* EN-Revision: Revision of lang_en.inc.php */ @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_TITLE', 'Suggest entries'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_DESC', 'Allows non-registered authors to suggest entries for publishing'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_AUTHOR', 'To which author shall entries be assigned to?'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_PERMALINK', 'Permalink to the suggest entry form'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_PERMALINK_DESC', 'Enter the pretty URL where you want to access the suggest entry form. It must be an absolute HTTP path and end with .htm odr .html!'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_PAGETITLE', 'Unique identifier of this page'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_PAGETITLE_DESC', 'Defines a unique identifier of this page, which is used for variable transmission. Only enter characters and numbers here, no special characters.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_MESSAGE', 'Article body'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_SENT', 'Displayed text after article submission.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_SENT_HTML', 'Your message has been successfully delivered.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_ERROR_HTML', 'An error happened while transmitting the E-Mail. Maybe your address is invalid, or the server took a hike.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_ERROR_DATA', 'Name, email and article message may not be left blank!'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_EMAIL', 'Email for new articles'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_TITLE', 'Your article submission'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_MAIL', "You have submitted a new article. To relay this to our editors, please click on this link:\n %s"); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_VALIDATE', 'Your article has been validated and will be proofread by our editors'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_VALIDATE_ERROR', 'Your input could not be validated. Please check your submission'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_NOTE', 'Thank you for your article. It will soon be reviewed by our editors, once you have clicked a link you will shortly receive via email.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_INTRO', 'Please enter your article in the form below.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_SEND', 'Send article'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_PUBLISHED', 'Your article has been published'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_INFORM', 'The author was informed of the publishing.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_INTERNAL', 'This article was created in house.'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_INTERNAL', 'Article created from %s at %s from IP %s. Email: %s'); @define('PLUGIN_SUGGEST_META', 'This entry ("%s") was submitted on %s via IP %s by %s.');