \*.php -x \*.css -x \*.sh'); #emerge_spartacus::upload('spartacus_homepage.zip', 'spartacus_homepage.zip'); #exec('scp spartacus_homepage.zip garvinhicking@ssh.sf.net:/home/groups/p/ph/php-blog/htdocs/spartacus_homepage.zip'); #exec('scp last.txt garvinhicking@ssh.sf.net:/home/groups/p/ph/php-blog/htdocs/last.txt'); } } elseif ($op == 'template') { $spartacus->getTemplates(); $spartacus->output('template'); exec('zip -9r spartacus_homepage_template.zip homepage/box_groups_template* homepage/template_*'); #exec('scp spartacus_homepage_template.zip garvinhicking@ssh.sf.net:/home/groups/p/ph/php-blog/htdocs/spartacus_homepage_template.zip'); #exec('ssh -l garvinhicking ssh.sf.net /home/groups/p/ph/php-blog/htdocs/cvs/additional_plugins/homepage/update.sh'); }