'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_INSERT_DONE_BLAHBLAH', 'Thank your for your entry with ID %d.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_INSERT_DONE_EVALUATE', 'Before this event has been evaluated by the admin, you can find it in the section: "Unapproved event(s)".'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_REJECT_DONE_BLAHBLAH', 'You have erased the entry ID %d successfully from database.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_APPROVE_DONE_BLAHBLAH', 'The entry ID %d has been successfully approved.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_SENDMAIL_BLAHBLAH', 'The iCal file has been sent successfully!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_SENDMAIL_ERROR', 'A problem occurred sending email!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_PLEASECORRECT', 'Please correct.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_SHORTTITLE', 'Please insert a short title for this event!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_EVENTDESC', 'Please insert a full description of the upcoming event!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_APPBY', 'You have to insert a authors token(sig) for event validation!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_START_DATE', 'Unvalid event begin!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_START_RECUR', 'The Startdate to be the » %s « (day %s) of first occurrence!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_START_DATE_HISTORY', 'Unvalid event date! Setting history events is supported only to 31 days in the past!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_END_DATE', 'Unvalid event end!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_REAL_START_DATE', 'The event startdate has to be a valid day of given month (%s)!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_REAL_END_DATE', 'The event enddate has to be a valid day of given month (%s) and has to be in the future of startdate!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_REAL_MONTHLY_DATE', 'The recurring value for monthly events is not allowed to be "Weekly"!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_IDENTICAL_DATE', 'The event has an indentical start and end time!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_ORDER_DATE', 'Your inserted event sequence is not valid!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_WEEKLY_DATE', 'The correct value hast to be: "Weekly" and choosen "Weekday".'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FALSECAPTCHA', 'The CAPTCHAS of your entry did not match!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_FIRST', 'First'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_SECOND', 'Second'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_THIRD', 'Third'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_FOURTH', 'Fourth'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_LAST', 'Last'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_SECONDLAST', 'Secondlast'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_THIRDLAST', 'Thirdlast'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_DAY_EACH', 'Weekly'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_SHORTMAX', 'max. 16 characters!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_RECURSTRICT1', 'Attention:'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_RECURSTRICT2', 'be strict to startday to all recurring events!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_URLDESC', 'Either as'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_URL', 'http://www.domain.com'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_MAIL', 'mailto:your@email.com'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_OR', 'or'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_DETAILDESC', 'Please do not forget to put the exact time of your event into this textfield or into the shorttitle eg. \'19:00 text\'.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_BBC', 'Use plain BBcode (strong, italic, unterline, strike).'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_SINGLE', 'Only one day'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_SINGLE_NOEND', 'no event end date needed'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_MULTI', 'Multi-day event'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_RECUR', 'Reoccurring'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_RECUR_MONTH', 'each month'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_RECUR_WEEK', 'each week'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_RECUR_BIWEEK', 'each bi-week'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_RECUR_YEAR', 'each year'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_HELP_SINGLE', 'Single Event. No need of \'Enddate\' and any other indications!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_HELP_MULTI', 'Multi Event: View monthly. Needs \'Startdate\' and \'Enddate\'.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_HELP_WEEK', 'Weekly Event. Definitely needs: \'always on\', \'Weekly\' and \'Weekday\'. View each Calendarweek in month. Needs \'Startdate\' and \'Enddate\'.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_HELP_BIWEEK', 'Bi-Weekly Event. Definitely needs: \'always on\', \'Weekly\' and \'Weekday\'. View each 2nd Calendarweek in month. Needs \'Startdate\' and \'Enddate\'.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_HELP_MONTH', 'Monthly Event. Definitely needs: \'always on\', \'nDay\' and \'Weekday\'. View monthly. Needs \'Startdate\' and \'Enddate\'.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_RIGHT_HELP_YEAR', 'Yearly Single Event: View yearly from Startdate. No need of \'Enddate\' and any other indications!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_ADD_EVENT', 'Insert event'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_APPROVE_EVENT', 'Unapproved event(s)'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_CLOSE', 'Close form'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_FREETABLE', 'clean old data (> 1 month) and rebuild data IDs'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_LOGOFF', 'logoff'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_MARK', 'mark all / unmark'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_OPEN', 'Open form'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_REJECT_SED', 'Erase approved single event entry'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_EDIT_SED', 'Change approved single event entry'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_SUBMIT', '» Send entry «'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_TOAPPROVE', 'Event(s) pending'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_BUTTON_HELP_ICALM', 'Events iCal download of current month inclusive all reccuring events in past and future.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_TITLE_DATE', 'date'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_TITLE_TITLE', 'title'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_TITLE_DESC', 'description'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_TITLE_URL', 'url'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_TITLE_OK', 'ok'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_TITLE_EDIT', 'edit'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_TITLE_DEL', 'erase'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_AUTHOR', 'Author'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_TITLE', 'Shorttitle'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_LINK', 'homepage or email'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_DESC', 'Full description'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_SINGLE', 'Startdate'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_MULTI', 'Enddate'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_RECUR', 'always on'); @define('CAL_EVENT_FORM_LEFT_SPAM', 'Security'); @define('CAL_EVENT_DB_ERROR_ONE', 'DB error in eventcal table occurred:'); @define('CAL_EVENT_DB_ERROR_TWO', 'Database access not possible!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_USER_LOGINFIRST', 'For event administration you have to log in to blog administration before.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_USER_LOGINFIRST', 'For continuity of this process you have to be logged in with a valid blog user account. If you have, log in to the blog administration.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_USER_VALIDATION', 'Your username or password was incorrect.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_USER_LOGGEDOFF', 'You Session expired or you have logged-of your system. For event calendar administration you have to log-in to your blog again.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_USER_FREETABLE', 'You have successfully erased data older 1 month and rebuild the database table with %d remaining records.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_USER_FREE_SURE', 'Do you really want to erase old event datasets and rebuild the IDs of your event database table?
