* EN-Revision: Revision of lang_en.inc.php * Mar 02, 2006 * Version 0.1 */ @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_NAME', 'WebPasties'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_DESC', 'WebPasties allow you to manage things like RSS feeds, polls, event calendars, and IM status buttons. (stackable)'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_CHECK_BELOW', 'Check below for instructions on where to find this.'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_TITLE', 'Title'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_TITLE_DESC', 'The header to appear above your WebPastie. Leave blank for no title.'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_TITLE_ERR', 'Invalid Title, please enter un-coded content. Use CSS stylesheet to change title appearance.'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MODE', 'Mode'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MODE_DESC', 'The mode of the webpastie. '. PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_CHECK_BELOW); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MODE_SCROLL', 'RSS Feed - scroll'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MODE_CAL', 'Event Calendar - cal'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MODE_POLL', 'Web Poll - poll'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MODE_IM', 'IM status - im'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MID', 'mID'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MID_DESC', 'Your WebPasties User ID #. '. PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_CHECK_BELOW); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_MID_ERR', 'Invalid mID. Please enter a number. '. PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_CHECK_BELOW); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_ID', 'WebPastie ID'); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_ID_DESC', 'The ID # of the webpastie. '. PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_CHECK_BELOW); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_ID_ERR', 'Invalid WebPastie ID. Please enter a number. '. PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_CHECK_BELOW); @define('PLUGIN_WEBPASTIES_EXAMPLE', '

Check WebPasties.com to manage your individual webpasties. Once you have created them, their mode, id, and mid will not change, but you can still customize them on the webpasties website.

Below is an example of the RSS feed HTML code generated by WebPasties. The highlighted sections are needed for this plugin'); /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab: */ ?>