{* backend.dlm.index.tpl last modified 2010-09-22 *} {* PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: The DownLoadManagers (dlm) backend template vars have their own array name to be unique in global context of Serendipity blog. 1. GloBaL = $dlmgbl : Global vars we need everywhere - set in function ADMIN_showDownloads() 2. AddCaT = $dlmact : The addcategory array in backend function 3. UpLoadForm = $dlmulf : The uploadform array in backend function 4. CatFileS = $dlmcfs : The database(files) catfiles array in backend function 5. ThisFtP = $dlmtfp : The ftp/trash folder files array in backend function 6. ThisSmL = $dlmtsl : The Serendipity Media Library files array in backend function 7. HasCatS = $dlmhcs : The hascats categories array in backend function 8. ApPendiX = $dlmapx : The appendix array in backend function 9. ErRoR = $dlmerr : The error and status messages *} {* we need to set a single string var with our $downloadmanager.global.thispath array to get included files the right way - else smarty will hesitate to continue *} {assign var="path" value=$dlmgbl.thispath}
{if $dlmerr.thiserror === true}
{if $dlmerr.errormsg} {foreach from=$dlmerr.errormsg item="msg"}


{/foreach} {elseif $dlmerr.statusmsg} {foreach from=$dlmerr.statusmsg item="msg"}


{/foreach} {/if}
{/if} {if !$dlmefe.thistype && !$dlmulf.thistype}




{if $dlmgbl.thispage == 1} {if true === ( $dlmact.addcat || $dlmcfs.catfiles || $dlmhcs.hascats || $dlmapx.appendix )} {* include div body part of page 1, which includes the add category, the files in category, the subcats of root and the appendix (helptip and cleartrash) section *} {include file="$path/backend.dlm.rootpage.tpl" title="Downloadmanager Root Page 1"} {/if} {/if} {if $dlmgbl.thispage == 2} {if true === ( $dlmcfs.catfiles || $dlmtfp.thisftp || $dlmtsl.thissml || $dlmhcs.hascats || $dlmapx.appendix )} {* header section page 2 normally *}



{* include div body part of page 2, which includes the header, the files in category, the ftp/trash files, the Serendipity media library files, the subcats of root and section the appendix (helptip and cleartrash) section *} {include file="$path/backend.dlm.subpage.tpl" title="Downloadmanager Sub Page 2"} {/if} {if $dlmulf.thistype == 'uploadform'} {* header section page 2 uploaddform *}




{* include div body part of page 2, which includes a personal header and the upload to selected category form *} {include file="$path/backend.dlm.upload.tpl" title="Downloadmanager Upload Form"} {/if} {if $dlmefe.thistype == 'editfile'} {* header section page 2 editfile *}


{$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_THIS_FILE}: {$dlmefe.mime.TYPE} {$dlmefe.realfilename}


{* include div body part of page 2, which includes a personal header and the edit file form *} {include file="$path/backend.dlm.filepage.tpl" title="Downloadmanager Edit File"} {/if} {/if}