Music of the Moment plugin for Serendipity. Created by Tys von Gaza ( - - Uses a program called iTunesBlogger to hit a URL on the webpage and save song information to the database. - Page loads an iframe which uses javascript to set content on the main page. Javascript runs a progress bar and refreshes every song. The program is not unique to iTunesBlogger, you just need to find a plugin for your media player of choice to hit the webpage with the following url format: If you find a plugin for another player that supports this please let me know. Where: %t is the track name %a is the artist %b is the album %g is the genre %y is the tracktime in the format hours:minutes:seconds, ie: 1:23:45 would be 1 hour, 23 minutes, 45 seconds SECRET_KEY is the secret key setup in the blog so not anyone can update what you are playing