* * Please, support this software, send any suggestion and improvement to me * or the mailing list and we will try to keep it updated and make it better * every day. * * If you like it and use it, please let me know or contact the wmlprogramming * mailing list: wmlprogramming@yahoogroups.com * */ set_time_limit(600); list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $start = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); require_once('./wurfl_config.php'); define('FORCED_UPDATE', true); require_once(WURFL_PARSER_FILE); list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $load_parser = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); wurfl_log('update_cache', "Forced cache update started"); if (WURFL_USE_CACHE === true) { parse(); if ( WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE === true ) { wurfl_log('update_cache', "Updating multicache dir"); touch(MULTICACHE_TOUCH); if ( is_dir(MULTICACHE_DIR) ) rename(substr(MULTICACHE_DIR, 0, -1), substr(MULTICACHE_DIR, 0, -1).'.'.time()); rename(substr(MULTICACHE_TMP_DIR, 0, -1), substr(MULTICACHE_DIR, 0, -1)); unlink(MULTICACHE_TOUCH); } wurfl_log('update_cache', "Done updating cache"); } else { wurfl_log('update_cache', "Why update cache if WURFL_URE_CACHE is not set to true?"); } list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $parse = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); echo "Parser load time:".($load_parser-$start)."
\n"; echo "Parsing time:".($parse-$load_parser)."
\n"; echo "Total:".($end-$start)."
\n"; ?>