add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_TEMPLATE_EDITOR_NAME); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_TEMPLATE_EDITOR_DESC); $propbag->add('stackable', false); $propbag->add('author', 'Malte Paskuda'); $propbag->add('license', 'GPL'); $propbag->add('version', '0.7.1'); $propbag->add('requirements', array( 'serendipity' => '0.8' )); $propbag->add('event_hooks', array('backend_templates_configuration_bottom' => true, 'backend_templates_configuration_none' => true, 'external_plugin' => true, 'backend_sidebar_entries_event_display_template_editor' => true)); $propbag->add('configuration', array('highlight', 'path')); $propbag->add('groups', array('BACKEND_FEATURES')); } function generate_content(&$title) { $title = $this->title; } function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) { global $serendipity; switch($name) { case 'path': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_TEMPLATE_EDITOR_PATH); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_TEMPLATE_EDITOR_PATH_DESC); $propbag->add('default', $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_template_editor/'); return true; break; case 'highlight': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_TEMPLATE_EDITOR_HIGHLIGHT); $propbag->add('default', true); return true; break; default: return false; } return true; } function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null) { global $serendipity; $hooks = &$bag->get('event_hooks'); if (isset($hooks[$event])) { switch($event) { case 'external_plugin': //template_editor_delete with it's argument is otherwise not detected $eventData = preg_replace('/&.*/', '', $eventData); switch ($eventData) { case 'template_editor_save': if (! (serendipity_checkPermission('siteConfiguration'))) { return; } $path = $_REQUEST['path']; $content = $_REQUEST['content']; if (substr($path, -4) == '.php') { //we need to check .php files for syntax-errors, because //saving them would shutdown the blog and this editor if ($this->checkSyntax($content)) { file_put_contents($path, $content); } else { //give user the opportunity to correct the error: //read from tempfile, show errormessage $tempFile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/template_editor_temp.php'; $errors = shell_exec("php -l $tempFile"); $msg = urlencode($errors); $msgtype = 'error'; $redirect = ''; echo $redirect . $url; return; } } else { file_put_contents($path, $content); } //the user probably wants to edit more of this file echo ''; break; case 'template_editor_create': if (! (serendipity_checkPermission('siteConfiguration') )) { return; } $path = $_REQUEST['path']; $file = $_REQUEST['file']; file_put_contents($path.$file, ''); echo ''; break; case 'template_editor_delete': if (! (serendipity_checkPermission('siteConfiguration'))) { return; } $path = $_REQUEST['template_editor_path']; unlink($serendipity['serendipityPath']. $path); $path = dirname($path).'/'; echo ''; break; case 'template_editor_rename': if (! (serendipity_checkPermission('siteConfiguration'))) { return; } $old_name = $_REQUEST['file']; $path = $_REQUEST['curDir']; $new_name = $_REQUEST['value']; rename($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $path . $old_name, $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $path . $new_name); echo $new_name; break; case 'template_editor_upload': if (! (serendipity_checkPermission('siteConfiguration'))) { return; } $name = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $path = $_REQUEST['path']; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $path.$name); echo ''; break; case 'serendipity_event_template_editor.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/serendipity_event_template_editor.js'); break; case 'serendipity_event_template_editor.css': header('Content-Type: text/css'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/serendipity_event_template_editor.css'); break; case 'codemirror/codemirror.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/codemirror/codemirror.js'); break; case 'codemirror/csscolors.css': header('Content-Type: text/css'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/codemirror/csscolors.css'); break; case 'codemirror/parsecss.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/codemirror/parsecss.js'); break; case 'jquery.jeditable.js': header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); echo file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__). '/jquery.jeditable.js'); break; } return true; break; case 'backend_templates_configuration_bottom': case 'backend_templates_configuration_none': if (! (serendipity_checkPermission('siteConfiguration'))) { return; } echo '


'; return true; break; case 'backend_sidebar_entries_event_display_template_editor': if (! (serendipity_checkPermission('siteConfiguration'))) { return; } if (isset($serendipity['GET']['message'])) { echo '

'.(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['message']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['message'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)).'

'; } if (isset($serendipity['GET']['success'])) { echo '

'.(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['success']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['success'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)).'

'; } if (isset($serendipity['GET']['error'])) { echo '

'.(function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($serendipity['GET']['error']) : htmlspecialchars($serendipity['GET']['error'], ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET)).'

'; } #only necessary for delivering the javascript and css $pluginPath = $this->pluginPath = $this->get_config('path', ''); if (empty($pluginPath) || $pluginPath == 'default' || $pluginPath == 'none' || $pluginPath == 'empty') { $pluginPath = $this->pluginPath = $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'index.php?/plugin/'; } if (!$serendipity['capabilities']['jquery']) { echo ''; } echo ' '; if (empty($serendipity['GET']['template_editor_path'])||is_dir($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $serendipity['GET']['template_editor_path'])) { #The path is our basic argument for selecting a file or a folder $path = false; if (!empty($serendipity['GET']['template_editor_path'])) { $path = $serendipity['GET']['template_editor_path']; } if ($this->forkTemplate()) { if (isset($serendipity['GET']['template_editor_upload'])) { $this->showUploader($path, true); } else { $this->showUploader($path, false); } $this->showFiles($path); $this->showDirectories($path); $this->showCreator($path); } } else { if ($this->get_config('highlight', true)) { echo ''; } if (isset($serendipity['GET']['template_editor_use_temp'])) { $this->showEditor($serendipity['GET']['template_editor_path'] . $serendipity['GET']['editfile'], true); } else { $this->showEditor($serendipity['GET']['template_editor_path'] . $serendipity['GET']['editfile']); } } break; default: return false; } } else { return false; } } function showUploader($path, $form) { global $serendipity; $template_path = $serendipity['templatePath']; $cur_template = $serendipity['template']; if (!$path) { $path = $template_path . $cur_template . '/'; } if ($form) { echo '