Be aware: this will have have negative effects to syndicated data of search engines or other services!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_USER_NOPERMISSION', 'You do not have the permission to continue!'); @define('CAL_EVENT_CHGSELECTED_ARRAY', 'You want to change one entry, please unmark the others.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_CHECKBOXALERT', 'Please check the checkbox of the entry you want to evaluate, change or erase.'); @define('CAL_EVENT_TODAY', 'TODAY'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_CAL', ' Draw calendar '); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADD', ' Draw add '); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_APP', ' Draw app '); /* Backend main constants */ @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_NAME', 'Event calendar'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_NAME_MENU', 'Event calendar v.%s - Backend Administration Menu'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC', 'Event calendar - Plugin Administration'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_VIEW', 'Event calendar - View approved events'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_VIEW_DESC', 'Grouped by event type (tipo) single, multi, recur, weekly, yearly - ascending.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_ORDERBY_DESC', 'Grouped by event type (timestamp) descending.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_APP', 'Event Kalender - View unapproved events'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_APP_DESC', 'Group by Startdate [ youngest above ].'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_ERASE', 'Event Kalender - Erase Events'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_LOG', 'Event Kalender - iCal Log'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_LOG_ERROR', 'ATTENTION: There was an error writing the iCal log file. Please have a look what went wrong (is writable path and file)!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_ADD', 'Event Kalender - Insert events'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_NORESULT', 'There are no events pending %s!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_NORESULT_APP', 'to approve'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_NORESULT_DROP', 'to erase'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_NORESULT_FREE', 'to cleanup'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_FREE_SURE', 'Do you really want to free up old events from eventcal database table?'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_CLEAN_SURE', 'Do you really want to set new autoincrement values (id) to all data in eventcal database table?'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_CLEAN_SURE_ADD', 'Attention: This might have negative effects to cached data in searchengines or other services!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DROP_SURE', 'Do you really want to erase the eventcal database table with all data completly? Please confirm here!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DROP_OK', 'Your %s database table was successful erased!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DUMP_SELF', 'Before continuing you should for sure make a mysql dump via PhpMyAdmin!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_ICAL_EMAILLINK', 'Download all approved events as an ics file via email to admins email address, if set in this plugins config! Be sure there is one!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_ICAL_DOWNLINK', 'Download all approved events as an ics file!'); /* backend database (dbc) administration constants */ @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_TITLE', 'Please be careful using this admin panel.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_TITLE_DESC', 'Some links might be enhanced in future versions!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DUMP', 'Administration - dump'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DUMP_DESC', 'backup your eventcal table from database'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DUMP_TITLE', 'Manage dump eventcal db values'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DUMP_DONE', 'Your eventcal database table has been backuped successfully!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DUMP_MSG', "Since this is not trivial, please use admin tools like phpMyAdmin to dump the data!"); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INSERT', 'Administration - insert'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INSERT_DESC', 'insert into eventcal table in database'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INSERT_TITLE', 'insert eventcal db values'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INSERT_MSG', 'Since this is not trivial, please use admin tools like phpMyAdmin to re-fill the database!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ERASE', 'Administration - erase'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ERASE_DESC', 'remove your eventcal table from database '); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ERASE_TITLE', 'erase the eventcal database'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DELFILE_MSG', 'Database table sql file %s erased successfully'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DELOLD', 'Administration - clean'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DELOLD_DESC', 'remove events older 1 month from eventcal table in database'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DELOLD_TITLE', 'delete old data > 1 month in eventcal table'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DELOLD_MSG', 'You have removed %d old events older 30 days in past from eventcal database table.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DOWNLOAD', 'Administration - management'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DOWNLOAD_DESC', 'Download and erase the eventcal database table dumps'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_DOWNLOAD_MSG', 'There is no eventcal directory in templates_c.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INCREMENT', 'Administration - increment'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INCREMENT_DESC', 'set new increment id\'s to events in eventcal table in database'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INCREMENT_TITLE', 'set new increment id\'s to eventcal table'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_INCREMENT_MSG', 'You have restructured the eventcal database with %d remaining values.'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ICALALL', 'Administration - iCal'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ICALALL_DESC', 'send all events as iCal file to admin - via email if is set in config, else as download'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ICALALL_TITLE', 'send ical all via email or download to admin'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ILOG', 'Administration - iLog'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ILOG_DESC', 'view the iCal export iLog file, if is'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ILOG_TITLE', 'view the ical export log file'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_ILOG_MSG', 'The ilog file does not exist!'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_NIXDA_DESC', 'there is no eventcal table in database'); @define('PLUGIN_EVENTCAL_ADMIN_DBC_NIXDA_TITLE', 'Administration - error');