'; } else { echo '
'; } } function showCreator($path) { global $serendipity; $template_path = $serendipity['templatePath']; $cur_template = $serendipity['template']; if (!$path) { $path = $template_path . $cur_template . '/'; } echo '


'; } function showEditor($path , $temp=false) { global $serendipity; $file = basename($path); if ($temp) { $tempFile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/template_editor_temp.php'; $content = file_get_contents($tempFile); } else { if (file_exists($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $path)) { //htmlescape $content in the editor to not close the textarea by accident $content = file_get_contents($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $path); } else { echo ERROR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS; return; } } $heading = $this->linkify("?&serendipity[adminModule]=event_display&serendipity[adminAction]=template_editor&serendipity[template_editor_path]=", $path, $serendipity['template']); echo '


'; } function showFiles($path=false) { global $serendipity; $template_path = $serendipity['templatePath']; $cur_template = $serendipity['template']; if (!$path) { $path = $template_path . $cur_template . '/'; } $files = $this->getFiles($path); $heading = $this->linkify("?&serendipity[adminModule]=event_display&serendipity[adminAction]=template_editor&serendipity[template_editor_path]=", $path, $cur_template); echo '

'. $heading.'

'; if (empty($files)) { return; } echo ''; } function showDirectories($path=false) { global $serendipity; $template_path = $serendipity['templatePath']; $cur_template = $serendipity['template']; if (!$path) { $path = $template_path . $cur_template . '/'; } $dirs = $this->getDirectories($path); if (empty($dirs)) { return; } echo '


'; echo ''; } #make the heading clickable for better subfolder-navigation function linkify($base, $path, $start) { $unlinked_path = substr($path, 0, strpos($path, "/$start/")+1); $path = substr($path, strlen($unlinked_path)); $pre_path = ""; $linked_path = ""; while (!empty($path)) { if (strpos($path, '/') === false) { #catch the last situation when pointing to /file instead of /dir/ $part = $path; $linked_part = "$part"; } else { $part = substr($path, 0, strpos($path, '/')); $linked_part = "$part/"; } $pre_path .= "$part/"; $linked_path .= "$linked_part"; $path = substr($path, strlen($part)+1); } return $unlinked_path . $linked_path; } function getFiles($path) { global $serendipity; $path = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $path; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && ! is_dir($path . $file)) { $files[] = "$file"; } } closedir($handle); } return $files; } function getDirectories($path) { global $serendipity; $path = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . $path; if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir($path . $file)) { $files[] = "$file"; } } closedir($handle); } return $files; } function forkTemplate() { global $serendipity; $template_path = $serendipity['serendipity_path'] . $serendipity['templatePath']; $cur_template = $serendipity['template']; //fork only if not already forked $info_txt = file_get_contents($template_path . $cur_template . '/info.txt'); $forked = false; if (strpos($info_txt, 'Fork_of:') !== false) { $forked = true; } if (! $forked) { $fork_template = $cur_template . '_fork'; if (is_writable($template_path)) { if ( ! is_dir($template_path . $fork_template)) { $this->copy_directory($template_path . $cur_template, $template_path . $fork_template); $info_txt = preg_replace('/Name: (.*)/', 'Name: ${1}_fork', $info_txt); $info_txt = $info_txt . "\nFork_of: $cur_template"; file_put_contents($template_path . $fork_template . '/info.txt', $info_txt); } //Now that the fork is created we need to set it instantly //but only if copying succeeded if (is_dir($template_path . $fork_template)) { $themeInfo = serendipity_fetchTemplateInfo((function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($fork_template) : htmlspecialchars($fork_template, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET))); serendipity_set_config_var('template', (function_exists('serendipity_specialchars') ? serendipity_specialchars($fork_template) : htmlspecialchars($fork_template, ENT_COMPAT, LANG_CHARSET))); serendipity_set_config_var('template_engine', isset($themeInfo['engine']) ? $themeInfo['engine'] : 'default'); } } else { echo 'Error: Template Directory not writeable'; return false; } } return true; } //Check code from $param1 for php-errors //return: true if no error found, false otherwise function checkSyntax($code) { global $serendipity; $tempFile = $serendipity['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/template_editor_temp.php'; file_put_contents($tempFile, $code); $errors = shell_exec("php -l $tempFile"); if (strpos($errors, 'Errors parsing') === false) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* * * */ function copy_directory($source, $destination ) { if ( is_dir( $source ) ) { @mkdir( $destination ); $directory = dir( $source ); while ( FALSE !== ( $readdirectory = $directory->read() ) ) { if ( $readdirectory == '.' || $readdirectory == '..' ) { continue; } $PathDir = $source . '/' . $readdirectory; if ( is_dir( $PathDir ) ) { $this->copy_directory( $PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory ); continue; } copy( $PathDir, $destination . '/' . $readdirectory ); } $directory->close(); } else { copy( $source, $destination ); } } function debugMsg($msg) { global $serendipity; $this->debug_fp = @fopen ( $serendipity ['serendipityPath'] . 'templates_c/template_editor.log', 'a' ); if (! $this->debug_fp) { return false; } if (empty ( $msg )) { fwrite ( $this->debug_fp, "failure \n" ); } else { fwrite ( $this->debug_fp, print_r ( $msg, true ) ); } fclose ( $this->debug_fp ); } } /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */ ?>